Archibald, Prof. Alexander T.
Group Leader (Science lead for UKCA)
University of Cambridge
Department of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
Lensfield Road
- @aTarchie
- +44 122 374 8901

- Archibald A. T.; Sinha Bablu; Russo Maria R.; Matthews Emily; Squires Freja; Abraham NL; Bauguitte Stephane J.-B.; Bannan Thomas J.; Bell Thomas G.; Berry David; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Coe H; Coward A. C.; Edwards P.; Feltham Daniel; Heard Dwayne E.; Hopkins J. R.; Keeble James M.; Kent Elizabeth; King Brian A.; Lawrence Isobel R.; Lee J. D.; Macintosh Claire R.; Megann Alex; Moat Ben; Read Katie; Reed Chris; Roberts Malcolm J.; Schiemann R.; Schroeder David; Smyth Tim; Temple Loren; Thamban Navaneeth Meena; Whalley Lisa; Williams Simon; Wu Huihui; Yang Mingxi; Data supporting the North Atlantic Climate System Integrated Study (ACSIS) programme, including atmospheric composition; oceanographic and sea-ice observations (2016–2022); and output from ocean, atmosphere, land, and sea-ice models (1950–2050). Earth System Science Data, 17 (1) , 135–164, [doi:10.5194/essd-17-135-2025] Jan 2025
- Sakulsupich Vichawan; Griffiths Paul; Archibald A. T.; Historical sulfate aerosol formation in earth system model with interactive-chemistry: interplay between emission location, seasonality, meteorology and available oxidants. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1018] Nov 2024
- Griffiths Paul; Wilcox L. J.; Allen Robert J.; Naik Vaishali; O'Connor Fiona; Prather Michael J.; Archibald A. T.; Brown Florence; Deushi Makoto; Collins W.; Fiedler Stephanie; Oshima Naga; Murray Lee T.; Smith Christopher J.; Turnock Steven T.; Watson-Parris Duncan; Young Paul J.; Opinion: The Impact of AerChemMIP on Climate and Air Quality Research. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-2528] Sep 2024
- Hickman Sebastian H. M.; Griffiths Paul; Nowack Peer; Archibald A. T.; Estimating the causal effect of temperature on ozone air pollution. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12694] Mar 2024
- Jacob Lorrie; Giorio Chiara; Archibald A. T.; Extension, development, and evaluation of the representation of the OH-initiated dimethyl sulfide (DMS) oxidation mechanism in the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) v3.3.1 framework. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 24 (5) , 3329–3347, [doi:10.5194/acp-24-3329-2024] Mar 2024
- Ye Xingpei; Wang Xiaolin; Li Danyang; Griffiths Paul; Archibald A. T.; Zhang Lin; Uncertainties in tropospheric ozone changes due to natural precursor emissions. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4434] Mar 2024
- Brown Megan; Archibald A. T.; Abraham NL; Warwick Nicola; Griffiths Paul; Modelling the Global Uncertainty of Hydrogen Deposition. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16477] Mar 2024
- Murulitharan Jayaprakash; Archibald A. T.; Giorio Chiara; Uncovering the effect of fires in Jambi, Riau, and South Sumatra on PM2.5 concentration levels in Greater Kuala Lumpur during September 2019 transboundary haze pollution. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8954] Mar 2024
- Murulitharan Jayaprakash; Archibald A. T.; Giorio Chiara; Uncovering the effect of fires in Jambi, Riau, and South Sumatra on PM2.5 concentration levels in Greater Kuala Lumpur during September 2019 transboundary haze pollution. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8954] Mar 2024
- Murulitharan Jayaprakash; Archibald A. T.; Giorio Chiara; Uncovering the effect of fires in Jambi, Riau, and South Sumatra on PM2.5 concentration levels in Greater Kuala Lumpur during September 2019 transboundary haze pollution. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8954] Mar 2024
- Archibald A. T.; Sinha Bablu; Russo Maria R.; Matthews Emily; Squires Freja; Abraham NL; Bauguitte Stéphane; Bannan Thomas; Bell Thomas G.; Berry David; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Coe H; Coward A. C.; Edwards Peter; Feltham Daniel; Heard Dwayne E.; Hopkins J. R.; Keeble James M.; Kent Elizabeth C.; King Brian; Lawrence Isobel R.; Lee J. D.; Macintosh Claire R.; Megann Alex; Moat Ben; Read Katie; Reed Chris; Roberts Malcolm; Schiemann Reinhard; Schroeder David; Smyth Tim; Temple Loren; Thamban Navaneeth Meena; Whalley Lisa; Williams Simon; Wu Huihui; Yang Mingxi; Data supporting the North Atlantic Climate System: Integrated Studies (ACSIS) programme, including atmospheric composition, oceanographic and sea ice observations (2016–2022) and output from ocean, atmosphere, land and sea-ice models (1950–2050). [doi:10.5194/essd-2023-405] Feb 2024
- Bhatti Yusuf; Revell Laura E.; Alex Schuddeboom; Adrian McDonald; Archibald A. T.; Williams Jonny; Venugopal Abhijith U.; Hardacre Catherine; Erik Behrens; The sensitivity of Southern Ocean atmospheric dimethyl sulfide (DMS) to modeled oceanic DMS concentrations and emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (24) , 15181–15196, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-15181-2023] Dec 2023
- Sun Jason; Tang Haiyang; Zhao Huan; Xiang Qingyi; Tian Yijia; van Daalen Kim Robin; Tang Kun; Loo Evelyn Xiu-Ling; Shek Lynette P; Archibald A. T.; Xu Wei; Guo Yuming; Bai Xiaoxia; Maternal cardiovascular and haematological complications alter the risk associations between environmental exposure and adverse pregnancy outcomes. [doi:10.1101/2023.11.15.23298338] Nov 2023
- Cala Ben A.; Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Weber James; Abraham NL; Griffiths Paul; Jacob Lorrie; Shin Y. Matthew; Revell Laura E.; Woodhouse Matthew; Archibald A. T.; Development, intercomparison, and evaluation of an improved mechanism for the oxidation of dimethyl sulfide in the UKCA model. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (23) , 14735–14760, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-14735-2023] Nov 2023
- Jacob Lorrie; Giorio Chiara; Archibald A. T.; Supplementary material to “Extension, Development and Evaluation of the representation of the OH-initiated DMS oxidation mechanism in the MCM v3.3.1 framework”. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-2223-supplement] Oct 2023
- Warwick Nicola J.; Archibald A. T.; Griffiths Paul; Keeble James M.; O'Connor Fiona; Pyle John A.; Shine Keith P.; Atmospheric composition and climate impacts of a future hydrogen economy. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (20) , 13451–13467, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-13451-2023] Oct 2023
- Jacob Lorrie; Giorio Chiara; Archibald A. T.; Extension, Development and Evaluation of the representation of the OH-initiated DMS oxidation mechanism in the MCM v3.3.1 framework. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-2223] Oct 2023
- Robertson F.; Revell Laura E.; Douglas Hunter C; Archibald A. T.; Morgenstern O.; Frame David John; Signal‐To‐Noise Calculations of Emergence and De‐Emergence of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion. Geophysical Research Letters, 50 (16) , [doi:10.1029/2023gl104246] Aug 2023
- Robertson F.; Revell Laura E.; Douglas Hunter C; Archibald A. T.; Morgenstern O.; Frame David John; Signal‐To‐Noise Calculations of Emergence and De‐Emergence of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion. Geophysical Research Letters, 50 (16) , [doi:10.1029/2023gl104246] Aug 2023
- Russo Maria R.; Kerridge Brian John; Abraham NL; Keeble James M.; Latter Barry G.; Siddans Richard; Weber James; Griffiths Paul; Pyle John Adrian; Archibald A. T.; Seasonal, interannual and decadal variability of tropospheric ozone in the North Atlantic: comparison of UM-UKCA and remote sensing observations for 2005–2018. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (11) , 6169–6196, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-6169-2023] Jun 2023
- Matthews Emily; Bannan Thomas J.; Anwar Khan M.; Shallcross Dudley E.; Stark Harald; Browne Eleanor; Archibald A. T.; Mehra Archit; Bauguitte Stéphane J.-B.; Reed Chris; Thamban Navaneeth Meena; Wu Huihui; Barker Patrick; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Yang Mingxi; Bell Thomas G.; Allen Grant; Jayne John T.; Percival Carl J.; MCfiggans Gordan; Gallagher M.; Coe H; Airborne observations over the North Atlantic Ocean reveal the importance of gas-phase urea in the atmosphere. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 120 (25) , [doi:10.1073/pnas.2218127120] Jun 2023
- Russo M. R.; Kerridge B. J.; Abraham N. L.; Keeble J.; Latter B. G.; Siddans R.; Weber J.; Griffiths P. T.; Pyle J. A.; Archibald A. T.; Seasonal, interannual and decadal variability of tropospheric ozone in the North Atlantic: comparison of UM-UKCA and remote sensing observations for 2005-2018. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (11) , 6169--6196, Jun 2023
- Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Allen Rachel; Abraham NL; Griffiths Paul; Archibald A. T.; Large simulated future changes in the nitrate radical under the CMIP6 SSP scenarios: implications for oxidation chemistry. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (10) , 5801–5813, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-5801-2023] May 2023
- Reyes-Villegas Ernesto; Lowe Doug; Johnson Jill S.; Carslaw Ken; Darbyshire Eoghan; Flynn Michael; Allan James Donald; Coe H; Chen Ying; Wild Oliver; Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Archibald A. T.; Singh Siddhartha; Shrivastava Manish; Zaveri Rahul A.; Singh Vikas; Beig Gufran; Sokhi Ranjeet; MCfiggans Gordan; Simulating organic aerosol in Delhi with WRF-Chem using the volatility-basis-set approach: exploring model uncertainty with a Gaussian process emulator. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (10) , 5763–5782, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-5763-2023] May 2023
- Bhatti Yusuf; Revell Laura E.; Alex Schuddeboom; Adrian McDonald; Archibald A. T.; Williams Jonny; Venugopal Abhijith; Hardacre Catherine; Erik Behrens; The sensitivity of Southern Ocean atmospheric dimethyl sulfide to modelled sources and emissions. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-868] May 2023
- Fahrin Fouzia; Jones Dan; Wu Yan; Keeble James M.; Archibald A. T.; Technical note: Unsupervised classification of ozone profiles in UKESM1. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 23 (6) , 3609–3627, [doi:10.5194/acp-23-3609-2023] Mar 2023
- Warwick Nicola J.; Archibald A. T.; Griffiths Paul; Keeble James M.; O'Connor Fiona; Pyle John A.; Shine Keith P.; Supplementary material to “Atmospheric composition and climate impacts of a future hydrogen economy”. [doi:10.5194/acp-2023-29-supplement] Mar 2023
- Warwick Nicola J.; Archibald A. T.; Griffiths Paul; Keeble James M.; O'Connor Fiona; Pyle John A.; Shine Keith P.; Atmospheric composition and climate impacts of a future hydrogen economy. [doi:10.5194/acp-2023-29] Mar 2023
- Bhatti Yusuf; Revell Laura E.; Alex Schuddeboom; Adrian McDonald; Archibald A. T.; Williams Jonny; Erik Behrens; Southern Ocean Emissions of DMS. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1108] Feb 2023
- Staniaszek Zosia; Griffiths Paul; Folberth Gerd A.; O'Connor Fiona M.; Archibald A. T.; Regional impacts of CO and NOx mitigation in a methane emissions-driven model. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1291] Feb 2023
- Jacob Lorrie; Giorio Chiara; Archibald A. T.; Assessment of dimethyl sulfide atmospheric oxidation mechanisms, used in both box models and global models, through the comparison with previous experiments. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15130] Feb 2023
- Wan Michelle; Archibald A. T.; Neural network studies of air quality and socioeconomic predictors of mortality. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1535] Feb 2023
- Wilcox L. J.; Sutton R.T.; Robson J. I.; Dong Buwen; Griffiths Paul; Grosvenor D. P.; Hodson Daniel; Keeble James; Rumbold Steven; Archibald A. T.; Carslaw Ken; Dittus Andrea J.; Harvey Benjamin J.; Sinha Bablu; The Role of Anthropogenic Aerosols in Recent North Atlantic Climate Change: A Synthesis of Findings from the UK ACSIS Programme. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15360] Feb 2023
- Sakulsupich Vichawan; Griffiths Paul; Archibald A. T.; The role of sulfur oxidation on cloud and aerosol properties in UKESM1 CMIP6 historical experiments. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-423] Feb 2023
- Hickman Sebastian; Griffiths Paul; Nowack Peer; Archibald A. T.; Using reduced representations of atmospheric fields to quantify the causal drivers of air pollution. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6061] Feb 2023
- Matthews Emily; Bannan Thomas; Anwar Khan M.; Shallcross Dudley; Stark Harald; Browne Eleanor; Archibald A. T.; Bauguitte Stéphane; Reed Chris; Thamban Navaneeth Meena; Wu Huihui; Lee J. D.; Carpenter Lucy Jane; Yang Mingxi; Bell Thomas G.; Allen Grant; Percival Carl; MCfiggans Gordan; Gallagher M.; Coe Hugh; Airborne observations over the North Atlantic Ocean reveal the first gas-phase measurements of urea in the atmosphere. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6620] Feb 2023
- Archibald A. T.; Cala Ben; Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Abraham NL; Griffiths Paul; Jacob Lorrie; Shin Matthew; Revell Laura E.; Woodhouse Matthew; Development, intercomparison and evaluation of an improved mechanism for the oxidation of dimethyl sulfide. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7047] Feb 2023
- Griffiths Paul; Shin Youngdub; Keeble James; Archibald A. T.; Tropospheric ozone budget in AerChemMIP experiments. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7364] Feb 2023
- Cala Ben A.; Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Weber James; Abraham NL; Griffiths Paul; Jacob Lorrie; Shin Y. Matthew; Revell Laura E.; Woodhouse Matthew; Archibald A. T.; Development, intercomparison and evaluation of an improved mechanism for the oxidation of dimethyl sulfide in the UKCA model. [doi:10.5194/acp-2023-42] Jan 2023
- Cala Ben A.; Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Weber James; Abraham NL; Griffiths Paul; Jacob Lorrie; Shin Y. Matthew; Revell Laura E.; Woodhouse Matthew; Archibald A. T.; Supplementary material to "Development, intercomparison and evaluation of an improved mechanism for the oxidation of dimethyl sulfide in the UKCA model". [doi:10.5194/acp-2023-42-supplement] Jan 2023
- Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Allen Rachel; Abraham NL; Griffiths Paul; Archibald A. T.; Supplementary material to “Large Simulated Future Changes in the Nitrate Radical Under the CMIP6 SSP Scenarios: Implications for Oxidation Chemistry”. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-706-supplement] Nov 2022
- Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Allen Rachel; Abraham NL; Griffiths Paul; Archibald A. T.; Large Simulated Future Changes in the Nitrate Radical Under the CMIP6 SSP Scenarios: Implications for Oxidation Chemistry. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-706] Nov 2022
- Turnock Steven T.; Allen Robert; Archibald A. T.; Dalvi Mohit; Folberth Gerd; Griffiths Paul; Keeble James; Robertson Eddy; O'Connor Fiona; The Future Climate and Air Quality Response From Different Near-Term Climate Forcer, Climate, and Land-Use Scenarios Using UKESM1. Earth{\Textquotesingle}S Future, 10 (8) , [doi:10.1029/2022ef002687] Aug 2022
- Zengast Guang; Morgenstern Olaf; Williams Jonny; O'Connor Fiona; Griffiths Paul; Keeble James; Deushi Makoto; Horowitz Larry Wayne; Naik Vaishali; Emmons Louisa; Abraham N. Luke; Archibald A. T.; Bauer Susanne E.; Hassler Birgit; Michou Martine; Mills Michael James; Murray Lee T.; Oshima Naga; Sentman Lori; Tilmes Simone; Tsigaridis Kostas; Young Paul J.; Attribution of Stratospheric and Tropospheric Ozone Changes Between 1850 and 2014 in CMIP6 Models. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127 (16) , [doi:10.1029/2022jd036452] Aug 2022
- Folberth G. A.; Staniaszek Zosia; Archibald A. T.; Gedney N.; Griffiths P. T.; Jones Chris D.; O'Connor Fiona; Parker Rob J.; Sellar Alistair; Wiltshire A.; Description and Evaluation of an Emission-Driven and Fully Coupled Methane Cycle in UKESM1. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems, 14 (7) , [doi:10.1029/2021ms002982] Jul 2022
- Fahrin Fouzia; Jones Dan; Wu Yan; Keeble James; Archibald A. T.; Technical Note: Unsupervised classification of ozone profiles in UKESM1. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-423] Jul 2022
- Reyes-Villegas Ernesto; Lowe Doug; Johnson Jill; Carslaw Ken; Darbyshire Eoghan; Flynn Michael; Allan James Donald; Coe Hugh; Chen Ying; Wild Oliver; Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Archibald A. T.; Singh Siddhartha; Shrivastava Manish; Zaveri Rahul A.; Singh Vikas; Beig Gufran; Sokhi Ranjeet; MCfiggans Gordan; Simulating organic aerosol in Delhi with WRF-Chem using the VBS approach: Exploring model uncertainty with a Gaussian Process emulator. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-463] Jul 2022
