Ricketts, Dr Hugo
Research Scientist
University of Manchester
School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
The University of Manchester
Simon Building
Oxford Road
M13 9PL
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1708-2431
- +44 161 306 3953
I am an NCAS Research Fellow and Instrument Scientist working for the Atmospheric Measurement & Observation Facility (AMOF). I currently maintain atmospheric measurement instrumentation including lidars, weather balloon systems. I am also investigating the usefulness of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in atmospheric science. My research involves long-range transport of natural aerosol (eg. volcanic ash, forest fire smoke, desert dust) as well as anthropogenic pollution and its effects on local air quality.

- Mcquilkin Jamie; Ricketts HMA; Allen Grant; From novelty to norm: towards standardising drone quantification of gas emissions. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-932] Nov 2024
- Yong Han; Allen Grant; Mcquilkin Jamie; Ricketts HMA; Shaw Jacob T; Lessons learned from a UAV survey and methane emissions calculation at a UK landfill. Waste Management, 180, 47–54, [doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2024.03.025] May 2024
- Yong Han; Allen Grant; Ricketts HMA; UAV-based methane emission quantification at a UK landfill site. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7229] May 2023
- Vaughan Geraint; Wareing David; Ricketts HMA; Measurement Report: Lidar measurements of stratospheric aerosol following the 2019 Raikoke and Ulawun volcanic eruptions. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (7) , 5597--5604, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-5597-2021] Apr 2021
- Wyche Kevin P.; Ricketts HMA; Brolly Mathew; Smallbone Kirsty L.; Emerging investigator series: the red sky: investigating the hurricane Ophelia Saharan dust and biomass burning aerosol event. Environmental Science: Atmospheres [doi:10.1039/d1ea00052g] 2021
- Vaughan Geraint; Wareing David; Ricketts Hugo; Measurement Report: Lidar measurements of stratospheric aerosol following the Raikoke and Ulawun volcanic eruptions. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-982] Oct 2020
- Shaw Jacob T.; Allen Grant; Pitt Joseph; Shah Adil; Wilde Shona; Stamford Laurence; Fan Zhaoyang; Ricketts Hugo; Williams Paul I.; Bateson Prudence; Barker Patrick; Purvis Ruth; Lowry David; Fisher Rebecca; France James; Coleman Marc; Lewis Alastair C.; Risk David A.; Ward Robert S.; Methane flux from flowback operations at a shale gas site. Journal Of The Air {\&} Waste Management Association, 70 (12) , 1324--1339, [doi:10.1080/10962247.2020.1811800] Oct 2020
- Vaughan Geraint; Wareing David; Ricketts Hugo; Lidar observations of volcanic aerosol over the UK since June 2019. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-5653] Mar 2020
- Shah Adil; Pitt Joseph; Ricketts Hugo; Leen J Brian; Williams Paul I.; Kabbabe Khristopher; Gallagher M.; Allen Grant; Testing the near-field Gaussian plume inversion flux quantification technique using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13 (3) , 1467--1484, [doi:10.5194/amt-13-1467-2020] Mar 2020
- Shah Adil; Ricketts Hugo; Pitt Joseph; Shaw Jacob T; Kabbabe Khristopher; Leen J Brian; Allen Grant; Methane emission detection and flux quantification from exploratory hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom, using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-16797] Mar 2020
- Shah Adil; Ricketts Hugo; Pitt Joseph R; Shaw Jacob T; Kabbabe Khristopher; Leen J Brian; Allen Grant; Unmanned aerial vehicle observations of cold venting from exploratory hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom. Environmental Research Communications, 2 (2) , 021003, [doi:10.1088/2515-7620/ab716d] Feb 2020
