Shaw, Dr Marvin
Research Scientist
University of York
Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory
Department of Chemistry
University of York
YO10 5DD
- +44 190 432 1197
- National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) research fellow. Primary research interests encapsulate both indoor and urban air quality with a view to identify and quantify primary emission sources of gas phase air pollutants (Volatile organic compounds - VOCs) in these environments. My aim is to further develop the understanding of how and where these pollutants are emitted from and how this relates to estimates from current national emission inventories.
- Past field studies I have been involved in have taken place in a variety of challenging environments ranging from the Arctic to tropical rainforests (e.g. Brazil), to major cities across both Europe and Asia. Previous urban air quality studies have involved deployment at ground sites (London, Vietnam, China) and airborne platforms.
- Experienced in the use of a wide range of Analytical Instrumentation and clean-up methods for both gas and liquid phase organic analysis.
- Considered a European expert in the direct determination of VOC emissions using real-time chemical ionisation mass spectrometry techniques such as Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) and Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS).
- Author of 24 peer reviewed publications with a current h-index of 13 (as of July 2020).
Recent Relevant Research Projects
- Atmospheric Pollution and Human Health in a Chinese Megacity program (2016-2017) NERC funded International field project looking at the characterisation of pollutant emissions in Beijing and their health effects on the exposed local population. This involved a proof of concept study calculating VOC fluxes using eddy covariance and SIFT-MS.
- A Tale of Two Cities (2019), International field project looking at the pollutant concentrations in both Hanoi and Hoi Chi Min city (Vietnam) simultaneously.
- IMPacts of Cooking and Cleaning on Indoor Air quality: towards healthy BuiLdings for the future: IMPECCABLE (2019-2020). Characterisation of gas phase compounds emitted during cooking in indoor environments.