- Reyes-Villegas Ernesto; Lowe Doug; Johnson Jill; Carslaw Ken; Darbyshire Eoghan; Flynn Michael; Allan James Donald; Coe Hugh; Chen Ying; Wild Oliver; Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Archibald A. T.; Singh Siddhartha; Shrivastava Manish; Zaveri Rahul A.; Singh Vikas; Beig Gufran; Sokhi Ranjeet; MCfiggans Gordan; Supplementary material to "Simulating organic aerosol in Delhi with WRF-Chem using the VBS approach: Exploring model uncertainty with a Gaussian Process emulator". [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-463-supplement] Jul 2022
- Yuan Le; Popoola Olalekan; Hood Christina; Carruthers David; Jones Roderic L.; Sun Haitong Zhe; Liu Huan; Zhang Qiang; Archibald A. T.; Improving NOₓ emission estimates in Beijing using network observations and a perturbed emissions ensemble. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 22 (13) , 8617--8637, [doi:10.5194/acp-22-8617-2022] Jul 2022
- Russo Maria R.; Kerridge Brian J.; Abraham NL; Keeble James M.; Latter Barry G.; Siddans Richard; Weber James; Griffiths Paul; Pyle John A.; Archibald A. T.; Seasonal, interannual and decal variability of Tropospheric Ozone in the North Atlantic: Comparison of UM-UKCA and remote sensing observations for 2005–2018. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-99] Mar 2022
- Yuan Le; Popoola Olalekan; Hood Christina; Carruthers David; Jones Roderic L.; Sun Haitong Zhe; Liu Huan; Zhang Qiang; Archibald A. T.; Improving NOₓ emissions in Beijing using network observations and a novel perturbed emissions ensemble. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-161] Mar 2022
- Yuan Le; Popoola Olalekan; Hood Christina; Carruthers David; Jones Roderic L.; Sun Haitong Zhe; Liu Huan; Zhang Qiang; Archibald A. T.; Supplementary material to "Improving NOₓ emissions in Beijing using network observations and a novel perturbed emissions ensemble". [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-161-supplement] Mar 2022
- Russo Maria R.; Kerridge Brian J.; Abraham NL; Keeble James; Latter Barry G.; Siddans Richard; Weber James; Griffiths Paul; Pyle John A.; Archibald A. T.; Supplementary material to "Seasonal, interannual and decal variability of Tropospheric Ozone in the North Atlantic: Comparison of UM-UKCA and remote sensing observations for 2005–2018". [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-99-supplement] Mar 2022
- Griffiths Paul; Keeble James; Hickman Sebastian; Shin Youngsub Matthew; Abraham NL; Pyle John; Archibald A. T.; Studies of the effect of stratospheric ozone depletion on tropospheric oxidising capacity over the period 1979-2010 using the UKCA Chemistry-Climate model. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3754] Mar 2022
- Weber James; Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Abraham NL; Shin Youngsub Matthew; Griffiths Paul; Grosvenor D. P.; Scott Catherine E.; Archibald A. T.; Climate feedback from vegetation emissions strongly dependent on modelling of atmospheric chemistry.. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6446] Mar 2022
- Hickman Sebastian; Griffiths Paul; Weber James; Archibald A. T.; Can simple machine learning methods predict concentrations of OH betterthan state of the art chemical mechanisms?. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6553] Mar 2022
- Archibald A. T.; Collins W.; Evans Mathew J.; Griffiths Paul; O'Connor Fiona; Wild Oliver; Young Paul J.; Ace in the hole or a house of cards: Will a DeCK experiment help atmospheric chemistry?. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9442] Mar 2022
- Zengast Guang; Abraham Nathan Luke; Archibald A. T.; Bauer Susanne E.; Deushi Makoto; Emmons Louisa; Griffiths Paul; Hassler Birgit; Horowitz Larry Wayne; Keeble James; Mills Michael James; Morgenstern Olaf; Murray Lee T.; Naik Vaishali; O'Connor Fiona; Oshima Naga; Sentman Lori; Tilmes Simone; Tsigaridis Kostas; Williams Jonny; Young Paul J.; Attribution of stratospheric and tropospheric ozone changes between 1850 and 2014 in CMIP6 models. [doi:10.1002/essoar.10510050.1] Jan 2022
- Weber James; Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Abraham NL; Shin Youngsub M.; Bannan Thomas J.; Percival Carl J.; Bacak Asan; Artaxo Paulo E.; Jenkin Michael; Anwar Khan M.; Shallcross Dudley E.; Schwantes Rebecca; Williams Jonathan; Archibald A. T.; Improvements to the representation of BVOC chemistry–climate interactions in UKCA (v11.5) with the CRI-Strat 2 mechanism: incorporation and evaluation. Geoscientific Model Development, 14 (8) , 5239–5268, [doi:10.5194/gmd-14-5239-2021] Aug 2021
- Sun Z; Archibald A. T.; Multi-stage Ensemble-learning-based Model Fusion for Surface Ozone Simulations: A Focus on CMIP6 Models. [doi:10.1002/essoar.10507571.1] Jul 2021
- Staunton-Sykes John; Aubry Thomas J.; Shin Youngsub M.; Weber James; Marshall Lauren; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Schmidt Anja; Co-emission of volcanic sulfur and halogens amplifies volcanic effective radiative forcing. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (11) , 9009--9029, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-9009-2021] Jun 2021
- Archer-Nicholls S.; Abraham N. L.; Shin Y. M.; Weber J.; Russo M. R.; Lowe D.; Utembe S. R.; O'Connor F. M.; Kerridge B.; Latter B.; Siddans R.; Jenkin M.; Wild O.; Archibald A. T.; The Common Representative Intermediates Mechanism Version 2 in the United Kingdom Chemistry and Aerosols Model. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems, 13 (5) , "", May 2021
- Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Abraham NL; Shin Y. M.; Weber James; Russo Maria R.; Lowe D.; Utembe S. R.; O'Connor Fiona; KERRIDGE BJ; Latter Barry G.; Siddans R.; Jenkin ME; Wild Oliver; Archibald A. T.; The Common Representative Intermediates Mechanism Version 2 in the United Kingdom Chemistry and Aerosols Model. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems, 13 (5) , [doi:10.1029/2020ms002420] May 2021
- Yuan Le; Popoola Olalekan; Hood Christina; Carruthers David; Jones Roderic L.; Liu Huan; Lv Zhaofeng; Zhang Qiang; Archibald A. T.; Constraining emission estimates of carbon monoxide using a perturbed emissions ensemble with observations: a focus on Beijing. Air Quality, Atmosphere {\&} Health [doi:10.1007/s11869-021-01041-7] May 2021
- Sherman Peter; Gao Meng; Song Shaojie; Archibald A. T.; Abraham NL; Lamarque J.F.; Shindell Drew; Faluvegi Gregory; McElroy Michael B.; Sensitivity of modeled Indian monsoon to Chinese and Indian aerosol emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (5) , 3593--3605, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-3593-2021] Mar 2021
- Griffiths Paul; Murray Lee T.; Zengast Guang; Shin Youngsub Matthew; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Deushi Makoto; Emmons Louisa; Galbally Ian; Hassler Birgit; Horowitz Larry W.; Keeble James; Liu Jane; Moeini Omid; Naik Vaishali; O’Connor Fiona M; Oshima Naga; Tarasick David; Tilmes Simone; Turnock Steven T.; Wild Oliver; Young Paul J.; Zanis Prodromos; Tropospheric ozone in CMIP6 simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (5) , 4187--4218, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-4187-2021] Mar 2021
- Weber James; Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Abraham NL; Shin Youngsub M.; Bannan Thomas; Schwantes Rebecca; Jenkin Michael; Khan Anwar; Archibald A. T.; Incorporation and evaluation of the CRI v2.2 chemical mechanism in UKESM1: An alternative mechanism with updated isoprene chemistry for investigating the influence of BVOCs on atmospheric composition and climate. . [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1236] Mar 2021
- Fahrin Fouzia; Jones Dan; Wu Yan; Archibald A. T.; Unsupervised classification of ozone profiles from UKESM1 . [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3752] Mar 2021
- Staniaszek Zosia; Griffiths Paul; Folberth Gerd A.; O’Connor Fiona M; Archibald A. T.; Climate and composition impacts of a net-zero anthropogenic methane future using an emissions-driven chemistry-climate model. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5740] Mar 2021
- Thornhill Gillian; Collins W.; Olivié Dirk; Skeie R.; Archibald A. T.; Bauer Susanne E.; Checa-Garcia Ramiro; Fiedler Stephanie; Folberth Gerd; Gjermundsen Ada; Horowitz Larry; Lamarque J.F.; Michou Martine; Mulcahy Jane; Nabat Pierre; Naik Vaishali; O’Connor Fiona M; Paulot F.; Schulz Michael; Scott Catherine E.; Séférian Roland; Smith Chris; Takemura Toshihiko; Tilmes Simone; Tsigaridis Kostas; Weber James; Climate-driven chemistry and aerosol feedbacks in CMIP6 Earth system models. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 21 (2) , 1105--1126, [doi:10.5194/acp-21-1105-2021] Jan 2021
