Lee, Prof James
Research Scientist / Instrument PI
University of York
Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory
Department of Chemistry
University of York
YO10 5DD
- https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5397-2872
- +44 190 432 2575
- http://www.york.ac.uk/chemistry/staff/associated/jlee/
I am an atmospheric chemist working in the Department of Chemistry at the University of York. I did my undergraduate degree and Phd in Chemistry at the University of Leeds, researching free radical chemistry in the atmosphere. Following a short post-doc on this at Leeds I moved to NCAS at the University of York as a research fellow specialising in oxidation chemistry in the atmosphere and measurements of air pollutants. Recently I have led the development of techniques to directly measure the emissions of air pollutants in order to validate national and international emission estimates. I have led work on measuring NOx and CO emissions in London, Beijing and Delhi. I have 15 years of experience in coordinating large measurement intensive field campaigns, both ground and aircraft based and I have and have led projects in Borneo, Canada, Uganda, Zambia and Cape Verde. I coordinate the NOx measurements at the Cape Verde Observatory and represents the UK on European and WMO expert groups on the subject. I leads the aircraft measurements on the NERC LTS-M ACSIS (North Atlantic Climate System Integrated Study) project. My most recent work has been on the effect of the COVID19 lockdowns on air pollution in the UK.

- Walker Hannah; Stone Daniel; Ingham Trevor; Hackenberg Sina; Cryer Danny; Punjabi Shalini; Read Katie; Lee J. D.; Whalley Lisa; Spracklen Dominick V.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Arnold Steve R.; Heard Dwayne E.; Observations and modelling of glyoxal in the tropical Atlantic marine boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 22 (8) , 5535-5557, [doi:10.5194/acp-22-5535-2022] APR 27 2022
- Rowlinson Matthew J.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Evans Mathew J.; Lee J. D.; Andersen Simone T.; Sherwen Tomás; Callaghan Anna B.; Sommariva Roberto; Bloss William; Hou Siqi; Crilley Leigh R.; Pfeilsticker Klaus; Weyland Benjamin; Ryerson Thomas B.; Veres P.R.; Campuzano-Jost P.; Guo Hongyu; Nault Benjamin A.; Jimenez Jose L.; Fomba Khanneh Wadinga; Observations of tropospheric HONO are incompatible with understanding of atmospheric chemistry. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2025-830] Feb 2025
- Rowlinson Matthew J.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Evans Mathew J.; Lee J. D.; Andersen Simone T.; Sherwen Tomás; Callaghan Anna B.; Sommariva Roberto; Bloss William; Hou Siqi; Crilley Leigh R.; Pfeilsticker Klaus; Weyland Benjamin; Ryerson Thomas B.; Veres P.R.; Campuzano-Jost P.; Guo Hongyu; Nault Benjamin A.; Jimenez Jose L.; Fomba Khanneh Wadinga; Supplementary material to “Observations of tropospheric HONO are incompatible with understanding of atmospheric chemistry”. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2025-830-supplement] Feb 2025
- Cliff Samuel J.; Drysdale Will; Lewis Alastair C.; Moller Sarah J.; Helfter Carole; Metzger Stefan; Liddard Rob; Nemiitz Eiko; Barlow Janet F.; Lee James D.; Evidence of Heating-Dominated Urban NOx Emissions. Environmental Science &Amp; Technology [doi:10.1021/acs.est.4c13276] Feb 2025
- Cliff Samuel J.; Drysdale Will; Lewis Alastair C.; Moller Sarah J.; Helfter Carole; Metzger Stefan; Liddard Rob; Nemiitz Eiko; Barlow Janet F.; Lee James D.; Evidence of Heating-Dominated Urban NOx Emissions. Environmental Science &Amp; Technology [doi:10.1021/acs.est.4c13276] Feb 2025
- Cliff Samuel J.; Drysdale Will; Lewis Alastair C.; Moller Sarah J.; Helfter Carole; Metzger Stefan; Liddard Rob; Nemiitz Eiko; Barlow Janet F.; Lee James D.; Evidence of Heating-Dominated Urban NOx Emissions. Environmental Science &Amp; Technology [doi:10.1021/acs.est.4c13276] Feb 2025
- Cliff Samuel J.; Drysdale Will; Lewis Alastair C.; Moller Sarah J.; Helfter Carole; Metzger Stefan; Liddard Rob; Nemiitz Eiko; Barlow Janet F.; Lee James D.; Evidence of Heating-Dominated Urban NOx Emissions. Environmental Science &Amp; Technology [doi:10.1021/acs.est.4c13276] Feb 2025
- Carslaw Nicola; Aghaji Jennifer; Budisulistiorini S. H.; Carslaw David C.; Chatzidiakou Lia; Cheung Rachael W.; Dillon Terry J.; Edwards Pete; Genes Denisa; Giorio Chiara; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Ikeda Erika; Jones Roderic L.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Kumar Ashish; McEachan Rosemary; McFiggans Gordon; Murrells Tim; Pleace Nicholas; Ruangkanit Athina; Shao Yunqi; O'Meara Simon Patrick; Shaw David; Shaw Marvin; Waiblinger Dagmar; Warburton Thomas; West Sarah; Wood Chantelle; Yang Tiffany C; The INGENIOUS project: towards understanding air pollution in homes. Environmental Science: Processes &Amp; Impacts, 27 (2) , 355–372, [doi:10.1039/d4em00634h] 2025
- Archibald A. T.; Sinha Bablu; Russo Maria R.; Matthews Emily; Squires Freja; Abraham NL; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Bannan Thomas J.; Bell Thomas G.; Berry David; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Coe H; Coward A. C.; Edwards P.; Feltham Daniel; Heard Dwayne E.; Hopkins J. R.; Keeble James M.; Kent Elizabeth; King Brian A.; Lawrence Isobel R.; Lee J. D.; Macintosh Claire R.; Megann Alex; Moat Ben; Read Katie; Reed Chris; Roberts Malcolm J.; Schiemann R.; Schroeder David; Smyth Tim; Temple Loren; Thamban Navaneeth Meena; Whalley Lisa; Williams Simon; Wu Huihui; Yang Mingxi; Data supporting the North Atlantic Climate System Integrated Study (ACSIS) programme, including atmospheric composition; oceanographic and sea-ice observations (2016–2022); and output from ocean, atmosphere, land, and sea-ice models (1950–2050). Earth System Science Data, 17 (1) , 135–164, [doi:10.5194/essd-17-135-2025] Jan 2025
- Carpenter Lucy Jane; Callaghan Anna; Chance Rosie; Evans Mathew J.; Lee J. D.; Read Katie; Rowlinson Matthew J.; Shaw Marvin; Sherwen Tomás; Andersen Simone T.; Tinel Liselotte; Plane John; Discovering global-scale processes in the marine atmosphere. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11717] Nov 2024
- Lee J. D.; Pasternak Dominika; Wilde Shona; Lacy Stuart E.; SO2 and NOx emissions from European shipping: a measurement study. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10092] Nov 2024
- Nelson Beth S.; Liu Zhenze; Squires Freja; Shaw Marvin; Hopkins J. R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Rickard Andrew R.; Lewis Alastair C.; Shi Zongbo; Lee J. D.; The effect of different climate and air quality policies in China on in situ ozone production in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 24 (16) , 9031–9044, [doi:10.5194/acp-24-9031-2024] Aug 2024
- Drysdale Will; Nelson Beth; Wilson Sam; Lee J. D.; Effects of Heatwaves on European Ground Level Ozone Pollution in Recent Years. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9865] Mar 2024
- Moore Thomas; Budisulistiorini S. H.; Shaw Marvin; Carslaw David; Lee J. D.; Using mobile measurements of methane to detect natural gas leaks in two medium sized UK cities. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5170] Mar 2024
- Nelson Beth; Drysdale Will; Lee J. D.; Long-term trends in urban ozone in Europe and the USA. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9759] Mar 2024
- Drysdale Will; Nelson Beth; Wilson Sam; Lee J. D.; Effects of Heatwaves on European Ground Level Ozone Pollution in Recent Years. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9865] Mar 2024
- Whalley Lisa; Seldon Samuel; Boustead Graham; Lade Rachel; Heard Dwayne E.; Read Katie; Callaghan Anna; Punjabi Shalini; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Neves Luis; Significant missing OH reactivity in the tropical marine boundary layer. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8261] Mar 2024
- Hou Xuewei; Wild Oliver; Zhu Bin; Lee J. D.; Future tropospheric ozone budget and distribution over East Asia under a net-zero scenario . [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-485] Mar 2024
- Seldon Samuel; Whalley Lisa; Boustead Graham; Lade Rachel; Heard Dwayne E.; Read Katie; Callaghan Anna; Punjabi Shalini; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Neves Luis; Measurements and experimental budget analysis of OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals in a remote tropical marine location. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9483] Mar 2024
- Nelson Beth; Drysdale Will; Lee J. D.; Long-term trends in urban ozone in Europe and the USA. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9759] Mar 2024
- Seldon Samuel; Whalley Lisa; Boustead Graham; Lade Rachel; Heard Dwayne E.; Read Katie; Callaghan Anna; Punjabi Shalini; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Neves Luis; Measurements and experimental budget analysis of OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals in a remote tropical marine location. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9483] Mar 2024
- Williams Carys; Drysdale Will; Cliff Samuel J.; Moller S. J.; Lee J. D.; Use of high-time resolution roadside measurements to inform NOx emission ratios . [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6075] Mar 2024
- Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Moore Thomas; Burton Ralph; Hopkins James; Lewis Ally; Mobbs S. D.; Young Stuart; Emissions Of Methane And Volatile Organic Compounds From Offshore Oil Loading Using Shuttle Tankers . [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9195] Mar 2024
- Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Moore Thomas; Burton Ralph; Hopkins James; Lewis Ally; Mobbs S. D.; Young Stuart; Emissions Of Methane And Volatile Organic Compounds From Offshore Oil Loading Using Shuttle Tankers . [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9195] Mar 2024
- Drysdale Will; Nelson Beth; Wilson Sam; Lee J. D.; Effects of Heatwaves on European Ground Level Ozone Pollution in Recent Years. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9865] Mar 2024
- Nelson Beth; Drysdale Will; Lee J. D.; Long-term trends in urban ozone in Europe and the USA. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9759] Mar 2024
- Seldon Samuel; Whalley Lisa; Boustead Graham; Lade Rachel; Heard Dwayne E.; Read Katie; Callaghan Anna; Punjabi Shalini; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Neves Luis; Measurements and experimental budget analysis of OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals in a remote tropical marine location. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9483] Mar 2024
- Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Moore Thomas; Burton Ralph; Hopkins James; Lewis Ally; Mobbs S. D.; Young Stuart; Emissions Of Methane And Volatile Organic Compounds From Offshore Oil Loading Using Shuttle Tankers . [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9195] Mar 2024
- Williams Carys; Drysdale Will; Cliff Samuel J.; Moller S. J.; Lee J. D.; Use of high-time resolution roadside measurements to inform NOx emission ratios . [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6075] Mar 2024
- Whalley Lisa; Seldon Samuel; Boustead Graham; Lade Rachel; Heard Dwayne E.; Read Katie; Callaghan Anna; Punjabi Shalini; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Neves Luis; Significant missing OH reactivity in the tropical marine boundary layer. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8261] Mar 2024
- Archibald A. T.; Sinha Bablu; Russo Maria R.; Matthews Emily; Squires Freja; Abraham NL; Bauguitte Stéphane; Bannan Thomas; Bell Thomas G.; Berry David; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Coe H; Coward A. C.; Edwards Peter; Feltham Daniel; Heard Dwayne E.; Hopkins J. R.; Keeble James M.; Kent Elizabeth C.; King Brian; Lawrence Isobel R.; Lee J. D.; Macintosh Claire R.; Megann Alex; Moat Ben; Read Katie; Reed Chris; Roberts Malcolm; Schiemann Reinhard; Schroeder David; Smyth Tim; Temple Loren; Thamban Navaneeth Meena; Whalley Lisa; Williams Simon; Wu Huihui; Yang Mingxi; Data supporting the North Atlantic Climate System: Integrated Studies (ACSIS) programme, including atmospheric composition, oceanographic and sea ice observations (2016–2022) and output from ocean, atmosphere, land and sea-ice models (1950–2050). [doi:10.5194/essd-2023-405] Feb 2024
- Nelson Beth S.; Liu Zhenze; Squires Freja; Shaw Marvin; Hopkins J. R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Rickard Andrew R.; Lewis Alastair C.; Shi Zongbo; Lee J. D.; Supplementary material to “The effect of different Climate and Air Quality policies in China on in situ Ozone production in Beijing”. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-2910-supplement] Jan 2024
- Wilson Samuel; Farren Naomi J.; Wilde Shona E.; Wagner Rebecca L.; Lee J. D.; Padilla Lauren E.; Slater Greg; Peters Daniel; Carslaw David. C.; Mobile monitoring reveals the importance of non-vehicular particulate matter sources in London. Environmental Science: Processes &Amp; Impacts [doi:10.1039/d4em00552j] 2024
- Nelson Beth S.; Liu Zhenze; Squires Freja; Shaw Marvin; Hopkins J. R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Rickard Andrew R.; Lewis Alastair C.; Shi Zongbo; Lee J. D.; The effect of different Climate and Air Quality policies in China on in situ Ozone production in Beijing. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-2910] Jan 2024
- Pühl Magdalena; Roiger Anke; Fiehn Alina; Gorchov Negron Alan M.; Kort Eric A.; Schwietzke Stefan; Pisso Ignacio; Foulds Amy; Lee J. D.; France James L.; Jones Anna; Lowry Dave; Fisher Rebecca E.; Huang Langwen; Shaw Jacob; Bateson Prudence; Andrews Stephen; Young Stuart; Dominutti Pamela A.; Lachlan-Cope Tom; Weiss Alexandra; Allen Grant; Aircraft-based mass balance estimate of methane emissions from offshore gas facilities in the southern North Sea. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 24 (2) , 1005–1024, [doi:10.5194/acp-24-1005-2024] Jan 2024
- Hou Xuewei; Wild Oliver; Zhu Bin; Lee J. D.; Future tropospheric ozone budget and distribution over east Asia under a net-zero scenario. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (24) , 15395–15411, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-15395-2023] Dec 2023
- Woodward-Massey Robert; Sommariva Roberto; Whalley Lisa K.; Cryer Danny; Ingham Trevor; Bloss William J.; Ball Stephen M.; Cox Sam; Lee James D.; Reed Chris; Crilley Leigh R.; Kramer Louisa J.; Bandy Brian J.; Forster Grant; Reeves Claire E.; Monks Paul S.; Heard Dwayne; Radical chemistry and ozone production at a UK coastal receptor site. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (22) , 14393--14424, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-14393-2023] Nov 2023
- Hou Xuewei; Wild Oliver; Zhu Bin; Lee J. D.; Supplementary material to “Future tropospheric ozone budget and distribution over East Asia under a Net Zero scenario”. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-1592-supplement] Jul 2023
- Hou Xuewei; Wild Oliver; Zhu Bin; Lee J. D.; Future tropospheric ozone budget and distribution over East Asia under a Net Zero scenario. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-1592] Jul 2023
- Matthews Emily; Bannan Thomas J.; Anwar Khan M.; Shallcross Dudley E.; Stark Harald; Browne Eleanor; Archibald A. T.; Mehra Archit; Bauguitte Stéphane J.-B.; Reed Chris; Thamban Navaneeth Meena; Wu Huihui; Barker Patrick; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Yang Mingxi; Bell Thomas G.; Allen Grant; Jayne John T.; Percival Carl J.; MCfiggans Gordan; Gallagher M.; Coe H; Airborne observations over the North Atlantic Ocean reveal the importance of gas-phase urea in the atmosphere. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 120 (25) , [doi:10.1073/pnas.2218127120] Jun 2023
- Dyson Joanna E.; Whalley Lisa K.; Slater Eloise J.; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Lee J. D.; Squires Freja; Hopkins J. R.; Dunmore R.; Shaw Marvin; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Lewis Alastair C.; Worrall Stephen D.; Bacak Asan; Mehra Archit; Bannan Thomas J.; Coe H; Percival Carl J.; Ouyang Bin; Hewitt Nick; Jones Roderic L.; Crilley Leigh; Kramer Louisa J.; Acton W. Joe F.; Bloss William J.; Saksakulkrai Supattarachai; Xu Jingsha; Shi Zongbo; Harrison Roy M.; Kotthaus Simone; Grimmond Sue; Sun Yele; Xu Weiqi; Yue Siyao; Wei Lianfang; Fu Pingqing; Wang Xinming; Arnold Stephen R.; Heard Dwayne E.; Impact of HO2 aerosol uptake on radical levels and O3 production during summertime in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (10) , 5679–5697, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-5679-2023] May 2023
- Cliff Samuel J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Shaw Marvin D.; Lee James D.; Flynn Michael; Andrews Stephen J.; Hopkins James R.; Purvis Ruth M.; Yeoman Amber; Unreported VOC Emissions from Road Transport Including from Electric Vehicles. Environmental Science &Amp; Technology, 57 (21) , 8026–8034, [doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c00845] May 2023
- Nelson Beth S.; Bryant Daniel J.; Alam Mohammed S.; Sommariva Roberto; Bloss William J.; Newland Mike J.; Drysdale Will; Vaughan Adam R.; Acton W. Joe F.; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Crilley Leigh R.; Swift Stefan J.; Edwards Pete M.; Lewis Alastair C.; Langford Ben; Nemiitz Eiko; Shivani; Gadi Ranu; Gurjar Bhola R.; Heard Dwayne E.; Whalley Lisa K.; Şahin Ülkü A.; Beddows David C. S.; Hopkins James R.; Lee James D.; Rickard Andrew R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Extreme Concentrations of Nitric Oxide Control Daytime Oxidation and Quench Nocturnal Oxidation Chemistry in Delhi during Highly Polluted Episodes. Environmental Science &Amp; Technology Letters, 10 (6) , 520–527, [doi:10.1021/acs.estlett.3c00171] May 2023
- Cliff Samuel J.; Drysdale Will; Lee J. D.; Helfter Carole; Nemiitz Eiko; Metzger Stefan; Barlow Janet F.; Pandemic restrictions in 2020 highlight the significance of non-road NOₓ sources in central London. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (4) , 2315--2330, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-2315-2023] Feb 2023
- Thamban Navaneeth Meena; Wu Huihui; Choularton Thomas; Coe Hugh; Bower Keith; Matthews Emily; Bannan Thomas; Marsden Nicholas; Lee J. D.; Pasternak Dominika; Yang Mingxi; Batten Stephanie; Bell Thomas G.; Temple Loren; Bauguitte Stéphane; Understanding the aerosol-cloud interactions in ship-dominated and cleaner environments in the Celtic Sea.. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11259] Feb 2023
- Temple Loren; Young Stuart; Bannan Thomas; Batten Stephanie; Bauguitte Stéphane; Coe Hugh; Lee J. D.; Matthews Emily; Pasternak Dominika; Rollins Andrew; Vallow Jake; Edwards P.; A Comparison of Aircraft SO₂ Measurements in Remote and Polluted Marine Environments. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11726] Feb 2023
- Cliff Samuel J.; Lewis Ally; Shaw Marvin; Lee J. D.; Flynn Michael; Andrews Stephen; Hopkins J. R.; Purvis R. M.; Yeoman Amber; Unreported VOC emissions from road transport including from electric vehicles. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12745] Feb 2023
- Wilde Shona; Farren Naomi; Wagner Rebecca L.; Lee J. D.; Wilson Samuel; Padilla Lauren; Slater Greg; Peters Daniel; Alvarez Ramon; Carslaw David; Using Mobile Monitoring to Understand Vehicle Emissions in Urban Areas. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13131] Feb 2023
- Lee J. D.; The FAAM large atmospheric research aircraft: a brief history and future upgrades. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3473] Feb 2023
- Nelson Beth; Lee J. D.; Lu K.; Long-term Ozone Trends in Different Urban Developments. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5600] Feb 2023