- Antonescu Bogdan; Schultz David M.; Ricketts Hugo M. A. M.; Ene Dragoş; Theories on Tornado and Waterspout Formation in Ancient Greece and Rome. Weather, Climate, And Society, 11 (4) , 889--900, [doi:10.1175/wcas-d-19-0057.1] Oct 2019
- Shah Adil; Pitt Joseph; Ricketts HMA; Leen J. Brain; Williams Paul I.; Kabbabe Khristopher; Gallagher M.; Allen Grant; Testing the near-field Gaussian plume inversion flux quantification technique using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling. [doi:10.5194/amt-2019-289] Aug 2019
- Shah Adil; Pitt Joseph; Ricketts HMA; Leen J. Brain; Williams Paul I.; Kabbabe Khristopher; Gallagher M.; Allen Grant; Supplementary material to "Testing the near-field Gaussian plume inversion flux quantification technique using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling". [doi:10.5194/amt-2019-289-supplement] Aug 2019
- Shah Adil; Allen Grant; Pitt Joseph R.; Ricketts Hugo; Williams Paul I.; Helmore Jonathan; Finlayson Andrew; Robinson Rod; Kabbabe Khristopher; Hollingsworth Peter; Rees-White Tristan C.; Beaven Richard; Scheutz Charlotte; Bourn Mark; A Near-Field Gaussian Plume Inversion Flux Quantification Method, Applied to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Sampling. Atmosphere, 10 (7) , 396, [doi:10.3390/atmos10070396] Jul 2019
- Antonescu Bogdan; Ricketts Hugo M. A. M.; Schultz David M.; 100 Years Later: Reflecting on Alfred Wegener's Contributions to Tornado Research in Europe. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 100 (4) , 567--578, [doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0316.1] Apr 2019
- Allen Grant; Shaw Jacob T.; Shah Adil; Pitt Joseph; Ricketts Hugo; Williams Paul I.; Ward Robert S.; Methane detected near Preston New Road shale gas operation in Lancashire (Technical report), British Geological Survey, Feb 2019
- Vaughan Geraint; Draude Adam P.; Ricketts HMA; Schultz David M.; Adam Mariana; Sugier Jacqueline; Wareing David P.; Transport of Canadian forest fire smoke over the UK as observed by lidar. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 18 (15) , 11375--11388, [doi:10.5194/acp-18-11375-2018] Aug 2018
- Vaughan Geraint; Draude Adam P.; Ricketts HMA; Schultz David M.; Adam Mariana; Sugier Jacqueline; Wareing David P.; Transport of Canadian forest fire smoke over the UK as observed by lidar. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--33, [doi:10.5194/acp-2017-1181] Jan 2018
- Harris N. R. P.; Carpenter L. J.; Lee J. D.; Vaughan G.; Filus M. T.; Jones R. L.; Ouyang B.; Pyle J. A.; Robinson A. D.; Andrews S. J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Minaeian J.; Vaughan A.; Dorsey J. R.; Gallagher M.; Le Breton M.; Newton R.; Percival C. J.; Ricketts H. M. A.; Bauguitte S. J.-B.; Nott G. J.; Wellpott A.; Ashfold M. J.; Flemming J.; Butler R.; Palmer P. I.; Kaye P. H.; Stopford C.; Chemel C.; Boesch H.; Humpage N.; Vick A.; MacKenzie A. R.; Hyde R.; Angelov P.; Meneguz E.; Manning A. J.; Co-ordinated Airborne Studies in the Tropics (CAST). Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98, 145-162, [doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00290.1] 2017
- Young Gillian; Jones Hazel M.; Choularton Thomas W.; Crosier Jonathan; Bower Keith N.; Gallagher Martin W.; Davies Rhiannon S.; Renfrew Ian A.; Elvidge Andrew D.; Darbyshire Eoghan; Marenco Franco; Brown Philip R. A.; Ricketts Hugo M. A.; Connolly Paul J.; Lloyd Gary; Williams Paul I.; Allan James D.; Taylor Jonathan W.; Liu Dantong; Flynn Michael J.; Observed microphysical changes in Arctic mixed-phase clouds when transitioning from sea ice to open ocean. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 16 (21) , 13945–13967, [doi:10.5194/acp-16-13945-2016] Nov 2016
