Williams, Dr Paul I
Research Scientist
University of Manchester
School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
The University of Manchester
Simon Building
Oxford Road
M13 9PL
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8973-4718
- @paul_i_w
- +44 161 306 3905
Senior Research Fellow for NCAS based at the Departmenmt of Earth and Environmental Science (DEES). My roll is split between the scientific air quality directorate and the Atmospheric Measurement & Observation Faciliy (AMOF) Facilities and Services division of NCAS. I have interests in the chemical and physical properties of aerosol from sea level up to ~33,000ft, using a range of aerosol instrumentation. I have an active area of research in quantifying and understanding the emissions from aircraft engines. The work involves contributing to standards for regulatory monitoring of large gas turbine engines as part of the certification process.
I am also passionate about teaching aerosol science to future scientists and run the NCAS and TSI Inc. sponsored Practical Aerosol Science course.

- Coe H; Williams P. I.; McFiggans G.; Gallagher Martin; Beswick K. M.; Bower K.; Choularton T.; Behavior of ultrafine particles in continental and marine air masses at a rural site in the United Kingdom. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 105 (D22) , 26891--26905, [doi:10.1029/2000jd900234] NOV 27 2000 2000
- Lidstone-Lane Fergus O. N.; Durand Eliot; Williams P. I.; Johnson Mark; Lea-Langton Amanda; Experimental characterization of electrostatic loss relevant to aviation nvPM sampling. Aerosol Science And Technology, 59 (1) , 79–95, [doi:10.1080/02786826.2024.2390100] Aug 2024
- Alzahrani Saleh; Kılıc D.; Flynn Michael; Williams Paul I.; Allan James Donald; International airport emissions and their impact on local air quality: chemical speciation of ambient aerosols at Madrid–Barajas Airport during the AVIATOR campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 24 (16) , 9045–9058, [doi:10.5194/acp-24-9045-2024] Aug 2024
- Finney D. L.; Blyth A. M.; Gallagher M.; Wu H.; Nott G. J.; Biggerstaff M. I.; Sonnenfeld R. G.; Daily M.; Walker D.; Dufton D.; Bower K.; Böing S.; Choularton T.; Crosier J.; Groves J.; Field P. R.; Coe H.; Murray B. J.; Lloyd G.; Marsden N. A.; Flynn M.; Hu K.; Thamban N. M.; Williams P. I.; Connolly P. J.; McQuaid J. B.; Robinson J.; Cui Z.; Burton R. R.; Carrie G.; Moore R.; Abel S. J.; Tiddeman D.; Aulich G.; Deep Convective Microphysics Experiment (DCMEX) coordinated aircraft and ground observations: microphysics, aerosol, and dynamics during cumulonimbus development. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, Essd, 16 (5) , 2141--2163, [doi:10.5194/essd-16-2141-2024] May 2024
- Rodríguez-Maroto J.J.; García-Alonso S.; Rojas E.; Sanz D.; Ibarra I.; Pérez-Pastor R.; Pujadas M.; Hormigo D.; Sánchez J.; Moreno P.M.; Sánchez M.; Kılıc D.; Williams P. I.; Characterization of PAHs bound to ambient ultrafine particles around runways at an international airport. Chemosphere, 352, 141440, [doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.141440] Mar 2024
- Smith Liam D.; Harper Joseph; Durand Eliot; Crayford Andrew; Johnson Mark; Coe Hugh; Williams P. I.; Examination of the Influence of Alternative Fuels on Particulate Matter Properties Emitted from a Non-Proprietary Combustor. Atmosphere, 15 (3) , 308, [doi:10.3390/atmos15030308] Feb 2024
- Smith Liam D.; Harper Joseph; Durand Eliot; Crayford Andrew; Johnson Mark; Coe Hugh; Williams P. I.; Examination of the Influence of Alternative Fuels on Particulate Matter Properties Emitted from a Non-Proprietary Combustor. Atmosphere, 15 (3) , 308, [doi:10.3390/atmos15030308] Feb 2024
- Finney Declan L.; Blyth Alan M.; Gallagher M.; Wu Huihui; Nott Graeme; Biggerstaff Mike; Sonnenfeld Richard G.; Daily M. I.; Walker Dan; Dufton David; Bower Keith; Boeing Steven; Choularton Tom; Crosier Jonathan; Groves James; Field Paul R.; Coe H; Murray Benjamin J.; Lloyd Gary; Marsden Nicholas; Flynn Michael; Hu Kezhen; Thamban Navaneeth Meena; Williams Paul I.; McQuaid J. B.; Robinson Joseph; Carrie Gordon; Moore Robert; Aulich Graydon; Burton Ralph R.; Connolly Paul J.; DCMEX coordinated aircraft and ground observations: Microphysics, aerosol and dynamics during cumulonimbus development. [doi:10.5194/essd-2023-303] Aug 2023
- Finney Declan L.; Blyth Alan M.; Gallagher M.; Wu Huihui; Nott Graeme; Biggerstaff Mike; Sonnenfeld Richard G.; Daily M. I.; Walker Dan; Dufton David; Bower Keith; Boeing Steven; Choularton Tom; Crosier Jonathan; Groves James; Field Paul R.; Coe H; Murray Benjamin J.; Lloyd Gary; Marsden Nicholas; Flynn Michael; Hu Kezhen; Thamban Navaneeth Meena; Williams Paul I.; McQuaid J. B.; Robinson Joseph; Carrie Gordon; Moore Robert; Aulich Graydon; Burton Ralph R.; Connolly Paul J.; Supplementary material to “DCMEX coordinated aircraft and ground observations: Microphysics, aerosol and dynamics during cumulonimbus development”. [doi:10.5194/essd-2023-303-supplement] Aug 2023
- Smith Liam D.; Allan James; Coe Hugh; Reyes-Villegas Ernesto; Johnson Mark P.; Crayford Andrew; Durand Eliot; Williams P. I.; Examining chemical composition of gas turbine-emitted organic aerosol using positive matrix factorisation (PMF). Journal Of Aerosol Science, 159, 105869, [doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2021.105869] Jan 2022
- Bibi Zainab; Coe Hugh; Brooks James; Williams Paul I.; Reyes villegas Ernesto; Priestley Michael; Percival Carl J.; Allan James Donald; Technical note: A new approach to discriminate different black carbon sources by utilising fullerene and metals in positive matrix factorisation analysis of high-resolution soot particle aerosol mass spectrometer data. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (13) , 10763--10777, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-10763-2021] Jul 2021
- Wu Huihui; Taylor Jonathan; Langridge Justin M.; Yu Chenjie; Allan James Donald; Szpek Kate; Cotterell Michael I.; Williams Paul I.; Flynn Michael; Barker Patrick A.; Fox Cathryn; Allen Grant; Lee J. D.; Coe Hugh; Rapid transformation of ambient absorbing aerosols from West African biomass burning. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (12) , 9417--9440, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-9417-2021] Jun 2021
- Bressi M.; Cavalli F.; Putaud J.P.; Fröhlich C.; Petit J. E.; Aas W.; Aijala M.; Alastuey A.; Allan J. D.; Aurela M.; Berico M.; Bougiatioti A.; Bukowiecki N.; Canonaco F.; Crenn V.; Dusanter S.; Ehn M.; Elsasser M.; Flentje H.; Graf P.; Green D. C.; Heikkinen L.; Hermann H.; HOLZINGER R; Hueglin C.; Keernik H.; Kiendler-Scharr A.; Kubelová L.; Lunder C.; Maasikmets M.; Makeš O.; Malaguti A.; Mihalopoulos N.; Nicolas J.B.; O'Dowd CD; Ovadnevaite J.; Petralia E.; Poulain L.; Priestman Max; Riffault V.; Ripoll A.; Schlag P.; Schwarz J.; Sciare J.; SLOWIK JG; Sosedova Y.; Stavroulas I.; Teinemaa E.; Via M.; Vodička P.; Williams P. I.; Wiedensohler A.; Young D. E.; Zhang S.; Favez O.; Minguillon M. C.; Prevot A. S. H.; A European aerosol phenomenology - 7: High-time resolution chemical characteristics of submicron particulate matter across Europe. Atmospheric Environment: X, 10, 100108, [doi:10.1016/j.aeaoa.2021.100108] Apr 2021
- Williams P. I.; Trembath Jamie; Simultaneous inboard and outboard, inflight measurements of ultrafine particle concentrations. Aerosol Science And Technology, 55 (5) , 614–622, [doi:10.1080/02786826.2021.1880544] Feb 2021
- Wu Huihui; Taylor Jonathan; Langridge Justin M.; Yu Chenjie; Allan James Donald; Szpek Kate; Cotterell Michael I.; Williams Paul I.; Flynn Michael; Barker Patrick A.; Fox Cathryn; Allen Grant; Lee J. D.; Coe Hugh; Rapid transformation of ambient absorbing aerosols from West African biomass burning. [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-49] Feb 2021
- Wu Huihui; Taylor Jonathan; Langridge Justin M.; Yu Chenjie; Allan James Donald; Szpek Kate; Cotterell Michael I.; Williams Paul I.; Flynn Michael; Barker Patrick A.; Fox Cathryn; Allen Grant; Lee J. D.; Coe Hugh; Supplementary material to "Rapid transformation of ambient absorbing aerosols from West African biomass burning". [doi:10.5194/acp-2021-49-supplement] Feb 2021
- Wu Huihui; Taylor Jonathan; Szpek Kate; Langridge Justin M.; Williams Paul I.; Flynn Michael; Allan James Donald; Abel Steven J.; Pitt Joseph; Cotterell Michael I.; Fox Cathryn; Davies Nicholas W.; Haywood Jim; Coe Hugh; Vertical variability of the properties of highly aged biomass burning aerosol transported over the southeast Atlantic during CLARIFY-2017. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (21) , 12697--12719, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-12697-2020] Nov 2020
- Bibi Zainab; Coe Hugh; Brooks James; Williams Paul I.; Reyes villegas Ernesto; Priestley Michael; Percival Carl; Allan James Donald; Technical Note: A new approach to discriminate different black carbon sources by utilising fullerenes and metals in Positive Matrix Factorisation analysis of High-Resolution Soot Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer data. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-890] Oct 2020
- Bibi Zainab; Coe Hugh; Brooks James; Williams Paul I.; Reyes villegas Ernesto; Priestley Michael; Percival Carl; Allan James Donald; Supplementary material to "Technical Note: A new approach to discriminate different black carbon sources by utilising fullerenes and metals in Positive Matrix Factorisation analysis of High-Resolution Soot Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer data". [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-890-supplement] Oct 2020
- Shaw Jacob T.; Allen Grant; Pitt Joseph; Shah Adil; Wilde Shona; Stamford Laurence; Fan Zhaoyang; Ricketts Hugo; Williams Paul I.; Bateson Prudence; Barker Patrick; Purvis Ruth; Lowry David; Fisher Rebecca; France James; Coleman Marc; Lewis Alastair C.; Risk David A.; Ward Robert S.; Methane flux from flowback operations at a shale gas site. Journal Of The Air {\&} Waste Management Association, 70 (12) , 1324--1339, [doi:10.1080/10962247.2020.1811800] Oct 2020
- Lobo Prem; Durdina Lukas; Brem Benjamin T.; Crayford Andrew P.; Johnson Mark P.; Smallwood Greg J.; Siegerist Frithjof; Williams Paul I.; Black Elizabeth A.; Llamedo Andrea; Thomson Kevin A.; Trueblood Max B.; Yu Zhenhong; Hagen Donald E.; Whitefield Philip D.; Miake-Lye Richard C.; Rindlisbacher Theo; Comparison of standardized sampling and measurement reference systems for aircraft engine non-volatile particulate matter emissions. Journal Of Aerosol Science, 145, 105557, [doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2020.105557] Jul 2020
- Taylor Jonathan; Wu Huihui; Szpek Kate; Bower Keith; Crawford Ian; Flynn Michael J.; Williams Paul I.; Dorsey James; Langridge Justin M.; Cotterell Michael I.; Fox Cathryn; Davies Nicholas W.; Haywood Jim M.; Coe Hugh; Absorption closure in highly aged biomass burning smoke. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-333] Apr 2020
- Wu Huihui; Taylor Jonathan; Szpek Kate; Langridge Justin; Williams Paul I.; Flynn Michael; Allan James Donald; Abel Steven J.; Pitt Joseph; Cotterell Michael I.; Fox Cathryn; Davies Nicholas W.; Haywood Jim; Coe Hugh; Vertical variability of the properties of highly aged biomass burning aerosol transported over the southeast Atlantic during CLARIFY-2017. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-197] Mar 2020
- Wu Huihui; Taylor Jonathan; Szpek Kate; Langridge Justin; Williams Paul I.; Flynn Michael; Allan James Donald; Abel Steven J.; Pitt Joseph; Cotterell Michael I.; Fox Cathryn; Davies Nicholas W.; Haywood Jim; Coe Hugh; Supplementary material to \"Vertical variability of the properties of highly aged biomass burning aerosol transported over the southeast Atlantic during CLARIFY-2017\". [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-197-supplement] Mar 2020
- Shah Adil; Pitt Joseph; Ricketts Hugo; Leen J Brian; Williams Paul I.; Kabbabe Khristopher; Gallagher M.; Allen Grant; Testing the near-field Gaussian plume inversion flux quantification technique using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13 (3) , 1467--1484, [doi:10.5194/amt-13-1467-2020] Mar 2020
- Saiz-Lopez A.; Plane J. M. C.; McFiggans G.; Williams P. I.; Ball S. M.; Bitter M.; Jones R. L.; Hongwei C.; Hoffmann T.; Modelling molecular iodine emissions in a coastal marine environment: the link to new particle formation. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6, 883--895, MAR 20 2006 2006
- Brooks James; Liu Dantong; Allan James Donald; Williams Paul I.; Haywood Jim; Highwood Ellie J.; Kompalli Sobhan Kumar; Babu S. Suresh; Satheesh Sreedharan K.; Turner A.G.; Coe Hugh; Black carbon physical and optical properties across northern India during pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 19 (20) , 13079--13096, [doi:10.5194/acp-19-13079-2019] Oct 2019
- Shah Adil; Pitt Joseph; Ricketts HMA; Leen J. Brain; Williams Paul I.; Kabbabe Khristopher; Gallagher M.; Allen Grant; Testing the near-field Gaussian plume inversion flux quantification technique using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling. [doi:10.5194/amt-2019-289] Aug 2019
- Shah Adil; Pitt Joseph; Ricketts HMA; Leen J. Brain; Williams Paul I.; Kabbabe Khristopher; Gallagher M.; Allen Grant; Supplementary material to "Testing the near-field Gaussian plume inversion flux quantification technique using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling". [doi:10.5194/amt-2019-289-supplement] Aug 2019
- Shah Adil; Allen Grant; Pitt Joseph R.; Ricketts Hugo; Williams Paul I.; Helmore Jonathan; Finlayson Andrew; Robinson Rod; Kabbabe Khristopher; Hollingsworth Peter; Rees-White Tristan C.; Beaven Richard; Scheutz Charlotte; Bourn Mark; A Near-Field Gaussian Plume Inversion Flux Quantification Method, Applied to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Sampling. Atmosphere, 10 (7) , 396, [doi:10.3390/atmos10070396] Jul 2019
- Brooks James; Liu Dantong; Allan James Donald; Williams Paul I.; Haywood Jim; Highwood Ellie J.; Kompalli Sobhan K.; Babu S. Suresh; Satheesh Sreedharan K.; Turner A.G.; Coe Hugh; Black Carbon physical and optical properties across northern India during pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--26, [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-505] Jun 2019
- Davies Nicholas W.; Fox Cathryn; Szpek Kate; Cotterell Michael I.; Taylor Jonathan; Allan James Donald; Williams Paul I.; Trembath Jamie; Haywood Jim M.; Langridge Justin M.; Evaluating biases in filter-based aerosol absorption measurements using photoacoustic spectroscopy. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12 (6) , 3417--3434, [doi:10.5194/amt-12-3417-2019] Jun 2019
- Brooks James; Allan James Donald; Williams Paul I.; Liu Dantong; Fox Cathryn; Haywood Jim; Langridge Justin M.; Highwood Ellie J.; Kompalli Sobhan K.; O'Sullivan Debbie; Babu Suresh S.; Satheesh Sreedharan K.; Turner A.G.; Coe Hugh; Vertical and horizontal distribution of submicron aerosol chemical composition and physical characteristics across northern India during pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 19 (8) , 5615--5634, [doi:10.5194/acp-19-5615-2019] Apr 2019
- Marsden Nicholas A.; Ullrich Romy; Möhler Ottmar; Eriksen Hammer Stine; Kandler Konrad; Cui Zhiqiang; Williams Paul I.; Flynn Michael J.; Liu Dantong; Allan James Donald; Coe Hugh; Mineralogy and mixing state of north African mineral dust by online single-particle mass spectrometry. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 19 (4) , 2259--2281, [doi:10.5194/acp-19-2259-2019] Feb 2019
- Allen Grant; Shaw Jacob T.; Shah Adil; Pitt Joseph; Ricketts Hugo; Williams Paul I.; Ward Robert S.; Methane detected near Preston New Road shale gas operation in Lancashire (Technical report), British Geological Survey, Feb 2019
- Davies Nicholas W.; Fox Cathryn; Szpek Kate; Cotterell Michael I.; Taylor Jonathan W.; Allan James Donald; Williams Paul I.; Trembath Jamie; Haywood Jim M.; Langridge Justin M.; Evaluating biases in filter-based aerosol absorption measurements using photoacoustic spectroscopy. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 1--38, [doi:10.5194/amt-2018-411] Jan 2019
- Brooks James; Allan James Donald; Williams Paul I.; Liu Dantong; Fox Cathryn; Haywood Jim; Langridge Justin M.; Highwood Ellie J.; Kompalli Sobhan K.; O'Sullivan Debbie; Babu Suresh S.; Satheesh Sreedharan K.; Turner A.G.; Coe Hugh; Vertical and horizontal distribution of sub-micron aerosol chemical composition and physical characteristics across Northern India, during the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--31, [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-1109] Dec 2018
- Marsden Nicholas A.; Ullrich Romy; Möhler Ottmar; Eriksen Hammer Stine; Kandler Konrad; Cui Zhiqiang; Williams Paul I.; Flynn Michael J.; Liu Dantong; Allan James Donald; Coe Hugh; Mineralogy and mixing state of North African mineral dust by on-line single-particle mass spectrometry. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--41, [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-725] Aug 2018
- Tompkins Jordan; Williams Paul I.; Trembath Jamie; Coleman Marc; Innocenti Fabrizio; Quincey Paul; Gardiner Tom; Multiport particle chamber validation for particle number concentration using condensation particle counters. Measurement, 124, 426--435, [doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2018.04.035] Aug 2018
- Marsden Nicholas A.; Ullrich Romy; Möhler Ottmar; Eriksen Hammer Stine; Kandler Konrad; Cui Zhiqiang; Williams Paul I.; Flynn Michael J.; Liu Dantong; Allan James Donald; Coe Hugh; Mineralogy and mixing state of North African mineral dust by on-line single-particle mass spectrometry. [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-725-supplement] Aug 2018
- Reyes-Villegas Ernesto; Priestley Michael; Ting Yu-Chieh; Haslett Sophie; Bannan Thomas; Le Breton Michael; Williams Paul I.; Bacak Asan; Flynn Michael J.; Coe Hugh; Percival Carl; Allan James D.; Simultaneous aerosol mass spectrometry and chemical ionisation mass spectrometry measurements during a biomass burning event in the UK: insights into nitrate chemistry. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 18 (6) , 4093--4111, [doi:10.5194/acp-18-4093-2018] Mar 2018
- Haslett Sophie L.; Thomas J. Chris; Morgan William T.; Hadden Rory; Liu Dantong; Allan James D.; Williams Paul I.; Keita Sekou; Liousse Cathy; Coe Hugh; Highly controlled, reproducible measurements of aerosol emissions from combustion of a common African biofuel source. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 18 (1) , 385–403, [doi:10.5194/acp-18-385-2018] Jan 2018
- Haslett Sophie L.; Thomas J. Chris; Morgan William T.; Hadden Rory; Liu Dantong; Allan James Donald; Williams Paul I.; Sekou Keïta; Liousse Cathy; Coe Hugh; Highly-controlled, reproducible measurements of aerosol emissions from African biomass combustion. [doi:10.5194/acp-2017-679-supplement] Aug 2017
- Liu Dantong; Whitehead James; Alfarra M. Rami; Reyes-Villegas Ernesto; Spracklen Dominick V.; Reddington Carly L.; Kong Shaofei; Williams Paul I.; Ting Yu-Chieh; Haslett Sophie; Taylor J. W.; Flynn M. J.; Morgan W. T.; McFiggans G.; Coe H; Allan J. D.; Black-carbon absorption enhancement in the atmosphere determined by particle mixing state. Nature Geoscience, 10 (3) , 184–188, [doi:10.1038/ngeo2901] Feb 2017
- Young Gillian; Jones Hazel M.; Choularton Thomas W.; Crosier Jonathan; Bower Keith N.; Gallagher Martin W.; Davies Rhiannon S.; Renfrew Ian A.; Elvidge Andrew D.; Darbyshire Eoghan; Marenco Franco; Brown Philip R. A.; Ricketts Hugo M. A.; Connolly Paul J.; Lloyd Gary; Williams Paul I.; Allan James D.; Taylor Jonathan W.; Liu Dantong; Flynn Michael J.; Observed microphysical changes in Arctic mixed-phase clouds when transitioning from sea ice to open ocean. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 16 (21) , 13945–13967, [doi:10.5194/acp-16-13945-2016] Nov 2016
- Young G.; Jones H. M.; Choularton T. W.; Crosier J.; Bower K. N.; Gallagher M.; Davies R. S.; Renfrew I. A.; Elvidge A. D.; Darbyshire E.; Marenco F.; Brown P. R. A.; Connolly P. J.; Lloyd G.; Williams P. I.; Allan James Donald; Taylor Jonathan; Liu D.; Flynn M. J.; Observed microphysical changes in Arctic mixed-phase clouds when transitioning from sea ice to open ocean. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--33, [doi:10.5194/acp-2016-409] May 2016
- Taylor Jonathan; Choularton T. W.; Blyth Alan; Flynn M. J.; Williams P. I.; Young G.; Bower K. N.; Crosier J.; Gallagher M.; Dorsey J. R.; Liu Z.; Rosenberg Phil D.; Aerosol measurements during COPE: composition, size and sources of CCN and IN at the interface between marine and terrestrial influences. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--39, [doi:10.5194/acp-2016-84] Feb 2016
- Taylor J. W.; Choularton T. W.; Blyth A. M.; Liu Z.; Bower K. N.; Crosier J.; Gallagher M.; Williams P. I.; Dorsey J. R.; Flynn M. J.; Bennett L. J.; Huang Y.; French J.; Korolev A.; Brown P. R. A.; Observations of cloud microphysics and ice formation during COPE. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 16 (2) , 799–826, [doi:10.5194/acp-16-799-2016] Jan 2016
- Taylor J. W.; Choularton T. W.; Blyth A. M.; Flynn M. J.; Williams P. I.; Young G.; Bower K. N.; Crosier J.; Gallagher M. W.; Dorsey J. R.; Liu Z.; Rosenberg P. D.; Aerosol measurements during COPE: Composition, size, and sources of CCN and INPs at the interface between marine and terrestrial influences. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 16 (18) , 11687-11709, 2016
- Taylor Jonathan; Choularton T. W.; Blyth A. M.; Liu Z.; Bower K. N.; Crosier J.; Gallagher M. W.; Williams P. I.; Dorsey J. R.; Flynn M. J.; Bennett L. J.; Huang Y.; French J.; Korolev A.; Brown P. R. A.; Observations of cloud microphysics and ice formation during COPE. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 15 (11) , 16049--16110, [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-16049-2015] Jun 2015
- Boies Adam M.; Stettler Marc E. J.; Swanson Jacob J.; Johnson Tyler J.; Olfert Jason S.; Johnson Mark; Eggersdorfer Max L.; Rindlisbacher Theo; Wang Jing; Thomson Kevin; Smallwood Greg; Sevcenco Yura; Walters David; Williams Paul I.; Corbin Joel; Mensah Amewu A.; Symonds Jonathan; Dastanpour Ramin; Rogak Steven N.; Particle Emission Characteristics of a Gas Turbine with a Double Annular Combustor. Aerosol Science And Technology, 49 (9) , 842–855, [doi:10.1080/02786826.2015.1078452] Jun 2015
- Liu D.; Quennehen B.; Darbyshire E.; Allan James Donald; Williams P. I.; Taylor Jonathan; Bauguitte S. J.-B.; Flynn M. J.; Gallagher M.; Bower K. N.; Choularton T. W.; Coe H.; The importance of Asia as a source of black carbon to the European Arctic during springtime 2013. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 15 (10) , 14843--14887, [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-14843-2015] May 2015
- Morgan W. T.; Ouyang B.; Allan J. D.; Aruffo E.; Di Carlo P.; Kennedy O. J.; Lowe D.; Flynn M. J.; Rosenberg P. D.; Williams P. I.; Jones Rod; McFiggans G. B.; Coe H.; Influence of aerosol chemical composition on N2O5 uptake: airborne regional measurements in northwestern Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (2) , 973–990, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-973-2015] 2015
- Young D. E.; Allan J. D.; Williams P. I.; Green D. C.; Harrison Roy M.; Yin J.; Flynn M. J.; Gallagher M.; Coe H.; Investigating a two-component model of solid fuel organic aerosol in London: processes, PM1 contributions, and seasonality. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (5) , 2429–2443, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-2429-2015] 2015
- Young D. E.; Allan J. D.; Williams P. I.; Green D. C.; Flynn M. J.; Harrison Roy M.; Yin J.; Gallagher M.; Coe H.; Investigating the annual behaviour of submicron secondary inorganic and organic aerosols in London. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (11) , 6351–6366, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-6351-2015] 2015
- Yin J.; Cumberland S. A.; Harrison Roy M.; Allan J.; Young D. E.; Williams P. I.; Coe H.; Receptor modelling of fine particles in southern England using CMB including comparison with AMS-PMF factors. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (4) , 2139–2158, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-2139-2015] 2015
- Visser S.; Slowik J. G.; Furger M.; Zotter P.; Bukowiecki N.; Canonaco F.; Flechsig U.; Appel K.; Green D. C.; Tremper A. H.; Young D. E.; Williams P. I.; Allan J. D.; Coe H.; Williams L. R.; Mohr C.; Xu L.; Ng N. L.; Nemitz E.; Barlow J. F.; Halios C. H.; Fleming Z. L.; Baltensperger U.; Prevot A. S. H.; Advanced source apportionment of size-resolved trace elements at multiple sites in London during winter. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (19) , 11291–11309, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-11291-2015] 2015
- Liu D.; Quennehen B.; Darbyshire E.; Allan J. D.; Williams P. I.; Taylor J. W.; Bauguitte S. J.-B.; Flynn M. J.; Lowe D.; Gallagher M.; Bower K. N.; Choularton T. W.; Coe H.; The importance of Asia as a source of black carbon to the European Arctic during springtime 2013. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (20) , 11537–11555, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-11537-2015] 2015
- Allan J. D.; Williams P. I.; Najera J.; Whitehead J. D.; Flynn M. J.; Taylor J. W.; Liu D.; Darbyshire E.; Carpenter L. J.; Chance R.; Andrews S. J.; Hackenberg S. C.; McFiggans G.; Iodine observed in new particle formation events in the Arctic atmosphere during ACCACIA. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (10) , 5599–5609, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-5599-2015] 2015
- Visser S.; Slowik J. G.; Furger M.; Zotter P.; Bukowiecki N.; Dressler R.; Flechsig U.; Appel K.; Green D. C.; Tremper A. H.; Young D. E.; Williams P. I.; Allan J. D.; Herndon S. C.; Williams L. R.; Mohr C.; Xu L.; Ng N. L.; Detournay A.; Barlow J. F.; Halios C. H.; Fleming Z. L.; Baltensperger U.; Prevot A. S. H.; Kerb and urban increment of highly time-resolved trace elements in PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0 winter aerosol in London during ClearfLo 2012. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (5) , 2367–2386, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-2367-2015] 2015
- Young D. E.; Allan J. D.; Williams P. I.; Green D. C.; Flynn M. J.; Harrison R. M.; Yin J.; Gallagher M. W.; Coe H.; Investigating the annual behaviour of submicron secondary inorganic and organic aerosols in London. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (11) , 6351-6366, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-6351-2015] 2015
- Crilley L. R.; Bloss W. J.; Yin J.; Beddows D.C.S; Harrison Roy M.; Allan J. D.; Young D. E.; Flynn M.; Williams P.; Zotter P.; Prevot A. S. H.; Heal M. R.; Barlow J. F.; Halios C. H.; Lee J. D.; Szidat S.; Mohr C.; Sources and contributions of wood smoke during winter in London: assessing local and regional influences. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (6) , 3149–3171, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-3149-2015] 2015
- Taylor J. W.; Allan James Donald; Allen G.; Coe H.; Williams P. I.; Flynn M. J.; Le Breton M.; Muller J. B. A.; Percival C. J.; Oram David E.; Forster G.; Lee J. D.; Rickard A. R.; Parrington M.; Palmer P. I.; Size-dependent wet removal of black carbon in Canadian biomass burning plumes. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (24) , 13755--13771, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-13755-2014] Dec 2014
- Crilley L. R.; Bloss W. J.; Yin J.; Beddows D.C.S; Harrison Roy M.; Allan James Donald; Young D. E.; Flynn M.; Williams P.; Zotter P.; H. Prevot A. S.; Heal M. R.; Barlow J. F.; Halios C. H.; Lee J. D.; Szidat S.; Mohr C.; Sources and contributions of wood smoke during winter in London: assessing local and regional influences. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (19) , 27459--27530, [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-27459-2014] Oct 2014
- Young D. E.; Allan James Donald; Williams P. I.; Green D. C.; Harrison Roy M.; Yin J.; Flynn M. J.; Gallagher M.; Coe H.; Investigating the two-component model of solid fuel organic aerosol in London: processes, PM₁ contributions, and seasonality. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (14) , 20845--20882, [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-20845-2014] Aug 2014
- Young D. E.; Allan James Donald; Williams P. I.; Green D. C.; Flynn M. J.; Harrison Roy M.; Yin J.; Gallagher M. W.; Coe H.; Investigating the annual behaviour of submicron secondary inorganic and organic aerosols in London. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (13) , 18739--18784, [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-18739-2014] Jul 2014
- Morgan W. T.; Ouyang B.; Allan James Donald; Aruffo E.; Di Carlo Piero; Kennedy O. J.; Lowe D.; Flynn M. J.; Rosenberg Phil D.; Williams P. I.; Jones R.; McFiggans G. B.; Coe H.; Influence of aerosol chemical composition on N2O5 uptake: airborne regional measurements in North-Western Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (13) , 19673--19718, [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-19673-2014] Jul 2014
- Morgan W. T.; Ouyang B.; Allan James Donald; Aruffo E.; Di Carlo Piero; Kennedy O. J.; Lowe D.; Flynn M. J.; Rosenberg Phil D.; Williams P. I.; Jones R.; McFiggans G. B.; Coe H.; Supplementary material to "Influence of aerosol chemical composition on N₂O₅ uptake: airborne regional measurements in North-Western Europe". [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-19673-2014-supplement] Jul 2014
- Liu D.; Allan James Donald; Young D. E.; Coe H.; Beddows D.C.S; Fleming Z. L.; Flynn M. J.; Gallagher M.; Harrison Roy M.; Lee J.; Prevot A. S. H.; Taylor Jonathan; Yin J.; Williams P. I.; Zotter P.; Size distribution, mixing state and source apportionments of black carbon aerosols in London during winter time. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (11) , 16291--16349, [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-16291-2014] Jun 2014
- Liu D.; Allan J. D.; Young D. E.; Coe H.; Beddows D.C.S; Fleming Z. L.; Flynn M. J.; Gallagher M.; Harrison Roy M.; Lee J.; Prevot A. S. H.; Taylor J. W.; Yin J.; Williams P. I.; Zotter P.; Size distribution, mixing state and source apportionment of black carbon aerosol in London during wintertime. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (18) , 10061–10084, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-10061-2014] 2014
- Taylor J. W.; Allan J. D.; Allen G.; Coe H.; Williams P. I.; Flynn M. J.; Le Breton M.; Muller J. B. A.; Percival C. J.; Oram David E.; Forster G.; Lee J. D.; Rickard A. R.; Palmer P. I.; Size-dependent wet removal of black carbon in Canadian biomass burning plumes. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (13) , 19469–19513, [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-19469-2014] 2014
- Allan J. D.; Morgan W. T.; Darbyshire E.; Flynn M. J.; Williams P. I.; Oram David E.; Artaxo P.; Brito J.; Lee J. D.; Coe H.; Airborne observations of IEPOX-derived isoprene SOA in the Amazon during SAMBBA. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (20) , 11393–11407, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-11393-2014] 2014
- Liu D.; Allan J. D.; Young D. E.; Coe H.; Beddows D.C.S; Fleming Z. L.; Flynn M. J.; Gallagher M. W.; Harrison R. M.; Lee J.; Prevot A. S. H.; Taylor J. W.; Yin J.; Williams P. I.; Zotter P.; Size distribution, mixing state and source apportionment of black carbon aerosol in London during winter time. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (18) , 10061-10084, 2014
- Rye L; Lobo P; Williams P. I.; Uryga-Bugajska I; Christie S.; Wilson C.; Hagen D; Whitefield P.; Blakey S; Coe H.; Raper D.; Pourkashanian M; Inadequacy of Optical Smoke Measurements for Characterization of Non–Light Absorbing Particulate Matter Emissions from Gas Turbine Engines. Combustion Science And Technology, 184 (12) , 2068–2083, [doi:10.1080/00102202.2012.697499] Dec 2012
- Highwood E. J.; Northway M. J.; McMeeking G. R.; Morgan W. T.; Liu D.; Osborne S.; Bower K.; Coe H.; Ryder C.; Williams P.; Aerosol scattering and absorption during the EUCAARI-LONGREX flights of the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM) BAe-146: can measurements and models agree?. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12 (15) , 7251--7267, [doi:10.5194/acp-12-7251-2012] Aug 2012
- Highwood E. J.; Northway M. J.; McMeeking G. R.; Morgan W. T.; Liu D.; Osborne S.; Bower K.; Coe H.; Ryder C.; Williams P.; Corrigendum to "Aerosol scattering and absorption during the EUCAARI-LONGREX flights of the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM) BAe-146: can measurements and models agree?" published in Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 7251\–7267, 2012. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12 (16) , 7429--7429, [doi:10.5194/acp-12-7429-2012] Aug 2012
- Rosenberg P. D.; Dean A. R.; Williams P. I.; Dorsey J. R.; Minikin A.; Pickering M. A.; Petzold A.; Particle sizing calibration with refractive index correction for light scattering optical particle counters and impacts upon PCASP and CDP data collected during the Fennec campaign. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5 (5) , 1147--1163, [doi:10.5194/amt-5-1147-2012] May 2012
- Waddicor D. A.; Vaughan Geraint; Choularton T. W.; Bower K. N.; Coe H; Gallagher Martin; Williams P. I.; Flynn N.; Volz-Thomas A.; Patz H. W.; Isaac P.; Hacker J.; Arnold F.; Schlager H.; Whiteway J. A.; Aerosol observations and growth rates downwind of the anvil of a deep tropical thunderstorm. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12 (14) , 6157--6172, [doi:10.5194/acp-12-6157-2012] 2012 2012
- Christie S; Raper David; Lee S D.; Williams P. I.; Rye L; Blakey S; Wilson C. W.; Lobo P; Hagen D; Whitefield P. D.; Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emissions from the Combustion of Alternative Fuels in a Gas Turbine Engine. Environmental Science & Technology [doi:10.1021/es300301k] 2012
- Lobo P; Rye L; Williams P. I.; Christie S; Uryga-Bugajska I; Wilson C. W.; Hagen D; Whitefield P. D.; Blakey S; Coe H; Raper David; Pourkashanian M; Impact of Alternative Fuels on Emissions Characteristics of a Gas Turbine Engine – Part 1: Gaseous and Particulate Matter Emissions. Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (19) , [doi:10.1021/es301898u] 2012
- Williams P. I.; Allan James Donald; Lobo P; Coe H; Christie S; Wilson C. W.; Hagen D; Whitefield P. D.; Raper David; Rye L; Impact of Alternative Fuels on Emissions Characteristics of a Gas Turbine Engine – Part 2: Volatile and Semivolatile Particulate Matter Emissions. Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (19) , 10812-10819, [doi:10.1021/es301899s] 2012
- Harrison Roy M.; Dall'osto M.; Beddows D.C.S; Thorpe A. J.; Bloss W. J.; Allan James Donald; Coe H; Dorsey James R.; Gallagher Martin; Martin C.; Whitehead J.; Williams P. I.; Jones R. L.; Langridge J. M.; Benton A. K.; Ball S. M.; Langford B; Hewitt C. N.; Davison B.; Martin D.; Petersson K. F.; Henshaw S. J.; White I. R.; Shallcross D. E.; Barlow J. F.; Dunbar T.; Davies F.; Nemitz E.; Phillips G. J.; Helfter C.; Marco C. F. Di; Smith S.; Atmospheric chemistry and physics in the atmosphere of a developed megacity (London): an overview of the REPARTEE experiment and its conclusions. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12 (6) , [doi:10.5194/acp-12-3065-2012] 2012 2012
- Wiedensohler A; Birmili W.; Nowak A.; Sonntag A.; Weinhold K.; Merkel M.; Wehner B.; Tuch T.; Pfeifer S.; Fiebig M.; Fjaeraa A. M.; Asmi A; Sellegri K.; Venzac H.; VILLANI P; Laj P.; Aalto P.; Ogren J. A.; Swietlicki E.; Williams P. I.; Roldin P.; Quincey P; Huglin C.; Fierz-Schmidhauser R.; Gysel M.; Weingartner E.; Riccobono F.; Santos S.; Gruning C; Faloon K.; Beddows D.C.S; Harrison Roy M.; Monahan C.; Jennings S. G.; O'Dowd C. D.; Marinoni A.; Horn H. -G; Keck L.; Jiang J.; Scheckman J.; McMurry P. H.; Deng Z.; Zhao C. S.; Moerman M; Henzing B.; deLeeuw G; Loschau G.; Bastin S; Mobility particle size spectrometers: harmonization of technical standards and data structure to facilitate high quality long-term observations of atmospheric particle number size distributions. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 657-685, [doi:10.5194/amt-5-657-2012] 2012
- Jolleys M. D.; Coe H.; McFiggans G.; Capes G; Allan James Donald; Crosier J.; Williams P. I.; Allen G.; Bower K. N.; Jimenez J. L.; Russell L. M.; GRUTTER M; Baumgardner D.; Characterizing the Aging of Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol by Use of Mixing Ratios: A Meta-analysis of Four Regions. Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (24) , 13093-13102, [doi:10.1021/es302386v] 2012
- Crawford I.; Bower K.; Choularton T.; Dearden C.; Crosier J.; D Westbrook C; Capes G; Coe H; Connolly P. J.; Dorsey James R.; Gallagher Martin; Williams P. I.; Trembath J.; Cui Z. Q.; Blyth Alan; Ice formation and development in aged, wintertime cumulus over the UK: observations and modelling. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12, 4963-4985, [doi:10.5194/acp-12-4963-2012] 2012
- Waddicor D. A.; Vaughan G.; Choularton T. W.; Bower K. N.; Coe H.; Gallagher M.; Williams P. I.; Flynn M.; Volz-Thomas A.; Pätz H. -W.; Isaac P.; Hacker J.; Arnold F.; Schlager H.; Whiteway J. A.; Aerosol observations and growth rates downwind of the anvil of a deep tropical thunderstorm. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12 (14) , 6157-6172, 2012
- Harrison R. M.; Dall{'}Osto M.; Beddows D.C.S; Thorpe A. J.; Bloss W. J.; Allan J. D.; Coe H.; Dorsey J. R.; Gallagher M.; Martin C.; Whitehead J.; Williams P. I.; Jones R. L.; Langridge J. M.; Benton A. K.; Ball S. M.; Langford B.; Hewitt C. N.; Davison B.; Martin D.; Petersson K. F.; Henshaw S. J.; White I. R.; Shallcross D. E.; Barlow J. F.; Dunbar T.; Davies F.; Nemitz E.; Phillips G. J.; Helfter C.; Di Marco C. F.; Smith S.; Atmospheric chemistry and physics in the atmosphere of a developed megacity (London): An overview of the REPARTEE experiment and its conclusions. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12 (6) , 3065-3114, 2012
- Crawford I.; Bower K. N.; Choularton T. W.; Dearden C.; Crosier J.; Westbrook C.; Capes G.; Coe H.; Connolly P. J.; Dorsey J. R.; Gallagher M. W.; Williams P.; Trembath J.; Cui Z.; Blyth A.; Ice formation and development in aged, wintertime cumulus over the UK: Observations and modelling. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12 (11) , 4963-4985, 2012
- Allen G.; Coe H.; Clarke A.; Bretherton C.; Wood R.; Abel S. J.; Barrett P.; Brown P.; George R.; Freitag S.; McNaughton C.; Howell S.; Shank L.; Kapustin V.; Brekhovskikh V.; Kleinman L.; Lee Y.-N.; Springston S.; Toniazzo T.; Krejci R.; Fochesatto J.; Shaw G.; Krecl P.; Brooks B.; McMeeking G.; Bower K. N.; Williams P. I.; Crosier J.; Crawford I.; Connolly P.; Allan J. D.; Covert D.; Bandy A. R.; Russell L. M.; Trembath J.; Bart M.; McQuaid J. B.; Wang J.; Chand D.; South East Pacific atmospheric composition and variability sampled along 20° S during VOCALS-REx. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 11 (11) , 5237--5262, [doi:10.5194/acp-11-5237-2011] Jun 2011
- Crosier J.; Bower K.; Choularton T.; Westbrook C. D.; Connolly P. J.; Cui Z. Q.; Crawford I. P.; Capes G. L.; Coe H; Dorsey James R.; Williams P. I.; Illingworth A.J.; Gallagher Martin; Blyth Alan; Observations of ice multiplication in a weakly convective cell embedded in supercooled mid-level stratus. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 11 (1) , 257--273, [doi:10.5194/acp-11-257-2011] 2011
- Dall'osto M.; Thorpe A.; Beddows D.C.S; Harrison Roy M.; Barlow J. F.; Dunbar T.; Williams P. I.; Coe H; Remarkable dynamics of nanoparticles in the urban atmosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 11 (13) , 6623--6637, [doi:10.5194/acp-11-6623-2011] 2011 2011
- Heald C. L.; Coe H; Jimenez J. L.; Weber R. J.; Bahreini R.; Middlebrook A. M.; Russell L. M.; Jolleys M.; Fu T. -M.; Allan James Donald; Bower K.; Capes G; Crosier J.; Morgan W. T.; Robinson N. H.; Williams P. I.; Cubison M. J.; DeCarlo P. F.; Dunlea E. J.; Exploring the vertical profile of atmospheric organic aerosol: comparing 17 aircraft field campaigns with a global model. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 11 (24) , 12673--12696, [doi:10.5194/acp-11-12673-2011] 2011
- LIU D; Allan James Donald; Corris B.; Flynn M; Andrews E.; OGREN JA; Beswick K.; Bower K.; Burgess R.; Choularton T.; Dorsey James R.; Morgan W. T.; Williams P. I.; Coe H; Carbonaceous aerosols contributed by traffic and solid fuel burning at a polluted rural site in Northwestern England. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 11 (4) , 1603-1619, [doi:10.5194/acp-11-1603-2011] 2011
- Allen G; Coe H; Clarke A.; Bretherton C.; Wood R.; Abel S. J.; Barrett P.; BROWN P; George R.; Freitag S.; McNaughton C.; Howell S.; Shank L.; Kapustin V.; Brekhovskikh V.; KLEINMAN L; Lee Y. N.; Springston S.; Toniazzo T.; Krejci R.; Fochesatto J.; Shaw G.; Krecl P.; Brooks Barbara; MCMEEKING GR; Bower K.; Williams P. I.; Crosier J.; Crawford I.; Connolly P; Allan James Donald; COVERT DS; Bandy A. R.; Russell L. M.; Trembath J.; Bart M.; McQuaid J. B.; WANG J; Chand D.; South East Pacific atmospheric composition and variability sampled along 20 degrees S during VOCALS-REx. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 11 (11) , 5237-5262, 2011
- Robinson N. H.; Newton H. M.; Allan James Donald; Irwin M.; Hamilton J. F.; Flynn M; Bower K.; Williams P. I.; Mills G.; Reeves C. E.; McFiggans G.; Coe H; Source attribution of Bornean air masses by back trajectory analysis during the OP3 project. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 11 (18) , 9605-9630, [doi:10.5194/acp-11-9605-2011] 2011
- Crosier J.; Bower K. N.; Choularton T. W.; Westbrook C. D.; Connolly P. J.; Cui Z. Q.; Crawford I. P.; Capes G. L.; Coe H.; Dorsey J. R.; Williams P. I.; Illingworth A. J.; Gallagher M. W.; Blyth A. M.; Observations of ice multiplication in a weakly convective cell embedded in supercooled mid-level stratus. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 11 (1) , 257-273, 2011
- Crosier J.; Bower K. N.; Choularton T. W.; Westbrook C. D.; Connolly P. J.; Cui Z. Q.; Crawford I. P.; Capes G. L.; Coe H.; Dorsey J. R.; Williams P. I.; Illingworth A. J.; Gallagher M. W.; Blyth A. M.; Observations of ice multiplication in a weakly convective cell embedded in supercooled mid-level stratus. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 10 (8) , 19381--19427, [doi:10.5194/acpd-10-19381-2010] Aug 2010
- Allan James Donald; Williams P. I.; Morgan W. T.; Martin C. L.; Flynn M; Lee J. D.; Nemitz E.; Phillips G. J.; Gallagher Martin; Coe H; Contributions from transport, solid fuel burning and cooking to primary organic aerosols in two UK cities. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (2) , 647--668, 2010 2010
- Good N.; Topping D. O.; Allan James Donald; Flynn M; Fuentes E.; Irwin M.; Williams P. I.; Coe H; McFiggans G.; Consistency between parameterisations of aerosol hygroscopicity and CCN activity during the RHaMBLe discovery cruise. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (7) , 3189-3203, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-3189-2010.] 2010
- Morgan W. T.; Allan James Donald; Bower K.; Highwood EJ; LIU D; MCMEEKING GR; Northway MJ; Williams P. I.; KREJCI R; Coe H; Airborne measurements of the spatial distribution of aerosol chemical composition across Europe and evolution of the organic fraction. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (8) , 4065-4083, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-4065-2010] 2010
- Morgan W. T.; Allan James Donald; Bower K.; Esselborn M.; Harris B.; Henzing J. S.; Highwood E. J.; Kiendler-Scharr A.; McMeeking G. R.; Mensah A. A.; Northway M. J.; Osborne S; Williams P. I.; KREJCI R; Coe H; Enhancement of the aerosol direct radiative effect by semi-volatile aerosol components: airborne measurements in North-Western Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (17) , 8151-8171, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-8151-2010] 2010
- Allan D.; Williams P. I.; Morgan W. T.; Martin C. L.; Flynn M. J.; Lee J.; Nemitz E.; Phillips G. J.; Gallagher M. W.; Coe H.; Contributions from transport, solid fuel burning and cooking to primary organic aerosols in two UK cities. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10 (2) , 647-668, 2010
- Allan James Donald; Topping D. O.; Good N.; Irwin M.; Flynn M; Williams P. I.; Coe H; Baker A. R.; Martino M.; Niedermeier N.; Wiedensohler A; Lehmann S.; Müller K.; Herrmann H.; McFiggans G.; Composition and properties of atmospheric particles in the eastern Atlantic and impacts on gas phase uptake rates. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 9 (5) , 18331--18374, [doi:10.5194/acpd-9-18331-2009] Sep 2009
- Allan James Donald; Williams P. I.; Morgan W. T.; Martin C. L.; Flynn M; Lee J. D.; Nemitz E; Phillips G. J.; Gallagher Martin; Coe H; Contributions from transport, solid fuel burning and cooking to primary organic aerosols in two UK cities. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 9 (5) , 19103--19157, [doi:10.5194/acpd-9-19103-2009] Sep 2009
- Dall'Osto M; Harrison Roy M.; Coe H; Williams P. I.; Allan James Donald; Real time chemical characterization of local and regional nitrate aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 9 (11) , 3709--3720, [doi:10.5194/acp-9-3709-2009] Jun 2009
- Dall'Osto M; Harrison Roy M.; Coe H; Williams P. I.; Real-time secondary aerosol formation during a fog event in London. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 9 (7) , 2459--2469, [doi:10.5194/acp-9-2459-2009] Apr 2009
- Capes G; Murphy JG; Reeves C. E.; McQuaid J. B.; Hamilton J. F.; Hopkins J. R.; Crosier J.; Williams P. I.; Coe H; Secondary organic aerosol from biogenic VOCs over West Africa during AMMA. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 9 (12) , 3841--3850, [doi:10.5194/acp-9-3841-2009] 2009
- Jimenez J. L.; Canagaratna M. R.; Donahue N. M.; Prevot A. S. H.; Zhang Q.; Kroll J. H.; DeCarlo P. F.; Allan James Donald; Coe H; Ng N. L.; Aiken A. C.; Docherty K. S.; Ulbrich I. M.; Grieshop A. P.; Robinson A. L.; Duplissy J.; Smith J. D.; Wilson K. R.; Lanz V. A.; Hueglin C.; Sun Y. L.; Tian J.; Laaksonen A.; Raatikainen T.; Rautiainen J.; Vaattovaara P.; Ehn M.; Kulmala M; Tomlinson J. M.; Collins D. R.; Cubison M. J.; Dunlea E. J.; Huffman J. A.; Onasch T. B.; Alfarra M. R.; Williams P. I.; Bower K.; Kondo Y.; Schneider J.; Drewnick F.; Borrmann S; Weimer S.; Demerjian K.; Salcedo D.; Cottrell L.; Griffin R.; Takami A.; Miyoshi T.; Hatakeyama S.; Shimono A.; Sun J. Y.; Zhang Y. M.; Dzepina K.; Kimmel J. R.; Sueper D.; Jayne J. T.; Herndon S. C.; Trimborn A. M.; Williams L. R.; Wood E. C.; Middlebrook A. M.; Kolb C. E.; Baltensperger U; Worsnop D. R.; Evolution of Organic Aerosols in the Atmosphere. Science, 326 (5959) , 1525--1529, [doi:10.1126/science.1180353] 2009
- Allan James Donald; Coe H; Crosier J.; Good N.; Irwin M.; McFiggans G.; Williams P. I.; Discrepancy between measured and modelled behaviour of aerosol as cloud condensation nuclei. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13) , A27--A27, 2009
- Morgan W. T.; Allan James Donald; Bower K.; Capes G; Crosier J.; Williams P. I.; Coe H; Vertical distribution of sub-micron aerosol chemical composition from North-Western Europe and the North-East Atlantic. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 9 (15) , 5389--5401, [doi:10.5194/acp-9-5389-2009] 2009
- Berner J; Doblas-Reyes F.; Palmer T. N.; Shutts G.J.; Weisheimer Antje; (ed: Palmer T. N.; Williams P.; ) Chapter: 15 pages 375-395, In Impact of a quasi-stochastic cellular automaton backscatter scheme on the systematic error and seasonal prediction skill of a global climate model, Cambridge University Press., 2009
- Allen G.; Vaughan G.; Bower K. N.; Williams P. I.; Crosier J.; Flynn M.; Connolly P.; Hamilton J. F.; Lee J. D.; Saxton J. E.; Watson N. M.; Gallagher M.; Coe H.; Allan J.; Choularton T. W.; Lewis Alastair C.; Correction to “Aerosol and trace-gas measurements in the Darwin area during the wet season”. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 113 (D23) , [doi:10.1029/2008jd011284] Dec 2008
- Capes G; Johnson B; McFiggans G.; Williams P. I.; Haywood JM; Coe H; Aging of biomass burning aerosols over West Africa: Aircraft measurements of chemical composition, microphysical properties,and emission ratios. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 113, D00C15, [doi:10.1029/2008JD009845] Oct 2008
- Allen G; Vaughan Geraint; Bower K.; Williams P. I.; Crosier J.; Flynn M; Connolly P; Hamilton J. F.; Lee J. D.; Saxton J. E.; Watson N. M.; Gallagher Martin; Coe H; Allan James Donald; Choularton T.; Lewis Alastair C.; Aerosol and trace-gas measurements in the Darwin area during the wet season. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 113 (D6) , D06306, [doi:10.1029/2007JD008706] 2008
- Allen G.; Vaughan G.; Bower K. N.; Williams P. I.; Crosier J.; Flynn M.; Connolly P.; Hamilton J. F.; Lee J. D.; Saxton J. E.; Watson N. M.; Gallagher M.; Coe H.; Allan J.; Choularton T. W.; Lewis A. C.; Aerosol and trace-gas measurements in the Darwin area during the wet season. Journal Of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 113 (6) , 2008
- Allen G.; Vaughan G.; Bower K. N.; Williams P. I.; Crosier J.; Flynn M.; Connolly P.; Hamilton J. F.; Lee J. D.; Saxton J. E.; Watson N. M.; Gallagher M.; Coe H.; Allan J.; Choularton T. W.; Lewis A. C.; Erratum: "Aerosol and trace-gas measurements in the Darwin area during the wet season" (Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres (2008) vol. 113 doi: 10.1029/2008JD011284). Journal Of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 113 (23) , 2008
- Highwood EJ; Haywood JM; Coe H; Cook J; Osborne S; Williams P. I.; Crosier J.; Bower K.; Formenti P; McQuaid J. B.; Brooks Barbara; Thomas G; Grainger R; Barnaba F; Gobbi P; de Leeuw G; Hopkins J. R.; Aerosol direct radiative impact experiment (ADRIEX) overview. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 133, 3--15, [doi:10.1002/qj.89] Jul 2007
- Brooks Barbara; McQuaid J. B.; Smith MH; Crosier J.; Williams P. I.; Coe H; Osborne S; Intercomparison of VACC- and AMS-derived nitrate, sulphate and ammonium aerosol loadings during ADRIEX. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 133, 77--84, [doi:10.1002/qj.90] Jul 2007
- Williams P. I.; McFiggans G.; Gallagher Martin; Latitudinal aerosol size distribution variation in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean measured aboard the FS-Polarstern. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 7 (10) , 2563--2573, 2007 2007
- Zhang Q.; Jimenez J. L.; Canagaratna M. R.; Allan James Donald; Coe H; Ulbrich I.; Alfarra M. R.; Takami A.; Middlebrook A. M.; Sun Y. L.; Dzepina K.; Dunlea E.; Docherty K.; DeCarlo P. F.; Salcedo D.; Onasch T.; Jayne J. T.; Miyoshi T.; Shimono A.; Hatakeyama S.; Takegawa N.; Kondo Y.; Schneider J.; Drewnick F.; Borrmann S; Weimer S.; Demerjian K.; Williams P. I.; Bower K.; Bahreini R.; Cottrell L.; Griffin R. J.; Rautiainen J.; Sun J. Y.; Zhang Y. M.; Worsnop D. R.; Ubiquity and dominance of oxygenated species in organic aerosols in anthropogenically-influenced Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes. Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (13) , [doi:10.1029/2007GL029979] 2007
- Crosier J.; Jimenez J. L.; Allan James Donald; Bower K.; Williams P. I.; Alfarra M. R.; Canagaratna M. R.; Jayne J. T.; Worsnop D. R.; Coe H; Technical note: Description and use of the new jump mass spectrum mode of operation for the aerodyne quadrupole aerosol mass spectrometers (Q-AMS). Aerosol Science And Technology, 41 (9) , 865--872, [doi:10.1080/02786820701501899] 2007
- Gysel M.; Crosier J.; Topping D. O.; Whitehead J. D.; Bower K.; Cubison M. J.; Williams P. I.; Flynn M; McFiggans G.; Coe H; Closure study between chemical composition and hygroscopic growth of aerosol particles during TORCH2. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 7 (24) , 6131--6144, [doi:10.5194/acp-7-6131-2007] 2007
- Crosier J.; Allan James Donald; Coe H; Bower K.; Formenti P; Williams P. I.; Chemical composition of summertime aerosol in the Po Valley (Italy), northern Adriatic and Black Sea. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 133, 61--75, [doi:10.1002/qj.88] 2007
- Williams P. I.; McFiggans G.; Gallagher M. W.; Latitudinal aerosol size distribution variation in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean measured aboard the FS-Polarstern. Atmos. Chem. Phys, 7 (10) , 2563--2573, [doi:10.5194/acp-7-2563-2007] 2007
- Lewis Alastair C.; Evans Mathew J.; Methven J.; Watson N.; Lee J. D.; Hopkins J. R.; Purvis R. M.; Arnold S. R.; McQuaid J. B.; Whalley L. K.; Pilling M. J.; Heard D. E.; Monks P. S.; Parker A. E.; Reeves C. E.; Oram David E.; Mills G.; Bandy Brian J.; Stewart D.; Coe H; Williams P.; Crosier J.; Chemical composition observed over the mid-Atlantic and the detection of pollution signatures far from source regions. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 112 (D10) , [doi:10.1029/2006jd007584] 2007
- Methven J.; Arnold SR; Stohl A; Evans Mathew J.; Avery MA; Law KS; Lewis Alastair C.; Monks P. S.; Parrish DD; Reeves C. E.; Schlager H; Atlas E; Blake DR; Coe H; Crosier J.; Flocke F; Holloway JS; McQuaid J. B.; Hopkins J. R.; Purvis R. M.; Rappenglueck B; Singh HB; Watson N; Whalley L. K.; Williams P. I.; Establishing Lagrangian connections between observations within air masses crossing the Atlantic during the International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation experiment. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 111 (d23) , pp.D23S62, [doi:10.1029/2006JD007540] 2006
- Heard D. E.; Read K. A.; Methven J.; Al Haider S; Bloss W; Johnson GP; Pilling MJ; Seakins P. W.; Smith SC; Sommariva R; Stanton J; Still T; Ingram T.; Brooks Barbara; de Leeuw G; Jackson A. V.; McQuaid J. B.; Morgan R; Smith MH; Carpenter L. J.; Carslaw N; Hamilton J. F.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; Purvis R. M.; Wevill DJ; Brough N; Green TJ; Mills GP; Penkett SA; Plane J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez A; Worton D; Monks P. S.; Fleming Z. L.; Rickard A. R.; Alfarra M. R.; Allan James Donald; Bower K.; Coe H; Cubison M; Flynn M; McFiggans G.; Gallagher Martin; Norton E. G.; O'Dowd CD; Shillito J; Topping D. O.; Vaughan Geraint; Williams P. I.; Bitter M; Ball SM; Jones R. L.; Povey IM; O'Doherty S; Simmonds PG; Allen A; Kinnersley RP; Dall'Osto M; Harrison Roy M.; Donovan RJ; Heal MR; Jennings SG; Noone C; Beddows D.C.S; Spain G; The North Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (NAMBLEX). Overview of the Campaign held at Mace Head, Ireland, in Summer 2002. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 6 (8) , 2241--2272, [doi:10.5194/acp-6-2241-2006] 2006
- Sommariva R; Bloss W. J.; Brough N; Carslaw N.; Flynn M; Haggerstone A. L.; Heard D. E.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis Alastair C.; McFiggans G.; Monks P. S.; Penkett S. A.; Pilling M. J.; Plane J. M. C.; Read K. A.; Saiz-Lopez A; Rickard A. R.; Williams P. I.; OH and HO2 chemistry during NAMBLEX: roles of oxygenates, halogen oxides and heterogeneous uptake. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6, 1135--1153, [doi:10.5194/acp-6-1135-2006] 2006
- Cubison M. J.; Alfarra M. R.; Allan James Donald; Bower K.; Coe H; McFiggans G.; Whitehead J. D.; Williams P. I.; Zhang Q.; Jimenez J. L.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; The characterisation of pollution aerosol in a changing photochemical environment. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6, 5573--5588, [doi:10.5194/acp-6-5573-2006] 2006
- Coe H; Allan James Donald; Alfarra M. R.; Bower K.; Flynn M; McFiggans G.; Topping D. O.; Williams P. I.; O'Dowd C. D.; Dall'Osto M; Beddows D.C.S; Harrison Roy M.; Chemical and physical characteristics of aerosol particles at a remote coastal location, Mace Head, Ireland, during NAMBLEX. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6, 3289--3301, [doi:10.5194/acp-6-3289-2006] 2006
- Heard D. E.; Read K. A.; Methven J.; Al-Haider S.; Bloss W. J.; Johnson G. P.; Pilling M. J.; Seakins P. W.; Smith S. C.; Sommariva R.; Stanton J. C.; Still T. J.; Ingham T.; Brooks B.; de Leeuw G.; Jackson A. V.; McQuaid J. B.; Morgan R.; Smith M. H.; Carpenter L. J.; Carslaw N.; Hamilton J.; Hopkins J. R.; Lee J. D.; Lewis A. C.; Purvis R. M.; Wevill D. J.; Brough N.; Green T.; Mills G.; Penkett S. A.; Plane J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez A.; Worten D.; Monks P. S.; Fleming Z.; Rickard A. R.; Alfarra M. R.; Allan J. D.; Bower K.; Coe H.; Cubison M.; Flynn M.; McFiggans G.; Gallagher M.; Norton E. G.; O{'}Dowd C. D.; Shillito J.; Topping D.; Vaughan G.; Williams P.; Bitter M.; Ball S. M.; Jones R. L.; Povey I. M.; O{'}Doherty S.; Simmonds P. G.; Allen A.; Kinnersley R. P.; Beddows D.C.S; Dall{'}Osto M.; Harrison R. M.; Donovan R. J.; Heal M. R.; Jennings S. G.; Noone C.; Spain G.; The North Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (NAMBLEX). Overview of the campaign held at Mace Head, Ireland, in summer 2002. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 6 (8) , 2241-2272, 2006
- McFiggans G.; Alfarra M. R.; Allan James Donald; Bower K.; Coe H; Cubison M; Topping D. O.; Williams P. I.; Decesari S.; Facchini C.; Fuzzi S.; Simplification of the representation of the organic component of atmospheric particulates. Faraday Discussions, 130, 341--362, [doi:10.1039/b419435g] 2005
- Longley I.; Inglis D.; Gallagher Martin; Williams P. I.; Allan James Donald; Coe H; Using NOx and CO monitoring data to indicate fine aerosol number concentrations and emission factors in three UK conurbations. Atmospheric Environment, 39 (28) , 5157-5169, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.05.017] 2005
- Bloss W. J.; Lee J. D.; Johnson G. P.; Sommariva R; Heard D. E.; Saiz-Lopez A; Plane J. M. C.; McFiggans G.; Coe H; Flynn M; Williams P. I.; Rickard A. R.; Fleming Z. L.; Impact of halogen monoxide chemistry upon boundary layer OH and HO2 concentrations at a coastal site. Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (6) , [doi:10.1029/2004GL022084] 2005
- Longley I. D.; Inglis D. W. F.; Gallagher M. W.; Williams P. I.; Allan J. D.; Coe H.; Using NO
x and CO monitoring data to indicate fine aerosol number concentrations and emission factors in three UK conurbations. Atmospheric Environment, 39 (28) , 5157-5169, 2005 - Canagaratna M. R.; Jayne J. T.; Ghertner D. A.; Herndon S.; Shi Q.; Jimenez J. L.; Silva P. J.; Williams P.; Lanni T.; Drewnick F.; Demerjian K. L.; Kolb C. E.; Worsnop D. R.; Chase studies of particulate emissions from in-use New York City vehicles. Aerosol Science And Technology, 38 (6) , 555--573, [doi:10.1080/02786820490465504] JUN 2004 2004
- Allan James Donald; Jimenez J. L.; Williams P. I.; Alfarra M. R.; Bower K.; Jayne J. T.; Coe H; Worsnop D. R.; Quantitative sampling using an Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer - 1. Techniques of data interpretation and error analysis. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 108 (D3) , [doi:10.1029/2002JD002358] 2003
- Allan James Donald; Alfarra M. R.; Bower K.; Williams P. I.; Gallagher Martin; Jimenez J. L.; McDonald A. G.; Nemitz E; Canagaratna M. R.; Jayne J. T.; Coe H; Worsnop D. R.; Quantitative sampling using an Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer - 2. Measurements of fine particulate chemical composition in two U.K. cities. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 108 (D3) , [doi:10.1029/2002JD002359] 2003
- Allan J. D.; Alfarra M. R.; Bower K. N.; Williams P. I.; Gallagher M. W.; Jimenez J. L.; McDonald A. G.; Nemitz E.; Canagaratna M. R.; Jayne J. T.; Coe H.; Worsnop D. R.; Correction to "Quantitative sampling using an Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer: 2. Measurements of fine particulate chemical composition in two U.K. cities". Journal Of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, 108 (9) , 2003
- Allan J. D.; Alfarra M. R.; Bower K. N.; Williams P. I.; Gallagher M. W.; Jimenez J. L.; McDonald A. G.; Nemitz E.; Canagaratna M. R.; Jayne J. T.; Coe H.; Worsnop D. R.; Quantitative sampling using an Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer 2. Measurements of fine particulate chemical composition in two U.K. cities. Journal Of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres, 108 (3) , 2003
- Dorsey James R.; Nemitz E.; Gallagher Martin; Fowler D.; Williams P. I.; Bower K.; Beswick K. M.; Direct measurements and parameterisation of aerosol flux, concentration and emission velocity above a city. Atmospheric Environment, 36 (5) , 791--800, [doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(01)00526-X] 2002
- Dorsey J. R.; Nemitz E.; Gallagher M. W.; Fowler D.; Williams P. I.; Bower K. N.; Beswick K. M.; Direct measurements and parameterisation of aerosol flux, concentration and emission velocity above a city. Atmospheric Environment, 36 (5) , 791-800, 2002
- Nemitz E.; Flynn M.; Williams P. I.; Milford C.; Theobald M. R.; Blatter A.; Gallagher M. W.; Sutton M. A.; A Relaxed Eddy Accumulation System for the Automated Measurement of Atmospheric Ammonia Fluxes. Water, Air, And Soil Pollution: Focus, 1 (5) , 189--202, [doi:10.1023/a:1013103122226] 2001
- Sutton M. A.; Milford C.; Nemitz E.; Theobald M. R.; Hill P. W.; Fowler D.; Schjoerring J. K.; Mattsson M. E.; Nielsen K. H.; Husted S.; Erisman J. W.; Otjes R.; Hensen A.; Mosquera J.; Cellier P.; Loubet B.; David M.; Genermont S.; Neftel A.; Blatter A.; Herrmann B.; Jones S. K.; Horvath L.; Fuhrer E. C.; Mantzanas K.; Koukoura Z.; Gallagher Martin; Williams P.; Flynn M; Riedo M.; Biosphere-atmosphere interactions of ammonia with grasslands: Experimental strategy and results from a new European initiative. Plant And Soil, 228 (1) , 131--145, [doi:10.1023/a:1004822100016] JAN 2001 2001
- Sutton M. A.; Milford C.; Nemitz E.; Theobald M. R.; Hill P. W.; Fowler D.; Schjoerring J. K.; Mattsson M. E.; Nielsen K. H.; Husted S.; Erisman J. W.; Otjes R.; Hensen A.; Mosquera J.; Cellier P.; Loubet B.; David M.; Genermont S.; Neftel A.; Blatter A.; Herrmann B.; Jones S. K.; Horvath L.; Fuhrer E. C.; Mantzanas K.; Koukoura Z.; Gallagher M.; Williams P.; Flynn M.; Riedo M.; Biosphere-atmosphere interactions of ammonia with grasslands: Experimental strategy and results from a new European initiative. Plant And Soil, 228 (1) , 131-145, 2001
- Williams P. I.; Gallagher Martin; Choularton T.; Coe H; Bower K.; McFiggans G.; Aerosol development and interaction in an urban plume. Aerosol Science And Technology, 32 (2) , 120--126, [doi:10.1080/027868200303821] FEB 2000 2000
- Dorsey James R.; Nemitz E. G.; Theobold M.; Williams P. I.; Fowler D.; Gallagher Martin; Aerosol fluxes over an urban canopy. Nucleation And Atmospheric Aerosols 2000, 534, 635--638, [doi:10.1063/1.1361947] 2000
- Williams P. I.; Gallagher M. W.; Choularton T. W.; Coe H.; Bower K. N.; McFiggans G.; Aerosol development and interaction in an urban plume. Aerosol Science And Technology, 32 (2) , 120-126, 2000
- Coe H.; Williams P. I.; Gallagher M. W.; Bower K. N.; Choularton T. W.; Jayne J. T.; Worsnop D.; An aerosol mass spectrometer for quantitative on-line sampling of particle composition. Journal Of Aerosol Science, 31 (SUPPL.1) , 2000
- Coe H.; Williams P. I.; McFiggans G.; Gallagher M. W.; Beswick K. M.; Bower K. N.; Choularton T. W.; Behavior of ultrafine particles in continental and marine air masses at a rural site in the United Kingdom. Journal Of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 105 (D22) , 26891-26905, 2000
- Nemitz E.; Fowler D.; Dorsey J. R.; Theobald M. R.; Mcdonald A. D.; Bower K. N.; Beswick K. M.; Williams P. I.; Gallagher M. W.; Direct measurements of size-segregated particle fluxes above a city. Journal Of Aerosol Science, 31 (SUPPL.1) , 2000
- Williams P. I.; Dorsey J.; Nemitz E.; Beswick K. M.; Bower K. N.; Gallagher M. W.; Fine and ultra fine aerosol characterization and source interpretation in an urban environment. Journal Of Aerosol Science, 31 (SUPPL.1) , 2000
- Dorsey J. R.; Nemitz E.; Williams P. I.; Gallagher M. W.; Bower K. N.; Fowler D.; Total aerosol flux measurements above a cityscape. Journal Of Aerosol Science, 31 (SUPPL.1) , 2000
- McFiggans Gordon; Coe Hugh; Williams Paul I.; Bower Keith N.; Gallagher Martin W.; Beswick Karl M.; Choularton Tom W.; Ultra-fine particle production in rural and marine air masses. Journal Of Aerosol Science, 30 (Suppl. 1) , 1999
- Sutton M. A.; Milford C.; Nemitz E.; Theobald M. R.; Hill P. W.; Fowler D.; Schjoerring J. K.; Mattsson M. E.; Nielsen K. H.; Husted S.; Erisman J. W.; Otjes R.; Hensen A.; Mosquera J.; Cellier P.; Loubet B.; David M.; Genermont S.; Neftel A.; Blatter A.; Herrmann B.; Jones S. K.; Horvath L.; Fuhrer E. C.; Mantzanas K.; Koukoura Z.; Gallagher Martin; Williams P.; Flynn M; Riedo M.; Biosphere-atmosphere interactions of ammonia with grasslands: Experimental strategy and results from a new European initiative. Plant And Soil
- Outstanding benefit to society through research - winner, The University of Manchester, January 2018
- Outstanding contribution to environmental sustainability - highly commended, The University of Manchester, January 2019
- In October 2016, NERC host the science showcase Into The Blue at Ringway Park, Manchester Airport. As part of the event, I designed and coordinated the AMF stand, with hands on activities and information videos from the AMF staff. The cloudy rainbows were legendary!, September 2016