- Matthews Emily; Bannan Thomas; Anwar Khan M.; Shallcross Dudley; Stark Harald; Browne Eleanor; Archibald A. T.; Bauguitte Stéphane; Reed Chris; Thamban Navaneeth Meena; Wu Huihui; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Yang Mingxi; Bell Thomas G.; Allen Grant; Percival Carl; MCfiggans Gordan; Gallagher M.; Coe Hugh; Airborne observations over the North Atlantic Ocean reveal the first gas-phase measurements of urea in the atmosphere. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6620] Feb 2023
- Cheng Zixuan; Allan James Donald; Hu Dawei; Nemiitz Eiko; Langford Ben; Helfter Carole; Drysdale Will; Lee J. D.; Cash James; Cliff Samuel J.; Liu Dantong; Rutambhara Joshi; Eddy covariance measurements of black carbon emissions in central London. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7589] Feb 2023
- Pasternak Dominika; Lee J. D.; Nelson Beth; Alexiadou Magdalini; Temple Loren; Bauguitte Stéphane; Batten Steph; Hopkins J. R.; Andrews Stephen; Mathews Emily; Bannan Thomas; Wu Huihui; Thamban Navaneeth Meena; Marsden Nicholas; Yang Mingxi; Bell Thomas G.; Coe Hugh; Bower Keith; Ship emissions and apparent sulphur fuel content measured of board of a large research aircraft in international waters and Sulphur Emission Control Area. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7986] Feb 2023
- Pühl Magdalena; Roiger Anke; Fiehn Alina; Gorchov Negron Alan M.; Kort Eric A.; Schwietzke Stefan; Pisso Ignacio; Foulds Amy; Lee J. D.; France James L.; Jones Anna; Lowry Dave; Fisher Rebecca E.; Huang Langwen; Shaw Jacob; Bateson Prudence; Andrews Stephen; Young Stuart; Dominutti Pamela A.; Lachlan-Cope Tom; Weiss Alexandra; Allen Grant; Aircraft-based mass balance estimate of methane emissions from offshore gas facilities in the Southern North Sea. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-826] Jan 2023
- Andersen Simone T.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Reed Chris; Lee J. D.; Chance Rosie; Sherwen Tomás; Vaughan Adam R.; Stewart Jordan; Edwards Pete M.; Bloss William J.; Sommariva Roberto; Crilley Leigh; Nott Graeme J.; Neves Luis; Read Katie; Heard Dwayne E.; Seakins Paul W.; Whalley L. K.; Boustead Graham A.; Fleming Lauren T.; Stone Daniel; Fomba Khanneh Wadinga; Extensive field evidence for the release of HONO from the photolysis of nitrate aerosols. Science Advances, 9 (3) , [doi:10.1126/sciadv.add6266] Jan 2023
- Shaw Jacob T.; Foulds Amy; Wilde Shona; Barker Patrick; Squires Freja; Lee J. D.; Purvis R. M.; Burton Ralph; Colfescu Ioana; Mobbs S. D.; Cliff Samuel; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Young Stuart; Schwietzke Stefan; Allen Grant; Flaring efficiencies and NOₓ emission ratios measured for offshore oil and gas facilities in the North Sea. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (2) , 1491--1509, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-1491-2023] Jan 2023
- Bryant Daniel J.; Nelson Beth S.; Swift Stefan J.; Budisulistiorini S. H.; Drysdale Will; Vaughan Adam R.; Newland Mike J.; Hopkins J. R.; Cash James M.; Langford Ben; Nemiitz Eiko; Acton W. Joe F.; Hewitt Nick; Mandal Tuhin; Gurjar Bhola R.; Gadi Ranu; Lee J. D.; Rickard Andrew R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Shivani; Biogenic and anthropogenic sources of isoprene and monoterpenes and their secondary organic aerosol in Delhi, India. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (1) , 61--83, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-61-2023] Jan 2023
- Dyson Joanna E.; Whalley Lisa K.; Slater Eloise J.; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Lee J. D.; Squires Freja; Hopkins J. R.; Dunmore R.; Shaw Marvin; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Lewis Alastair C.; Worrall Stephen D.; Bacak Asan; Mehra Archit; Bannan Thomas J.; Coe H; Percival Carl J.; Ouyang Bin; Hewitt Nick; Jones Roderic L.; Crilley Leigh; Kramer Louisa J.; Acton W. Joe F.; Bloss William J.; Saksakulkrai Supattarachai; Xu Jingsha; Shi Zongbo; Harrison Roy M.; Kotthaus Simone; Grimmond C. Sue B.; Sun Yele; Xu Weiqi; Yue Siyao; Wei Lianfang; Fu Pingqing; Wang Xinming; Arnold Stephen R.; Heard Dwayne E.; Supplementary material to “Impact of HO2 aerosol uptake on radical levels and O3 production during summertime in Beijing”. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-800-supplement] Dec 2022
- Dyson Joanna E.; Whalley Lisa K.; Slater Eloise J.; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Lee J. D.; Squires Freja; Hopkins J. R.; Dunmore R.; Shaw Marvin; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Lewis Alastair C.; Worrall Stephen D.; Bacak Asan; Mehra Archit; Bannan Thomas J.; Coe H; Percival Carl J.; Ouyang Bin; Hewitt Nick; Jones Roderic L.; Crilley Leigh; Kramer Louisa J.; Acton W. Joe F.; Bloss William J.; Saksakulkrai Supattarachai; Xu Jingsha; Shi Zongbo; Harrison Roy M.; Kotthaus Simone; Grimmond C. Sue B.; Sun Yele; Xu Weiqi; Yue Siyao; Wei Lianfang; Fu Pingqing; Wang Xinming; Arnold Stephen R.; Heard Dwayne E.; Impact of HO2 aerosol uptake on radical levels and O3 production during summertime in Beijing. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-800] Dec 2022
- Andersen Simone T.; Nelson Beth S.; Read Katie A.; Punjabi Shalini; Neves Luis; Rowlinson Matthew J.; Hopkins J. R.; Sherwen Tomás; Whalley Lisa K.; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Fundamental oxidation processes in the remote marine atmosphere investigated using the NO–NO₂–O₃ photostationary state. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 22 (24) , 15747--15765, [doi:10.5194/acp-22-15747-2022] Dec 2022
- Mayhew Alfred W.; Lee Ben H.; Thornton Joel A.; Bannan Thomas J.; Brean James; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Nelson Beth S.; Percival Carl; Rickard Andrew R.; Shaw Marvin D.; Edwards P.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Evaluation of isoprene nitrate chemistry in detailed chemical mechanisms. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 22 (22) , 14783--14798, [doi:10.5194/acp-22-14783-2022] Nov 2022
- Cliff Samuel J.; Drysdale Will; Lee J. D.; Helfter Carole; Nemiitz Eiko; Metzger Stefan; Barlow Janet F.; Pandemic Restrictions in 2020 highlight the significance of non-road NOₓ sources in central London. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2022-956] Nov 2022
- Edwards Pete; Evans Mathew J.; Commane R.; Ingram T.; Stone D.; Mahajan A. S.; Oetjen H.; Dorsey James R.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Moller S. J.; Leigh R.; Plane J. M. C.; Carpenter L. J.; Heard D. E.; Hydrogen oxide photochemistry in the northern Canadian spring time boundary layer. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 116, D22306, [doi:10.1029/2011jd016390] NOV 22 2011 2011
- Bryant Daniel J.; Nelson Beth S.; Swift Stefan J.; Budisulistiorini S. H.; Drysdale Will; Vaughan Adam R.; Newland Mike J.; Hopkins J. R.; Cash James M.; Langford Ben; Nemiitz Eiko; Acton W. Joe F.; Hewitt Nick; Mandal Tuhin; Gurjar Bhola R.; Gadi Ranu; Lee J. D.; Rickard Andrew R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Shivani; Biogenic and anthropogenic sources of isoprene and monoterpenes and their secondary organic aerosol in Delhi, India. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-603] Sep 2022
- Shaw Jacob T.; Foulds Amy; Wilde Shona; Barker Patrick; Squires Freja; Lee J. D.; Purvis R. M.; Burton Ralph; Colfescu Ioana; Mobbs S. D.; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Young Stuart; Schwietzke Stefan; Allen Grant; Flaring efficiencies and NOₓ emission ratios measured for offshore oil and gas facilities in the North Sea. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-679] Sep 2022
- Bryant Daniel J.; Nelson Beth S.; Swift Stefan J.; Budisulistiorini S. H.; Drysdale Will; Vaughan Adam R.; Newland Mike J.; Hopkins J. R.; Cash James M.; Langford Ben; Nemiitz Eiko; Acton W. Joe F.; Hewitt Nick; Mandal Tuhin; Gurjar Bhola R.; Gadi Ranu; Lee J. D.; Rickard Andrew R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Shivani; Supplementary material to "Biogenic and anthropogenic sources of isoprene and monoterpenes and their secondary organic aerosol in Delhi, India". [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-603-supplement] Sep 2022
- Drysdale Will; Vaughan Adam R.; Squires Freja; Cliff Samuel J.; Metzger Stefan; Durden David; Pingintha-Durden Natchaya; Helfter Carole; Nemiitz Eiko; Grimmond C. Sue B.; Barlow Janet; Beevers Sean; Stewart Gregor; Dajnak David; Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Eddy covariance measurements highlight sources of nitrogen oxide emissions missing from inventories for central London. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 22 (14) , 9413–9433, [doi:10.5194/acp-22-9413-2022] Jul 2022
- Panagi Marios; Sommariva Roberto; Fleming Zoë L.; Monks Paul S.; Lu Gongda; Marais Eloise A.; Hopkins J. R.; Lewis Alastair C.; Zhang Qiang; Lee J. D.; Squires Freja; Whalley Lisa K.; Slater Eloise J.; Heard Dwayne E.; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Vande Hey Joshua D.; Daily evolution of VOCs in Beijing: chemistry, emissions, transport, and policy implications. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-379] Jun 2022
- Andersen Simone T.; Nelson Beth S.; Read Katie A.; Punjabi Shalini; Neves Luis; Rowlinson Matthew J.; Hopkins J. R.; Sherwen Tomás; Whalley Lisa K.; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Fundamental Oxidation Processes in the Remote Marine Atmosphere Investigated Using the NO-NO₂-O₃ Photostationary State. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-390] Jun 2022
- Andersen Simone T.; Nelson Beth S.; Read Katie A.; Punjabi Shalini; Neves Luis; Rowlinson Matthew J.; Hopkins J. R.; Sherwen Tomás; Whalley Lisa K.; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Supplementary material to "Fundamental Oxidation Processes in the Remote Marine Atmosphere Investigated Using the NO-NO₂-O₃ Photostationary State". [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-390-supplement] Jun 2022
- Mayhew Alfred W.; Lee Ben H.; Thornton Joel A.; Bannan Thomas J.; Brean James; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Nelson Beth S.; Percival Carl; Rickard Andrew R.; Shaw Marvin D.; Edwards P.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Evaluation of Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry in Detailed Chemical Mechanisms. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-333] May 2022
- Mayhew Alfred W.; Lee Ben H.; Thornton Joel A.; Bannan Thomas J.; Brean James; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Nelson Beth S.; Percival Carl; Rickard Andrew R.; Shaw Marvin D.; Edwards P.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Supplementary material to "Evaluation of Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry in Detailed Chemical Mechanisms". [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-333-supplement] May 2022
- Woodward-Massey Robert; Sommariva Roberto; Whalley Lisa K.; Cryer Danny R.; Ingham Trevor; Bloss William J.; Ball Stephen M.; Lee J. D.; Reed Chris; Crilley Leigh; Kramer Louisa J.; Bandy Brian J.; Forster Grant L.; Reeves Claire E.; Monks Paul S.; Heard Dwayne E.; Radical chemistry at a UK coastal receptor site – Part 2: experimental radical budgets and ozone production. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-213] Apr 2022
- Foulds Amy; Allen Grant; Shaw Jacob T.; Bateson Prudence; Barker Patrick A.; Huang Langwen; Pitt Joseph; Lee J. D.; Wilde Shona E.; Dominutti Pamela A.; Purvis R. M.; Lowry David; France James L.; Fisher Rebecca E.; Fiehn Alina; Pühl Magdalena; Bauguitte Stéphane J. B.; Conley Stephen A.; Smith Mackenzie L.; Lachlan-Cope Tom; Pisso Ignacio; Schwietzke Stefan; Quantification and assessment of methane emissions from offshore oil and gas facilities on the Norwegian continental shelf. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 22 (7) , 4303--4322, [doi:10.5194/acp-22-4303-2022] Apr 2022
- Nelson Beth; Lee J. D.; Hopkins J. R.; Rickard Andrew R.; Examining the sensitivity of in situ ozone production to its precursor chemical species in Beijing, China. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4282] Mar 2022
- Pasternak Dominika; Lee J. D.; Hopkins J. R.; Bauguitte Stéphane; Batten Stephanie; Yang Mingxi; Bell Thomas G.; Coe Hugh; Bower Keith; Andrews Stephen; Temple Loren; Vallow Jake; Matthews Emily; Bannan Thomas; Marsden Nicholas; Wu Huihui; Thamban Navaneeth; Airborne measurement of ship emissions in international waters and Sulphur Emission Control Area. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5355] Mar 2022
- Yang Mingxi; Bell Thomas G.; Bower Keith; Carslaw Ken; Choularton Thomas; Christensen Matt; Coe Hugh; Grosvenor D. P.; Lee J. D.; Watson-Parris Duncan; Stier Philip; Yoshioka Masaru; Insights from ACRUISE (Atmospheric Composition and Radiative forcing changes due to UN International Ship Emissions regulations) from aircraft, modelling, and satellite perspectives. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7078] Mar 2022
- Lee J. D.; Hopkins J. R.; Squires Freja; Wilde Shona; Use of a large aircraft to measure composition and chemistry of wildfires. . [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7139] Mar 2022
- Drysdale Will; Stapleton Charlotte; Lee J. D.; Changes in Global Urban Air Quality due to Large Scale Disruptions of Activity. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9812] Mar 2022
- Drysdale Will; Vaughan Adam R.; Squires Freja; Cliff Samuel J.; Metzger Stefan; Durden David; Pingintha-Durden Natchaya; Helfter Carole; Nemiitz Eiko; Grimmond C. Sue B.; Barlow Janet; Beevers Sean; Stewart Gregor; Dajnak David; Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Eddy Covariance Measurements Highlight Sources of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Missing from Inventories for Central London. [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-982] Jan 2022
- Nisbet E. G.; Allen G.; Fisher R. E.; France J. L.; Lee J. D.; Lowry D.; Andrade Marcos F.; Bannan T. J.; Barker Patrick; Bateson Prudence; Bauguitte S; Bower K.; Broderick T.J.; Chibesakunda Francis; Cain M.; Cozens Alice E.; Daly Michael C.; Ganesan A. L.; Jones A. E.; Lambakasa Musa; Lunt Mark F.; Mehra Archit; Moreno Isabel; Pasternak Dominika; Palmer P. I.; Percival C. J.; Pitt J. R.; Riddle Amber J.; Rigby M.; Shaw Jacob T; Stell Angharad C.; Vaughan Adam R.; Warwick N. J.; Wilde Shona E.; Isotopic signatures of methane emissions from tropical fires, agriculture and wetlands: the MOYA and ZWAMPS flights. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A, 380, 2022
- Crilley Leigh; Kramer Louisa J.; Pope Francis D.; Reed Chris; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Hollis Lloyd D. J.; Ball Stephen M.; Bloss William J.; Is the ocean surface a source of nitrous acid (HONO) in the marine boundary layer?. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (24) , 18213--18225, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-18213-2021] Dec 2021
- Nisbet E. G.; Allen Grant; Fisher R. E.; France J. L.; J. D. Lee; Andrade Marcos F.; Bannan T. J.; Barker Patrick; Bateson Prudence; Bauguitte S; Bower K. N.; Broderick T.J.; Chibesakunda Francis; Cain Michelle; Cozens Alice E.; Daly Michael C.; Ganesan A. L.; Jones Anna E.; Lambakasa Musa; Lunt Mark F.; Mehra Archit; Moreno Isabel; Pasternak Dominika; Palmer Paul; Percival C. J.; Pitt J. R.; Riddle Amber J.; Rigby M.; Shaw Jacob T.; Stell Angharad C.; Vaughan Adam R.; Warwick N. J.; Wilde Shona E.; Isotopic signatures of methane emissions from tropical fires, agriculture and wetlands: the MOYA and ZWAMPS flights. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London A [doi:10.1098/rsta.2021.0112] Dec 2021
- Barker Patrick A.; Allen Grant; Pitt Joseph; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Pasternak Dominika; Cliff Samuel; France James L.; Fisher Rebecca E.; Lee James D.; Bower Keith N.; Nisbet Euan G.; Airborne quantification of net methane and carbon dioxide fluxes from European Arctic wetlands in Summer 2019. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical And Engineering Sciences, 380 (2215) , [doi:10.1098/rsta.2021.0192] Dec 2021
- Foulds Amy; Allen Grant; Shaw Jacob T.; Bateson Prudence; Barker Patrick A.; Huang Langwen; Pitt Joseph; Lee J. D.; Wilde Shona E.; Dominutti Pamela A.; Purvis R. M.; Lowry David; France James L.; Fisher Rebecca E.; Fiehn Alina; Pühl Magdalena; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Conley Stephen A.; Smith Mackenzie L.; Lachlan-Cope Tom; Pisso Ignacio; Schwietzke Stefan; Quantification and assessment of methane emissions from offshore oil and gas facilities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-872] Nov 2021
- Walker Hannah; Stone Daniel; Ingham Trevor; Hackenberg Sina; Cryer Danny; Punjabi Shalini; Read Katie; Lee J. D.; Whalley Lisa; Spracklen Dominick Vincent; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Arnold Steve Robert; Heard Dwayne E.; Observations and modelling of glyoxal in the tropical Atlantic marine boundary layer. [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-940] Nov 2021
- Walker Hannah; Stone Daniel; Ingham Trevor; Hackenberg Sina; Cryer Danny; Punjabi Shalini; Read Katie; Lee J. D.; Whalley Lisa; Spracklen Dominick Vincent; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Arnold Steve Robert; Heard Dwayne E.; Supplementary material to "Observations and modelling of glyoxal in the tropical Atlantic marine boundary layer". [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-940-supplement] Nov 2021
- Vaughan Adam R.; Lee J. D.; Metzger Stefan; Durden David; Lewis Alastair C.; Shaw Marvin D.; Drysdale Will; Purvis R. M.; Davison Brian; Hewitt Nick; Spatially and temporally resolved measurements of NOₓ fluxes by airborne eddy covariance over Greater London. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (19) , 15283--15298, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-15283-2021] Oct 2021
- Stewart Gareth J.; Nelson Beth S.; Acton W. Joe F.; Vaughan Adam R.; Hopkins James R.; Mohamed-Yunus Siti Syuhaida; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Wild Oliver; Nemitz Eiko; Gadi Ranu; Sahu Lokesh K.; Mandal Tuhin K.; Gurjar Bhola R.; Rickard Andrew R.; Lee James D.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Emission estimates and inventories of non-methane volatile organic compounds from anthropogenic burning sources in India. Atmospheric Environment: X, 11, 100115, [doi:10.1016/j.aeaoa.2021.100115] Oct 2021
- Nelson Beth S.; Stewart Gareth J.; Drysdale Will; Newland Mike J.; Vaughan Adam R.; Dunmore R.; Edwards P.; Lewis Alastair C.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Acton W. Joe; Hewitt Nick; Crilley Leigh; Alam Mohammed S.; Şahin Ülkü A.; Beddows David C. S.; Bloss William J.; Slater Eloise; Whalley Lisa K.; Heard Dwayne E.; Cash James M.; Langford Ben; Nemiitz Eiko; Sommariva Roberto; Cox Sam; Gadi Ranu; Gurjar Bhola R.; Hopkins J. R.; Rickard Andrew R.; Lee J. D.; Shivani; In situ ozone production is highly sensitive to volatile organic compounds in Delhi, India. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (17) , 13609--13630, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-13609-2021] Sep 2021
- Reyes villegas Ernesto; panda Upasana; Darbyshire Eoghan; Cash James M.; Joshi Rutambhara; Langford Ben; Di Marco Chiara F.; Mullinger Neil J.; Alam Mohammed S.; Crilley Leigh; Rooney Daniel J.; Acton W. Joe F.; Drysdale Will; Nemiitz Eiko; Flynn Michael; Voliotis Aristeidis; MCfiggans Gordan; Coe Hugh; Lee J. D.; Hewitt Nick; Heal Mathew; Gunthe Sachin S.; Mandal Tuhin K.; Gurjar Bhola R.; Gadi Ranu; Singh Siddhartha; Soni Vijay; Allan James Donald; Shivani; PM<sub>1</sub> composition and source apportionment at two sites in Delhi, India, across multiple seasons. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (15) , 11655–11667, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-11655-2021] Aug 2021