- Staunton-Sykes John; Aubry Thomas J.; Shin Youngsub M.; Weber James; Marshall Lauren; Abraham NL; Schmidt Anja; Archibald A. T.; Co-emission of volcanic sulfur and halogens amplifies volcanic effective radiative forcing. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-1110] Nov 2020
- Staunton-Sykes John; Aubry Thomas J.; Shin Youngsub M.; Weber James; Marshall Lauren; Abraham NL; Schmidt Anja; Archibald A. T.; Supplementary material to "Co-emission of volcanic sulfur and halogens amplifies volcanic effective radiative forcing". [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-1110-supplement] Nov 2020
- Heimann I.; Griffiths Paul; Warwick N. J.; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Pyle J. A.; Methane Emissions in a Chemistry-Climate Model: Feedbacks and Climate Response. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems, 12 (10) , [doi:10.1029/2019ms002019] Oct 2020
- Weber James; Shin Y. M.; Staunton Sykes John; Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Minimal Climate Impacts From Short-Lived Climate Forcers Following Emission Reductions Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (20) , [doi:10.1029/2020gl090326] Oct 2020
- Wade David C.; Vidal Céline M.; Abraham NL; Dhomse Sandip S.; Griffiths Paul; Keeble James; Mann Graham; Marshall Lauren; Schmidt Anja; Archibald A. T.; Reconciling the climate and ozone response to the 1257 CE Mount Samalas eruption. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 117 (43) , 26651--26659, [doi:10.1073/pnas.1919807117] Oct 2020
- Sherman Peter; Gao Meng; Song Shaojie; Archibald A. T.; Abraham NL; Lamarque J.F.; Shindell Drew; Faluvegi Gregory; McElroy Michael B.; Sensitivity of modeled Indian Monsoon to Chinese and Indian aerosol emissions. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-1001] Oct 2020
- Sherman Peter; Gao Meng; Song Shaojie; Archibald A. T.; Abraham NL; Lamarque J.F.; Shindell Drew; Faluvegi Gregory; McElroy Michael B.; Supplementary material to "Sensitivity of modeled Indian Monsoon to Chinese and Indian aerosol emissions". [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-1001-supplement] Oct 2020
- Robson J.; Aksenov Y.; Bracegirdle T. J.; Dimdore-Miles O.; Griffiths P. T.; Grosvenor D. P.; Hodson D. L. R.; Keeble J.; MacIntosh C.; Megann A.; Osprey S.; Povey A. C.; Schröder D.; Yang M.; Archibald A. T.; Carslaw K. S.; Gray L.; Jones C.; Kerridge B.; Knappett D.; Kuhlbrodt T.; Russo M.; Sellar A.; Siddans R.; Sinha B.; Sutton R.; Walton J.; Wilcox L. J.; The Evaluation of the North Atlantic Climate System in UKESM1 Historical Simulations for CMIP6. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems, 12 (9) , "", Sep 2020
- Weber James; Archer‐Nicholls Scott; Griffiths Paul; Berndt Torsten; Jenkin Michael; Gordon Hamish; Knote Christoph; Archibald A. T.; CRI-HOM: A novel chemical mechanism for simulating highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) in global chemistry–aerosol–climate models. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (18) , 10889--10910, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-10889-2020] Sep 2020
- Archibald A. T.; Turnock Steven T.; Griffiths Paul; Cox Tony; Derwent Richard G.; Knote Christoph; Shin Y. M.; On the changes in surface ozone over the twenty-first century: sensitivity to changes in surface temperature and chemical mechanisms. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical And Engineering Sciences, 378 (2183) , 20190329, [doi:10.1098/rsta.2019.0329] Sep 2020
- Robson J. I.; Aksenov Yevgeny; Bracegirdle Thomas J.; Dimdore‐Miles Oscar; Griffiths Paul; Grosvenor D. P.; Hodson Daniel L. R.; Keeble James; Macintosh Claire; Megann Alex; Osprey S. M.; Povey Adam C.; Schröder David; Yang Mingxi; Archibald A. T.; Carslaw Ken; Gray Lesley; Jones Colin; Kerridge Brian; Knappett Diane; Kuhlbrodt T.; Russo Maria R.; Sellar Alistair; Siddans Richard; Sinha Bablu; Sutton Rowan; Walton J.; Wilcox L. J.; The evaluation of the North Atlantic climate system in UKESM1 historical simulations for CMIP6. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems [doi:10.1029/2020ms002126] Aug 2020
- Amos Matt; Young Paul J.; Hosking Scott; Lamarque J.F.; Abraham NL; Akiyoshi Hideharu; Archibald A. T.; Bekki Slimane; Deushi Makoto; Jöckel Patrick; Kinnison Douglas; Kirner Oliver; Kunze Markus; Marchand Marion; Plummer David A.; Saint-Martin David; Sudo Kengo; Tilmes Simone; Yamashita Yousuke; Projecting ozone hole recovery using an ensemble of chemistry–climate models weighted by model performance and independence. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (16) , 9961--9977, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-9961-2020] Aug 2020
- Archibald A. T.; Review of Taraborrelli et al. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-461-rc2] Aug 2020
- Weber James; Shin Youngsub Matthew; Staunton Sykes John; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Minimal climate impacts from short-lived climate forcers following emission reductions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.. [doi:10.1002/essoar.10503354.1] Jun 2020
- Keeble James; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Dhomse Sandip S.; Griffiths Paul; Pyle J. A.; Modelling the potential impacts of the recent, unexpected increase in CFC-11 emissions on total column ozone recovery. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (12) , 7153--7166, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-7153-2020] Jun 2020
- Griffiths Paul; Keeble J.; Shin Y. M.; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Pyle J. A.; On the Changing Role of the Stratosphere on the Tropospheric Ozone Budget: 1979–2010. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (10) , [doi:10.1029/2019gl086901] May 2020
- Orbe Clara; Plummer David A.; Waugh Darryn W.; Yang Huang; Jöckel Patrick; Kinnison Douglas E.; Josse Beatrice; Marécal Virginie; Deushi Makoto; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Dhomse Sandip S.; Feng W.; Bekki Slimane; Description and Evaluation of the specified-dynamics experiment in the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (6) , 3809--3840, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-3809-2020] Mar 2020
- Weber James; Archibald A. T.; Griffiths Paul; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Berndt Torsten; Jenkin Michael; Gordon Hamish; Knote Christoph; CRI-HOM: A novel chemical mechanism for simulating Highly Oxygenated Organic Molecules (HOMs) in global chemistry-aerosol-climate models. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-154] Mar 2020
- Weber James; Archibald A. T.; Griffiths Paul; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Berndt Torsten; Jenkin Michael; Gordon Hamish; Knote Christoph; Supplementary material to \"CRI-HOM: A novel chemical mechanism for simulating Highly Oxygenated Organic Molecules (HOMs) in global chemistry-aerosol-climate models\". [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-154-supplement] Mar 2020
- Griffiths Paul; Keeble James; O'Connor Fiona; Archibald A. T.; Pyle J. A.; UKESM1 AerChemMIP team; Atmospheric composition changes in CMIP6 experiments over the North Atlantic region. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-12154] Mar 2020
- Matthews Emily; Bannan Thomas; Mehra Archit; Archibald A. T.; Wu Huihui; Williams Paul; Lee J. D.; Veres P.R.; Percival Carl; Coe Hugh; Gallagher M.; Aircraft observations of a new DMS oxidation product over the North Atlantic using a HR-ToF-CIMS. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-18077] Mar 2020
- Archer-Nicholls Scott; Weber James; Abraham NL; Russo Maria R.; Knote Christoph; Griffiths Paul; Lowe Douglas; Utembe Steven; O'Connor Fiona; Wild Oliver; Berndt Torsten; Jenkin Michael E.; Archibald A. T.; Linking Peroxy Radical Chemistry to Global Climate: The Common Representatives Intermediates Chemical Mechanism in the UK Earth System Model. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-18456] Mar 2020
- Ronnie Grace; Whalley Lisa; Heard Dwayne E.; Ingham Trevor; Lee J. D.; Pasternak Dominka; Bauguitte Stéphane; Carling Rebecca; Bannan Thomas; Wu Huihui; Archibald A. T.; Airborne Measurements of Formaldehyde In Biomass Burning and Urban Plumes In Central Africa Using Laser Induced Fluorescence. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-2998] Mar 2020
- Archibald A. T.; The NERC ACSIS Team; Aircraft campaigns in support of the North Atlantic Climate System Integrated Studies (ACSIS). [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-3761] Mar 2020
- Yuan Le; Carruthers David; Hood Christina; Jones Roderic L.; Popoola Olalekan; Stocker Jenny; Archibald A. T.; Reducing uncertainty in emission estimates using perturbed emissions ensembles and novel observations: A focus on Beijing. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-4781] Mar 2020
- Lee J. D.; Squires Freya; Andersen Simone; Hopkins J. R.; Pasternak Dominika; Archibald A. T.; Measurement of NOx and Ozone over the North Atlantic Ocean.. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-8233] Mar 2020
- Archibald A. T.; O’Connor Fiona M; Abraham NL; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Dalvi Mohit; Folberth Gerd A.; Dennison Fraser; Dhomse Sandip S.; Griffiths Paul; Hardacre Catherine; Hewitt Alan J.; Hill Richard S.; Johnson Colin E.; Keeble James; Köhler Marcus O.; Morgenstern Olaf; Mulcahy Jane; Ordóñez Carlos; Pope Richard J.; Rumbold Steven T.; Russo Maria R.; Savage Nicholas H.; Sellar Alistair; Stringer Marc; Turnock Steven T.; Wild Oliver; Zengast Guang; Description and evaluation of the UKCA stratosphere–troposphere chemistry scheme (StratTrop vn 1.0) implemented in UKESM1. Geoscientific Model Development, 13 (3) , 1223--1266, [doi:10.5194/gmd-13-1223-2020] Mar 2020
- Sellar Alistair; Walton Jeremy; Jones Colin G.; Wood Richard; Abraham NL; Andrejczuk Miroslaw; Andrews Martin B.; Andrews Timothy; Archibald A. T.; de Mora Lee; Dyson Harold; Elkington Mark; Ellis Rich; Florek Piotr; Good Peter; Gohar Laila; Haddad Stephen; Hardiman Steven C; Hogan Emma; Iwi Alan; Jones Chris D.; Johnson Ben T.; Kelley Douglas I.; Kettleborough Jamie; Knight Jeff R.; Köhler Marcus O.; Kuhlbrodt T.; Liddicoat Spencer; Linova‐Pavlova Irina; Mizielinski Matthew S.; Morgenstern Olaf; Mulcahy Jane; Neininger Erica; O'Connor Fiona; Petrie Ruth; Ridley Jeff; Rioual Jean‐Christophe; Roberts Malcolm; Robertson Eddy; Rumbold Steve; Seddon Jon; Shepherd Harry; Shim Sungbo; Stephens Ag; Teixeira Joao C.; Tang Yongming; Williams Jonny; Wiltshire Andy; Implementation of UK Earth system models for CMIP6. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems [doi:10.1029/2019ms001946] Feb 2020
- Thornhill Gillian; Collins W.; Olivié Dirk; Archibald A. T.; Bauer Susanne; Checa-Garcia Ramiro; Fiedler Stephanie; Folberth Gerd; Gjermundsen Ada; Horowitz Larry; Lamarque J.F.; Michou Martine; Mulcahy Jane; Nabat Pierre; Naik Vaishali; O'Connor Fiona M.; Paulot F.; Schulz Michael; Scott Catherine E.; Séférian Roland; Smith Chris; Takemura Toshihiko; Tilmes Simone; Weber James; Climate-driven chemistry and aerosol feedbacks in CMIP6 Earth system models. [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-1207] Feb 2020
- Thornhill Gillian; Collins W.; Olivié Dirk; Archibald A. T.; Bauer Susanne; Checa-Garcia Ramiro; Fiedler Stephanie; Folberth Gerd; Gjermundsen Ada; Horowitz Larry; Lamarque J.F.; Michou Martine; Mulcahy Jane; Nabat Pierre; Naik Vaishali; O'Connor Fiona M.; Paulot F.; Schulz Michael; Scott Catherine E.; Séférian Roland; Smith Chris; Takemura Toshihiko; Tilmes Simone; Weber James; Supplementary material to \"Climate-driven chemistry and aerosol feedbacks in CMIP6 Earth system models\". [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-1207-supplement] Feb 2020
- Griffiths Paul; Murray Lee T.; Zengast Guang; Archibald A. T.; Emmons Louisa K.; Galbally Ian; Hassler Birgit; Horowitz Larry W.; Keeble James; Liu Jane; Moeini Omid; Naik Vaishali; O'Connor Fiona M.; Shin Youngsub Matthew; Tarasick David; Tilmes Simone; Turnock Steven T.; Wild Oliver; Young Paul J.; Zanis Prodromos; Tropospheric ozone in CMIP6 Simulations. [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-1216] Feb 2020
- Amos Matt; Young Paul J.; Hosking J. Scott; Lamarque J.F.; Abraham NL; Akiyoshi Hideharu; Archibald A. T.; Bekki Slimane; Deushi Makoto; Jöckel Patrick; Kinnison Douglas; Kirner Oliver; Kunze Markus; Marchand Marion; Plummer David A.; Saint-Martin David; Sudo Kengo; Tilmes Simone; Yamashita Yousuke; Projecting ozone hole recovery using an ensemble of chemistry-climate models weighted by model performance and independence. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-86] Feb 2020
- Archibald A. T.; Reply to reviews of Archibald et al. [doi:10.5194/gmd-2019-246-ac1] Dec 2019
- Zhao Yuanhong; Saunois Marielle; Bousquet Philippe; Lin Xin; Berchet Antoine; Hegglin Michaela I.; Canadell Josep G.; Jackson Robert B.; Hauglustaine Didier A.; Szopa Sophie; Stavert Ann R.; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Bekki Slimane; Deushi Makoto; Jöckel Patrick; Josse Beatrice; Kinnison Douglas; Kirner Oliver; Marécal Virginie; O'Connor Fiona M.; Plummer David A.; Revell Laura E.; Rozanov Eugene; Stenke Andrea; Strode Sarah A.; Tilmes Simone; Dlugokencky Edward J.; Zheng Bo; Inter-model comparison of global hydroxyl radical (OH) distributions and their impact on atmospheric methane over the 2000–2016 period. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 19 (21) , 13701--13723, [doi:10.5194/acp-19-13701-2019] Nov 2019
- Sellar Alistair; Jones Colin G.; Mulcahy Jane; Tang Yongming; Yool Andrew; Wiltshire Andy; O'Connor Fiona; Stringer Marc; Hill Richard; Palmieri Julien; Woodward Stephanie; de Mora Lee; Kuhlbrodt T.; Rumbold Steve; Kelley Douglas I.; Ellis Rich; Johnson Ben T.; Walton Jeremy; Abraham NL; Andrews Martin B.; Andrews Timothy; Archibald A. T.; Berthou Ségolène; Burke Eleanor; Blockley Ed; Carslaw Ken; Dalvi Mohit; Edwards John; Folberth Gerd A.; Gedney Nicola; Griffiths Paul; Harper Anna B.; Hendry Maggie A.; Hewitt Alan J.; Johnson Ben; Jones Andy; Jones Chris D.; Keeble James; Liddicoat Spencer; Morgenstern Olaf; Parker Rob J.; Predoi Valeriu; Robertson Eddy; Siahaan Antony; Smith Robin S.; Swaminathan Ranjini; Woodhouse Matthew T.; Zengast Guang; Zerroukat Mohamed; UKESM1: Description and evaluation of the UK Earth System Model. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems [doi:10.1029/2019ms001739] Oct 2019
- Archibald A. T.; O'Connor Fiona M.; Abraham NL; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Dalvi Mohit; Folberth Gerd A.; Dennison Fraser; Dhomse Sandip S.; Griffiths Paul; Hardacre Catherine; Hewitt Alan J.; Hill Richard; Johnson Colin E.; Keeble James; Köhler Marcus O.; Morgenstern Olaf; Mulchay Jane P.; Ordóñez Carlos; Pope Richard J.; Rumbold Steven; Russo Maria R.; Savage Nicholas; Sellar Alistair; Stringer Marc; Turnock Steven T.; Wild Oliver; Zengast Guang; Description and evaluation of the UKCA stratosphere-troposphere chemistry scheme (StratTrop vn 1.0) implemented in UKESM1. [doi:10.5194/gmd-2019-246] Sep 2019
- Archibald A. T.; O'Connor Fiona M.; Abraham NL; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Dalvi Mohit; Folberth Gerd A.; Dennison Fraser; Dhomse Sandip S.; Griffiths Paul; Hardacre Catherine; Hewitt Alan J.; Hill Richard; Johnson Colin E.; Keeble James; Köhler Marcus O.; Morgenstern Olaf; Mulchay Jane P.; Ordóñez Carlos; Pope Richard J.; Rumbold Steven; Russo Maria R.; Savage Nicholas; Sellar Alistair; Stringer Marc; Turnock Steven T.; Wild Oliver; Zengast Guang; Supplementary material to \"Description and evaluation of the UKCA stratosphere-troposphere chemistry scheme (StratTrop vn 1.0) implemented in UKESM1\". [doi:10.5194/gmd-2019-246-supplement] Sep 2019
- Wade David C.; Abraham NL; Farnsworth Alexander; Valdes Paul J.; Bragg Fran; Archibald A. T.; Simulating the climate response to atmospheric oxygen variability in the Phanerozoic: a focus on the Holocene, Cretaceous and Permian. Climate Of The Past, 15 (4) , 1463--1483, [doi:10.5194/cp-15-1463-2019] Aug 2019
- Lamy Kévin; Portafaix Thierry; Josse Beatrice; Brogniez Colette; Godin-Beekmann Sophie; Bencherif Hassan; Revell Laura E.; Akiyoshi Hideharu; Bekki Slimane; Hegglin Michaela I.; Jöckel Patrick; Kirner Oliver; Liley Ben; Marécal Virginie; Morgenstern Olaf; Stenke Andrea; Zengast Guang; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Butchart Neal; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Di Genova Glauco; Deushi Makoto; Dhomse Sandip S.; Hu Rong-Ming; Kinnison Douglas; Kotkamp Michael; McKenzie Richard; Michou Martine; O'Connor Fiona M.; Oman Luke D.; Pitari Giovanni; Plummer David A.; Pyle J. A.; Rozanov Eugene; Saint-Martin David; Sudo Kengo; Tanaka Taichu; Visioni Daniele; Yoshida Kohei; Clear-sky ultraviolet radiation modelling using output from the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 19 (15) , 10087--10110, [doi:10.5194/acp-19-10087-2019] Aug 2019
- Hakim Zainab Q.; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Beig Gufran; Folberth Gerd A.; Sudo Kengo; Abraham NL; Ghude Sachin; Henze Daven K.; Archibald A. T.; Evaluation of tropospheric ozone and ozone precursors in simulations from the HTAPII and CCMI model intercomparisons – a focus on the Indian subcontinent. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 19 (9) , 6437--6458, [doi:10.5194/acp-19-6437-2019] May 2019
- Archibald A. T.; Simulating the Climate Response to Atmospheric Oxygen Variability in the Phanerozoic. [doi:10.5194/cp-2018-149-ac1] Apr 2019
- Archibald A. T.; Simulating the Climate Response to Atmospheric Oxygen Variability in the Phanerozoic. [doi:10.5194/cp-2018-149-ac2] Apr 2019
- Archibald A. T.; Simulating the Climate Response to Atmospheric Oxygen Variability in the Phanerozoic. [doi:10.5194/cp-2018-149-ac3] Apr 2019
- Archibald A. T.; Evaluation of tropospheric ozone and ozone precursors in simulations from the HTAPII and CCMI model intercomparisons - a focus on the Indian Subcontinent. [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-1235-ac1] Mar 2019
- Archibald A. T.; Evaluation of tropospheric ozone and ozone precursors in simulations from the HTAPII and CCMI model intercomparisons - a focus on the Indian Subcontinent. [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-1235-ac2] Mar 2019
- Fittschen Christa; Al Ajami Mohamad; Batut Sebastien; Ferracci Valerio; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Archibald A. T.; Schoemaecker Coralie; ROOOH: a missing piece of the puzzle for OH measurements in low-NO environments?. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 19 (1) , 349--362, [doi:10.5194/acp-19-349-2019] Jan 2019
- Archibald A. T.; Sherman Peter; The Urban Heat Island (UHI) is a major source of uncertainty in projections of population-weighted surface temperature under climate change. Eartharxiv Preprints [doi:10.31223/] Jan 2019
- Orbe Clara; Plummer David A.; Waugh Darryn W.; Yang Huang; Jöckel Patrick; Kinnison Douglas E.; Josse Beatrice; Marécal Virginie; Deushi Makoto; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Dhomse Sandip S.; Feng W.; Bekki Slimane; Description and Evaluation of the Specified-Dynamics Experiment in the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI). Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 2019, 1--45, [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-625] 2019
- Hakim Zainab Q.; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Beig Gufran; Folberth Gerd A.; Sudo Kengo; Abraham Nathan Luke; Ghude Sachin; Henze Daven; Archibald A. T.; Evaluation of tropospheric ozone and ozone precursors in simulations from the HTAPII and CCMI model intercomparisons \– a focus on the Indian Subcontinent. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--36, [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-1235] Dec 2018
- Wade David C.; Abraham Nathan Luke; Farnsworth Alexander; Valdes Paul J.; Bragg Fran; Archibald A. T.; Simulating the Climate Response to Atmospheric Oxygen Variability in the Phanerozoic. Climate Of The Past Discussions 1--35, [doi:10.5194/cp-2018-149] Dec 2018
- Hakim Zainab Q.; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Beig Gufran; Folberth Gerd A.; Sudo Kengo; Abraham NL; Ghude Sachin; Henze Daven; Archibald A. T.; Evaluation of tropospheric ozone and ozone precursors in simulations from the HTAPII and CCMI model intercomparisons - a focus on the Indian Subcontinent. [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-1235-supplement] Dec 2018
- Revell Laura E.; Stenke Andrea; Tummon Fiona; Feinberg Aryeh; Rozanov Eugene; Peter Thomas; Abraham Nathan Luke; Akiyoshi Hideharu; Archibald A. T.; Butchart Neal; Deushi Makoto; Jöckel Patrick; Kinnison Douglas; Michou Martine; Morgenstern Olaf; O'Connor Fiona M.; Oman Luke D.; Pitari Giovanni; Plummer David A.; Schofield Robyn; Stone Kane; Tilmes Simone; Visioni Daniele; Yamashita Yousuke; Zeng Guang; Tropospheric ozone in CCMI models and Gaussian process emulation to understand biases in the SOCOLv3 chemistry–climate model. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 18 (21) , 16155--16172, [doi:10.5194/acp-18-16155-2018] Nov 2018
- Hall Samuel R.; Ullmann Kirk; Prather Michael J.; Flynn Clare M.; Murray Lee T.; Fiore Arlene M.; Correa Gustavo; Strode Sarah A.; Steenrod Stephen D.; Lamarque Jean-Francois; Guth Jonathan; Josse Beatrice; Flemming Johannes; Huijnen Vincent; Abraham N. Luke; Archibald A. T.; Cloud impacts on photochemistry: building a climatology of photolysis rates from the Atmospheric Tomography mission. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 18 (22) , 16809--16828, [doi:10.5194/acp-18-16809-2018] Nov 2018
- Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Cresswell Paul; Cusworth Sam; Dalvi Mohit; Matthews David; Wardle Steven; Whitehouse Stuart; Using a virtual machine environment for developing, testing, and training for the UM-UKCA composition-climate model, using Unified Model version 10.9 and above. Geoscientific Model Development, 11 (9) , 3647--3657, [doi:10.5194/gmd-11-3647-2018] Sep 2018
- Maycock Amanda C.; Randel William J.; Steiner Andrea K.; Karpechko Alexey Y.; Christy John; Saunders Roger; Thompson David W. J.; Zou Cheng-Zhi; Chrysanthou Andreas; Luke Abraham N.; Akiyoshi Hideharu; Archibald A. T.; Butchart Neal; Chipperfield Martyn; Dameris Martin; Deushi Makoto; Dhomse Sandip S.; Di Genova Glauco; Jöckel Patrick; Kinnison Douglas E.; Kirner Oliver; Ladstädter Florian; Michou Martine; Morgenstern Olaf; O'Connor Fiona; Oman Luke D; Pitari Giovanni; Plummer David A.; Revell Laura E.; Rozanov Eugene; Stenke Andrea; Visioni Daniele; Yamashita Yousuke; Zeng Guang; Revisiting the Mystery of Recent Stratospheric Temperature Trends. Geophysical Research Letters, 45 (18) , 9919--9933, [doi:10.1029/2018gl078035] Sep 2018
- Archibald A. T.; Ordóñez C.; Brent E.; Williams M. L.; Potential impacts of emissions associated with unconventional hydrocarbon extraction on UK air quality and human health. Air Quality, Atmosphere {\&} Health, 11 (6) , 627--637, [doi:10.1007/s11869-018-0570-8] Jun 2018
- Fittschen Christa; Al Ajami Mohamad; Batut Sebastien; Ferracci Valerio; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Archibald A. T.; Schoemaecker Coralie; ROOOH: the Missing Piece of the Puzzle for OH measurements in low NO Environments. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--15, [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-441] Jun 2018
- Revell Laura E.; Stenke Andrea; Tummon Fiona; Feinberg Aryeh; Rozanov Eugene; Peter Thomas; Abraham N. Luke; Akiyoshi Hideharu; Archibald A. T.; Butchart Neal; Deushi Makoto; Jöckel Patrick; Kinnison Douglas; Michou Martine; Morgenstern Olaf; O'Connor Fiona M.; Oman Luke D.; Pitari Giovanni; Plummer David A.; Schofield Robyn; Stone Kane; Tilmes Simone; Visioni Daniele; Yamashita Yousuke; Zeng Guang; Tropospheric ozone in CCMI models and Gaussian emulation to understand biases in the SOCOLv3 chemistry-climate model. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--28, [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-615] Jun 2018
- Fittschen Christa; Al Ajami Mohamad; Batut Sebastien; Ferracci Valerio; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Archibald A. T.; Schoemaecker Coralie; ROOOH: the Missing Piece of the Puzzle for OH measurements in low NO Environments. [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-441-supplement] Jun 2018
- Revell Laura E.; Stenke Andrea; Tummon Fiona; Feinberg Aryeh; Rozanov Eugene; Peter Thomas; Abraham NL; Akiyoshi Hideharu; Archibald A. T.; Butchart Neal; Deushi Makoto; Jöckel Patrick; Kinnison Douglas; Michou Martine; Morgenstern Olaf; O'Connor Fiona M.; Oman Luke D.; Pitari Giovanni; Plummer David A.; Schofield Robyn; Stone Kane; Tilmes Simone; Visioni Daniele; Yamashita Yousuke; Zengast Guang; Tropospheric ozone in CCMI models and Gaussian emulation to understand biases in the SOCOLv3 chemistry-climate model. [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-615-supplement] Jun 2018
- Lamy Kévin; Portafaix Thierry; Josse Beatrice; Brogniez Colette; Godin-Beekmann Sophie; Bencherif Hassan; Revell Laura E.; Akiyoshi Hideharu; Bekki Slimane; Hegglin Michaela I.; Jöckel Patrick; Kirner Oliver; Marécal Virginie; Morgenstern Olaf; Stenke Andrea; Zengast Guang; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Butchart Neil; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Di Genova Glauco; Deushi Makoto; Dhomse Sandip S.; Hu Rong-Ming; Kinnison Douglas; Michou Martine; O'Connor Fiona M.; Oman Luke D.; Pitari Giovanni; Plummer David A.; Pyle J. A.; Rozanov Eugene; Saint-Martin David; Sudo Kengo; Tanaka Taichu; Visioni Daniele; Yoshida Kohei; Ultraviolet Radiation modelling using output from the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative. [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-525] Jun 2018
- Son Seok-Woo; Han Bo-Reum; Garfinkel Chaim I; Kim Seo-Yeon; Park Rokjin; Abraham N Luke; Akiyoshi Hideharu; Archibald A. T.; Butchart N; Chipperfield Martyn P; Dameris Martin; Deushi Makoto; Dhomse Sandip S; Hardiman Steven C; Jöckel Patrick; Kinnison Douglas; Michou Martine; Morgenstern Olaf; O’Connor Fiona M; Oman Luke D; Plummer David A; Pozzer Andrea; Revell Laura E; Rozanov Eugene; Stenke Andrea; Stone Kane; Tilmes Simone; Yamashita Yousuke; Zeng Guang; Tropospheric jet response to Antarctic ozone depletion: An update with Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) models. Environmental Research Letters, 13 (5) , 054024, [doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aabf21] May 2018
- Ferracci Valerio; Heimann Ines; Abraham N. Luke; Pyle J. A.; Archibald A. T.; Global modelling of the total OH reactivity: investigations on the “missing” OH sink and its atmospheric implications. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 18 (10) , 7109--7129, [doi:10.5194/acp-18-7109-2018] May 2018
- Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Cresswell Paul; Cusworth Sam; Dalvi Mohit; Matthews David; Wardle Steven; Whitehouse Stuart; Using a Virtual Machine environment for developing, testing, and training for the UM-UKCA Composition-Climate Model, using Unified Model version 10.9 and above. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 1--19, [doi:10.5194/gmd-2018-125] May 2018
- Ferracci Valerio; Heimann Ines; Abraham N. Luke; Pyle J. A.; Archibald A. T.; Global modelling of the total OH reactivity: investigations on the “missing” OH sink and its atmospheric implications. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--33, [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-12] Jan 2018
- Ferracci Valerio; Heimann Ines; Abraham NL; Pyle J. A.; Archibald A. T.; Global modelling of the total OH reactivity: investigations on the missing OH sink and its atmospheric implications. [doi:10.5194/acp-2018-12-supplement] Jan 2018
- Ng Nga Lee; Brown Steven S.; Archibald A. T.; Atlas Elliot; Cohen Ronald C.; Crowley John N.; Day Douglas A.; Donahue Neil M.; Fry Juliane L.; Fuchs Hendrik; Griffin Robert J.; Guzman Marcelo I.; Herrmann Hartmut; Hodzic Alma; Iinuma Yoshiteru; Jimenez Jose L.; Kiendler-Scharr Astrid; Lee Ben H.; Luecken Deborah J.; Mao Jingqiu; McLaren Robert; Mutzel Anke; Osthoff Hans D.; Ouyang Bin; Picquet-Varrault Benedicte; Platt Ulrich; Pye Havala O. T.; Rudich Yinon; Schwantes Rebecca H.; Shiraiwa Manabu; Stutz Jochen; Thornton Joel A.; Tilgner Andreas; Williams Brent J.; Zaveri Rahul A.; Nitrate radicals and biogenic volatile organic compounds: oxidation, mechanisms, and organic aerosol. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 17 (3) , 2103--2162, [doi:10.5194/acp-17-2103-2017] Feb 2017
- Morgenstern Olaf; Hegglin Michaela I.; Rozanov Eugene; O'Connor Fiona M.; Abraham N. Luke; Akiyoshi Hideharu; Archibald A. T.; Bekki Slimane; Butchart Neal; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Deushi Makoto; Dhomse Sandip S.; Garcia Rolando R.; Hardiman Steven C.; Horowitz Larry W.; Jöckel Patrick; Josse Beatrice; Kinnison Douglas; Lin Meiyun; Mancini Eva; Manyin Michael E.; Marchand Marion; Marécal Virginie; Michou Martine; Oman Luke D.; Pitari Giovanni; Plummer David A.; Revell Laura E.; Saint-Martin David; Schofield Robyn; Stenke Andrea; Stone Kane; Sudo Kengo; Tanaka Taichu; Tilmes Simone; Yamashita Yousuke; Yoshida Kohei; Zeng Guang; Review of the global models used within phase 1 of the Chemistry–Climate Model Initiative (CCMI). Geoscientific Model Development, 10 (2) , 639--671, [doi:10.5194/gmd-10-639-2017] Feb 2017
- Zhang Jiankai; Tian W. S.; Xie F.; Chipperfield M. P.; Feng Wuhu; Son Seok-Woo; Abraham N. Luke; Archibald A. T.; Bekki S.; Butchart N; Deushi M; Dhomse S; Han Yuanyuan; Jochel P.; Kinnison D. E.; Kirner O.; Michou M; Morgenstern O; O'Connor F. M.; Pitari G; Plummer D; Revell L; Rozanov E; Visioni D; WANG W; Zeng G; Stratospheric Ozone Loss over the Eurasian Continent Induced by the Polar Vortex Shift. Nature Communications [doi:10.1038/s41467-017-02565-2] 2017
- Archibald A. T.; Folberth G.; Wade D. C.; Scott D.; A world avoided: impacts of changes in anthropogenic emissions on the burden and effects of air pollutants in Europe and North America. Faraday Discussions, 200, 475–500, [doi:10.1039/c7fd00004a] 2017
- Giorio Chiara; Campbell Steven J.; Bruschi Maurizio; Archibald A. T.; Kalberer Markus; Detection and identification of Criegee intermediates from the ozonolysis of biogenic and anthropogenic VOCs: comparison between experimental measurements and theoretical calculations. Faraday Discussions, 200, 559--578, [doi:10.1039/c7fd00025a] 2017
- Archibald A. T.; Arnold Stephen; Bartels-Rausch Thorsten; Brown Steven; Caravan Rebecca; Carpenter Lucy J.; Chhantyal-Pun Rabi; Coe Hugh; Dou Jing; Edebeli Jacinta; Evans Mathew J.; Finlayson-Pitts Barbara; George Christian; Hamilton Jacqueline; Heald Colette; Heard Dwayne; Hewitt C. N.; Isaacman-VanWertz Gabriel; Jones Roderic; Kalberer Markus; Kampf Christopher; Kerminen Veli-Matti; Kiendler-Scharr Astrid; Knopf Daniel; Kroll Jesse; Lelieveld Jos; Marais Eloise; McGillen Max; Mellouki Abdelwahid; Petzold Andreas; Ravishankara A.; Rickard Andrew; Rudich Y.; Taatjes Craig; Wahner Andreas; Williams Jonathan; Zelenyuk Alla; Atmospheric chemistry processes: general discussion. Faraday Discussions, 200, 353--378, [doi:10.1039/c7fd90039b] 2017
- Archer-Nicholls Scott; Archibald A. T.; Arnold Stephen; Bartels-Rausch Thorsten; Brown Steven; Carpenter Lucy J.; Collins William; Conibear Luke; Doherty Ruth; Dunmore Rachel; Edebeli Jacinta; Edwards Morgan; Evans Mathew J.; Finlayson-Pitts Barbara; Hamilton Jacqueline; Hastings Meredith; Heald Colette; Heard Dwayne; Kalberer Markus; Kampf Christopher; Kiendler-Scharr Astrid; Knopf Daniel; Kroll Jesse; Lacey Forrest; Lelieveld Jos; Marais Eloise; Murphy Jennifer; Olawoyin Olajide; Ravishankara A.; Reid Jonathan; Rudich Yinon; Shindell Drew; Unger Nadine; Wahner Andreas; Wallington Timothy J.; Williams Jonathan; Young Paul; Zelenyuk Alla; The air we breathe: Past, present, and future: general discussion. Faraday Discussions, 200, 501--527, [doi:10.1039/c7fd90040f] 2017
- Alpert Peter; Archibald A. T.; Arnold Stephen; Ashworth Kirsti; Brown Steven; Campbell Steven; Carpenter Lucy J.; Coe Hugh; Dou Jing; Edebeli Jacinta; Finlayson-Pitts Barbara; Grantham Andrew; Hamilton Jacqueline; Hastings Meredith; Heard Dwayne; Isaacman-VanWertz Gabriel; Jones Roderic; Kalberer Markus; Kiendler-Scharr Astrid; Knopf Daniel; Kroll Jesse; Lelieveld Jos; Lewis Alastair C.; Marais Eloise; Marsh Aleksandra; Moller Sarah; Petzold Andreas; Porter William; Ravishankara A.; Reid Jonathan; Rickard Andrew; Rovelli Grazia; Rudich Yinon; Taatjes Craig; Vaughan Adam; Wahner Andreas; Wallington Timothy J.; Williams Jonathan; Young Paul; Zelenyuk Alla; New tools for atmospheric chemistry: general discussion. Faraday Discussions, 200, 663--691, [doi:10.1039/c7fd90041d] 2017
- Morgenstern Olaf; Hegglin Michaela I.; Rozanov Eugene; O'Connor Fiona M.; Abraham N. Luke; Akiyoshi Hideharu; Archibald A. T.; Bekki Slimane; Butchart Neal; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Deushi Makoto; Dhomse Sandip S.; Garcia Rolando R.; Hardiman Steven C.; Horowitz Larry W.; Jöckel Patrick; Josse Beatrice; Kinnison Douglas; Lin Meiyun; Mancini Eva; Manyin Michael E.; Marchand Marion; Marécal Virginie; Michou Martine; Oman Luke D.; Pitari Gianni; Plummer David A.; Revell Laura E.; Saint-Martin David; Schofield Robyn; Stenke Andrea; Stone Kane; Sudo Kengo; Tanaka Taichu; Tilmes Simone; Yamashita Yousuke; Yoshida Kohei; Zeng Guang; Review of the global models used within the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI). Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 1--49, [doi:10.5194/gmd-2016-199] Sep 2016
- Morgenstern Olaf; Hegglin Michaela I.; Rozanov Eugene; O'Connor Fiona M.; Abraham NL; Akiyoshi Hideharu; Archibald A. T.; Bekki Slimane; Butchart Neal; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Deushi Makoto; Dhomse Sandip S.; Garcia Rolando R.; Hardiman Steven C.; Horowitz Larry W.; Jöckel Patrick; Josse Beatrice; Kinnison Douglas; Lin M.; Mancini Eva; Manyin Michael E.; Marchand Marion; Marécal Virginie; Michou Martine; Oman Luke D.; Pitari Gianni; Plummer David A.; Revell Laura E.; Saint-Martin David; Schofield Robyn; Stenke Andrea; Stone Kane; Sudo Kengo; Tanaka Taichu; Tilmes Simone; Yamashita Yousuke; Yoshida Kohei; Zengast Guang; Review of the global models used within the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI). [doi:10.5194/gmd-2016-199-supplement] Sep 2016
- Ng N. L.; Brown S. S.; Archibald A. T.; Atlas E.; Cohen R. C.; Crowley J. N.; Day D. A.; Donahue N. M.; Fry J. L.; Fuchs H.; Griffin R. J.; Guzman Marcelo I.; Hermann H.; Hodzic A.; Iinuma Y.; Jimenez J. L.; Kiendler-Scharr A.; Lee B. H.; Luecken D. J.; Mao J.; McLaren R.; Mutzel A.; Osthoff H. D.; Ouyang B.; Picquet-Varrault B.; Platt U.; Pye Havala O. T.; Rudich Y.; Schwantes R. H.; Shiraiwa M.; Stutz Jochen; Thornton J. A.; Tilgner A.; Williams B. J.; Zaveri R. A.; Nitrate radicals and biogenic volatile organic compounds: oxidation, mechanisms and organic aerosol. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--111, [doi:10.5194/acp-2016-734] Aug 2016
- Ng N. L.; Brown S. S.; Archibald A. T.; Atlas E.; Cohen R. C.; Crowley J. N.; Day D. A.; Donahue N. M.; Fry J. L.; Fuchs H.; Griffin R. J.; Guzman Marcelo I.; Herrmann Hartmut; Hodzic A.; Iinuma Y.; Jimenez J. L.; Kiendler-Scharr A.; Lee B. H.; Luecken Deborah J.; Mao Jingqiu; McLaren R.; Mutzel A.; Osthoff Hans D.; Ouyang B.; Picquet-Varrault B.; Platt U.; Pye Havala O. T.; Rudich Yinon; Schwantes R. H.; Shiraiwa M.; Stutz Jochen; Thornton J. A.; Tilgner A.; Williams B. J.; Zaveri R. A.; Nitrate radicals and biogenic volatile organic compounds: oxidation, mechanisms and organic aerosol. [doi:10.5194/acp-2016-734-supplement] Aug 2016
- Hossaini R.; Patra P. K.; Leeson A. A.; Krysztofiak G.; Abraham N. L.; Andrews S. J.; Archibald A. T.; Aschmann J.; Atlas E. L.; Belikov D. A.; Bönisch H.; Carpenter L. J.; Dhomse S.; Dorf M.; Engel A.; Feng W.; Fühlbrügge S.; Griffiths P T; Harris N. R. P.; Hommel R.; Keber T.; Krüger K.; Lennartz S. T.; Maksyutov S.; Mantle H.; Mills G. P.; Miller B.; Montzka S. A.; Moore F.; Navarro M. A.; Oram David E.; Pfeilsticker K.; Pyle J. A.; Quack B.; Robinson A. D.; Saikawa E.; Saiz-Lopez A.; Sala S.; Sinnhuber B. -M.; Taguchi S.; Tegtmeier S.; Lidster R. T.; Wilson C.; Ziska F.; A multi-model intercomparison of halogenated very short-lived substances (TransCom-VSLS):. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 16 (14) , 9163--9187, Jul 2016
- Hossaini R.; Patra P. K.; Leeson A. A.; Krysztofiak G.; Abraham Nathan Luke; Andrews S. J.; Archibald A. T.; Aschmann J.; Atlas E. L.; Belikov D. A.; Bönisch H.; Carpenter L. J.; Dhomse Sandip S.; Dorf M.; Engel A.; Feng W.; Fühlbrügge S.; Griffiths Paul; Harris N. R. P.; Hommel R.; Keber T.; Krüger K.; Lennartz S. T.; Maksyutov S.; Mantle H.; Mills G. P.; Miller B.; Montzka S. A.; Moore F.; Navarro M. A.; Oram David E.; Pfeilsticker K.; Pyle J. A.; Quack B.; Robinson A. D.; Saikawa E.; Saiz-Lopez A.; Sala S.; Sinnhuber B.-M.; Taguchi S.; Tegtmeier S.; Lidster R. T.; Wilson C.; Ziska F.; A multi-model intercomparison of halogenated very short-lived substances (TransCom-VSLS): linking oceanic emissions and tropospheric transport for a reconciled estimate of the stratospheric source gas injection of bromine. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 16 (14) , 9163--9187, [doi:10.5194/acp-16-9163-2016] Jul 2016
- Archibald A. T.; AerChemMIP: Quantifying the effects of chemistry and aerosols in CMIP6. [doi:10.5194/gmd-2016-139-sc1] Jul 2016
- Kourtchev I.; Godoi R. H. M.; Connors S.; Levine J. G.; Archibald A. T.; Godoi A. F. L.; Paralovo S.; Barbosa C. G. G.; Souza R. A. F.; Manzi A. O.; Seco R.; Sjostedt S.; Park J.-H.; Guenther A.; Kim S.; Smith J.; Martin S. T.; Kalberer M.; Molecular composition of organic aerosols in central Amazonia: an ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry study. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions 1--31, [doi:10.5194/acp-2016-404] May 2016
- Kourtchev I.; Godoi R. H. M.; Connors S.; Levine J. G.; Archibald A. T.; Godoi A. F. L.; Paralovo S.; Barbosa C. G. G.; Souza R. A. F.; Manzi A. O.; Seco R.; Sjostedt S.; Park J.-H.; Guenther A.; Kim S.; Smith J.; Martin S. T.; Kalberer M.; Molecular composition of organic aerosols in central Amazonia: an ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry study. [doi:10.5194/acp-2016-404-supplement] May 2016
- Khan M.A.H.; Cooke M. C.; Utembe S. R.; Morris W.C.; Archibald A. T.; Derwent R. G.; Jenkin M. E.; Orr-Ewing A. J.; Higgins CM; Percival C. J.; Leather K. E.; Shallcross D. E.; Global modeling of the C1–C3 alkyl nitrates using STOCHEM-CRI. Atmospheric Environment, 123, 256–267, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.10.088] Dec 2015
- Banerjee A.; Maycock A. C.; Archibald A. T.; Abraham N. L.; Telford P.; Braesicke P.; Pyle J. A.; Drivers of changes in stratospheric and tropospheric ozone between year 2000 and 2100. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 15 (21) , 30645--30691, [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-30645-2015] Nov 2015
- Banerjee A.; Maycock A. C.; Archibald A. T.; Abraham NL; Telford P.; Braesicke P.; Pyle J. A.; Supplementary material to "Drivers of changes in stratospheric and tropospheric ozone between year 2000 and 2100". [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-30645-2015-supplement] Nov 2015
- Khan M.A.H.; Cooke M. C.; Utembe S. R.; Archibald A. T.; Derwent R. G.; Xiao P.; Percival C. J.; Jenkin M. E.; Morris W.C.; Shallcross D. E.; Global modeling of the nitrate radical (NO3) for present and pre-industrial scenarios. Atmospheric Research, 164-165, 347–357, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2015.06.006] Oct 2015
- Levine J. G.; MacKenzie A. R.; Squire O. J.; Archibald A. T.; Griffiths P T; Abraham N. L.; Pyle J. A.; Oram David E.; Forster G.; Brito J. F.; Lee J. D.; Hopkins J. R.; Lewis Alastair C.; Bauguitte S. J. B.; Demarco C. F.; Artaxo Paulo E.; Messina P.; Lathière J.; Hauglustaine D. A.; House E.; Hewitt C. N.; Nemitz E.; Isoprene chemistry in pristine and polluted Amazon environments: Eulerian and Lagrangian model frameworks and the strong bearing they have on our understanding of surface ozone and predictions of rainforest exposure to this priority pollutant. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 15 (17) , 24251--24310, [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-24251-2015] Sep 2015
- Levine J. G.; MacKenzie A. R.; Squire O. J.; Archibald A. T.; Griffiths Paul; Abraham N. L.; Pyle J. A.; Oram David E.; Forster G.; Brito J. F.; Lee J. D.; Hopkins J. R.; Lewis A. C.; Bauguitte S. J. B.; Demarco C. F.; Artaxo Paulo E.; Messina P.; Lathière J.; Hauglustaine D. A.; House E.; Hewitt Nick; Nemiitz Eiko; Supplementary material to "Isoprene chemistry in pristine and polluted Amazon environments: Eulerian and Lagrangian model frameworks and the strong bearing they have on our understanding of surface ozone and predictions of rainforest exposure to this priority pollutant". [doi:10.5194/acpd-15-24251-2015-supplement] Sep 2015
- Khan M.A.H.; Cooke M. C.; Utembe S. R.; Archibald A. T.; Maxwell P.; Morris W.C.; Xiao P.; Derwent R. G.; Jenkin M. E.; Percival C. J.; Walsh R.C.; Young T.D.S.; Simmonds PG; Nickless G.; O'Doherty S.; Shallcross D. E.; A study of global atmospheric budget and distribution of acetone using global atmospheric model STOCHEM-CRI. Atmospheric Environment, 112, 269–277, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.04.056] Jul 2015
- Quiquet A.; Archibald A. T.; Friend A. D.; Chappellaz J.; Levine J. G.; Stone E. J.; Telford P. J.; Pyle J. A.; The relative importance of methane sources and sinks over the Last Interglacial period and into the last glaciation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 112, 1–16, [doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.01.004] Mar 2015
- Squire O. J.; Archibald A. T.; Griffiths P T; Jenkin M. E.; Smith D.; Pyle J. A.; Influence of isoprene chemical mechanism on modelled changes in tropospheric ozone due to climate and land use over the 21st century. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (9) , 5123–5143, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-5123-2015] 2015
- Monks P. S.; Archibald A. T.; Colette A.; Cooper O.; Coyle M.; Derwent RG; Fowler D.; Granier C.; Law K. S.; Mills G. E.; Stevenson D. S.; Tarasova O.; Thouret V.; von Schneidemesser E.; Sommariva R.; Wild O.; Williams M. L.; Tropospheric ozone and its precursors from the urban to the global scale from air quality to short-lived climate forcer. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (15) , 8889–8973, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-8889-2015] 2015
- Archibald A. T.; Witham CS; Ashfold MJ; Manning AJ; O’Doherty S; Greally BR; Young D; Shallcross DE; