Mobbs, Professor Stephen David
NCAS Executive Director
University of Leeds
Fairbairn House
71-75 Clarendon Road
- +44 113 343 5158

- Harrison Matthew; Mobbs S. D.; Bee Emma; Peat Helen; Snaith Helen; Pepler Sam; Juckes Martin; Blair Gordon; Service UKRI NERC Environmental Data; The UK Environmental Data Service; transdisciplinary data sharing using common standardised approaches, from National to European. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5149] Mar 2024
- Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Moore Thomas; Burton Ralph; Hopkins James; Lewis Ally; Mobbs S. D.; Young Stuart; Emissions Of Methane And Volatile Organic Compounds From Offshore Oil Loading Using Shuttle Tankers . [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9195] Mar 2024
- Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Moore Thomas; Burton Ralph; Hopkins James; Lewis Ally; Mobbs S. D.; Young Stuart; Emissions Of Methane And Volatile Organic Compounds From Offshore Oil Loading Using Shuttle Tankers . [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9195] Mar 2024
- Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Moore Thomas; Burton Ralph; Hopkins James; Lewis Ally; Mobbs S. D.; Young Stuart; Emissions Of Methane And Volatile Organic Compounds From Offshore Oil Loading Using Shuttle Tankers . [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9195] Mar 2024
- Shaw Jacob T.; Foulds Amy; Wilde Shona; Barker Patrick; Squires Freja; Lee J. D.; Purvis R. M.; Burton Ralph; Colfescu Ioana; Mobbs S. D.; Cliff Samuel; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Young Stuart; Schwietzke Stefan; Allen Grant; Flaring efficiencies and NOₓ emission ratios measured for offshore oil and gas facilities in the North Sea. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (2) , 1491--1509, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-1491-2023] Jan 2023
- Shaw Jacob T.; Foulds Amy; Wilde Shona; Barker Patrick; Squires Freja; Lee J. D.; Purvis R. M.; Burton Ralph; Colfescu Ioana; Mobbs S. D.; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Young Stuart; Schwietzke Stefan; Allen Grant; Flaring efficiencies and NOₓ emission ratios measured for offshore oil and gas facilities in the North Sea. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-679] Sep 2022
- Wilde Shona E.; Dominutti Pamela A.; Allen Grant; Andrews Stephen J.; Bateson Prudence; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Burton Ralph R.; Colfescu Ioana; France James; Hopkins J. R.; Huang Langwen; Jones Anna; Lachlan-Cope Tom; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Mobbs Stephen D.; Weiss Alexandra; Young Stuart; Purvis R. M.; Speciation of VOC emissions related to offshore North Sea oil and gas production. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (5) , 3741--3762, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-3741-2021] Mar 2021
- Colfescu I.; Klemp J.; Bollasina M.; Mobbs S. D.; Burton Ralph; The Dynamics of Observed Lee Waves over the Snæfellsnes Peninsula in Iceland. Monthly Weather Review [doi:10.1175/MWR-D-20-0288.1] 2021
- Wilde Shona E.; Dominutti Pamela A.; Andrews Stephen J.; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Burton Ralph R.; Colfescu I.; France James; Hopkins J. R.; Jones Anna; Lachlan-Cope Tom; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Mobbs Stephen D.; Weiss Alexandra; Young Stuart; Purvis R. M.; Speciation of VOC emissions related to offshore North Sea oil and gas production. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-1099] Oct 2020