- Lu Gongda; Marais Eloise A.; Vu Tuan V.; Xu Jingsha; Shi Zongbo; Lee J. D.; Zhang Qiang; Shen Lu; Luo Gan; Yu Fangqun; Assessment of strict autumn-winter emission controls on air quality in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-428] Aug 2021
- Crilley Leigh; Kramer Louisa; Pope Francis; Reed Chris; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy; Hollis Lloyd; Ball Stephen; Bloss William; Is the ocean surface a source of nitrous acid (HONO) in the marine boundary layer?. [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-532] Jul 2021
- Crilley Leigh; Kramer Louisa; Pope Francis; Reed Chris; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy; Hollis Lloyd; Ball Stephen; Bloss William; Supplementary material to "Is the ocean surface a source of nitrous acid (HONO) in the marine boundary layer?". [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-532-supplement] Jul 2021
- Wu Huihui; Taylor Jonathan; Langridge Justin M.; Yu Chenjie; Allan James Donald; Szpek Kate; Cotterell Michael I.; Williams Paul I.; Flynn Michael; Barker Patrick A.; Fox Cathryn; Allen Grant; Lee J. D.; Coe Hugh; Rapid transformation of ambient absorbing aerosols from West African biomass burning. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (12) , 9417--9440, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-9417-2021] Jun 2021
- Nelson Beth S.; Stewart Gareth J.; Drysdale Will; Newland Mike J.; Vaughan Adam R.; Dunmore R.; Edwards P.; Lewis Alastair C.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Acton W. Joe F.; Hewitt Nick; Crilley Leigh; Alam Mohammed S.; Şahin Ülkü A.; Beddows David C. S.; Bloss William J.; Slater Eloise; Whalley Lisa K.; Heard Dwayne E.; Cash James M.; Langford Ben; Nemiitz Eiko; Sommariva Roberto; Cox Sam; Gadi Ranu; Gurjar Bhola R.; Hopkins J. R.; Rickard Andrew R.; Lee J. D.; Shivani; Supplementary material to "In situ Ozone Production is highly sensitive to Volatile Organic Compounds in the Indian Megacity of Delhi". [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-278-supplement] Apr 2021
- Andersen Simone T.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Nelson Beth S.; Neves Luis; Read Katie A.; Reed Chris; Ward Martyn; Rowlinson Matthew J.; Lee J. D.; Long-term NOx measurements in the remote marine tropical troposphere. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14 (4) , 3071--3085, [doi:10.5194/amt-14-3071-2021] Apr 2021
- Nelson Beth S.; Stewart Gareth J.; Drysdale Will; Newland Mike J.; Vaughan Adam R.; Dunmore R.; Edwards Pete M.; Lewis Alastair C.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Acton W. Joe F.; Hewitt Nick; Crilley Leigh; Alam Mohammed S.; Şahin Ülkü A.; Beddows David C. S.; Bloss William J.; Slater Eloise; Whalley Lisa K.; Heard Dwayne E.; Cash James M.; Langford Ben; Nemiitz Eiko; Sommariva Roberto; Cox Sam; Gadi Ranu; Gurjar Bhola R.; Hopkins J. R.; Rickard Andrew R.; Lee J. D.; Shivani; In situ Ozone Production is highly sensitive to Volatile Organic Compounds in the Indian Megacity of Delhi. [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-278] Apr 2021
- Reeves Claire E.; Mills Graham P.; Whalley Lisa K.; Acton W. Joe F.; Bloss William J.; Crilley Leigh; Grimmond Sue; Heard Dwayne E.; Hewitt Nick; Hopkins J. R.; Kotthaus Simone; Kramer Louisa J.; Jones Roderic L.; Lee J. D.; Liu Yanhui; Ouyang Bin; Slater Eloise; Squires Freja; Wang Xinming; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Observations of speciated isoprene nitrates in Beijing: implications for isoprene chemistry. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (8) , 6315--6330, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-6315-2021] Apr 2021
- Vaughan Adam R.; Lee J. D.; Metzger Stefan; Durden David; Lewis Alastair C.; Shaw Marvin D.; Drysdale Will; Purvis R. M.; Davison Brian; Hewitt Nick; Spatially and temporally resolved measurements of NOₓ fluxes by airborne eddy-covariance over Greater London. [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-180] Mar 2021
- Wilde Shona E.; Dominutti Pamela A.; Allen Grant; Andrews Stephen J.; Bateson Prudence; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Burton Ralph R.; Colfescu Ioana; France James; Hopkins J. R.; Huang Langwen; Jones Anna; Lachlan-Cope Tom; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Mobbs Stephen D.; Weiss Alexandra; Young Stuart; Purvis R. M.; Speciation of VOC emissions related to offshore North Sea oil and gas production. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (5) , 3741--3762, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-3741-2021] Mar 2021
- Grange Stuart K.; Lee J. D.; Drysdale Will; Lewis Alastair C.; Hueglin Christoph; Emmenegger Lukas; Carslaw David C.; COVID-19 lockdowns highlight a risk of increasing ozone pollution in European urban areas. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (5) , 4169--4185, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-4169-2021] Mar 2021
- Shaw Jacob T; Allen Grant; Barker Patrick A.; Pitt Joseph; Lee J. D.; Bauguitte Stéphane; Pasternak Dominika; Bower Keith; Daly Michael; Lunt Mark; Ganesan Anita; Vaughan Adam; Fisher Rebecca; France James; Lowry David; Palmer Paul; Bateson Prudence; Nisbet Euan; Methane fluxes from Zambian tropical wetlands. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14938] Mar 2021
- Pühl Magdalena; Roiger Anke; Fiehn Alina; Schwietzke Stefan; Allen Grant; Foulds Amy; Lee J. D.; France James L.; Lachlan-Cope Tom; Warwick Nicola; Pisso Ignacio; Aircraft mass balance estimate of methane emissions from offshore gas facilities in the Southern North Sea. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15428] Mar 2021
- Evans Rhianna; Lee J. D.; Drysdale Will; Changes in surface level NO2 in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to predicted 2020 concentrations and the impact on O3.. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8359] Mar 2021
- Wu Huihui; Taylor Jonathan; Langridge Justin M.; Yu Chenjie; Allan James Donald; Szpek Kate; Cotterell Michael I.; Williams Paul I.; Flynn Michael; Barker Patrick A.; Fox Cathryn; Allen Grant; Lee J. D.; Coe Hugh; Rapid transformation of ambient absorbing aerosols from West African biomass burning. [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-49] Feb 2021
- Wu Huihui; Taylor Jonathan; Langridge Justin M.; Yu Chenjie; Allan James Donald; Szpek Kate; Cotterell Michael I.; Williams Paul I.; Flynn Michael; Barker Patrick A.; Fox Cathryn; Allen Grant; Lee J. D.; Coe Hugh; Supplementary material to "Rapid transformation of ambient absorbing aerosols from West African biomass burning". [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-49-supplement] Feb 2021
- Newland Mike J.; Bryant Daniel J.; Dunmore R.; Bannan Thomas J.; Acton W. Joe F.; Langford Ben; Hopkins J. R.; Squires Freja; Dixon William; Drysdale Will; Ivatt Peter D.; Evans Mathew J.; Edwards Peter M.; Whalley Lisa K.; Heard Dwayne E.; Slater Eloise J.; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Mehra Archit; Worrall Stephen D.; Bacak Asan; Coe Hugh; Percival Carl J.; Hewitt Nick; Lee J. D.; Cui Tianqu; Surratt Jason D.; Wang Xinming; Lewis Alastair C.; Rickard Andrew R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Low-NO atmospheric oxidation pathways in a polluted megacity. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (3) , 1613--1625, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-1613-2021] Feb 2021
- Stewart Gareth J.; Acton W. Joe F.; Nelson Beth S.; Vaughan Adam R.; Hopkins J. R.; Arya Rahul; Mondal Arnab; Jangirh Ritu; Ahlawat Sakshi; Yadav Lokesh; Sharma Sudhir K.; Dunmore R.; Mohamed-Yunus Siti Syuhaida; Hewitt Nick; Nemiitz Eiko; Mullinger Neil; Gadi Ranu; Sahu Lokesh K.; Tripathi Nidhi; Rickard Andrew R.; Lee J. D.; Mandal Tuhin K.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds from combustion of domestic fuels in Delhi, India. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (4) , 2383--2406, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-2383-2021] Feb 2021
- Stewart Gareth J.; Nelson Beth S.; Acton W. Joe F.; Vaughan Adam R.; Farren Naomi J.; Hopkins J. R.; Ward Martyn W.; Swift Stefan J.; Arya Rahul; Mondal Arnab; Jangirh Ritu; Ahlawat Sakshi; Yadav Lokesh; Sharma Sudhir K.; Mohamed-Yunus Siti Syuhaida; Hewitt Nick; Nemiitz Eiko; Mullinger Neil; Gadi Ranu; Sahu Lokesh K.; Tripathi Nidhi; Rickard Andrew R.; Lee J. D.; Mandal Tuhin K.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Emissions of intermediate-volatility and semi-volatile organic compounds from domestic fuels used in Delhi, India. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (4) , 2407--2426, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-2407-2021] Feb 2021
- Chen Ying; Beig Gufran; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Drysdale Will; Acton W. Joe F.; Lowe Douglas; Nelson Beth; Lee J. D.; Ran Liang; Wang Yu; Wu Zhijun; Sahu Saroj Kumar; Sokhi Ranjeet S.; Singh Vikas; Gadi Ranu; Nicholas Hewitt C.; Nemiitz Eiko; Archibald Alex; McFiggans Gordon; Wild Oliver; Avoiding high ozone pollution in Delhi, India. Faraday Discussions [doi:10.1039/d0fd00079e] 2021
- Stewart Gareth J.; Nelson Beth S.; Drysdale Will S.; Acton W. Joe F.; Vaughan Adam R.; Hopkins James R.; Dunmore R.; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Nemiitz Eiko; Mullinger Neil; Langford Ben; Shivani; Reyes-Villegas Ernesto; Gadi Ranu; Rickard Andrew R.; Lee J. D.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Sources of non-methane hydrocarbons in surface air in Delhi, India. Faraday Discussions [doi:10.1039/d0fd00087f] 2021
- Bloss William J.; Kramer Louisa; Crilley Leigh R.; Vu Tuan; Harrison Roy M.; Shi Zongbo; Lee J. D.; Squires Freja; Whalley Lisa K.; Slater Eloise; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Heard Dwayne E.; Tong Shengrui; Hou Siqi; Sun Yele; Xu Jingsha; Wei Lianfang; Fu Pingqing; Insights into air pollution chemistry and sulphate formation from nitrous acid (HONO) measurements during haze events in Beijing. Faraday Discussions [doi:10.1039/d0fd00100g] 2021
- Joshi Rutambhara; Liu Dantong; Nemiitz Eiko; Langford Ben; Mullinger Neil; Squires Freja; Lee J. D.; Wu Yunfei; Pan Xiaole; Fu Pingqing; Kotthaus Simone; Grimmond Sue; Zhang Qiang; Wu Ruili; Wild Oliver; Flynn Michael; Coe Hugh; Allan James Donald; Direct measurements of black carbon fluxes in central Beijing using the eddy covariance method. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (1) , 147--162, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-147-2021] Jan 2021
- Stewart Gareth J.; Nelson Beth S.; Acton W. Joe F.; Vaughan Adam R.; Hopkins James R.; Mohamed-Yunus Siti Syuhaida; Hewitt Nick; Nemiitz Eiko; Mandal Tuhin K.; Gadi Ranu; Sahu Lokesh. K.; Rickard Andrew R.; Lee J. D.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Comprehensive organic emission profiles, secondary organic aerosol production potential, and OH reactivity of domestic fuel combustion in Delhi, India. Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 1 (2) , 104–117, [doi:10.1039/d0ea00009d] 2021
- France James L.; Bateson Prudence; Dominutti Pamela A.; Allen Grant; Andrews Stephen; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Coleman Max; Lachlan-Cope Tom; Fisher Rebecca E.; Huang Langwen; Jones Anna; Lee J. D.; Lowry David; Pitt Joseph; Purvis R. M.; Pyle J. A.; Shaw Jacob T; Warwick Nicola; Weiss Alexandra; Wilde Shona; Witherstone Jonathan; Young Stuart; Facility level measurement of offshore oil and gas installations from a medium-sized airborne platform: method development for quantification and source identification of methane emissions. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14 (1) , 71--88, [doi:10.5194/amt-14-71-2021] 2021
- Lee James D.; Squires Freya Anne; Sherwen Tomás; Wilde Shona; Cliff Samuel; Bauguitte Stéphane; Reed Chris; Barker Patrick; Bannan Thomas; Matthews Emily; Mehra Archit; Percival Carl; Heard Dwayne E.; Whalley Lisa K.; Ronnie Grace; Seldon Samuel; Ingham Trevor; Keller Christoph; Knowland Emma; Ozone production and precursor emission from wildfires in Africa. Environmental Science: Atmospheres [doi:10.1039/d1ea00041a] 2021
- Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Bryant Daniel J.; Edwards Peter M.; Ouyang Bin; Bannan Thomas J.; Mehra Archit; Mayhew Alfred W.; Hopkins James R.; Dunmore Rachel E.; Squires Freya A.; Lee James D.; Newland Mike J.; Worrall Stephen D.; Bacak Asan; Coe Hugh; Percival Carl; Whalley Lisa K.; Heard Dwayne E.; Slater Eloise J.; Jones Roderic L.; Cui Tianqu; Surratt Jason D.; Reeves Claire E.; Mills Graham P.; Grimmond Sue; Sun Yele; Xu Weiqi; Shi Zongbo; Rickard Andrew R.; Key Role of NO₃ Radicals in the Production of Isoprene Nitrates and Nitrooxyorganosulfates in Beijing. Environmental Science {\&}Amp$\Mathsemicolon$ Technology, 55 (2) , 842--853, [doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c05689] Jan 2021
- Acton W. Joe F.; Huang Zhonghui; Davison Brian; Drysdale Will; Fu Pingqing; Hollaway Michael; Langford Ben; Lee J. D.; Liu Yanhui; Metzger Stefan; Mullinger Neil J.; Nemiitz Eiko; Reeves Claire E.; Squires Freja; Vaughan Adam R.; Wang Xinming; Wang Zhaoyi; Wild Oliver; Zhang Qiang; Zhang Yanli; Hewitt Nick; Surface–atmosphere fluxes of volatile organic compounds in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (23) , 15101–15125, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-15101-2020] Dec 2020
- Lee J. D.; Drysdale Will; Finch Douglas P.; Wilde Shona E.; Palmer Paul; UK surface NO₂ levels dropped by 42{\hspace{0.167em}}{\%} during the COVID-19 lockdown: impact on surface O₃. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (24) , 15743--15759, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-15743-2020] Dec 2020
- Loades David C.; Yang Mingxi; Bell Thomas G.; Vaughan Adam R.; Pound Ryan J.; Metzger Stefan; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Ozone deposition to a coastal sea: comparison of eddy covariance observations with reactive air–sea exchange models. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13 (12) , 6915--6931, [doi:10.5194/amt-13-6915-2020] Dec 2020
- Andersen Simone T.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Nelson Beth S.; Neves Luis; Read Katie A.; Reed Chris; Ward Martyn W; Rowlinson Matthew J.; Lee J. D.; Long-term NOx measurements in the remote marine tropical troposphere. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques [doi:10.5194/amt-2020-469] Dec 2020
- Andersen Simone T.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Nelson Beth S.; Neves Luis; Read Katie A.; Reed Chris; Ward Martyn W; Rowlinson Matthew J.; Lee J. D.; Supplementary material to "Long-term NOₓ measurements in the remote marine tropical troposphere". [doi:10.5194/amt-2020-469-supplement] Dec 2020
- Slater Eloise J.; Whalley Lisa K.; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Lee J. D.; Squires Freja; Hopkins J. R.; Dunmore R.; Shaw Marvin; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Lewis Alastair C.; Crilley Leigh; Kramer Louisa; Bloss William; Vu Tuan; Sun Yele; Xu Weiqi; Yue Siyao; Ren Lujie; Acton W. Joe F.; Hewitt Nick; Wang Xinming; Fu Pingqing; Heard Dwayne E.; Elevated levels of OH observed in haze events during wintertime in central Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (23) , 14847--14871, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-14847-2020] Dec 2020
- Grange Stuart K.; Lee J. D.; Drysdale Will; Lewis Alastair C.; Hueglin Christoph; Emmenegger Lukas; Carslaw David C.; COVID-19 lockdowns highlight a risk of increasing ozone pollution in European urban areas. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-1171] Nov 2020
- Wilde Shona E.; Dominutti Pamela A.; Andrews Stephen J.; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Burton Ralph R.; Colfescu I.; France James; Hopkins J. R.; Jones Anna; Lachlan-Cope Tom; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Mobbs Stephen D.; Weiss Alexandra; Young Stuart; Purvis R. M.; Speciation of VOC emissions related to offshore North Sea oil and gas production. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-1099] Oct 2020
- Lee J. D.; Response to reviewer comments. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-838-ac1] Oct 2020
- Stewart Gareth J.; Acton W. Joe F.; Nelson Beth S.; Vaughan Adam R.; Hopkins J. R.; Arya Rahul; Mondal Arnab; Jangirh Ritu; Ahlawat Sakshi; Yadav Lokesh; Sharma Sudhir K.; Dunmore R.; Mohamed-Yunus Siti Syuhaida; Hewitt Nick; Nemiitz Eiko; Mullinger Neil; Gadi Ranu; Sahu Lokesh K.; Tripathi Nidhi; Rickard Andrew R.; Lee J. D.; Mandal Tuhin K.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds from combustion of domestic fuels in Delhi, India. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-892] Oct 2020
- Stewart Gareth J.; Acton W. Joe F.; Nelson Beth S.; Vaughan Adam R.; Hopkins J. R.; Arya Rahul; Mondal Arnab; Jangirh Ritu; Ahlawat Sakshi; Yadav Lokesh; Sharma Sudhir K.; Dunmore R.; Mohamed-Yunus Siti Syuhaida; Hewitt Nick; Nemiitz Eiko; Mullinger Neil; Gadi Ranu; Sahu Lokesh K.; Tripathi Nidhi; Rickard Andrew R.; Lee J. D.; Mandal Tuhin K.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Supplementary material to "Emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds from combustion of domestic fuels in Delhi, India". [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-892-supplement] Oct 2020
- Reyes villegas Ernesto; panda Upasana; Darbyshire Eoghan; Cash James M.; Joshi Rutambhara; Langford Ben; Di Marco Chiara F.; Mullinger Neil J.; Acton W. Joe F.; Drysdale Will; Nemiitz Eiko; Flynn Michael; Voliotis Aristeidis; MCfiggans Gordan; Coe Hugh; Lee J. D.; Hewitt Nick; Heal Mathew; Gunthe Sachin S.; Gadi Ranu; Singh Siddhartha; Soni Vijay; Allan James Donald; Shivani; Supplementary material to "PM<sub>1</sub> composition and source apportionment at two sites in Delhi, India across multiple seasons". [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-894-supplement] Sep 2020
- Whalley Lisa K.; Slater Eloise J.; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Lee J. D.; Squires Freja; Hopkins J. R.; Dunmore R.; Shaw Marvin; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Lewis Alastair C.; Mehra Archit; Worrall Stephen D.; Bacak Asan; Bannan Thomas J.; Coe Hugh; Ouyang Bin; Jones Roderic L.; Crilley Leigh; Kramer Louisa J.; Bloss William J.; Vu Tuan; Kotthaus Simone; Grimmond Sue; Sun Yele; Xu Weiqi; Yue Siyao; Ren Lujie; Acton W. Joe F.; Hewitt Nick; Wang Xinming; Fu Pingqing; Heard Dwayne E.; Evaluating the sensitivity of radical chemistry and ozone formation to ambient VOCs and NOₓ in Beijing. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-785] Sep 2020
- Reyes villegas Ernesto; panda Upasana; Darbyshire Eoghan; Cash James M.; Joshi Rutambhara; Langford Ben; Di Marco Chiara F.; Mullinger Neil; Acton W. Joe F.; Drysdale Will; Nemiitz Eiko; Flynn Michael; Voliotis Aristeidis; MCfiggans Gordan; Coe Hugh; Lee J. D.; Hewitt Nick; Heal Mathew; Gunthe Sachin S.; Gadi Ranu; Singh Siddhartha; Soni Vijay; Allan James Donald; Shivani; PM₁ composition and source apportionment at two sites in Delhi, India across multiple seasons. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-894] Sep 2020
- Lee J. D.; Drysdale Will; Finch Douglas P.; Wilde Shona E.; Palmer Paul; UK surface NO₂ levels dropped by 42{\hspace{0.167em}}{\%} during the COVID-19 lockdown: impact on surface O₃. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-838] Aug 2020
- Lee J. D.; Drysdale Will; Finch Douglas P.; Wilde Shona E.; Palmer Paul; Supplementary material to "UK surface NO₂ levels dropped by 42{\hspace{0.167em}}{\%} during the COVID-19 lockdown: impact on surface O₃". [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-838-supplement] Aug 2020