- Newton R.; Vaughan G.; Ricketts HMA; Pan LL; Weinheimer A. J.; Chemel C.; Ozonesonde profiles from the West Pacific Warm Pool: measurements and validation. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 16, 619-634, [doi:10.5194/acp-16-619-2016] 2016
- (ed: Mackie Shona; Cashman Katharine; Ricketts Hugo; Rust Alison; Watson Matt; ) Volcanic Ash: Hazard Observation. Elsevier, , 2016
- Ricketts Hugo; Vaughan Geraint; Wareing David; (ed: Gross B.; Moshary F.; Arend M. Editors; ) Lidar Observations of Pollution Transport From London to Rural Areas. Epj Web Of Conferences, 119, 23009, [doi:10.1051/epjconf/201611923009] 2016
- Newton Richard; Vaughan Geraint; Ricketts HMA; L. Pan L.; J. Weinheimer A.; Chemel C.; Ozonesonde profiles from the West Pacific Warm Pool. [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-16655-2015] Jun 2015
- Bohnenstengel S. I.; Belcher S. E.; Aiken A.; Allan J. D.; Allen G.; Bacak A.; Bannan T. J.; Barlow J. F.; Beddows D.C.S; Bloss W. J.; Booth A. M.; Chemel C.; Coceal O.; Di Marco C. F.; Dubey M. K.; Faloon K. H.; Fleming Z. L.; Furger M.; Gietl J. K.; Graves R. R.; Green D. C.; Grimmond C. S. B.; Halios C. H.; Hamilton J. F.; Harrison Roy M.; Heal M. R.; Heard D. E.; Helfter C.; Herndon S. C.; Holmes R. E.; Hopkins J. R.; Jones A. M.; Kelly F. J.; Kotthaus S.; Langford B.; Lee J. D.; Leigh R. J.; Lewis Alastair C.; Lidster R. T.; Lopez-Hilfiker F. D.; McQuaid J. B.; Mohr C.; Monks P. S.; Nemitz E.; Ng N. L.; Percival C. J.; Prevot A. S. H.; Ricketts HMA; Sokhi R. S.; Stone D.; Thornton J. A.; Tremper A. H.; Valach A. C.; Visser S.; Whalley L. K.; Williams L. R.; Xu L.; Young D. E.; Zotter P.; Meteorology, air quality, and health in London: the ClearfLo project. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 96, 779-804, [doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00245.1] 2015
- Illingworth Sam; Allen Grant; Percival Carl; Hollingsworth Peter; Gallagher Martin; Ricketts Hugo; Hayes Harry; Ładosz Paweł; Crawley David; Roberts Gareth; Measurement of boundary layer ozone concentrations on-board a Skywalker unmanned aerial vehicle. Atmospheric Science Letters, 15 (4) , 252-258, [doi:10.1002/asl2.496] Mar 2014
- Devenish B. J.; Thomson D. J.; Marenco F.; Leadbetter S. J.; Ricketts HMA; Dacre H. F.; A study of the arrival over the United Kingdom in April 2010 of the Eyjafjallajokull ash cloud using ground-based lidar and numerical simulations. Atmospheric Environment, 48 (SI) , 152-164, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.06.033] 2012
- Francis X. V.; Chemel C.; Sokhi R. S.; Norton E. G.; Ricketts HMA; Fisher B. E. A.; Mechanisms responsible for the build-up of ozone over South East England during the August 2003 heatwave. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 6880-6890, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.04.035] 2011
- Marenco Franco; Johnson B; Turnbull Kate; Newman Stuart; Haywood JM; Webster Helen; Ricketts HMA; Airborne lidar observations of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash plume. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 116, [doi:10.1029/2011jd016396] 2011
- Lolli S.; Conil S.; Dabas A.; Donovan D.; Gryning S.-E.; Mikkelsen T.; Ricketts H.; Sauvage L.; Vaughan G.; Walter J.; Wienhold F.; (ed: Singh Upendra N.; Pappalardo Gelsomina; )
Eyjafjallajökull volcano ash plume detection in the frame of the new constituting lidar network Leonet
In Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing VI, {SPIE}, [doi:10.1117/12.868517] Oct 2010 - Russell A; Vaughan Geraint; Norton E. G.; Ricketts HMA; Morcrette CJ; Hewison TJ; Browning KA; Blyth Alan; Convection forced by a descending dry layer and low-level moist convergence. Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology And Oceanography, 61 (2) , 250--263, [doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2008.00382.x] 2009
- Browning KA; Blyth Alan; Clark PA; Corsmeier U; Morcrette CJ; Agnew JL; Ballard SP; Bamber D; Barthlott C; Bennett Lindsay; Beswick KM; Bitter M; Bozier KE; Brooks Barbara; Collier Chris.; Davies F; Deny B; Dixon MA; Feuerle T; Forbes RM; Gaffard C; Gray MD; Hankers R; Hewison TJ; Kalthoff N; Khodayar S; Kohler M; Kottmeier C; Kraut S; Kunz M; Ladd DN; Lean HW; Lenfant J; Li Z; Marsham J. H.; Mcgregor J; Mobbs S. D.; Nicol J. C.; Norton E. G.; Parker D. J.; Perry F. M.; Ramatschi M; Ricketts HMA; Roberts NM; Russell A; Schulz H; Slack EC; Vaughan Geraint; Waight J; Wareing DP; Watson RJ; Webb AR; Wieser A; The Convective Storm Initiation Project. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 88 (12) , 1939--1955, [doi:10.1175/BAMS-88-12-1939] 2007
- Ricketts HMA; (ed: Norton E. G.; Norton EG; Russell A; ) "Thunderstorms". Weather, 62 (4) , 107-108, 2007
- Outstanding benefit to society through research - winner, The University of Manchester, February 2018
Achievements / Science Highlights
- Collection and processing of lidar data from the volcanic ash plume of Eyjafjallajökull, April 2010
- PI on a Techonology Proof of Concept proposal to develop a boundary layer temperature lidar, October 2010
- Speaker at a RMetS North West Local Centre meeting on the Whitworth Observatory in Manchester, December 2010
- Participated in a Bring Your Child to Work Day in Greater Manchester, September 2010
- Assisted Met Office on the online publication of preliminary volcanic ash data from Eyjafjallajökull, April 2010
- Attended a number of school careers evenings in Greater Manchester, May 2011
- Member of The Barometer Podcast team at the University of Manchester., June 2011
- Secretary of RMetS North West Local Centre (up to 6 public meetings a year), August 2011
- Representing meteorology at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls careers evening, March 2013
- Registered as a STEM ambassador, March 2010
- Presented atmospheric science experiments at the Barometer podcast stall during the University of Manchester's contribution to National Science and Engineering Week 2013, March 2013
- Article on the iSPEX-EU project in The Observer, August 2015
- Article on iSPEX-EU on BBC's North West Tonight., September 2015
- Article on iSPEX-EU broadcast on BBC Click, October 2015
- Chair of the Royal Meteorological Society's North West Local Centre, June 2013
- Atmospheric Measurement Facility (AMF) stand at the NERC Into the Blue event. Helped young children cut out and make "cloudy rainbows". Talked to older children and adults about atmospheric science and measurement (2 days), October 2016
- Invivted to speak at RMetS Yorkshire Local Centre on use of UAVs in atmospheric science, November 2019
- PROBE Introductory lecture: High quality atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) observations: Part 1 (online), October 2021
- Great Science Share Clean Air Challenge, Royal Society, STEM Partner, Claremont Primary School, Manchester, April 2023
Policy advice
- Contribution to the following report from the Air Quality Expert Group to DEFRA: Estimation of changes in air pollution emissions, concentrations and exposure during the COVID-19 outbreak in the UK, (Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Scottish Government; Welsh Assembly Government), July 2020