- Wilde Shona; Purvis R. M.; Lee J. D.; Hopkins J. R.; Lewis Alastair; Young Stuart; Burton Ralph; Colfescu I.; Pasternak Dominika; Mobbs Stephen; Bauguitte Stéphane; A top-down approach for quantifying methane and speciated VOC emissions from North Sea oil and gas facilities. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-20416] Mar 2020
- Burton Ralph; Woodhouse Mark; Gadian A. M.; Mobbs S. D.; The Use of a Numerical Weather Prediction Model to Simulate Near-Field Volcanic Plumes. Atmosphere [doi:10.3390/atmos11060594] 2020
- Serafin Stefano; Rotach Mathias W.; Arpagaus Marco; Colfescu Ioana; Cuxart Joan; De Wekker Stephan F. J.; Evans Mathews; Grubišić Vanda; Kalthoff Norbert; Karl Thomas; Kirshbaum Daniel J.; Lehner Manuela; Mobbs Stephen; Paci Alexandre; Palazzi Elisa; Raudzens Bailey Adriana; Schmidli Jürg; Wohlfahrt Georg; Zardi Dino; Multi-scale transport and exchange processes in the atmosphere over mountains. innsbruck university press, , [doi:10.15203/99106-003-1] 2020
- Lee James D.; Mobbs Stephen D.; Wellpott Axel; Allen Grant; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Burton Ralph R.; Camilli Richard; Coe Hugh; Fisher Rebecca E.; France James L.; Gallagher M.; Hopkins J. R.; Lanoiselle Mathias; Lewis Alastair C.; Lowry David; Nisbet Euan G.; Purvis Ruth M.; O'Shea Sebastian; Pyle John A.; Ryerson Thomas B.; Flow rate and source reservoir identification from airborne chemical sampling of the uncontrolled Elgin platform. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 11 (3) , 1725--1739, [doi:10.5194/amt-11-1725-2018] 3 2018
- Gadian Alan M.; Blyth Alan M.; Bruyere Cindy L.; Burton Ralph R.; Done James M.; Groves James; Holland Greg; Mobbs Stephen D.; Pozo Jutta Thielen-del; Tye Mari R.; Warner James L.; A case study of possible future summer convective precipitation over the UK and Europe from a regional climate projection. International Journal Of Climatology, 38 (5) , 2314--2324, [doi:10.1002/joc.5336] Nov 2017
- Lee J. D.; Mobbs S. D.; Wellpott Axel; Allen Grant; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Burton Ralph R.; Camilli Richard; Coe Hugh; Fisher Rebecca E.; France James L.; Gallagher M.; Hopkins J. R.; Lanoiselle Mathias; Lewis Alastair C.; Lowry David; Nisbet Euan G.; Purvis R. M.; O'Shea S.; Pyle John A.; Ryerson Thomas B.; Flow rate and source reservoir identification from airborne chemical sampling of the uncontrolled Elgin platform gas release. [doi:10.5194/amt-2017-332] Oct 2017
- Lee J. D.; Mobbs Stephen D.; Wellpott Axel; Allen Grant; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Burton Ralph R.; Camilli Richard; Coe Hugh; Fisher Rebecca E.; France James L.; Gallagher M.; Hopkins J. R.; Lanoiselle Mathias; Lewis Alastair C.; Lowry David; Nisbet Euan G.; Purvis R. M.; O'Shea S.; Pyle John A.; Ryerson Thomas B.; Supplementary material to "Flow rate and source reservoir identification from airborne chemical sampling of the uncontrolled Elgin platform gas release". [doi:10.5194/amt-2017-332-supplement] Oct 2017
- Burton Ralph; Dudhia J; Gadian Alan; Mobbs S. D.; The use of a numerical weather prediction model to simulate the release of a dense gas with an application to the Lake Nyos disaster of 1986. Meteorological Applications [doi:10.1002/met.1603] 2017
- Armstrong Alona; Burton Ralph R.; Lee Susan E; Mobbs Stephen; Ostle Nicholas; Smith Victoria; Waldron Susan; Whitaker Jeanette; Ground-level climate at a peatland wind farm in Scotland is affected by wind turbine operation. Environmental Research Letters, 11 (4) , 044024, [doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/4/044024] Apr 2016
- Wen Xianyun; Mobbs Stephen; Numerical Simulations of Air–Water Flow of a Non-linear Progressive Wave in an Opposing Wind. Boundary-Layer Meteorol [doi:10.1007/s10546-015-0012-1] Apr 2015
- Grant Eleanor R.; Ross Andrew N.; Gardiner Barry A.; Mobbs Stephen D.; Field Observations of Canopy Flows over Complex Terrain. Boundary-Layer Meteorol [doi:10.1007/s10546-015-0015-y] Mar 2015
- Smith Victoria H.; Mobbs Stephen D.; Burton Ralph R.; Hobby Matt; Aoshima Fumiko; Wulfmeyer Volker; Di Girolamo Paolo; The role of orography in the regeneration of convection: A case study from the convective and orographically-induced precipitation study. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 24 (1) , 83-97, [doi:10.1127/metz/2014/0418] 03 2015
- Wen X; Mobbs S. D.; Numerical Simulations of Laminar Air–Water Flow of a Non-linear Progressive Wave at Low Wind Speed. Boundary-Layer Meteorology [doi:10.1007/s10546-013-9876-0] Nov 2013
- Burton Ralph; Gadian Alan; Blyth A. M.; Mobbs S. D.; Modelling isolated deep convection: A case study from COPS. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 22 (4) , 433-443, [doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2013/0408] Aug 2013
- Lock S-J; Bitzer H. -W.; Coals A.; Gadian Alan; Mobbs S. D.; Demonstration of a cut-cell representation of 3D orography for studies of atmospheric flows over very steep hills. Monthly Weather Review, 140 (2) , 411-424, [doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00069.1] Feb 2012
- Petersen G. N.; von Lowis Sibylle; Brooks Barbara; Groves James; Mobbs S. D.; Utilising a LIDAR to detect volcanic ash in the near-field. Weather [doi:10.1002/wea.1911] 2012
- Huang Yahui; Blyth Alan; Brown Philip R. A.; Cotton Richard; Crosier J.; Bower K.; Gallagher Martin; Jones Hazel; Gadian Alan; Choularton T.; Cardwell John; Coe H; Mobbs S. D.; Hagen Martin; Development of ice particles in convective clouds observed over the Black Forest mountains during COPS. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 137 (S1) , 275--286, [doi:10.1002/qj.749] 2011
- Kalthoff N.; Köhler M.; Barthlott C.; Adler B.; Mobbs S. D.; Corsmeier U.; Traeumner K.; Foken T.; Eigenmann R.; Krauss L.; Khodayar S.; Di Girolamo P.; The dependence of convection-related parameters on surface and boundary-layer conditions over complex terrain. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 137, 70--80, [doi:10.1002/qj.686] JAN 2011 2011
- Huang Y.; Blyth A. M.; Brown P. R. A.; Cotton R.; Crosier J.; Bower K. N.; Gallagher M. W.; Jones H.; Gadian A. M.; Choularton T. W.; Cardwell J.; Coe H.; Mobbs S. D.; Hagen M.; Development of ice particles in convective clouds observed over the Black Forest mountains during COPS. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 137 (SUPPL. 1) , 275-286, 2011
- Barthlott Christian; Burton Ralph; Kirshbaum D; Hanley K; Richard E; Chaboureau J. -P.; Trentman J; Kern B; Bauer HS; Keil C; Seity Y; Gadian Alan; Blyth Alan; Mobbs S. D.; Flamant C; Handwerker J; Initiation of deep convection at marginal instability in an ensemble of mesoscale models: a case-study from COPS. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 137 (S1) , 118-136, [doi:10.1002/qj.707] 2011
- Bennett Lindsay; Blyth Alan; Burton Ralph; Gadian Alan; Weckwerth T; Behrendt A; Di Girolamo P; Dorninger M; Lock S-J; Smith V; Mobbs S. D.; Initiation of convection over the Black Forest mountains during COPS IOP15a. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society 176-189, [doi:10.1002/qj.760] Jan 2011
- Corsmeier U; Kalthoff N; Barthlott C; Aoshima F; Behrendt A; Di Girolamo P; Dorninger M; Handwerker J; Kottmeier C; Mahlke H; Mobbs S. D.; Wickert J; Wulfmeyer V; Norton E. G.; Processes driving deep convection over complex terrain: a multi-scale analysis of observations from COPS IOP 9c. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 137 (S1) , 137--155, [doi:10.1002/qj.754] Jan 2011
- Wulfmeyer Volker; Behrendt Andreas; Kottmeier Christoph; Corsmeier Ulrich; Barthlott Christian; Craig George C.; Hagen Martin; Althausen Dietrich; Aoshima Fumiko; Arpagaus Marco; Bauer Hans-Stefan; Bennett Lindsay; Blyth Alan; Brandau Christine; Champollion Cedric; Crewell Suzanne; Dick Galina; Di Girolamo Paolo; Dorninger Manfred; Dufournet Yann; Eigenmann Rafael; Engelmann Ronny; Flamant Cyrille; Foken Thomas; Gorgas Theresa; Grzeschik Matthias; Handwerker J; Hauck Christian; Hoeller Hartmut; Junkermann Wolfgang; Kalthoff Norbert; Kiemle Christoph; Klink Stefan; Koenig Marianne; Krauss Liane; Long Charles N.; Madonna Fabio; Mobbs S. D.; Neininger Bruno; Pal Sandip; Peters Gerhard; Pigeon Gregoire; Richard Evelyne; Rotach Mathias W.; Russchenberg Herman; Schwitalla Thomas; Smith Victoria; Steinacker Reinhold; Trentmann Joerg; Turner David D.; van Baelen Joel; Vogt Siegfried; Volkert Hans; Weckwerth Tammy; Wernli Heini; Wieser Andreas; Wirth Martin; The Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS): the scientific strategy, the field phase, and research highlights. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 137, 3--30, [doi:10.1002/qj.752] JAN 2011 2011
- Barthlott Christian; Schipper Janus Willem; Kalthoff Norbert; Adler Bianca; Kottmeier Christoph; Blyth Alan; Mobbs S. D.; Model representation of boundary-layer convergence triggering deep convection over complex terrain: A case study from COPS. Atmospheric Research, 95 (2-3) , 172--185, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2009.09.010] Feb 2010
- Browning K. A.; Marsham J. H.; Nicol J. C.; Perry F. M.; White B. A.; Blyth Alan; Mobbs S. D.; Observations of dual slantwise circulations above a cool undercurrent in a mesoscale convective system. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 136 (647) , 354--373, [doi:10.1002/qj.582] 2010
- Kalthoff N; Adler B; Barthlott C; Corsmeier U; Mobbs S. D.; Crewell S; Traumner K; Kottmeier C; Wieser A; Smith V; Di Girolamo P; The impact of convergence zones on the initiation of deep convection: A case study from COPS. Atmospheric Research, 93 (4) , 680--694, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2009.02.010] Aug 2009
- Richard Evelyne; Buzzi Andrea; Mobbs S. D.; Volkert Hans; Zagar Mark; Editorial: Special Issue on Weather and Climate around Mountains. Meteorology And Atmospheric Physics, 103 (1-4) , 1--2, [doi:10.1007/s00703-009-0350-y] MAR 2009 2009
- Bhawar Rohini; Di Girolamo P; Summa Donato; Flamant C; Althausen Dietrich; Behrendt A; Blyth Alan; Bock O; Bosser Pierre; Brooks Barbara; Cacciani Marco; Crewell S; Champollion Cedric; Davies F; Di lorio T; Ehret Gerhard; Engelmann Ronny; Kiemle C; Herold Christian; Mobbs S. D.; Mueller Detlef; Pal Sandip; Radlach Marcus; Riede Andrea; Seifert Patric; Shiler Max; Wirth M; Wulfmeyer V; Water vapour intercomparison effort in the frame of the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study. Current Problems In Atmospheric Radiation (Irs 2008), 1100, 215-218, [doi:10.1063/1.3116952] 2009
- Lewis HW; Mobbs S. D.; Vosper SB; Brown AR; The effect of surface heating on hill-induced flow separation. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 129 (2) , 269--287, [doi:10.1007/s10546-008-9311-0] Nov 2008
- Wulfmeyer V; Behrendt A; Bauer HS; Kottmeier C; Corsmeier U; Blyth Alan; Craig G; Schumann U; Hagen M; Crewell S; Di Girolamo P; Flamant C; Miller M; Montani A; Mobbs S. D.; Richard E; Rotach MW; Arpagaus M; Russchenberg H; Schlussel P; Konig M; Gartner V; Steinacker R; Dorninger M; Turner DD; Weckwerth T; Hense A; Simmer C; THE CONVECTIVE AND OROGRAPHICALLY INDUCED PRECIPITATION STUDY A Research and Development Project of the World Weather Research Program for Improving Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting in Low-Mountain Regions. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 89 (10) , 1477, [doi:10.1175/2008BAMS2367.1] Oct 2008
- Grubisic V; Doyle JD; Kuettner J; Mobbs S. D.; Smith RB; Whiteman CD; Dirks R; Czyzyk S; Cohn SA; Vosper S; Weissmann M; Haimov S; De Wekker SFJ; Pan LL; Chow FK; THE TERRAIN-INDUCED ROTOR EXPERIMENT A Field Campaign Overview Including Observational Highlights. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 89 (10) , 1513-, [doi:10.1175/2008BAMS2487.1] Oct 2008
- Lewis HW; Mobbs S. D.; Lehning M; Observations of cross-ridge flows across steep terrain. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 134 (633) , 801--816, [doi:10.1002/qj.259] Aug 2008
- Kottmeier C; Kalthoff N; Barthlott C; Corsmeier U; Van Baelen J; Behrendt A; Behrendt R; Blyth Alan; Coulter R; Crewell S; Di Girolamo P; Dorninger M; Flamant C; Foken T; Hagen M; Hauck C; Holler H; Konow H; Kunz M; Mahlke H; Mobbs S. D.; Richard E; Steinacker R; Weckwerth T; Wieser A; Wulfmeyer V; Mechanisms initiating deep convection over complex terrain during COPS. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17 (6) , 931--948, [doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2008/0348] 2008
- Sheridan PF; Horlacher V; Rooney GG; Hignett P; Mobbs S. D.; Vosper SB; Influence of lee waves on the near-surface flow downwind of the Pennines. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 133 (627) , 1353--1369, [doi:10.1002/qj.110] Jul 2007
- Mayr GJ; Armi L; Gohm A; Zangl G; Durran DR; Flamant C; Gabersek S; Mobbs S. D.; Ross A; Weissmann M; Gap flows: Results from the Mesoscale Alpine Programme. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 133 (625) , 881--896, [doi:10.1002/qj.66] Apr 2007
- Ryerson Thomas B.; Bauguitte Stephane J. -B; Lee J. D.; Wellpott Axel; Lowry David; Fisher Rebecca E.; Lewis Alastair C.; Hopkins James R.; Allan Grant; O'Shea Sebastian; Lanoiselle Mathias E.; France James; Lidster Richard T.; Punjabi Shalini; Manning Alistair J.; Mobbs Stephen D.; Gallagher Martin; Coe Hugh; Pyle J. A.; Nisbet Euan G.; Blake Donald R.; Atlas Elliot A.; de Gouw Joost A.; Warneke Carsten; Peischl Jeffrey; Parrish David D.; Ravishankara A. R.; Airborne chemical measurements provide time-critical decision support during offshore blowouts: Examples from Deepwater Horizon in 2010 and Elgin in 2012. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society, 245, APR 7 2013 2013
- Browning KA; Blyth Alan; Clark PA; Corsmeier U; Morcrette CJ; Agnew JL; Ballard SP; Bamber D; Barthlott C; Bennett Lindsay; Beswick KM; Bitter M; Bozier KE; Brooks Barbara; Collier Chris.; Davies F; Deny B; Dixon MA; Feuerle T; Forbes RM; Gaffard C; Gray MD; Hankers R; Hewison TJ; Kalthoff N; Khodayar S; Kohler M; Kottmeier C; Kraut S; Kunz M; Ladd DN; Lean HW; Lenfant J; Li Z; Marsham J. H.; Mcgregor J; Mobbs S. D.; Nicol J. C.; Norton E. G.; Parker D. J.; Perry F. M.; Ramatschi M; Ricketts HMA; Roberts NM; Russell A; Schulz H; Slack EC; Vaughan Geraint; Waight J; Wareing DP; Watson RJ; Webb AR; Wieser A; The Convective Storm Initiation Project. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 88 (12) , 1939--1955, [doi:10.1175/BAMS-88-12-1939] 2007
- Burton Ralph; Vosper SB; Mobbs S. D.; Underlying structures in orographic flow: An analysis of measurements made on the Isle of Arran. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 132 (618) , 1457--1466, [doi:10.1256/qj.05.192] Jul 2006
- Mobbs S. D.; Vosper SB; Sheridan PF; Cardoso R; Burton Ralph; Arnold SJ; Observations of downslope winds and rotors in the Falkland Islands. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 131 (605) , 329--351, [doi:10.1256/qj.04.51] Jan 2005
- Burton Ralph; Vosper SB; Mobbs S. D.; Underlying structures in modelled orographic flow. Croatian Meteorological Journal pp.469, 2005
- Tian WS; Parker D. J.; Mobbs S. D.; Hill M; Kilburn CAD; Ladd D; Observing coherent boundary layer motions using remote sensing and surface pressure measurement. Journal Of Atmospheric And Oceanic Technology, 21, 1481--1490, [doi:10.1175/1520-0426(2004)021<1481:OCBLMU>2.0.CO;2] Sep 2004
- Sheridan WP; Vosper SB; Mobbs S. D.; Rotors and downslope winds in the Falklands. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 85 (8) , 1059--1060, Aug 2004
- King JC; Anderson PS; Vaughan DG; Mann G. W.; Mobbs S. D.; Vosper SB; Wind-borne redistribution of snow across an Antarctic ice rise. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 109 (D11) , [doi:10.1029/2003JD004361] Jun 04 2004
- Mayr GJ; Armi L; Arnold S; Banta RM; Darby LS; Durran DD; Flamant C; Gabersek S; Gohm A; Mayr R; Mobbs S. D.; Nance LB; Vergeiner I; Vergeiner J; Whiteman CD; Gap flow measurements during the Mesoscale Alpine Programme. Meteorol Atmos Phys, 86 (1-2) , 99--119, [doi:10.1007/s00703-003-0022-2] Apr 2004
- Ross AN; Arnold S; Vosper SB; Mobbs S. D.; Dixon N; Robins AG; A comparison of wind-tunnel experiments and numerical simulations of neutral and stratified flow over a hill. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 113 (3) , 427--459, [doi:10.1007/s10546-004-0490-z] 2004
- Vaughan DG; Anderson PS; King JC; Mann G. W.; Mobbs S. D.; Ladkin RS; Imaging of firn isochrones across an Antarctic ice rise and implications for patterns of snow accumulation rate. Journal Of Glaciology, 50 (170) , 413--418, [doi:10.3189/172756504781829882] 2004
- Greenslade M; Hunt JCR; Mobbs S. D.; Eames I; The distortion of weak fronts by mesoscale orography. Fluid Dyn Res, 33 (1-2) , 173--189, [doi:10.1016/S0169-5983(03)00045-5] Jul 2003
- Vosper SB; Mobbs S. D.; Gardiner BA; Measurements of the near-surface flow over a hill. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 128 (585) , 2257--2280, [doi:10.1256/qj.01.11] Oct 2002
- Vergeiner JM; Mobbs S. D.; Mayr GJ; Foehn detection. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 83 (7) , 968--969, Jul 2002
- Thielen J; Gadian Alan; Vosper S; Mobbs S. D.; Airflow modelling studies over the Isle of Arran, Scotland. Wind And Structures, 5 (2-4) , 115--126, Mar 2002
- Mann G. W.; Anderson PS; Mobbs S. D.; Profile measurements of blowing snow at Halley, Antarctica. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 105 (D19) , 24491--24508, [doi:10.1029/2000JD900247] Oct 2000
- Lewis HW; Mobbs S. D.; Gohm A; Hill MK; Arnold SJ; Mayr GJ;
- Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE), UK Government, January 2019
Achievements / Science Highlights
- Response to the Eyjafjallajoekull Volcanic Eruption Emergency, April 2010
- Television and radio interviews on the response to the Eyjafjallajoekull eruption emergency between 14 April and 17 May 2010. Includes BBC "Bang Goes the Theory", C4 News (live), Radio 5 Live (live), Radio 4 PM (live)., May 2010