- Stewart Gareth J.; Nelson Beth S.; Acton W. Joe F.; Vaughan Adam R.; Farren Naomi J.; Hopkins J. R.; Ward Martyn W.; Swift Stefan J.; Arya Rahul; Mondal Arnab; Jangirh Ritu; Ahlawat Sakshi; Yadav Lokesh; Sharma Sudhir K.; Mohamed-Yunus Siti Syuhaida; Hewitt Nick; Nemiitz Eiko; Mullinger Neil; Gadi Ranu; Sahu Lokesh K.; Tripathi Nidhi; Rickard Andrew R.; Lee J. D.; Mandal Tuhin K.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Emissions of intermediate-volatility and semi-volatile organic compounds from domestic fuels used in Delhi, India. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-860] Aug 2020
- Stewart Gareth J.; Nelson Beth S.; Acton W. Joe F.; Vaughan Adam R.; Farren Naomi J.; Hopkins J. R.; Ward Martyn W.; Swift Stefan J.; Arya Rahul; Mondal Arnab; Jangirh Ritu; Ahlawat Sakshi; Yadav Lokesh; Sharma Sudhir K.; Mohamed-Yunus Siti Syuhaida; Hewitt Nick; Nemiitz Eiko; Mullinger Neil; Gadi Ranu; Sahu Lokesh K.; Tripathi Nidhi; Rickard Andrew R.; Lee J. D.; Mandal Tuhin K.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Supplementary material to "Emissions of intermediate-volatility and semi-volatile organic compounds from domestic fuels used in Delhi, India". [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-860-supplement] Aug 2020
- Barker Patrick A.; Allen Grant; Bannan Thomas; Mehra Archit; Bower Keith N.; Pitt Joseph R.; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Pasternak Dominika; Fisher Rebecca E.; Lee J. D.; Coe Hugh; Gallagher M.; Percival Carl J.; Nisbet Euan G.; Airborne measurements of fire Emission Factors for African biomass burning sampled during the MOYA Campaign. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-558] Jul 2020
- Barker Patrick A.; Allen Grant; Bannan Thomas; Mehra Archit; Bower Keith N.; Pitt Joseph R.; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Pasternak Dominika; Fisher Rebecca E.; Lee J. D.; Coe Hugh; Gallagher M.; Percival Carl J.; Nisbet Euan G.; Supplementary material to "Airborne measurements of fire Emission Factors for African biomass burning sampled during the MOYA Campaign". Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-558-supplement] Jul 2020
- Joshi Rutambhara; Liu Dantong; Nemiitz Eiko; Langford Ben; Mullinger Neil; Squires Freja; Lee J. D.; Wu Yunfei; Pan Xiaole; Fu Pingqing; Kotthaus Simone; Grimmond Sue; Zhang Qiang; Wu Ruili; Wild Oliver; Flynn Michael; Coe Hugh; Allan James Donald; Direct measurements of black carbon fluxes in central Beijing using the eddy-covariance method. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-628] Jul 2020
- Squires Freja; Nemiitz Eiko; Langford Ben; Wild Oliver; Drysdale Will; Acton W. Joe F.; Fu Pingqing; Grimmond C. S. B.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Hewitt Nick; Hollaway Michael; Kotthaus Simone; Lee J. D.; Metzger Stefan; Pingintha-Durden Natchaya; Shaw Marvin; Vaughan Adam R.; Wang Xinming; Wu Ruili; Zhang Qiang; Zhang Yanli; Measurements of traffic-dominated pollutant emissions in a Chinese megacity. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (14) , 8737--8761, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-8737-2020] Jul 2020
- Ashworth Kirsti; Bucci Silvia; Gallimore Peter J.; Lee Junghwa; Nelson Beth S.; Sanchez-Marroquin Alberto; Schimpf Marina B.; Smith Paul D.; Drysdale Will; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Pitt Joseph; Di Carlo Piero; Krejci Radovan; McQuaid James B.; Megacity and local contributions to regional air pollution: an aircraft case study over London. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (12) , 7193--7216, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-7193-2020] Jun 2020
- Alam Mohammed S.; Crilley Leigh; Lee J. D.; Kramer Louisa J.; Pfrang Christian; Vázquez-Moreno Mónica; Muñoz Amalia; Ródenas Milagros; Bloss William J.; Interference from alkenes in chemiluminescent NO\\x\\ measurements. [doi:10.5194/amt-2020-164] Jun 2020
- Alam Mohammed S.; Crilley Leigh; Lee J. D.; Kramer Louisa J.; Pfrang Christian; Vázquez-Moreno Mónica; Muñoz Amalia; Ródenas Milagros; Bloss William J.; Supplementary material to \"Interference from alkenes in chemiluminescent NO\\x\\ measurements\". [doi:10.5194/amt-2020-164-supplement] Jun 2020
- Bryant Daniel J.; Dixon William J.; Hopkins J. R.; Dunmore R.; Pereira Kelly L.; Shaw Marvin; Squires Freya A.; Bannan Thomas J.; Mehra Archit; Worrall Stephen D.; Bacak Asan; Coe Hugh; Percival Carl J.; Whalley Lisa K.; Heard Dwayne E.; Slater Eloise J.; Ouyang Bin; Cui Tianqu; Surratt Jason D.; Liu Di; Shi Zongbo; Harrison Roy M.; Sun Yele; Xu Weiqi; Lewis Alastair C.; Lee J. D.; Rickard Andrew R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Strong anthropogenic control of secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (12) , 7531--7552, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-7531-2020] Jun 2020
- Morgan William T.; Allan James Donald; Bauguitte Stéphane; Darbyshire Eoghan; Flynn Michael J.; Lee J. D.; Liu Dantong; Johnson Ben T.; Haywood Jim; Longo Karla M.; Artaxo Paulo E.; Coe Hugh; Transformation and ageing of biomass burning carbonaceous aerosol over tropical South America from aircraft in situ measurements during SAMBBA. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (9) , 5309--5326, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-5309-2020] May 2020
- Slater Eloise J.; Whalley Lisa K.; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Lee J. D.; Squires Freja; Hopkins J. R.; Dunmore R.; Shaw Marvin; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Lewis Alastair C.; Crilley Leigh; Kramer Louisa; Bloss William; Vu Tuan; Sun Yele; Xu Weiqi; Yue Siyao; Ren Lujie; Acton W. Joe F.; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Wang Xinming; Fu Pingqing; Heard Dwayne E.; Elevated levels of OH observed in haze events during wintertime in central Beijing. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-362] May 2020
- Loades David C.; Yang Mingxi; Bell Thomas G.; Vaughan Adam R.; Pound Ryan J.; Metzger Stefan; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Measurements of Ozone Deposition to a Coastal Sea by Eddy Covariance. [doi:10.5194/amt-2020-65] May 2020
- Slater Eloise J.; Whalley Lisa K.; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Lee J. D.; Squires Freja; Hopkins J. R.; Dunmore R.; Shaw Marvin; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Lewis Alastair C.; Crilley Leigh; Kramer Louisa; Bloss William; Vu Tuan; Sun Yele; Xu Weiqi; Yue Siyao; Ren Lujie; Acton W. Joe F.; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Wang Xinming; Fu Pingqing; Heard Dwayne E.; Supplementary material to \"Elevated levels of OH observed in haze events during wintertime in central Beijing\". [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-362-supplement] May 2020
- Acton W. Joe F.; Huang Zhonghui; Davison Brian; Drysdale Will S.; Fu Pingqing; Hollaway Michael; Langford Ben; Lee J. D.; Liu Yanhui; Metzger Stefan; Mullinger Neil; Nemiitz Eiko; Reeves Claire E.; Squires Freya A.; Vaughan Adam R.; Wang Xinming; Wang Zhaoyi; Wild Oliver; Zhang Qiang; Zhang Yanli; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Surface–atmosphere fluxes of volatile organic compounds in Beijing. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-343] Apr 2020
- Acton W. Joe F.; Huang Zhonghui; Davison Brian; Drysdale Will S.; Fu Pingqing; Hollaway Michael; Langford Ben; Lee J. D.; Liu Yanhui; Metzger Stefan; Mullinger Neil; Nemiitz Eiko; Reeves Claire E.; Squires Freya A.; Vaughan Adam R.; Wang Xinming; Wang Zhaoyi; Wild Oliver; Zhang Qiang; Zhang Yanli; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Supplementary material to \"Surface–atmosphere fluxes of volatile organic compounds in Beijing\". [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-343-supplement] Apr 2020
- Barker Patrick; Allen Grant; Bannan Thomas; Pitt Joseph; Bauguitte Stéphane; Nisbet Euan; Lee J. D.; Airborne measurements of trace gas emissions from African biomass burning during the MOYA Campaign. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-15886] Mar 2020
- Drysdale Will; Vaughan Adam; Squires Freja; Nelson Beth; Pitt Joseph; Metzger Stefan; Durden David; Pingintha-Durden Natchaya; Grimmond Sue; Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Exploring NOx Emission from the Ground and the Air in London, UK. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-17372] Mar 2020
- Matthews Emily; Bannan Thomas; Mehra Archit; Archibald A. T.; Wu Huihui; Williams Paul; Lee J. D.; Veres P.R.; Percival Carl; Coe Hugh; Gallagher M.; Aircraft observations of a new DMS oxidation product over the North Atlantic using a HR-ToF-CIMS. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-18077] Mar 2020
- Wilde Shona; Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Hopkins J. R.; Lewis Alastair; Young Stuart; Burton Ralph; Colfescu I.; Pasternak Dominika; Mobbs Stephen; Bauguitte Stéphane; A top-down approach for quantifying methane and speciated VOC emissions from North Sea oil and gas facilities. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-20416] Mar 2020
- Ronnie Grace; Whalley Lisa; Heard Dwayne E.; Ingham Trevor; Lee J. D.; Pasternak Dominka; Bauguitte Stéphane; Carling Rebecca; Bannan Thomas; Wu Huihui; Archibald A. T.; Airborne Measurements of Formaldehyde In Biomass Burning and Urban Plumes In Central Africa Using Laser Induced Fluorescence. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-2998] Mar 2020
- Lee J. D.; Squires Freya; Andersen Simone; Hopkins J. R.; Pasternak Dominika; Archibald A. T.; Measurement of NOx and Ozone over the North Atlantic Ocean.. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-8233] Mar 2020
- Nisbet Euan G.; Lowry David; Fisher Rebecca E.; France James L.; Allen Grant; Lee J. D.; The changing global methane budget. NERC’s MOYA, ZWAMPS and methane reduction projects, and the need for better tropical information and mitigation.. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-9151] Mar 2020
- Newland Mike J.; Bryant Daniel J.; Dunmore R.; Bannan Thomas J.; Acton W. Joe F.; Langford Ben; Hopkins J. R.; Squires Freya A.; Dixon William; Drysdale Will; Ivatt Peter D.; Evans Mathew J.; Edwards Peter M.; Whalley Lisa K.; Heard Dwayne E.; Slater Eloise J.; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Mehra Archit; Worrall Stephen D.; Bacak Asan; Coe Hugh; Percival Carl J.; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Lee J. D.; Cui Tianqu; Surratt Jason D.; Wang Xinming; Lewis Alastair C.; Rickard Andrew R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Rainforest-like Atmospheric Chemistry in a Polluted Megacity. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-35] Feb 2020
- Newland Mike J.; Bryant Daniel J.; Dunmore R.; Bannan Thomas J.; Acton W. Joe F.; Langford Ben; Hopkins J. R.; Squires Freya A.; Dixon William; Drysdale Will; Ivatt Peter D.; Evans Mathew J.; Edwards Peter M.; Whalley Lisa K.; Heard Dwayne E.; Slater Eloise J.; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Mehra Archit; Worrall Stephen D.; Bacak Asan; Coe Hugh; Percival Carl J.; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Lee J. D.; Cui Tianqu; Surratt Jason D.; Wang Xinming; Lewis Alastair C.; Rickard Andrew R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Supplementary material to \"Rainforest-like Atmospheric Chemistry in a Polluted Megacity\". [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-35-supplement] Feb 2020
- Squires Freja; Nemiitz Eiko; Langford Ben; Wild Oliver; Drysdale Will; Acton W. Joe F.; Fu Pingqing; Grimmond C. Sue B.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Hewitt Nick; Hollaway Michael; Kotthaus Simone; Lee J. D.; Metzger Stefan; Pingintha-Durden Natchaya; Shaw Marvin; Vaughan Adam R.; Wang Xinming; Wu Ruili; Zhang Qiang; Zhang Yanli; Measurements of traffic dominated pollutant emissions in a Chinese megacity. [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-1105] Jan 2020
- Reeves Claire E.; Mills Graham P.; Whalley Lisa K.; Acton W. Joe F.; Bloss William J.; Crilley Leigh; Grimmond Sue; Heard Dwayne E.; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Hopkins J. R.; Kotthaus Simone; Kramer Louisa J.; Jones Roderic L.; Lee James D.; Liu Yanhui; Ouyang Bin; Slater Eloise; Squires Freya; Wang Xinming; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Observations of speciated isoprene nitrates in Beijing: implications for isoprene chemistry. [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-964] Jan 2020
- Reeves Claire E.; Mills Graham P.; Whalley Lisa K.; Acton W. Joe F.; Bloss William J.; Crilley Leigh; Grimmond Sue; Heard Dwayne E.; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Hopkins J. R.; Kotthaus Simone; Kramer Louisa J.; Jones Roderic L.; Lee James D.; Liu Yanhui; Ouyang Bin; Slater Eloise; Squires Freya; Wang Xinming; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Supplementary material to \"Observations of speciated isoprene nitrates in Beijing: implications for isoprene chemistry\". [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-964-supplement] Jan 2020
- Brean James; Harrison Roy M.; Shi Zongbo; Beddows David C. S.; Acton W. Joe F.; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Squires Freja; Lee J. D.; Observations of highly oxidized molecules and particle nucleation in the atmosphere of Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 19 (23) , 14933--14947, [doi:10.5194/acp-19-14933-2019] Dec 2019
- Ashworth Kirsti; Bucci Silvia; Gallimore Peter J.; Lee Junghwa; Nelson Beth S.; Sanchez Marroquin Alberto; Schimpf Marina B.; Smith Paul D.; Drysdale Will; Hopkins J. R.; Lee James D.; Pitt Joseph; Di Carlo Piero; Krejci Radovan; McQuaid James B.; Megacity and local contributions to regional air pollution: An aircraft case study over London. [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-955] Nov 2019
- Bryant Daniel J.; Dixon William J.; Hopkins J. R.; Dunmore Rachel E.; Pereira Kelly L.; Shaw Marvin; Squires Freya A.; Bannan Thomas J.; Mehra Archit; Worrall Stephen D.; Bacak Asan; Coe Hugh; Percival Carl J.; Whalley Lisa K.; Heard Dwayne E.; Slater Eloise J.; Ouyang Bin; Cui Tianqu; Surratt Jason D.; Liu Di; Shi Zongbo; Harrison Roy M.; Sun Yele; Xu Weiqi; Lewis Alastair C.; Lee James D.; Rickard Andrew R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Strong anthropogenic control of secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene in Beijing. [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-929] Oct 2019
- Bryant Daniel J.; Dixon William J.; Hopkins J. R.; Dunmore Rachel E.; Pereira Kelly L.; Shaw Marvin; Squires Freya A.; Bannan Thomas J.; Mehra Archit; Worrall Stephen D.; Bacak Asan; Coe Hugh; Percival Carl J.; Whalley Lisa K.; Heard Dwayne E.; Slater Eloise J.; Ouyang Bin; Cui Tianqu; Surratt Jason D.; Liu Di; Shi Zongbo; Harrison Roy M.; Sun Yele; Xu Weiqi; Lewis Alastair C.; Lee James D.; Rickard Andrew R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Supplementary material to \"Strong anthropogenic control of secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene in Beijing\". [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-929-supplement] Oct 2019
- Pitt Joseph; Allen Grant; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Gallagher M.; Lee James D.; Drysdale Will; Nelson Beth; Manning Alistair J.; Palmer Paul I.; Assessing London CO₂, CH₄ and CO emissions using aircraft measurements and dispersion modelling. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 19 (13) , 8931--8945, [doi:10.5194/acp-19-8931-2019] Jul 2019
- Smith Kate R.; Edwards Pete; Ivatt Peter D.; Lee James D.; Squires Freya; Dai Chengliang; Peltier Richard E.; Evans Mathew J.; Sun Yele; Lewis Alastair C.; An improved low-power measurement of ambient NO₂ and O₃ combining electrochemical sensor clusters and machine learning. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12 (2) , 1325--1336, [doi:10.5194/amt-12-1325-2019] Feb 2019
- Carslaw David C.; Farren Naomi J.; Vaughan Adam R.; Drysdale William S.; Young Stuart; Lee James D.; The diminishing importance of nitrogen dioxide emissions from road vehicle exhaust. Atmospheric Environment: X, 1, 100002, [doi:10.1016/j.aeaoa.2018.100002] Jan 2019
- Pitt Joseph; Allen Grant; Bauguitte Stéphane; Gallagher M.; Lee J. D.; Drysdale Will; Nelson Bethany; Manning Alistair; Palmer Paul; Supplementary material to "Assessing London CO<sub>2</sub>, CH<sub>4</sub> and CO emissions using aircraft measurements and dispersion modelling". [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-1033-supplement] Oct 2018
- Shi Zongbo; Vu Tuan; Kotthaus Simone; Grimmond Sue; Harrison Roy M.; Yue Siyao; Zhu Tong; Lee J. D.; Han Yiqun; Demuzere Matthias; Dunmore R.; Ren Lujie; Liu Di; Wang Yuanlin; Wild Oliver; Allan James Donald; Barlow Janet; Beddows David; Bloss William J.; Carruthers David; Carslaw David C.; Chatzidiakou Lia; Crilley Leigh; Coe Hugh; Dai Tie; Doherty Ruth; Duan Fengkui; Fu Pingqing; Ge Baozhu; Ge Maofa; Guan Daobo; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; He Kebin; Heal Mathew; Heard Dwayne E.; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Hu Min; Ji Dongsheng; Jiang Xujiang; Jones Rod; Kalberer Markus; Kelly Frank J.; Kramer Louisa; Langford Ben; Lin Chun; Lewis Alastair C.; Li Jie; Li Weijun; Liu Huan; Loh Miranda; Lu K.; Mann Graham; MCfiggans Gordan; Miller Mark; Mills Graham; Monks Paul; Nemiitz Eiko; O'Connor Fiona; Ouyang Bin; Palmer Paul; Percival Carl; Popoola Olalekan; Reeves Claire; Rickard Andrew R.; Shao Longyi; Shi Guangyu; Spracklen Dominick; Stevenson David S; Sun Yele; Sun Zhiwei; Tao Shu; Tong Shengrui; Wang Qingqing; Wang Wenhua; Wang Xinming; Wang Zifang; Whalley Lisa; Wu Xuefang; Wu Zhijun; Xie Pinhua; Yang Fumo; Zhang Qiang; Zhang Yanli; Zhang Yuanhang; Zheng Mei; Introduction to Special Issue – In-depth study of air pollution sources and processes within Beijing and its surrounding region (APHH-Beijing). [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-922] Oct 2018
- Smith Kate R.; Edwards Peter M.; Ivatt Peter D.; Lee James D.; Squires Freya; Dai Chengliang; Peltier Richard E.; Evans Mathew J.; Lewis Alastair C.; An improved low power measurement of ambient NO₂ and O₃ combining electrochemical sensor clusters and machine learning. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 1--21, [doi:10.5194/amt-2018-285] Sep 2018
- Kasibhatla Prasad; Sherwen Tomás; Evans Mathew J.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Reed Chris; Alexander Becky; Chen Qianjie; Sulprizio Melissa P.; Lee James D.; Read Katie A.; Bloss William; Crilley Leigh R.; Keene William C.; Pszenny Alexander A. P.; Hodzic Alma; Global impact of nitrate photolysis in sea-salt aerosol on NOₓ, OH, and O₃ in the marine boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 18 (15) , 11185--11203, [doi:10.5194/acp-18-11185-2018] Aug 2018
- Sommariva Roberto; Hollis Lloyd D. J.; Sherwen Tomás; Baker Alex R.; Ball Stephen M.; Bandy Brian J.; Bell Thomas G.; Chowdhury Mohammad N.; Cordell Rebecca L.; Evans Mathew J.; Lee James D.; Reed Chris; Reeves Claire E.; Roberts James M.; Yang Mingxi; Monks Paul S.; Seasonal and geographical variability of nitryl chloride and its precursors in Northern Europe. Atmospheric Science Letters, 19 (8) , e844, [doi:10.1002/asl.844] Aug 2018
- Kasibhatla Prasad; Sherwen Tomás; Evans Mathew J.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Reed Chris; Alexander Becky; Chen Qianjie; Sulprizio Melissa; Lee James D.; Read Katie A.; Bloss William; Crilley Leigh R.; Keene William C.; Pszenny Alex A. P.; Hodzic Alma; Global impact of nitrate photolysis in sea-salt aerosol on NOₓ, OH, and O₃ in the marine boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--31, [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-303] May 2018
