Norton, Dr Emily Grace
Research Scientist
University of Manchester
School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
The University of Manchester
Simon Building
Oxford Road
M13 9PL
- +44 123 474 4640

- Russell A; Vaughan Geraint; Norton E. G.; Large-scale potential vorticity anomalies and deep convection. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 138, 1627–1639, [doi:10.1002/qj.1875] 2012
- Di Girolamo Paolo; Summa D.; Cacciani M.; Norton E. G.; Peters G.; Dufournet Y.; Lidar and radar measurements of the melting layer: observations of dark and bright band phenomena. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12 (9) , 4143-4157, [doi:10.5194/acp-12-4143-2012] 2012
- Browning K. A.; Nicol J. C.; Marsham J. H.; Rogberg P.; Norton E. G.; Layers of insect echoes near a thunderstorm and implications for the interpretation of radar data in terms of airflow. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 137 (656) , 723--735, [doi:10.1002/qj.800] APR 2011 2011
- Francis X. V.; Chemel C.; Sokhi R. S.; Norton E. G.; Ricketts HMA; Fisher B. E. A.; Mechanisms responsible for the build-up of ozone over South East England during the August 2003 heatwave. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 6880-6890, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.04.035] 2011
- Corsmeier U; Kalthoff N; Barthlott C; Aoshima F; Behrendt A; Di Girolamo P; Dorninger M; Handwerker J; Kottmeier C; Mahlke H; Mobbs S. D.; Wickert J; Wulfmeyer V; Norton E. G.; Processes driving deep convection over complex terrain: a multi-scale analysis of observations from COPS IOP 9c. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 137 (S1) , 137--155, [doi:10.1002/qj.754] Jan 2011
- Marsham J. H.; Browning KA; Nicol JC; Parker D. J.; Norton E. G.; Blyth Alan; Corsmeier U; Perry F. M.; Multi-sensor observations of a wave beneath an impacting rear-inflow jet in an elevated mesoscale convective system. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 136, 1788--1812, [doi:10.1002/qj.669] Oct 2010
- Marsham J. H.; Browning K. A.; Nicol J. C.; Norton E. G.; Blyth Alan; Parker D. J.; Multi-sensor observations of a wave beneath an impacting rear-inflow jet in an elevated mesoscale convective system. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 136 (652) , 1788-1812, 2010
- Di Girolamo Paolo; Summa Donato; Bhawar Rohini; Di Iorio Tatiana; Vaughan Geraint; Peters Gerhard; Norton E. G.; (ed: Nakajima Teruyuki; Yamasoe Marcia Akemi; ) Lidar and Radar Measurements of the melting layer in the frame of the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study. Current Problems In Atmospheric Radiation (Irs 2008), 1100 (1) , 231--234, [doi:10.1063/1.3116956] Mar 2009
- Russell A; Vaughan Geraint; Norton E. G.; Ricketts HMA; Morcrette CJ; Hewison TJ; Browning KA; Blyth Alan; Convection forced by a descending dry layer and low-level moist convergence. Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology And Oceanography, 61 (2) , 250--263, [doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2008.00382.x] 2009
- Parton G. A.; Vaughan Geraint; Norton E. G.; Browning K. A.; Clark P. A.; Wind profiler observations of a sting jet. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 135 (640) , 663--680, [doi:10.1002/qj.398] 2009
- Bennett Lindsay; Blyth Alan; Browning KA; Norton E. G.; Observations of the development of convection through a series of stable layers during the Convective Storm Initiation Project. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 134 (637) , 2079--2091, [doi:10.1002/qj.344] Oct 2008
- Russell A; Vaughan Geraint; Norton E. G.; Morcrette CJ; Browning KA; Blyth Alan; Convective inhibition beneath an upper-level PV anomaly. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 134 (631) , 371--383, [doi:10.1002/qj.214] 2008