- Kasibhatla Prasad; Sherwen Tomás; Evans Mathew J.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Reed Chris; Alexander Becky; Chen Qianjie; Sulprizio Melissa; Lee James D.; Read Katie A.; Bloss William; Crilley Leigh; Keene William C.; Pszenny Alex A. P.; Hodzic Alma; Global impact of nitrate photolysis in sea-salt aerosol on NOₓ, OH, and O₃ in the marine boundary layer. [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-303-supplement] May 2018
- Stone Daniel; Sherwen Tomás; Evans Mathew J.; Vaughan Stewart; Ingham Trevor; Whalley Lisa K.; Edwards Peter M.; Read Katie A.; Lee James D.; Moller Sarah J.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Heard Dwayne E.; Impacts of bromine and iodine chemistry on tropospheric OH and HO₂: comparing observations with box and global model perspectives. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 18 (5) , 3541--3561, [doi:10.5194/acp-18-3541-2018] Mar 2018
- Lee James D.; Mobbs Stephen D.; Wellpott Axel; Allen Grant; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Burton Ralph R.; Camilli Richard; Coe Hugh; Fisher Rebecca E.; France James L.; Gallagher M.; Hopkins J. R.; Lanoiselle Mathias; Lewis Alastair C.; Lowry David; Nisbet Euan G.; Purvis Ruth M.; O'Shea Sebastian; Pyle John A.; Ryerson Thomas B.; Flow rate and source reservoir identification from airborne chemical sampling of the uncontrolled Elgin platform. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 11 (3) , 1725--1739, [doi:10.5194/amt-11-1725-2018] 3 2018
- Whalley Lisa K.; Stone Daniel; Dunmore Rachel; Hamilton Jacqueline; Hopkins James R.; Lee James D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Williams Paul; Kleffmann Jörg; Laufs Sebastian; Woodward-Massey Robert; Heard Dwayne E.; Understanding in situ ozone production in the summertime through radical observations and modelling studies during the Clean air for London project (ClearfLo). Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 18 (4) , 2547--2571, [doi:10.5194/acp-18-2547-2018] Feb 2018
- Lee J. D.; Response to RC1. [doi:10.5194/amt-2017-332-ac1] Jan 2018
- Lee J. D.; Response to RC2. [doi:10.5194/amt-2017-332-ac2] Jan 2018
- Lamb Katie J.; Dowsett Mark R.; Chatzipanagis Konstantinos; Scullion Zhan Wei; Kröger Roland; Lee J. D.; Aguiar Pedro M.; North Michael; Parkin Alison; Capacitance-Assisted Sustainable Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Mineralisation. {Chemsuschem}, 11 (1) , 137--148, [doi:10.1002/cssc.201702087] Dec 2017
- Lamb Katie J.; Dowsett Mark R.; Chatzipanagis Konstantinos; Scullion Zhan Wei; Kröger Roland; Lee J. D.; Aguiar Pedro M.; North Michael; Parkin Alison; Cover Feature: Capacitance-Assisted Sustainable Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Mineralisation (ChemSusChem 1/2018). {Chemsuschem}, 11 (1) , 2--2, [doi:10.1002/cssc.201702376] Dec 2017
- Bannan Thomas J.; Murray Booth A.; Le Breton Michael; Bacak Asan; Muller Jennifer B. A.; Leather Kimberley E.; Khan M. Anwar H.; Lee James D.; Dunmore Rachel E.; Hopkins James R.; Fleming Zoë L.; Sheps Leonid; Taatjes Craig A.; Shallcross Dudley E.; Percival Carl J.; Seasonality of Formic Acid (HCOOH) in London during the ClearfLo Campaign. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122 (22) , 12,488--12,498, [doi:10.1002/2017jd027064] Nov 2017
- Lee J. D.; Mobbs S. D.; Wellpott Axel; Allen Grant; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Burton Ralph R.; Camilli Richard; Coe Hugh; Fisher Rebecca E.; France James L.; Gallagher M.; Hopkins J. R.; Lanoiselle Mathias; Lewis Alastair C.; Lowry David; Nisbet Euan G.; Purvis R. M.; O'Shea S.; Pyle John A.; Ryerson Thomas B.; Flow rate and source reservoir identification from airborne chemical sampling of the uncontrolled Elgin platform gas release. [doi:10.5194/amt-2017-332] Oct 2017
- Lee J. D.; Mobbs Stephen D.; Wellpott Axel; Allen Grant; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Burton Ralph R.; Camilli Richard; Coe Hugh; Fisher Rebecca E.; France James L.; Gallagher M.; Hopkins J. R.; Lanoiselle Mathias; Lewis Alastair C.; Lowry David; Nisbet Euan G.; Purvis R. M.; O'Shea S.; Pyle John A.; Ryerson Thomas B.; Supplementary material to "Flow rate and source reservoir identification from airborne chemical sampling of the uncontrolled Elgin platform gas release". [doi:10.5194/amt-2017-332-supplement] Oct 2017
- Stone Daniel; Sherwen Tomás; Evans Mathew J.; Vaughan Stewart; Ingham Trevor; Whalley Lisa K.; Edwards Peter M.; Read Katie A.; Lee James D.; Moller Sarah J.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Heard Dwayne E.; Impacts of bromine and iodine chemistry on tropospheric OH and HO₂: Comparing observations with box and global model perspectives. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--39, [doi:10.5194/acp-2017-892] Oct 2017
- Stone Daniel; Sherwen Tomás; Evans Mathew J.; Vaughan Stewart; Ingham Trevor; Whalley Lisa K.; Edwards Peter M.; Read Katie A.; Lee James D.; Moller S. J.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Heard Dwayne E.; Impacts of bromine and iodine chemistry on tropospheric OH and HO₂: Comparing observations with box and global model perspectives. [doi:10.5194/acp-2017-892-supplement] Oct 2017
- Whalley Lisa K.; Stone Daniel; Dunmore Rachel; Hamilton Jacqueline; Hopkins J. R.; Lee James D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Williams Paul; Kleffmann Jörg; Laufs Sebastian; Heard Dwayne E.; Understanding in situ ozone production in the summertime through radical observations and modelling studies during the Clean air for London project (ClearfLo). Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--38, [doi:10.5194/acp-2017-827] Sep 2017
- Whalley Lisa K.; Stone Daniel; Dunmore Rachel; Hamilton Jacqueline; Hopkins J. R.; Lee James D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Williams Paul; Kleffmann Jörg; Laufs Sebastian; Heard Dwayne E.; Understanding in situ ozone production in the summertime through radical observations and modelling studies during the Clean air for London project (ClearfLo). [doi:10.5194/acp-2017-827-supplement] Sep 2017
- Reed Chris; Evans Mathew J.; Crilley Leigh R.; Bloss William J.; Sherwen T; Read Katie A.; Lee James D.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Evidence for renoxification in the tropical marine boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 17 (6) , 4081–4092, [doi:10.5194/acp-17-4081-2017] Mar 2017
- Harris N. R. P.; Carpenter L. J.; Lee J. D.; Vaughan G.; Filus M. T.; Jones R. L.; Ouyang B.; Pyle J. A.; Robinson A. D.; Andrews S. J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Minaeian J.; Vaughan A.; Dorsey J. R.; Gallagher M.; Le Breton M.; Newton R.; Percival C. J.; Ricketts H. M. A.; Bauguitte S. J.-B.; Nott G. J.; Wellpott A.; Ashfold M. J.; Flemming J.; Butler R.; Palmer P. I.; Kaye P. H.; Stopford C.; Chemel C.; Boesch H.; Humpage N.; Vick A.; MacKenzie A. R.; Hyde R.; Angelov P.; Meneguz E.; Manning A. J.; Co-ordinated Airborne Studies in the Tropics (CAST). Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98, 145-162, [doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00290.1] 2017
- Wenzel Margot N.; Owens Philippa K.; Bray Joshua T. W.; Lynam Jason M.; Aguiar Pedro M.; Reed Chris; Lee James D.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Whitwood Adrian C.; Fairlamb Ian J. S.; Redox Couple Involving NOx in Aerobic Pd-Catalyzed Oxidation of sp3-C–H Bonds: Direct Evidence for Pd–NO3–/NO2– Interactions Involved in Oxidation and Reductive Elimination. Journal Of The American Chemical Society, 139 (3) , 1177–1190, [doi:10.1021/jacs.6b10853] Jan 2017
- Vaughan Adam Robert; Lee James D.; Shaw Marvin David; Misztal Pawel; Metzger Stefan; Vieno Massimo; Davison Brian; Karl Thomas; Carpenter Lucy; Lewis Alastair C.; Purvis Ruth; Goldstein Allen; Hewitt C. N.; VOC emission rates over London and South East England obtained by airborne eddy covariance. Faraday Discuss. [doi:10.1039/c7fd00002b] 2017
- Smith Katie; Edwards Peter M.; Evans Mathew John J; Lee James D.; Shaw Marvin David; Squires Freya; Wilde Shona; Lewis Alastair C.; Clustering approaches that improve the reproducibility of low-cost air pollution sensors. Faraday Discuss. [doi:10.1039/c7fd00020k] 2017
- Sherwen T; Evans Mathew John J; Sommariva Roberto; Hollis Lloyd D. J.; Ball Stephen; Monks Paul; Reed Chris; Carpenter Lucy; Lee James D.; Forster Grant; Bandy Brian; Reeves Claire; Bloss William; Effects of halogens on European air-quality. Faraday Discuss. [doi:10.1039/c7fd00026j] 2017
- Reed Chris; Evans Mathew J.; Crilley Leigh R.; Bloss William J.; Sherwen Tomás; Read Katie A.; Lee James D.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Evidence for renoxification in the tropical marine boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--29, [doi:10.5194/acp-2016-1111] Jan 2017
- Reed Chris; Evans Mathew J.; Crilley Leigh; Bloss William J.; Sherwen Tomás; Read Katie A.; Lee James D.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Evidence for renoxification in the tropical marine boundary layer. [doi:10.5194/acp-2016-1111-supplement] Jan 2017
- Read K. A.; Carpenter L. J.; Arnold S. R.; Beale R; Nightingale P. D.; Hopkins J. R.; Lewis Alastair C.; Lee J. D.; Mendes L.; Pickering S. J.; Multiannual Observations of Acetone, Methanol, and Acetaldehyde in Remote Tropical Atlantic Air: Implications for Atmospheric OVOC Budgets and Oxidative Capacity. Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (20) , 11028--11039, [doi:10.1021/es302082p] OCT 16 2012 2012
- Reed Chris; Brumby Charlotte A.; Crilley Leigh R.; Kramer Louisa J.; Bloss William J.; Seakins Paul W.; Lee James D.; Carpenter Lucy J.; HONO measurement by differential photolysis. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9 (6) , 2483–2495, [doi:10.5194/amt-9-2483-2016] Jun 2016
- Reed Chris; Evans Mathew J.; Di Carlo Piero; Lee James D.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Interferences in photolytic NO2 measurements: explanation for an apparent missing oxidant?. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 16 (7) , 4707–4724, [doi:10.5194/acp-16-4707-2016] Apr 2016
- Lee J. D.; Whalley L. K.; Heard D. E.; Stone D.; Dunmore R. E.; Hamilton J. F.; Young D. E.; Allan J. D.; Laufs S.; Kleffmann J.; Detailed budget analysis of HONO in central London reveals a missing daytime source. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 16 (5) , 2747–2764, [doi:10.5194/acp-16-2747-2016] Mar 2016
- Whalley Lisa K.; Stone Daniel; Bandy Brian; Dunmore Rachel; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Hopkins James; Lee James D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Heard Dwayne E.; Atmospheric OH reactivity in central London: observations, model predictions and estimates of in situ ozone production. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 16 (4) , 2109–2122, [doi:10.5194/acp-16-2109-2016] Feb 2016
- Reed Chris; Brumby C. A.; Crilley L. R.; Kramer L. J.; Bloss W. J.; Seakins P. W.; Lee J. D.; Carpenter L. J.; HONO Measurement by Differential Photolysis. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 1--28, [doi:10.5194/amt-2016-17] Jan 2016
- Dunmore Rachel E.; Whalley Lisa K.; Sherwen T; Evans Mathew J.; Heard Dwayne E.; Hopkins James R.; Lee James D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Lidster Richard T.; Rickard Andrew R.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Atmospheric ethanol in London and the potential impacts of future fuel formulations. Faraday Discuss., 189, 105–120, [doi:10.1039/c5fd00190k] 2016
- Crilley Leigh R.; Kramer Louisa; Pope Francis D.; Whalley Lisa K.; Cryer Danny R.; Heard Dwayne E.; Lee James D.; Reed Chris; Bloss William J.; On the interpretation of in situ HONO observations via photochemical steady state. Faraday Discuss., 189, 191–212, [doi:10.1039/c5fd00224a] 2016
- Vaughan Adam R.; Lee James D.; Misztal Pawel K.; Metzger Stefan; Shaw Marvin D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Purvis Ruth M.; Carslaw David C.; Goldstein Allen H.; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Davison Brian; Beevers Sean D.; Karl Thomas G.; Spatially resolved flux measurements of NOxfrom London suggest significantly higher emissions than predicted by inventories. Faraday Discuss., 189, 455–472, [doi:10.1039/c5fd00170f] 2016
- Lewis Alastair C.; Lee James D.; Edwards Peter M.; Shaw Marvin D.; Evans Mat J.; Moller Sarah J.; Smith Katie R.; Buckley Jack W.; Ellis Matthew; Gillot Stefan R.; White Andrew; Evaluating the performance of low cost chemical sensors for air pollution research. Faraday Discuss., 189, 85–103, [doi:10.1039/c5fd00201j] 2016
- Anderson Daniel C.; Nicely Julie M.; Salawitch Ross J.; Canty Timothy P.; Dickerson Russell R.; Hanisco Thomas F.; Wolfe Glenn M.; Apel Eric C.; Atlas Elliot; Bannan Thomas; Bauguitte Stéphane; Blake Nicola J.; Bresch James F.; Campos Teresa L.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Cohen Mark D.; Evans Mathew; Fernandez Rafael P.; Kahn Brian H.; Kinnison Douglas E.; Hall Samuel R.; Harris Neil R. P.; Hornbrook Rebecca S.; Lamarque Jean-Francois; Le Breton Michael; Lee James D.; Percival Carl; Pfister Leonhard; Pierce R. Bradley; Riemer Daniel D.; Saiz-Lopez Alfonso; Stunder Barbara J.B.; Thompson Anne M.; Ullmann Kirk; Vaughan Adam; Weinheimer Andrew J.; A pervasive role for biomass burning in tropical high ozone/low water structures. Nature Communications, 7 (May 2015) , 10267, [doi:10.1038/ncomms10267] 2016
- Whalley L. K.; Stone D.; Bandy B.; Dunmore R.; Hamilton J. F.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis A. C.; Heard Dwayne E.; Atmospheric OH reactivity in central London: observations, model predictions and estimates of in situ ozone production. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 15 (21) , 31247--31286, [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-31247-2015] Nov 2015
- Reed Chris; Evans Mathew J.; Di Carlo P.; Lee J. D.; Carpenter L. J.; Interferences in photolytic NO₂ measurements: explanation for an apparent missing oxidant?. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 15 (20) , 28699--28747, [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-28699-2015] Oct 2015
- Dunmore R. E.; Hopkins J. R.; Lidster R. T.; Lee J. D.; Evans M. J.; Rickard A. R.; Lewis Alastair C.; Hamilton J. F.; Diesel-related hydrocarbons can dominate gas phase reactive carbon in megacities. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (17) , 9983–9996, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-9983-2015] Sep 2015
- Levine J. G.; MacKenzie A. R.; Squire O. J.; Archibald A. T.; Griffiths P T; Abraham N. L.; Pyle J. A.; Oram David E.; Forster G.; Brito J. F.; Lee J. D.; Hopkins J. R.; Lewis Alastair C.; Bauguitte S. J. B.; Demarco C. F.; Artaxo Paulo E.; Messina P.; Lathière J.; Hauglustaine D. A.; House E.; Hewitt C. N.; Nemitz E.; Isoprene chemistry in pristine and polluted Amazon environments: Eulerian and Lagrangian model frameworks and the strong bearing they have on our understanding of surface ozone and predictions of rainforest exposure to this priority pollutant. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 15 (17) , 24251--24310, [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-24251-2015] Sep 2015
- Levine J. G.; MacKenzie A. R.; Squire O. J.; Archibald A. T.; Griffiths Paul; Abraham N. L.; Pyle J. A.; Oram David E.; Forster G.; Brito J. F.; Lee J. D.; Hopkins J. R.; Lewis A. C.; Bauguitte S. J. B.; Demarco C. F.; Artaxo Paulo E.; Messina P.; Lathière J.; Hauglustaine D. A.; House E.; Hewitt Nick; Nemiitz Eiko; Supplementary material to "Isoprene chemistry in pristine and polluted Amazon environments: Eulerian and Lagrangian model frameworks and the strong bearing they have on our understanding of surface ozone and predictions of rainforest exposure to this priority pollutant". [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-24251-2015-supplement] Sep 2015
- Liu Shang; Aiken Allison C.; Gorkowski Kyle; Dubey Manvendra K.; Cappa Christopher D.; Williams Leah R.; Herndon Scott C.; Massoli Paola; Fortner Edward C.; Chhabra Puneet S.; Brooks William A.; Onasch Timothy B.; Jayne John T.; Worsnop Douglas R.; China Swarup; Sharma Noopur; Mazzoleni Claudio; Xu Lu; Ng Nga L.; Liu Dantong; Allan James D.; Lee James D.; Fleming Z. L.; Mohr Claudia; Zotter Peter; Szidat Sönke; Prevot Andre S. H.; Enhanced light absorption by mixed source black and brown carbon particles in UK winter. Nat Comms, 6, 8435, [doi:10.1038/ncomms9435] Sep 2015
- Lee J. D.; Whalley L. K.; Heard D. E.; Stone D.; Dunmore R. E.; Hamilton J. F.; Young D. E.; Allan James Donald; Laufs S.; Kleffmann J.; Detailed budget analysis of HONO in central London reveals a missing daytime source. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 15 (16) , 22097--22139, [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-22097-2015] Aug 2015
- Lee J. D.; Whalley L. K.; Heard D. E.; Stone D.; Dunmore R.; Hamilton J. F.; Young D. E.; Allan James Donald; Laufs S.; Kleffmann J.; Supplementary material to "Detailed budget analysis of HONO in central London reveals a missing daytime source". [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-22097-2015-supplement] Aug 2015
- Farren Naomi J.; Ramirez Noelia; Lee James D.; Finessi Emanuela; Lewis Alastair C.; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Estimated Exposure Risks from Carcinogenic Nitrosamines in Urban Airborne Particulate Matter. Environ. Sci. Technol., 49 (16) , 9648–9656, [doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b01620] Aug 2015
- Dunmore R. E.; Hopkins J. R.; Lidster R. T.; Lee J. D.; Evans Mathew J.; Rickard A. R.; Lewis A. C.; Hamilton J. F.; Diesel-related hydrocarbons can dominate gas phase reactive carbon in megacities. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 15 (6) , 9541--9571, [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-9541-2015] Mar 2015
- Dunmore R.; Hopkins J. R.; Lidster R. T.; Lee J. D.; Evans Mathew J.; Rickard A. R.; Lewis A. C.; Hamilton J. F.; Supplementary material to "Diesel-related hydrocarbons can dominate gas phase reactive carbon in megacities". [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-9541-2015-supplement] Mar 2015
- Jolleys M. D.; Coe H.; McFiggans G.; Taylor J. W.; O'Shea S. J.; Le Breton M.; Bauguitte S. J.-B.; Moller S.; Di Carlo P.; Aruffo E.; Palmer P. I.; Lee J. D.; Percival C. J.; Gallagher M.; Properties and evolution of biomass burning organic aerosol from Canadian boreal forest fires. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (6) , 3077–3095, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-3077-2015] 2015
- Crilley L. R.; Bloss W. J.; Yin J.; Beddows D.C.S; Harrison Roy M.; Allan J. D.; Young D. E.; Flynn M.; Williams P.; Zotter P.; Prevot A. S. H.; Heal M. R.; Barlow J. F.; Halios C. H.; Lee J. D.; Szidat S.; Mohr C.; Sources and contributions of wood smoke during winter in London: assessing local and regional influences. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (6) , 3149–3171, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-3149-2015] 2015
- Shaw M. D.; Lee J. D.; Davison B.; Vaughan A.; Purvis R. M.; Harvey A.; Lewis Alastair C.; Hewitt C. N.; Airborne determination of the temporo-spatial distribution of benzene, toluene, nitrogen oxides and ozone in the boundary layer across Greater London, UK. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (9) , 5083–5097, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-5083-2015] 2015
- Walker H. M.; Stone D.; Ingham T.; Vaughan S.; Cain M.; Jones R. L.; Kennedy O. J.; McLeod M.; Ouyang B.; Pyle J; Bauguitte S.; Bandy B.; Forster G.; Evans M. J.; Hamilton J. F.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Lidster R. T.; Punjabi S.; Morgan W. T.; Heard D. E.; Night-time measurements of HOx during the RONOCO project and analysis of the sources of HO2. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (14) , 8179–8200, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-8179-2015] 2015
- Bohnenstengel S. I.; Belcher S. E.; Aiken A.; Allan J. D.; Allen G.; Bacak A.; Bannan T. J.; Barlow J. F.; Beddows D.C.S; Bloss W. J.; Booth A. M.; Chemel C.; Coceal O.; Di Marco C. F.; Dubey M. K.; Faloon K. H.; Fleming Z. L.; Furger M.; Gietl J. K.; Graves R. R.; Green D. C.; Grimmond C. S. B.; Halios C. H.; Hamilton J. F.; Harrison Roy M.; Heal M. R.; Heard D. E.; Helfter C.; Herndon S. C.; Holmes R. E.; Hopkins J. R.; Jones A. M.; Kelly F. J.; Kotthaus S.; Langford B.; Lee J. D.; Leigh R. J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Lidster R. T.; Lopez-Hilfiker F. D.; McQuaid J. B.; Mohr C.; Monks P. S.; Nemitz E.; Ng N. L.; Percival C. J.; Prevot A. S. H.; Ricketts HMA; Sokhi R. S.; Stone D.; Thornton J. A.; Tremper A. H.; Valach A. C.; Visser S.; Whalley L. K.; Williams L. R.; Xu L.; Young D. E.; Zotter P.; Meteorology, air quality, and health in London: the ClearfLo project. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 96, 779-804, [doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00245.1] 2015
- Taylor J. W.; Allan James Donald; Allen G.; Coe H.; Williams P. I.; Flynn M. J.; Le Breton M.; Muller J. B. A.; Percival C. J.; Oram David E.; Forster G.; Lee J. D.; Rickard A. R.; Parrington M.; Palmer P. I.; Size-dependent wet removal of black carbon in Canadian biomass burning plumes. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (24) , 13755--13771, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-13755-2014] Dec 2014
- Crilley L. R.; Bloss W. J.; Yin J.; Beddows D.C.S; Harrison Roy M.; Allan James Donald; Young D. E.; Flynn M.; Williams P.; Zotter P.; H. Prevot A. S.; Heal M. R.; Barlow J. F.; Halios C. H.; Lee J. D.; Szidat S.; Mohr C.; Sources and contributions of wood smoke during winter in London: assessing local and regional influences. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (19) , 27459--27530, [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-27459-2014] Oct 2014
- Shaw M. D.; Lee J. D.; Davison B.; Vaughan A.; Purvis R. M.; Lewis A. C.; Hewitt Nick; Supplementary material to “Airborne determination of the temporo-spatial distribution of benzene, toluene, nitrogen oxides and ozone in the boundary layer across Greater London, UK”. [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-27335-2014-supplement] Oct 2014
- Shaw M. D.; Lee J. D.; Davison B.; Vaughan A.; Purvis R. M.; Lewis A. C.; Hewitt Nick; Airborne determination of the temporo-spatial distribution of benzene, toluene, nitrogen oxides and ozone in the boundary layer across Greater London, UK. [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-27335-2014] Oct 2014
- Taylor J. W.; Allan J. D.; Allen G.; Coe H.; Williams P. I.; Flynn M. J.; Le Breton M.; Muller J. B. A.; Percival C. J.; Oram David E.; Forster G.; Lee J. D.; Rickard A. R.; Palmer P. I.; Size-dependent wet removal of black carbon in Canadian biomass burning plumes. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (13) , 19469–19513, [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-19469-2014] 2014
- Allan J. D.; Morgan W. T.; Darbyshire E.; Flynn M. J.; Williams P. I.; Oram David E.; Artaxo P.; Brito J.; Lee J. D.; Coe H.; Airborne observations of IEPOX-derived isoprene SOA in the Amazon during SAMBBA. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (20) , 11393–11407, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-11393-2014] 2014
- Lidster R. T.; Hamilton J. F.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Hopkins James R.; Punjabi S.; Rickard A. R.; Young J. C.; The impact of monoaromatic hydrocarbons on OH reactivity in the coastal UK boundary layer and free troposphere. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-6677-2014] 2014
- Stone D.; Evans M. J.; Walker H.; Ingham T.; Vaughan S.; Ouyang B.; Kennedy O. J.; McLeod M. W.; Jones R. L.; Hopkins J.; Punjabi S.; Lidster R.; Hamilton J. F.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Carpenter L. J.; Forster G.; Oram David E.; Reeves C. E.; Bauguitte S.; Morgan W.; Coe H.; Aruffo E.; Dari-Salisburgo C.; Giammaria F.; Di Carlo P.; Heard D. E.; Radical chemistry at night: comparisons between observed and modelled HOx, NO3 and N2O5 during the RONOCO project. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (3) , 1299–1321, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-1299-2014] 2014
- Franklin J. E.; Drummond J. R.; Griffin D.; Pierce J. R.; Waugh D. L.; Palmer P. I.; Parrington M.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Rickard A. R.; Taylor J. W.; Allan J. D.; Coe H.; Walker K. A.; Chisholm L.; Duck T. J.; Hopper J. T.; Blanchard Y.; Gibson M. D.; Curry K. R.; Sakamoto K. M.; Lesins G.; Dan L.; Kliever J.; Saha A.; A case study of aerosol scavenging in a biomass burning plume over eastern Canada during the 2011 BORTAS field experiment. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (16) , 8449–8460, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-8449-2014] 2014
- Lidster R. T.; Hamilton J. F.; Lee J. D.; Lewis A. C.; Hopkins J. R.; Punjabi S.; Rickard A. R.; Young J. C.; The impact of monoaromatic hydrocarbons on OH reactivity in the North Sea boundary layer and free troposphere. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 13 (12) , 32423--32457, [doi:10.5194/acpd-13-32423-2013] Dec 2013
- Edwards P. M.; Evans Mathew J.; Heard Dwayne E.; Hopkins J. R.; Ingham T.; Jones C.; Lee J. D.; Lewis A. C.; Moller S. J.; Stone D.; Whalley L. K.; OH reactivity in a South East Asian Tropical rainforest during the Oxidant and Particle Photochemical Processes (OP3) project. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 13 (2) , 5233--5278, [doi:10.5194/acpd-13-5233-2013] Feb 2013
- Edwards Pete; Evans Mathew J.; Furneaux K. L.; Hopkins J. R.; Ingham Trevor; Jones C. E.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Moller S. J.; Stone D.; Whalley L. K.; Heard D. E.; OH reactivity in a South East Asian Tropical rainforest during the Oxidant and Particle Photochemical Processes (OP3) project,. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13, 9497-9514, [doi:10.5194/acp-13-9497-2013] 2013
- Di Carlo P.; Aruffo E.; Busilacchio M.; Giammaria F.; Dari-Salisburgo C.; Biancofiore F.; Visconti G.; Lee J. D.; Moller S.; Reeves C. E.; Bauguitte S.; Forster G.; Jones R. L.; Ouyang B.; Aircraft based four-channel thermal dissociation laser induced fluorescence instrument for simultaneous measurements of NO2, total peroxy nitrate, total alkyl nitrate, and HNO3. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6 (4) , 971--980, [doi:10.5194/amt-6-971-2013] 2013 2013
- Lewis Alastair C.; Evans M. J.; Hopkins J. R.; Punjabi S.; Read K. A.; Purvis R. M.; Andrews S. J.; Moller S. J.; Carpenter L. J.; Lee J. D.; Rickard A. R.; Palmer P. I.; Parrington M.; The influence of biomass burning on the global distribution of selected non-methane organic compounds. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13 (2) , [doi:10.5194/acp-13-851-2013] 2013
- Parrington M.; Palmer Paul; Lewis A. C.; Lee J. D.; Rickard A. R.; Di Carlo Piero; Taylor Jonathan; Hopkins J. R.; Punjabi S.; Oram David E.; Forster G.; Aruffo E.; Moller S. J.; Bauguitte S. J.-B.; Allan James Donald; Coe H.; Leigh R. J.; Ozone photochemistry in boreal biomass burning plumes. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 13 (1) , 1795--1853, [doi:10.5194/acpd-13-1795-2013] Jan 2013
- Le Breton M.; Bacak A.; Muller J. B. A.; O'Shea S. J.; Xiao P.; Ashfold M. N. R.; Cooke M. C.; Batt R.; Shallcross D. E.; Oram David E.; Forster G.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Palmer P. I.; Parrington M.; Lewis Alastair C.; Lee J. D.; Percival C. J.; Airborne hydrogen cyanide measurements using a chemical ionisation mass spectrometer for the plume identification of biomass burning forest fires (vol 13, pg 9217, 2013). Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13 (19) , 9915--9915, [doi:10.5194/acp-13-9915-2013] 2013 2013
- Warwick N. J.; Archibald A. T.; Ashworth K.; Dorsey James R.; Edwards Pete; Heard D. E.; Langford B; J. D. Lee; Misztal P. K.; Whalley L. K.; Pyle J. A.; A study of the impact of land-use change in Borneo on atmospheric composition using a global model. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions [doi:10.5194/acp-13-9183-2013] 2013
- Parrington M.; Palmer P. I.; Lewis Alastair C.; J. D. Lee; Rickard A. R.; Di Carlo P; Taylor J. W.; Hopkins J. R.; Punjabi S.; Oram David E.; Forster G. L.; Aruffo E; Moller S. J.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Allan James Donald; Coe H; Leigh R. J.; Ozone Photochemistry in Boreal Biomass Burning Plumes. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13, 7321-7341, [doi:10.5194/acp-13-7321-2013] 2013
- Palmer P. I.; J. D. Lee; Lewis Alastair C.; Rickard A. R.; Bernath P. F.; Duck T. J.; Waugh D; Tarasick D. W.; Andrews S. J.; Aruffo E; Bailey L. J.; Barrett E.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Curry K. R.; Di Carlo P; Chisholm L.; Dan L.; Forster G.; Franklin J. E.; Gibson M. D.; Griffin D.; Helmig D.; Hopkins J. R.; Hopper J. T.; Jenkin M. E.; Kindred DR; Kliever J.; Le Breton M.; Matthieson S.; Maurice M.; Moller S. J.; Moore D.; Oram David E.; O'Shea S. J.; Owen R. C.; Pagniello C. M. L. S.; Pawson S; Percival C. J.; Pierce J. R.; Punjabi S.; Purvis R. M.; Remedios J. J.; Rotermund K. M.; Sakamoto J. M.; da Silva A. M.; Strawbridge K. B.; Strong K.; Taylor J.; Trigwell R.; Tereszchuk K. A.; Walker K. A.; Weaver D.; Whalley L.; Young J. C.; Quantifying the Impact of BOReal Forest Fires on Tropospheric Oxidants over the Atlantic using Aircraft and Satellites (BORTAS) experiment: design, execution and science overview. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13, 4127-2181, [doi:10.5194/acp-13-6239-2013] 2013
- Muller Jennifer B. A.; Dorsey James R.; Flynn Michael; Gallagher Martin; Percival Carl J.; Shallcross Dudley E.; Archibald A. T.; Roscoe Howard K.; Obbard Rachel W.; Atkinson Helen M.; Lee J. D.; Moller Sarah J.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Energy and ozone fluxes over sea ice. Atmospheric Environment, 47, 218--225, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.11.013] FEB 2012 2012
- Whalley Lisa K.; Slater Eloise J.; Woodward-Massey Robert; Ye Chunxiang; Lee J. D.; Squires Freja; Hopkins J. R.; Dunmore R.; Shaw Marvin; Hamilton Jacqueline F.; Lewis Alastair C.; Mehra Archit; Worrall Stephen D.; Bacak Asan; Bannan Thomas J.; Coe Hugh; Percival Carl J.; Ouyang Bin; Jones Roderic L.; Crilley Leigh; Kramer Louisa J.; Bloss William J.; Vu Tuan; Kotthaus Simone; Grimmond Sue; Sun Yele; Xu Weiqi; Yue Siyao; Ren Lujie; Acton W. Joe F.; Hewitt Nick; Wang Xinming; Fu Pingqing; Heard Dwayne E.; Evaluating the sensitivity of radical chemistry and ozone formation to ambient VOCs and NOₓ in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (3) , 2125--2147, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-2125-2021] Feb 12 2021
- Vaughan S.; Ingram T.; Whalley L. K.; Stone D.; Evans Mathew J.; Read K. A.; Lee J. D.; Moller S. J.; Carpenter L. J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Fleming Z. L.; Heard D. E.; Seasonal observations of OH and HO2 in the remote tropical marine. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12, 2149-2172, [doi:10.5194/acp-12-2149-2012] 2012
- Muller J. B. A.; Dorsey James R.; Flynn M.; Gallagher Martin; Percival C. J.; Shallcross D. E.; Archibald A. T.; Roscoe H. K.; Obbard R. W.; Lee J. D.; Moller S. J.; Carpenter L. J.; Energy and ozone fluxes over sea ice. Atmospheric Environment, 47, 218-225, 2012
- Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Bloss W. J.; Evans Mathew J.; Salmon R. A.; Anderson P. S.; Jones A. E.; Lee J. D.; Saiz-Lopez A.; Roscoe H. K.; Wolff E. W.; Plane J. M. C.; (ed: Sturges W. T.; ) Summertime NOx measurements during the CHABLIS campaign: can source and sink estimates unravel observed diurnal cycles?. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12, 989-1002, [doi:10.5194/acp-12-989-2012] Jan 2012
- Vaughan S.; Ingham Trevor; Whalley L. K.; Stone Daniel; Evans Mathew J.; Read K. A.; J. D. Lee; Moller S. J.; Carpenter L. J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Fleming Z. L.; Heard D. E.; Seasonal Observations Of OH And HO2 In The Remote Tropical Marine Boundary Layer. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12, 2149-2172, 2012
- Jones A. E.; Wolff E. W.; Ames D.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Clemitshaw K. C.; Fleming Z. L.; Mills G. P.; Saiz-Lopez A.; Salmon R. A.; Sturges W. T.; Worton D. R.; (ed: Lee J. D.; ) The multi-seasonal NOy budget in coastal Antarctica and its link with surface snow and ice core nitrate: results from the CHABLIS campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 11, 9271-9285, [doi:10.5194/acp-11-9271-2011] Sep 2011
- Lawler M. J.; Sander R.; Carpenter L. J.; Lee J. D.; von Glasow R.; Sommariva R.; Saltzman E. S.; HOCl and Cl(2) observations in marine air. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 11 (15) , 7617--7628, [doi:10.5194/acp-11-7617-2011] 2011 2011
- Whalley L. K.; Edwards Pete; Furneaux K. L.; Goddard Andrew; Ingham Trevor; Evans Mathew J.; Stone Daniel; Hopkins J. R.; JONES C; Karunaharan A; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Monks P. S.; Moller S. J.; Heard D. E.; Quantifying The Magnitude Of A Missing Hydroxyl Radical Source In A Tropical Rainforest. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 11, 7223-7233, 2011
- Whalley L. K.; Edwards Pete; Furneaux K. L.; Goddard A.; Ingram T.; Evans Mathew J.; Stone D.; Hopkins J. R.; Jones C. E.; Karunaharan A.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Monks P. S.; Moller S. J.; Heard D. E.; Quantifying the magnitude of a missing hydroxyl radical source in a tropical rainforest. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 11 (14) , 7223--7233, [doi:10.5194/acp-11-7223-2011] 2011 2011
- Pyle J. A.; Warwick N. J.; Harris NRP; Abas MR; Archibald A. T.; Ashfold MJ; Ashworth K.; BARKLEY MP; Carver Glenn D.; Chance K; Dorsey James R.; Fowler D; Gonzi S.; Gostlow B; Hewitt CN; Kurosu TP; Lee J. D.; Langford B; Mills G; Moller S. J.; MacKenzie AR; Manning AJ; Misztal P; Nadzir MSM; Nemitz E; Newton HM; O'Brien LM; Ong S; Oram David E.; PALMER PI; Peng LK; Phang SM; Pike R; Pugh TAM; Rahman NA; Robinson AD; Sentian J; Samah AA; Skiba U; Ung HE; Yong SE; Young PJ; The impact of local surface changes in Borneo on atmospheric composition at wider spatial scales: Coastal processes, land-use change and air quality. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 366, 3210--3224, [doi:10.1098/rstb.2011.0060] 2011
- MacKenzie A. R.; Langford B; Pugh T. A. M.; Robinson N.; Misztal P; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Jones C. E.; Hopkins J. R.; Phillips G.; Monks P. S.; Karunaharan A; Hornsby K; Nicolas-Perea V; Coe H; Gabey A. M.; Gallagher Martin; Whalley L. K.; Edwards Pete; Evans Mathew J.; Stone D; Ingram T.; Commane R.; Furneaux K. L.; McQuaid J. B.; Nemitz E; seng Y. K.; Fowler D; Pyle J. A.; Hewitt C. N.; The atmospheric chemistry of trace gases and particulate matter emitted by different land uses in Borneo. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 366 (1582) , 3177-3195, [doi:10.1098/rstb.2011.0053] 2011
- Carpenter L. J.; Fleming Z. L.; Read K. A.; Lee J. D.; Moller S. J.; Hopkins J. R.; Purvis R. M.; Lewis Alastair C.; Muller K; Fomba K. Wadinga; Tegen I.; A. Wiedensohler; MULLER T; Niedermeier N.; Achterberg E. P.; Patey M. D.; Kozlova E. A.; Heimann M.; Heard D. E.; J. M. C. Plane; Mahajan A. S.; Oetjen H; Ingram T.; Stone Daniel; Whalley L. K.; Evans Mathew J.; Leigh R. J.; Monks P. S.; Karunaharan A; Vaughan S.; Tschritter J.; Platt U.; Balbo J.; Friess U.; Holla R.; S Lampel; Yilmaz M.; Mendes L. M.; Lopez H.; Faria Bruno V. E.; Manning A. J.; Wallace D. W. R.; Seasonal Characteristics Of Tropical Marine Boundary Layer Air Measured At The Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory. Journal Of Atmospheric Chemistry, 67, 87-140, 2011
- MacKenzie AR; Langford B; Pugh Thomas A. M.; Robinson N.; Misztal P. K.; Heard D. E.; J. D. Lee; Lewis Alastair C.; JONES C; Hopkins J. R.; Phillips GJ; Monks P. S.; Karunaharan A; Hornsby K. E.; Nicolas-Perea V; Coe H; Gabey A. M.; Gallagher Martin; Whalley L. K.; Edwards Pete; Evans Mathew J.; Stone Daniel; Ingham Trevor; Commane Roisin; K. L. Furneaux; McQuaid James B.; Nemitz E. G.; seng N. K.; Fowler D; Pyle J. A.; Hewitt C. Nicholas; The Atmospheric Chemistry Of Trace Gases And Particulate Matter Emitted By Different Land Uses In Borneo. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 366, 3177-3195, 2011
- Carpenter L. J.; Fleming Z. L.; Read K. A.; Lee J. D.; Moller S. J.; Hopkins J. R.; Purvis R. M.; Lewis Alastair C.; Mueller K.; Heinold B.; Herrmann H.; Fomba K. Wadinga; van Pinxteren D.; Mueller C.; Tegen I.; Wiedensohler A.; Mueller T.; Niedermeier N.; Achterberg E. P.; Patey M. D.; Kozlova E. A.; Heimann M.; Heard D. E.; Plane J. M. C.; Mahajan A.; Oetjen H.; Ingram T.; Stone D.; Whalley L. K.; Evans Mathew J.; Pilling M. J.; Leigh R. J.; Monks P. S.; Karunaharan A.; Vaughan S.; Arnold S. R.; Tschritter J.; Poehler D.; Friess U.; Holla R.; Mendes L. M.; Lopez H.; Faria B.; Manning A. J.; Wallace D. W. R.; Seasonal characteristics of tropical marine boundary layer air measured at the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory. Journal Of Atmospheric Chemistry, 67 (2-3) , 87--140, [doi:10.1007/s10874-011-9206-1] DEC 2010 2010
- Pugh Thomas A. M.; Ryder James; MacKenzie A. Robert; Moller S. J.; Lee J. D.; Helfter Carole; Nemitz Eiko; Lowe Douglas; Hewitt C. Nicholas; Modelling chemistry in the nocturnal boundary layer above tropical rainforest and a generalised effective nocturnal ozone deposition velocity for sub-ppbv NO(x) conditions. Journal Of Atmospheric Chemistry, 65 (2-3) , 89--110, [doi:10.1007/s10874-011-9183-4] APR 2010 2010
- Whalley L. K.; Furneaux K. L.; Goddard A.; Lee J. D.; Mahajan AS; Oetjen H.; Read K. A.; Kaaden N.; Carpenter L. J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Plane J. M. C.; Saltzman E. S.; Wiedensohler A; Heard D. E.; The chemistry of OH and HOâ‚‚ radicals in the boundary layer over the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (4) , 1555--1576, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-1555-2010] February 2010
- Pugh T. A. M.; MacKenzie A. R.; Hewitt C. N.; Langford B; Edwards Pete; Furneaux K. L.; Heard D. E.; Hopkins J. R.; Jones C. E.; Karunaharan A.; Lee J. D.; Mills G; Misztal P; Moller S. J.; Monks P. S.; Whalley L. K.; Simulating atmospheric composition over a South-East Asian tropical rainforest: performance of a chemistry box model. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (1) , 279--298, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-279-2010] 2010
- Furneaux K. L.; Whalley L. K.; Heard D. E.; Atkinson H. M.; Bloss W. J.; Flynn M; Gallagher Martin; Ingram T.; Kramer L. J.; Lee J. D.; Leigh R. J.; McFiggans G.; Mahajan A. S.; Monks P. S.; Oetjen H; Plane J. M. C.; Whitehead J. D.; Measurements of iodine monoxide at a semi polluted coastal location. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (8) , 3645-3663, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-3645-2010] 2010
- Leigh R. J.; Ball S. M.; Whitehead J.; Leblanc C.; Shillings A. J. L.; Mahajan A. S.; Oetjen H.; Lee J. D.; Jones C. E.; Dorsey James R.; Gallagher Martin; Jones R. L.; Plane J. M. C.; Potin P.; McFiggans G.; Measurements and modelling of molecular iodine emissions, transport and photodestruction in the coastal region around Roscoff. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (23) , 11823--11838, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-11823-2010] 2010