- Beswick KM; Gallagher Martin; Webb AR; Norton E. G.; Perry F. M.; Application of the Aventech AIMMS20AQ airborne probe for turbulence measurements during the Convective Storm Initiation Project. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 8 (17) , 5449--5463, [doi:10.5194/acp-8-5449-2008] 2008
- Gaffard C; Nash J.; Walker E.; Hewison T. J.; Jones J.; Norton E. G.; High time resolution boundary layer description using combined remote sensing instruments. Annales Geophysicae, 26 9, 2597--2612 High time resolution boundary layer description using combined remote sensing instruments, [doi:10.5194/angeo-26-2597-2008] 2008
- Beswick K. M.; Gallagher M. W.; Webb A. R.; Norton E. G.; Perry F.; Application of the Aventech AIMMS20AQ airborne probe for turbulence measurements during the Convective Storm Initiation Project. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 8 (17) , 5449-5463, 2008
- Marsham J. H.; Blyth Alan; Parker D. J.; Beswick K; Browning KA; Corsmeier U; Kalthoff N; Khodayar S; Morcrette CJ; Norton EG; Variable cirrus shading during CSIP IOP 5. II: Effects on the convective boundary layer. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 133, 1661--1675, [doi:10.1002/qj.146] Oct 2007
- Ricketts HMA; (ed: Norton E. G.; Norton EG; Russell A; ) "Thunderstorms". Weather, 62 (4) , 107-108, 2007
- Browning KA; Blyth Alan; Clark PA; Corsmeier U; Morcrette CJ; Agnew JL; Ballard SP; Bamber D; Barthlott C; Bennett Lindsay; Beswick KM; Bitter M; Bozier KE; Brooks Barbara; Collier Chris.; Davies F; Deny B; Dixon MA; Feuerle T; Forbes RM; Gaffard C; Gray MD; Hankers R; Hewison TJ; Kalthoff N; Khodayar S; Kohler M; Kottmeier C; Kraut S; Kunz M; Ladd DN; Lean HW; Lenfant J; Li Z; Marsham J. H.; Mcgregor J; Mobbs S. D.; Nicol J. C.; Norton E. G.; Parker D. J.; Perry F. M.; Ramatschi M; Ricketts HMA; Roberts NM; Russell A; Schulz H; Slack EC; Vaughan Geraint; Waight J; Wareing DP; Watson RJ; Webb AR; Wieser A; The Convective Storm Initiation Project. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 88 (12) , 1939--1955, [doi:10.1175/BAMS-88-12-1939] 2007
- Marsham J. H.; Blyth Alan; Parker D. J.; Beswick K; Browning K. A.; Corsmeier U.; Kalthoff N.; Khodayar S.; Morcrette C. J.; Norton E. G.; Variable cirrus shading during CSIP IOP 5. II: Effects on the convective boundary layer. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 133(1661--1675), 1661-1675, 2007
- Morcrette CJ; Browning KA; Blyth Alan; Bozier KE; Clark PA; Ladd D; Norton E. G.; Pavelin E; Secondary initiation of multiple bands of cumulonimbus over southern Britain. I: An observational case-study. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 132 (617) , 1021--1051, [doi:10.1256/qj.05.151] Apr 2006
- Heard D. E.; Read K. A.; Methven J.; Al Haider S; Bloss W; Johnson GP; Pilling MJ; Seakins P. W.; Smith SC; Sommariva R; Stanton J; Still T; Ingram T.; Brooks Barbara; de Leeuw G; Jackson A. V.; McQuaid J. B.; Morgan R; Smith MH; Carpenter L. J.; Carslaw N; Hamilton J. F.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Purvis R. M.; Wevill DJ; Brough N; Green TJ; Mills GP; Penkett SA; Plane J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez A; Worton D; Monks P. S.; Fleming Z. L.; Rickard A. R.; Alfarra M. R.; Allan James Donald; Bower K.; Coe H; Cubison M; Flynn M; McFiggans G.; Gallagher Martin; Norton E. G.; O'Dowd CD; Shillito J; Topping D. O.; Vaughan Geraint; Williams P. I.; Bitter M; Ball SM; Jones R. L.; Povey IM; O'Doherty S; Simmonds PG; Allen A; Kinnersley RP; Dall'Osto M; Harrison Roy M.; Donovan RJ; Heal MR; Jennings SG; Noone C; Beddows D.C.S; Spain G; The North Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (NAMBLEX). Overview of the Campaign held at Mace Head, Ireland, in Summer 2002. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 6 (8) , 2241--2272, [doi:10.5194/acp-6-2241-2006] 2006
- Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Monks P. S.; Jacob M; Hamilton J. F.; Hopkins J. R.; Watson N. M.; Saxton J. E.; Ennis C; Carpenter L. J.; Carslaw N.; Fleming Z. L.; Bandy Brian J.; Oram David E.; Penkett S. A.; Slemr J; Norton E. G.; Rickard A. R.; Whalley L. K.; Heard D. E.; Bloss W. J.; Gravestock T; Smith S. C.; Stanton J; Pilling M. J.; Jenkin M. E.; Ozone photochemistry and elevated isoprene during the UK heatwave of August 2003. Atmospheric Environment, 40 (39) , 7598--7613, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.06.057] 2006
- Norton E. G.; Vaughan G.; Methven J.; Coe H.; Brooks B.; Gallagher M.; Longley I.; Boundary layer structure and decoupling from synoptic scale flow during NAMBLEX. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6 (2) , 433-445, 2006
- Norton E. G.; Vaughan Geraint; Methven J.; Coe H; Brooks Barbara; Gallagher Martin; Longley I.; Boundary layer structure and decoupling from synoptic scale flow during NAMBLEX. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6, 433--445 Boundary layer structure and decoupling from synoptic scale flow during NAMBLEX, [doi:10.5194/acp-6-433-2006] 2006
- Heard D. E.; Read K. A.; Methven J.; Al-Haider S.; Bloss W. J.; Johnson G. P.; Pilling M. J.; Seakins P. W.; Smith S. C.; Sommariva R.; Stanton J. C.; Still T. J.; Ingham T.; Brooks B.; de Leeuw G.; Jackson A. V.; McQuaid J. B.; Morgan R.; Smith M. H.; Carpenter L. J.; Carslaw N.; Hamilton J.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis A. C.; Purvis R. M.; Wevill D. J.; Brough N.; Green T.; Mills G.; Penkett S. A.; Plane J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez A.; Worten D.; Monks P. S.; Fleming Z.; Rickard A. R.; Alfarra M. R.; Allan J. D.; Bower K.; Coe H.; Cubison M.; Flynn M.; McFiggans G.; Gallagher M.; Norton E. G.; O{'}Dowd C. D.; Shillito J.; Topping D.; Vaughan G.; Williams P.; Bitter M.; Ball S. M.; Jones R. L.; Povey I. M.; O{'}Doherty S.; Simmonds P. G.; Allen A.; Kinnersley R. P.; Beddows D.C.S; Dall{'}Osto M.; Harrison R. M.; Donovan R. J.; Heal M. R.; Jennings S. G.; Noone C.; Spain G.; The North Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (NAMBLEX). Overview of the campaign held at Mace Head, Ireland, in summer 2002. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6 (8) , 2241-2272, 2006
- Ball S. M.; Povey I. M.; Norton E. G.; Jones R. L.; Broadband cavity ringdown spectroscopy of the NO3 radical. Chemical Physics Letters, 342 1-2, 113--120 Broadband cavity ringdown spectroscopy of the NO3 radical, [doi:10.1016/S0009-2614(01)00573-5] 2001
- Norton E. G.; Povey I. M.; South A. M.; Jones R. L.; Broadband CCD detection system for rotational Raman lidar studies of the troposphere. Proceedings Of The Society Of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (Spie), 4153, 657--663 Broadband CCD detection system for rotational Raman lidar studies of the troposphere, [doi:10.1117/12.417029] 2001
- Bedford Fun Palace weekend.- A free event that runs science and art activities for children. During the day I ran back to back weather workshops. I talked to the children about the atmosphere and some of the work NCAS does. I had lots of props with me before we did some crafts. , October 2015
- Higgins Museum weather workshops. The Higgins museum approached me to run a day of weather workshops in the summer holidays. I did a talk about the atmosphere with lots of props we then made wind wand anemometers. , July 2016
- St John Rigby Careers Day I spent a morning speaking to small groups of children in years 1 to year 6 about my career in atmospheric science. , November 2018
- Girls into STEM event at the University of Manchester , April 2019
- Careers in science morning for years 5 and 6., November 2018
- Careers in science talk for years 5 and 6, November 2017