- Pike R. C.; Lee J. D.; Young P. J.; Moller S. J.; Carver Glenn D.; Yang X.; Misztal P; Langford B; Stewart D.; Reeves C. E.; Hewitt C. N.; Pyle J. A.; Can a global model chemical mechanism reproduce NO, NO2, and O3 measurements above a tropical rainforest?. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10, 10607-10620, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-10607-2010] 2010
- Allan James Donald; Williams P. I.; Morgan W. T.; Martin C. L.; Flynn M; Lee J. D.; Nemitz E.; Phillips G. J.; Gallagher Martin; Coe H; Contributions from transport, solid fuel burning and cooking to primary organic aerosols in two UK cities. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (2) , 647--668, 2010 2010
- D.R Warton; Reeves C. E.; Penkett Stuart A.; Oram David E.; Bandy Brian J.; Bloss W. J.; Carslaw N; Davey J.; Emmerson K. M.; Gravestock T; Hamilton J. F.; Heard D. E.; Hulse A.; Ingram T.; Jacob M.; Lee J. D.; Leigh R. J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Monks P. S.; Smith Shona C.; Alkyl Nitrate Photochemistry During The Tropospheric Organic Chemistry Experiment. Atmospheric Environment 773-785, 2010
- Stone Daniel; Evans Mathew J.; Commane Roisin; Ingham Trevor; Floquet C. F. A.; McQuaid James B.; Brookes D. M.; Monks P. S.; Purvis R. M.; Hamilton J. F.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Stewart David J.; Murphy Jennifer G.; Mills G; Oram David E.; Reeves C. E.; Heard D. E.; HOx observations over West Africa during AMMA: impact of isoprene and NOx. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10, 1555-1576, 2010
- Leigh R. J.; Ball S. M.; Whitehead J.; Leblanc C.; Shillings A. J. L.; Mahajan A. S.; Oetjen H.; Lee J. D.; Jones C. E.; Dorsey J. R.; Gallagher M.; Jones R. L.; Plane J. M. C.; Potin P.; McFiggans G.; Measurements and modelling of molecular iodine emissions, transport and photodestruction in the coastal region around Roscoff. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (23) , 11823-11838, 2010
- Furneaux K. L.; Whalley L. K.; Heard D. E.; Atkinson H. M.; Bloss W. J.; Flynn M. J.; Gallagher M. W.; Ingham T.; Kramer L.; Lee J. D.; Leigh R.; McFiggans G. B.; Mahajan A. S.; Monks P. S.; Oetjen H.; Plane J. M. C.; Whitehead J. D.; Measurements of iodine monoxide at a semi polluted coastal location. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (8) , 3645-3663, 2010
- Allan James Donald; Williams J.; Morgan R; Martin C.; Flynn M; Lee J. D.; Nemitz E; Phillips GJ; Gallagher Martin; Coe H; Contributions from transport, solid fuel burning and cooking to primary organic aerosols in two UK cities. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (2) , 647-668, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-647-2010] 2010
- Moller S. J.; Lee J. D.; Commane R.; Edwards Pete; Heard D. E.; Hopkins J. R.; Ingram T.; Mahajan A. S.; Oetjen H.; PLANE JMC; Roscoe H.; Lewis Alastair C.; Carpenter L. J.; Measurements of nitrogen oxides from Hudson Bay: Implications for NOx release from snow and ice covered surfaces}. Atmospheric Environment, 44 (25) , 2971-2979, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.05.015] 2010
- Real E.; Orlandi E.; Law K. S.; Fierli F.; Josset D.; Cairo F.; Schlager H.; Borrmann S.; Kunkel D.; Volk C. M.; McQuaid J. B.; Stewart D. J.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Hopkins J. R.; Ravegnani F.; Ulanovski A.; Liousse C.; Cross-hemispheric transport of central African biomass burning pollutants: implications for downwind ozone production}. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (6) , 3027-3046, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-3027-2010] 2010
- Lee J. D.; McFiggans G.; Baker A. R.; Ball S. M.; Benton A. K.; Carpenter L. J.; Commane R.; Finley B. D.; Evans Mathew J.; Fuentes E.; Furneaux K.; Goddard A.; Good N.; Hamilton J. F.; Heard D. E.; Herrmann H.; Hollingsworth A.; Hopkins J. R.; Ingram T.; Irwin M.; Jones C. E.; Jones R. L.; Keene W. C.; Lawler M. J.; Lehmann S.; Lewis Alastair C.; Long M. S.; Mahajan AS; Methven J.; Moller S. J.; Müller K.; Müller T.; Niedermeier N.; O'Doherty S; Oetjen H.; Plane J. M. C.; Pszenny A. A. P.; Read K. A.; Saiz-Lopez A; Saltzman E. S.; Sander R.; von Glasow R.; Whalley L. K.; Wiedensohler A.; Young D; Allan James Donald; Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe): the tropical North Atlantic experiments. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (3) , 1031-1055, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-1031-2010] 2010
- McFiggans G.; Bale C. S. E.; Ball S. M.; Beames J. M.; Bloss W. J.; Carpenter L. J.; Dorsey James R.; Dunk RM; Flynn M; Furneaux K. L.; Gallagher Martin; Heard D. E.; Hollingsworth A. M.; Hornsby K; Ingram T.; Jones C. E.; Jones R. L.; Kramer L. J.; Langridge J. M.; Leblanc C.; LeCrane J. -P.; Lee J. D.; Leigh R. J.; Longley I. D.; Mahajan A.; Monks P. S.; Oetjen H; Orr-Ewing A. J.; Plane J. M. C.; Potin P.; Shillings A. J. L.; Thomas F.; von Glasow R.; Wada R.; Whalley L. K.; Whitehead J. D.; Iodine-mediated coastal particle formation: an overview of the Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe) Roscoff coastal study. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (6) , 2975-2999, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-2975-2010] 2010
- Hewitt C. N.; Lee J. D.; MacKenzie A. R.; Barkley M. P.; Carslaw N.; Carver Glenn D.; Chappell N. A.; Commane R.; Davies F; Davison B.; Di Carlo P; Di Marco C. F.; Dorsey James R.; Edwards Pete; Evans Mathew J.; Fowler D; Furneaux K. L.; Gallagher Martin; Guenther A.; Heard D. E.; Helfter C.; Hopkins J. R.; Ingram T.; Irwin M.; Jones C.; Karunaharan A.; Langford B; Lewis Alastair C.; Lim S. F.; MacDonald S. M.; Mahajan A. S.; Malpass S.; McFiggans G.; Mills G.; Misztal P; Moller S. J.; Monks P. S.; Nemitz E.; Nicolas-Perea V.; Oetjen H.; Oram David E.; Palmer P. I.; Phillips G. J.; Pike R.; Plane J. M. C.; Pugh T.; Pyle J. A.; Reeves C. E.; Robinson N. H.; Stewart D.; Stone D.; Whalley L. K.; Yang X.; Overview: oxidant and particle photochemical processes above a south-east Asian tropical rainforest (the OP3 project): introduction, rationale, location characteristics and tools. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (1) , 169--199, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-169-2010] 2010
- Worton D. R.; Reeves C. E.; Penkett S. A.; Sturges W. T.; Slemr J.; Oram David E.; Bandy Brian J.; Bloss W. J.; Carslaw N.; Davey J.; Emmerson K. M.; Gravestock T. J.; Hamilton J. F.; Heard D. E.; Hopkins J. R.; Hulse A.; Ingram T.; Jacob M. J.; Lee J. D.; Leigh R. J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Monks P. S.; Smith S. C.; Alkyl nitrate photochemistry during the tropospheric organic chemistry experiment. Atmospheric Environment, 44 (6) , 773--785, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.11.038] 2010
- Mahajan A. S.; Shaw M.; Oetjen H.; Hornsby K. E.; Carpenter L. J.; Kaleschke L.; Tian-Kunze X.; Lee J. D.; Moller S. J.; Edwards Pete; Commane R.; Ingram T.; Heard D. E.; Plane J. M. C.; Evidence of reactive iodine chemistry in the Arctic boundary layer. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 115, [doi:10.1029/2009jd013665] 2010
- Bloss W. J.; Camredon M.; Lee J. D.; Heard D. E.; Plane J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez A.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Salmon R. A.; Jones A. E.; Coupling of HOx, NOx and halogen chemistry in the antarctic boundary layer. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (21) , 10187--10209, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-10187-2010] 2010
- Stone D.; Evans Mathew J.; Commane R.; Ingram T.; Floquet C. F. A.; McQuaid J. B.; Brookes D. M.; Monks P. S.; Purvis R. M.; Hamilton J. F.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Stewart D.; Murphy J. G.; Mills G.; Oram David E.; Reeves C. E.; Heard D. E.; HOx observations over West Africa during AMMA: impact of isoprene and NOx. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (19) , 9415--9429, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-9415-2010] 2010
- Pike R.; Lee J. D.; Young P. J.; Carver G. D.; Yang X.; Warwick N. J.; Moller S. J.; Misztal P.; Langford B.; Stewart D.; Reeves C. E.; Hewitt C N; Pyle J. A.; NOx and O3 above a tropical rainforest: an analysis with a global and box model. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10, 10607-10620, 2010
- Hewitt C. N.; Lee J. D.; MacKenzie A. R.; Barkley M. P.; Carslaw N.; Carver G. D.; Chappell N. A.; Coe H.; Collier C.; Commane R.; Davies F.; Davison B.; DiCarlo P.; Di Marco C. F.; Dorsey J. R.; Edwards Pete; Evans M. J.; Fowler D.; Furneaux K. L.; Gallagher M.; Guenther A.; Heard D. E.; Helfter C.; Hopkins J.; Ingham T.; Irwin M.; Jones C.; Karunaharan A.; Langford B.; Lewis A. C.; Lim S. F.; MacDonald S. M.; Mahajan A. S.; Malpass S.; McFiggans G.; Mills G.; Misztal P.; Moller S.; Monks P. S.; Nemitz E.; Nicolas-Perea V.; Oetjen H.; Oram David E.; Palmer P. I.; Phillips G. J.; Pike R.; Plane J. M. C.; Pugh T.; Pyle J. A.; Reeves C. E.; Robinson N. H.; Stewart D.; Stone D.; Whalley L. K.; Yang X.; Corrigendum to "Overview: oxidant and particle photochemical processes above a south-east Asian tropical rainforest (the OP3 project): introduction, rationale, location characteristics and tools" published in Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 169–199, 2010. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (2) , 563--563, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-563-2010] Jan 2010
- Hewitt C. N.; Lee J. D.; MacKenzie A. R.; Barkley M. P.; Carslaw N.; Carver G. D.; Chappell N. A.; Coe H.; Collier C.; Commane R.; Davies F.; Davison B.; DiCarlo P.; Di Marco C. F.; Dorsey J. R.; Edwards P. M.; Evans M. J.; Fowler D.; Furneaux K. L.; Gallagher M.; Guenther A.; Heard D. E.; Helfter C.; Hopkins J.; Ingham T.; Irwin M.; Jones C.; Karunaharan A.; Langford B.; Lewis A. C.; Lim S. F.; MacDonald S. M.; Mahajan A. S.; Malpass S.; McFiggans G.; Mills G.; Misztal P.; Moller S.; Monks P. S.; Nemitz E.; Nicolas-Perea V.; Oetjen H.; Oram David E.; Palmer P. I.; Phillips G. J.; Pike R.; Plane J. M. C.; Pugh T.; Pyle J. A.; Reeves C. E.; Robinson N. H.; Stewart D.; Stone D.; Whalley L. K.; Yang X.; Erratum: Overview: Oxidant and particle photochemical processes above a south-east Asian tropical rainforest (the OP3 project): Introduction, rationale, location characteristics and tools (Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2010) 10 (169-199)). Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (2) , 2010
- McFiggans G.; Bale C. S. E.; Ball S. M.; Beames J. M.; Bloss W. J.; Carpenter L. J.; Dorsey J.; Dunk R.; Flynn M. J.; Furneaux K. L.; Gallagher M. W.; Heard D. E.; Hollingsworth A. M.; Hornsby K.; Ingham T.; Jones C. E.; Jones R. L.; Kramer L. J.; Langridge J. M.; Leblanc C.; LeCrane J. -P.; Lee J. D.; Leigh R. J.; Longley I.; Mahajan A. S.; Monks P. S.; Oetjen H.; Orr-Ewing A. J.; Plane J. M. C.; Potin P.; Shillings A. J. L.; Thomas F.; Von Glasow R.; Wada R.; Whalley L. K.; Whitehead J. D.; Iodine-mediated coastal particle formation: An overview of the Reactive Halogens in the Marine boundary layer (RHaMBLe) Roscoff coastal study. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (6) , 2975-2999, 2010
- Hewitt C. N.; Lee J. D.; MacKenzie A. R.; Barkley M. P.; Carslaw N.; Carver G. D.; Chappell N. A.; Coe H.; Collier C.; Commane R.; Davies F.; Davison B.; DiCarlo P.; Di Marco C. F.; Dorsey J. R.; Edwards P. M.; Evans M. J.; Fowler D.; Furneaux K. L.; Gallagher M.; Guenther A.; Heard D. E.; Helfter C.; Hopkins J.; Ingham T.; Irwin M.; Jones C.; Karunaharan A.; Langford B.; Lewis A. C.; Lim S. F.; MacDonald S. M.; Mahajan A. S.; Malpass S.; McFiggans G.; Mills G.; Misztal P.; Moller S.; Monks P. S.; Nemitz E.; Nicolas-Perea V.; Oetjen H.; Oram David E.; Palmer P. I.; Phillips G. J.; Pike R.; C. Plane J. M.; Pugh T.; Pyle J. A.; Reeves C. E.; Robinson N. H.; Stewart D.; Stone D.; Whalley L. K.; Yin X.; Overview: Oxidant and particle photochemical processes above a south-east Asian tropical rainforest (the OP3 project): Introduction, rationale, location characteristics and tools. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (1) , 169-199, 2010
- J. D. Lee; Read K. A.; Hamilton J. F.; Hopkins J. R.; Lewis Alastair C.; Bandy Brian J.; Self Daniel E.; Davey James; Edwards Pete; Ingram T.; Smith Shona C.; Pilling Michael J.; Heard D. E.; Measurement And Calculation Of OH Reactivity At The Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory, Norfolk, UK. Journal. Atmospheric Chemistry, 64, 53-76, 2010
- Lee J. D.; Moller S. J.; Read K. A.; Lewis Alastair C.; Mendes L; Carpenter L. J.; Year-round measurements of nitrogen oxides and ozone in the tropical North Atlantic marine boundary layer. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 114, D21302, [doi:10.1029/2009JD011878] Nov 2009
- Read K. A.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Moller S. J.; Mendes L; Carpenter L. J.; Intra-annual cycles of NMVOC in the tropical marine boundary layer and their use for interpreting seasonal variability in CO. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 114, D21303, [doi:10.1029/2009JD011879] Nov 2009
- Allan James Donald; Williams P. I.; Morgan W. T.; Martin C. L.; Flynn M; Lee J. D.; Nemitz E; Phillips G. J.; Gallagher Martin; Coe H; Contributions from transport, solid fuel burning and cooking to primary organic aerosols in two UK cities. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 9 (5) , 19103--19157, [doi:10.5194/acpd-9-19103-2009] Sep 2009
- Ingham T.; Goddard A.; Whalley L. K.; Furneaux K. L.; Edwards Pete; Seal C. P.; Self D. E.; Johnson G. P.; Read K. A.; Lee J. D.; Heard D. E.; A flow-tube based laser-induced fluorescence instrument to measure OH reactivity in the troposphere. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2 (2) , 465--477, [doi:10.5194/amt-2-465-2009] Aug 2009
- Ingram T.; Goddard A.; Whalley L. K.; Furneaux K. L.; Edwards Pete; Seal C. P.; Self D. E.; Johnson G. P.; Read K. A.; Lee J. D.; Heard D. E.; A flow-tube based laser-induced fluorescence instrument to measure OH reactivity in the troposphere. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 2 (2) , 621--657, [doi:10.5194/amtd-2-621-2009] Mar 2009
- McFiggans G.; Bale C. S. E.; Ball S. M.; Beames J. M.; Bloss W. J.; Carpenter L. J.; Dorsey James R.; Dunk RM; Flynn M; Furneaux K. L.; Gallagher Martin; Heard D. E.; Hollingsworth A. M.; Hornsby K; Ingram T.; Jones C. E.; Jones R. L.; Kramer L. J.; Langridge J. M.; Leblanc C.; LeCrane J. -P.; Lee J. D.; Leigh R. J.; Longley I.; Mahajan A. S.; Monks P. S.; Oetjen H.; Orr-Ewing A. J.; Plane J. M. C.; Potin P.; Shillings A. J. L.; Thomas F.; von Glasow R.; Wada R.; Whalley L. K.; Whitehead J. D.; Iodine-mediated coastal particle formation: an overview of the Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe) Roscoff coastal study. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 9 (6) , 26421--26489, [doi:10.5194/acpd-9-26421-2009] 2009
- Furneaux K. L.; Whalley L. K.; Heard D. E.; Atkinson H. M.; Bloss W. J.; Flynn M; Gallagher Martin; Ingram T.; Kramer L.; Lee J. D.; Leigh R.; McFiggans G.; Mahajan A. S.; Monks P. S.; Oetjen H.; Plane J. M. C.; Whitehead J. D.; Measurements of iodine monoxide at a semi polluted coastal location. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 9 (6) , 25737--25797, [doi:10.5194/acpd-9-25737-2009] 2009
- Whalley L. K.; Furneaux K. L.; Goddard A.; Lee J. D.; Mahajan AS; Oetjen H.; Read K. A.; Kaaden N.; Carpenter L. J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Plane J. M. C.; Saltzman E. S.; Wiedensohler A; Heard D. E.; The chemistry of OH and HOâ‚‚ radicals in the boundary layer over the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 9 (4) , 15959--16009, [doi:10.5194/acpd-9-15959-2009] 2009
- Lee J. D.; McFiggans G.; Allan James Donald; Baker A. R.; Ball S. M.; Benton A. K.; Carpenter L. J.; Commane R.; Finley B. D.; Evans Mathew J.; Fuentes E.; Furneaux K.; Goddard A.; Good N.; Hamilton J. F.; Heard D. E.; Herrmann H.; Hollingsworth A.; Hopkins J. R.; Ingram T.; Irwin M.; Jones C. E.; Jones R. L.; Keene W. C.; Lawler M. J.; Lehmann S.; Lewis Alastair C.; Long M. S.; Mahajan AS; Methven J.; Moller S. J.; Müller K.; Müller T.; Niedermeier N.; O'Doherty S; Oetjen H.; Plane J. M. C.; Pszenny A. A. P.; Read K. A.; Saiz-Lopez A; Saltzman E. S.; Sander R.; von Glasow R.; Whalley L. K.; Wiedensohler A; Young D; Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe): the tropical North Atlantic experiments. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 9 (5) , 21717--21783, [doi:10.5194/acpd-9-21717-2009] 2009
- Mahajan A. S.; Oetjen H.; Lee J. D.; Saiz-Lopez A; McFiggans G.; Plane J. M. C.; High bromine oxide concentrations in the semi-polluted boundary layer. Atmospheric Environment, 43 (25) , 3811--3818, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.05.033] 2009
- Mahajan A. S.; Oetjen H.; Saiz-Lopez A; Lee J. D.; McFiggans G.; Plane J. M. C.; Reactive iodine species in a semi-polluted environment. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, [doi:10.1029/2009GL038018] 2009
- Monks P. S.; Granier C.; Fuzzi S.; Stohl A; Williams M. L.; Akimoto H.; Amann M.; Baklanov A.; Baltensperger U; Bey I.; Blake N.; Blake R. S.; Carslaw Kenneth S.; Cooper O. R.; Dentener F.; Fowler D; Fragkou E.; Frost G. J.; Generoso S.; Ginoux P.; Grewe V.; Guenther A.; Hansson H. -C.; Henne S.; Hjorth J.; Hofzumahaus A.; Huntrieser H.; Isaksen I. S. A.; Jenkin M. E.; Kaiser J.; Kanakidou M.; Klimont Z.; Kulmala M; Laj P.; Lawrence M. G.; Lee J. D.; Liousse C.; Maione M.; McFiggans G.; Metzger A.; Mieville A.; Moussiopoulos N.; Orlando J. J.; O'Dowd C. D.; Palmer P. I.; Parrish D. D.; Petzold A.; Platt U.; Pöschl U; Prevot A. S. H.; Reeves C. E.; Reimann S.; Rudich Y.; Sellegri K.; Steinbrecher R.; Simpson D.; ten Brink H.; Theloke J.; van der Werf G. R.; Vautard R.; Vestreng V.; Vlachokostas C.; von Glasow R.; Atmospheric composition change - global and regional air quality. Atmospheric Environment, 43 (33) , 5268--5350, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.08.021] 2009
- Hewitt C. N.; MacKenzie A. R.; Di Carlo P; Di Marco C. F.; Dorsey James R.; Evans Mathew J.; Fowler D; Gallagher Martin; Hopkins J. R.; Jones C. E.; Langford B; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Lim S. F.; McQuaid J.; Misztal P; Moller S. J.; Monks P. S.; Nemitz E; Oram David E.; Owen S. M.; Phillips G. J.; Pugh T. A. M.; Pyle J. A.; Reeves C. E.; Ryder J; Siong J; Skiba U; Stewart D. J.; Nitrogen management is essential to prevent tropical oil palm plantations from causing ground-level ozone pollution}. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 106 (44) , 18447-18451, [doi:10.1073/pnas.0907541106] 2009
- Lee J. D.; Young J. C.; Read K. A.; Hamilton J. F.; Hopkins J. R.; Lewis Alastair C.; Bandy Brian J.; Davey J.; Edwards Pete; Ingram T.; Self D. E.; Smith S. C.; Pilling M. J.; Heard D. E.; Measurement and calculation of OH reactivity at a United Kingdom coastal site. Journal Of Atmospheric Chemistry, 64 (1) , 53--76, [doi:10.1007/s10874-010-9171-0] 2009
- Hopkins J. R.; Evans Mathew J.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Marsham J. H.; McQuaid JB; Parker D. J.; Stewart DJ; Reeves C. E.; Purvis R. M.; Direct estimates of emissions from the megacity of Lagos. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 9, 8471--8477, [doi:10.5194/acp-9-8471-2009] 2009
- Hewitt C. N.; MacKenzie A. R.; Di Carlo P.; Di Marco C. F.; Dorsey J. R.; Evans M.; Fowler D.; Gallagher M. W.; Hopkins J. R.; Jones C. E.; Langford B.; Lee J. D.; Lewis A. C.; Lim S. F.; McQuaid J.; Misztal P.; Moller S. J.; Monks P. S.; Nemitz E.; Oram David E.; Owen S. M.; Phillips G. J.; Pugh T. A. M.; Pyle J. A.; Reeves C. E.; Ryder J.; Siong J.; Skiba U.; Stewart D. J.; Nitrogen management is essential to prevent tropical oil palm plantations from causing ground-level ozone pollution. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 106 (44) , 18447-18451, 2009
- Allen G.; Vaughan G.; Bower K. N.; Williams P. I.; Crosier J.; Flynn M.; Connolly P.; Hamilton J. F.; Lee J. D.; Saxton J. E.; Watson N. M.; Gallagher M.; Coe H.; Allan J.; Choularton T. W.; Lewis Alastair C.; Correction to “Aerosol and trace-gas measurements in the Darwin area during the wet season”. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 113 (D23) , [doi:10.1029/2008jd011284] Dec 2008
- Wolff E. W.; Jones A. E.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Salmon R. A.; (ed: Lee J. D.; ) The interpretation of spikes and trends in concentration of nitrate in polar ice cores, based on evidence from snow and atmospheric measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 8, 5627-5634, Sep 2008
- Salmon R. A.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Bloss W. J.; Hutterli M.; Jones A. E.; Read K. A.; Wolff E. W.; (ed: Lee J. D.; ) Measurement and interpretation of gas phase formaldehyde concentrations obtained during the CHABLIS campaign in coastal Antarctica. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 8, 4085-4093, Jul 2008
- Allen G; Vaughan Geraint; Bower K.; Williams P. I.; Crosier J.; Flynn M; Connolly P; Hamilton J. F.; Lee J. D.; Saxton J. E.; Watson N. M.; Gallagher Martin; Coe H; Allan James Donald; Choularton T.; Lewis Alastair C.; Aerosol and trace-gas measurements in the Darwin area during the wet season. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 113 (D6) , D06306, [doi:10.1029/2007JD008706] 2008
- Hamilton J. F.; Allen G; Watson N. M.; Lee J. D.; Saxton J. E.; Lewis Alastair C.; Vaughan Geraint; Bower K.; Flynn M; Crosier J.; Carver Glenn D.; Harris N. R. P.; Parker R. J.; Remedios J. J.; Richards N. A. D.; Observations of an atmospheric chemical equator and its implications for the tropical warm pool region. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 113 (D20) , [doi:10.1029/2008JD009940] 2008
- Jones A. E.; Wolff E. W.; Salmon R. A.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Roscoe H. K.; Anderson P. S.; Ames D.; Clemitshaw K. C.; Fleming Z. L.; Bloss W. J.; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; Read K. A.; Hamer P.; Shallcross D. E.; Jackson A. V.; Walker S. L.; Lewis Alastair C.; Mills G. P.; Plane J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez A; Sturges W. T.; Worton D. R.; Chemistry of the Antarctic Boundary Layer and the Interface with Snow: an overview of the CHABLIS campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 8 (14) , 3789--3803, [doi:10.5194/acpd-8-5137-2008] 2008
- Read K. A.; Lewis Alastair C.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Rankin A. M.; Salmon R. A.; Wolff E. W.; Saiz-Lopez A; Bloss W. J.; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; Plane J. M. C.; DMS and MSA measurements in the Antarctic Boundary Layer: Impact of BrO on MSA production. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 8 (11) , 2985--2997, [doi:10.5194/acp-8-2985-2008] 2008
- Saiz-Lopez A; Plane J. M. C.; Mahajan A. S.; Anderson P. S.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Jones A. E.; Roscoe H. K.; Salmon R. A.; Bloss W. J.; Lee J. D.; Heard D. E.; On the vertical distribution of boundary layer halogens over coastal Antarctica: implications for O-3, HOx, NOx and the Hg lifetime. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 8 (4) , 887--900, [doi:10.5194/acp-8-887-2008] 2008
- Allen G.; Vaughan G.; Bower K. N.; Williams P. I.; Crosier J.; Flynn M.; Connolly P.; Hamilton J. F.; Lee J. D.; Saxton J. E.; Watson N. M.; Gallagher M.; Coe H.; Allan J.; Choularton T. W.; Lewis A. C.; Aerosol and trace-gas measurements in the Darwin area during the wet season. Journal Of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 113 (6) , 2008
- Allen G.; Vaughan G.; Bower K. N.; Williams P. I.; Crosier J.; Flynn M.; Connolly P.; Hamilton J. F.; Lee J. D.; Saxton J. E.; Watson N. M.; Gallagher M.; Coe H.; Allan J.; Choularton T. W.; Lewis A. C.; Erratum: "Aerosol and trace-gas measurements in the Darwin area during the wet season" (Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres (2008) vol. 113 doi: 10.1029/2008JD011284). Journal Of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 113 (23) , 2008
- Read K. A.; Mahajan A. S.; Carpenter L. J.; Evans Mathew J.; Faria B. V. E.; Heard D. E.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Moller S. J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Mendes L.; McQuaid J. B.; Oetjen H.; Saiz-Lopez A.; Pilling M. J.; Plane J. M. C.; Extensive halogen-mediated ozone destruction over the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Nature, 453 (7199) , 1232--1235, [doi:10.1038/nature07035] 2008
- Anderson P. S.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; (ed: Lee J. D.; ) Behaviour of tracer diffusion in simple atmospheric boundary layer models. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 7, 5147-5158, Oct 2007
- Ryerson Thomas B.; Bauguitte Stephane J. -B; Lee J. D.; Wellpott Axel; Lowry David; Fisher Rebecca E.; Lewis Alastair C.; Hopkins James R.; Allan Grant; O'Shea Sebastian; Lanoiselle Mathias E.; France James; Lidster Richard T.; Punjabi Shalini; Manning Alistair J.; Mobbs Stephen D.; Gallagher Martin; Coe Hugh; Pyle J. A.; Nisbet Euan G.; Blake Donald R.; Atlas Elliot A.; de Gouw Joost A.; Warneke Carsten; Peischl Jeffrey; Parrish David D.; Ravishankara A. R.; Airborne chemical measurements provide time-critical decision support during offshore blowouts: Examples from Deepwater Horizon in 2010 and Elgin in 2012. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society, 245, APR 7 2013 2013
- Arnold S. R.; Methven J.; Evans Mathew J.; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Lewis Alastair C.; Hopkins J. R.; McQuaid J. B.; Watson N; Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Atlas E. L.; Blake D. R.; Rappenglueck B; Statistical inference of OH concentrations and air mass dilution rates from successive observations of nonmethane hydrocarbons in single air masses. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 112 (D10) , [doi:10.1029/2006JD007594] 2007
- Bloss W. J.; Lee J. D.; Heard D. E.; Salmon R. A.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Roscoe H. K.; Jones A. E.; Observations of OH and HO2 radicals in coastal Antarctica. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 7 (16) , 4171--4185, [doi:10.5194/acp-7-4171-2007] 2007
- Emmerson K. M.; Carslaw N.; Carslaw Kenneth S.; Lee J. D.; McFiggans G.; Bloss W. J.; Gravestock T; Heard D. E.; Hopkins J. R.; Ingram T.; Pilling M. J.; Smith S. C.; Jacob M.; Monks P. S.; Free radical modelling studies during the UK TORCH Campaign in Summer 2003. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 7, 167--181, [doi:10.5194/acp-7-167-2007] 2007
- Sommariva R; Pilling M. J.; Bloss W. J.; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; Fleming Z. L.; Monks P. S.; Plane J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez A; Ball S. M.; Bitter M; Jones R. L.; Brough N; Penkett S. A.; Hopkins J. R.; Lewis Alastair C.; Read K. A.; Night-time radical chemistry during the NAMBLEX campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 7, 587--598, [doi:10.5194/acp-7-587-2007] 2007
- Lewis Alastair C.; Evans Mathew J.; Methven J.; Watson N.; Lee J. D.; Hopkins J. R.; Purvis R. M.; Arnold S. R.; McQuaid J. B.; Whalley L. K.; Pilling M. J.; Heard D. E.; Monks P. S.; Parker A. E.; Reeves C. E.; Oram David E.; Mills G.; Bandy Brian J.; Stewart D.; Coe H; Williams P.; Crosier J.; Chemical composition observed over the mid-Atlantic and the detection of pollution signatures far from source regions. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 112 (D10) , [doi:10.1029/2006jd007584] 2007
- Heard D. E.; Read K. A.; Methven J.; Al Haider S; Bloss W; Johnson GP; Pilling MJ; Seakins P. W.; Smith SC; Sommariva R; Stanton J; Still T; Ingram T.; Brooks Barbara; de Leeuw G; Jackson A. V.; McQuaid J. B.; Morgan R; Smith MH; Carpenter L. J.; Carslaw N; Hamilton J. F.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Purvis R. M.; Wevill DJ; Brough N; Green TJ; Mills GP; Penkett SA; Plane J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez A; Worton D; Monks P. S.; Fleming Z. L.; Rickard A. R.; Alfarra M. R.; Allan James Donald; Bower K.; Coe H; Cubison M; Flynn M; McFiggans G.; Gallagher Martin; Norton E. G.; O'Dowd CD; Shillito J; Topping D. O.; Vaughan Geraint; Williams P. I.; Bitter M; Ball SM; Jones R. L.; Povey IM; O'Doherty S; Simmonds PG; Allen A; Kinnersley RP; Dall'Osto M; Harrison Roy M.; Donovan RJ; Heal MR; Jennings SG; Noone C; Beddows D.C.S; Spain G; The North Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (NAMBLEX). Overview of the Campaign held at Mace Head, Ireland, in Summer 2002. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 6 (8) , 2241--2272, [doi:10.5194/acp-6-2241-2006] 2006
- Fleming Z. L.; Monks P. S.; Rickard A. R.; Heard D. E.; Bloss W. J.; Seakins P. W.; Still T. J.; Sommariva R; Pilling M. J.; Morgan R; Green T. J.; Brough N; Mills G. P.; Penkett S. A.; Lewis Alastair C.; Lee J. D.; Saiz-Lopez A; Plane J. M. C.; Peroxy radical chemistry and the control of ozone photochemistry at Mace Head, Ireland during the summer of 2002. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6, 2193--2214, [doi:10.5194/acp-6-2193-2006] 2006
- Harrison Roy M.; Yin J.; Tilling R. M.; Cai X.; Seakins P. W.; Hopkins J. R.; Lansley D. L.; Lewis Alastair C.; Hunter M. C.; Heard D. E.; Carpenter L. J.; Creasy D. J.; Lee J. D.; Pilling M. J.; Carslaw N.; Emmerson K. M.; Redington A.; Derwent R. G.; Ryall D; Mills G; Penkett S. A.; Measurement and modelling of air pollution and atmospheric chemistry in the UK West Midlands conurbation: Overview of the PUMA Consortium project. Science Of The Total Environment, 360 (1-3) , 5--25, [doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.08.053] 2006
- Hopkins J. R.; Boddy R. K.; Hamilton J. F.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Purvis R. M.; Watson N. J.; An observational case study of ozone and precursors inflow to South East England during an anticyclone. Journal Of Environmental Monitoring, 8 (12) , 1195--1202, [doi:10.1039/b608062f] 2006
- Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Monks P. S.; Jacob M; Hamilton J. F.; Hopkins J. R.; Watson N. M.; Saxton J. E.; Ennis C; Carpenter L. J.; Carslaw N.; Fleming Z. L.; Bandy Brian J.; Oram David E.; Penkett S. A.; Slemr J; Norton E. G.; Rickard A. R.; Whalley L. K.; Heard D. E.; Bloss W. J.; Gravestock T; Smith S. C.; Stanton J; Pilling M. J.; Jenkin M. E.; Ozone photochemistry and elevated isoprene during the UK heatwave of August 2003. Atmospheric Environment, 40 (39) , 7598--7613, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.06.057] 2006
- Smith S. C.; Lee J. D.; Bloss W. J.; Johnson G. P.; Ingram T.; Heard D. E.; Concentrations of OH and HO2 radicals during NAMBLEX: measurements and steady state analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6, 1435--1453, [doi:10.5194/acp-6-1435-2006] 2006
- Sommariva R; Bloss W. J.; Brough N; Carslaw N.; Flynn M; Haggerstone A. L.; Heard D. E.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; McFiggans G.; Monks P. S.; Penkett S. A.; Pilling M. J.; Plane J. M. C.; Read K. A.; Saiz-Lopez A; Rickard A. R.; Williams P. I.; OH and HO2 chemistry during NAMBLEX: roles of oxygenates, halogen oxides and heterogeneous uptake. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6, 1135--1153, [doi:10.5194/acp-6-1135-2006] 2006
- Cubison M. J.; Alfarra M. R.; Allan James Donald; Bower K.; Coe H; McFiggans G.; Whitehead J. D.; Williams P. I.; Zhang Q.; Jimenez J. L.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; The characterisation of pollution aerosol in a changing photochemical environment. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6, 5573--5588, [doi:10.5194/acp-6-5573-2006] 2006
- Heard D. E.; Read K. A.; Methven J.; Al-Haider S.; Bloss W. J.; Johnson G. P.; Pilling M. J.; Seakins P. W.; Smith S. C.; Sommariva R.; Stanton J. C.; Still T. J.; Ingham T.; Brooks B.; de Leeuw G.; Jackson A. V.; McQuaid J. B.; Morgan R.; Smith M. H.; Carpenter L. J.; Carslaw N.; Hamilton J.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis A. C.; Purvis R. M.; Wevill D. J.; Brough N.; Green T.; Mills G.; Penkett S. A.; Plane J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez A.; Worten D.; Monks P. S.; Fleming Z.; Rickard A. R.; Alfarra M. R.; Allan J. D.; Bower K.; Coe H.; Cubison M.; Flynn M.; McFiggans G.; Gallagher M.; Norton E. G.; O{'}Dowd C. D.; Shillito J.; Topping D.; Vaughan G.; Williams P.; Bitter M.; Ball S. M.; Jones R. L.; Povey I. M.; O{'}Doherty S.; Simmonds P. G.; Allen A.; Kinnersley R. P.; Beddows D.C.S; Dall{'}Osto M.; Harrison R. M.; Donovan R. J.; Heal M. R.; Jennings S. G.; Noone C.; Spain G.; The North Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (NAMBLEX). Overview of the campaign held at Mace Head, Ireland, in summer 2002. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6 (8) , 2241-2272, 2006
- Bloss C.; Wagner V.; Jenkin M. E.; Volkamer R.; Bloss W. J.; Lee J. D.; Heard D. E.; Wirtz K.; Martin-Reviejo M.; Rea G.; Wenger J. C.; Pilling M. J.; Development of a detailed chemical mechanism (MCMv3.1) for the atmospheric oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 5, 641--664, [doi:10.5194/acp-5-641-2005] 2005
- Bloss W. J.; Evans Mathew J.; Lee J. D.; Sommariva R; Heard D. E.; Pilling M. J.; The oxidative capacity of the troposphere: Coupling of field measurements of OH and a global chemistry transport model. Faraday Discussions, 130, 425--436, [doi:10.1039/b419090d] 2005
- Bloss W. J.; Lee J. D.; Johnson G. P.; Sommariva R; Heard D. E.; Saiz-Lopez A; Plane J. M. C.; McFiggans G.; Coe H; Flynn M; Williams P. I.; Rickard A. R.; Fleming Z. L.; Impact of halogen monoxide chemistry upon boundary layer OH and HO2 concentrations at a coastal site. Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (6) , [doi:10.1029/2004GL022084] 2005
- Emmerson K. M.; Carslaw N.; Carpenter L. J.; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; Pilling M. J.; Urban atmospheric chemistry during the PUMA campaign 1: Comparison of modelled OH and HO2 concentrations with measurements. Journal Of Atmospheric Chemistry, 52 (2) , 143--164, [doi:10.1007/s10874-005-1322-3] 2005
- Whalley L. K.; Lewis Alastair C.; McQuaid J. B.; Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Stemmler K; Zelleger C; Ridgeon P; Two high-speed, portable GC systems designed for the measurement of non-methane hydrocarbons and PAN: Results from the Jungfraujoch High Altitude Observatory. Journal Of Environmental Monitoring, 6 (3) , 234--241, [doi:10.1039/b310022g] 2004
- Bloss W. J.; Lee J. D.; Bloss C.; Heard D. E.; Pilling M. J.; Wirtz K.; Martin-Reviejo M.; Siese M.; Validation of the calibration of a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for the measurement of OH radicals in the atmosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 4, 571--583, [doi:10.5194/acp-4-571-2004] 2004
- Heard D. E.; Carpenter L. J.; Creasey D. J.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Pilling M. J.; Seakins P. W.; Carslaw N.; Emmerson K. M.; High levels of the hydroxyl radical in the winter urban troposphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 31 (18) , [doi:10.1029/2004GL020544] 2004
- Lewis Alastair C.; Lee J. D.; Carpenter L. J.; Outdoor air pollution: the effects of ozone. Lancet, 364 (9435) , 663--663, [doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(04)16888-8] 2004
- Sommariva R; Haggerstone A. L.; Carpenter L. J.; Carslaw N.; Creasey D. J.; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Pilling M. J.; Zador J.; OH and HO2 chemistry in clean marine air during SOAPEX-2. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 4, 839--856, [doi:10.5194/acp-4-839-2004] 2004
- Bloss W. J.; Gravestock T. J.; Heard D. E.; Ingram T.; Johnson G. P.; Lee J. D.; Application of a compact all solid-state laser system to the in situ detection of atmospheric OH, HO2, NO and IO by laser-induced fluorescence. Journal Of Environmental Monitoring, 5 (1) , 21--28, [doi:10.1039/b208714f] 2003
- Creasey D. J.; Evans G. E.; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; Measurements of OH and HO2 concentrations in the Southern Ocean marine boundary layer. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 108 (D15) , [doi:10.1029/2002JD003206] 2003
- Carslaw N.; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Pilling M. J.; Saunders S. M.; Probing chemical mechanisms in clean and polluted environments through field measurement/model comparisons. Global Atmospheric Change And Its Impact On Regional Air Quality, 16, 7--12, 2002
- Carslaw N; Creasey DJ; Heard D. E.; Jacobs P; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; McQuaid J. B.; Pilling MJ; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Penkett SA; Monks P. S.; Salisbury G; Eastern Atlantic Spring Experiment 1997 (EASE97) - 2. Comparisons of model concentrations of OH, HOâ‚‚, and ROâ‚‚ with measurements. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 107 (D14) , 4190, [doi:10.1029/2001JD001568] 2002
- Creasey D. J.; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; Eastern Atlantic Spring Experiment 1997 (EASE97) 1. Measurements of OH and HO2 concentrations at Mace Head, Ireland. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 107 (D10) , [doi:10.1029/2001JD000892] 2002
- Carslaw N.; Creasey D. J.; Harrison D.; Heard D. E.; Hunter M. C.; Jacobs P. J.; Jenkin M. E.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Pilling M. J.; Saunders S. M.; Seakins P. W.; OH and HO2 radical chemistry in a forested region of north-western Greece. Atmospheric Environment, 35 (27) , 4725--4737, [doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(01)00089-9] 2001
- Creasey D. J.; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; OH and HO2 measurements in a forested region of north-western Greece. Atmospheric Environment, 35 (27) , 4713--4724, [doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(01)00090-5] 2001
- Salisbury G; Rickard A. R.; Monks P. S.; Allan B. J.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Penkett S. A.; Carslaw N.; Lewis Alastair C.; Creasey D. J.; Heard D. E.; Jacobs P. J.; Lee J. D.; Production of peroxy radicals at night via reactions of ozone and the nitrate radical in the marine boundary layer. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 106 (D12) , 12669--12687, [doi:10.1029/2000JD900754] 2001
- Abram J. P.; Creasey D. J.; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; Pilling M. J.; Hydroxyl radical and ozone measurements in England during the solar eclipse of 11 August 1999. Geophysical Research Letters, 27 (21) , 3437--3440, [doi:10.1029/2000GL012164] 2000
- Creasey D. J.; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; Absorption cross-section measurements of water vapour and oxygen at 185 nm. Implications for the calibration of field instruments to measure OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals. Geophysical Research Letters, 27 (11) , 1651--1654, [doi:10.1029/1999GL011014] 2000
- O'Dowd CD; McFiggans G.; Creasey D. J.; Pirjola L.; Hoell C.; Smith M. H.; Allan B. J.; Plane J. M. C.; Heard D. E.; Lee J. D.; Pilling M. J.; Kulmala M; On the photochemical production of new particles in the coastal boundary layer. Geophysical Research Letters, 26 (12) , 1707--1710, [doi:10.1029/1999GL900335] 1999
Achievements / Science Highlights
- RONOCO measurement campaign, June 2010
- Advice to Joseph Rowntree Secondary School on the implementation on an air monitoring network using Faraday funding. FGAM - York hope to have some ongoing communication with them once the station is up and running, May 2010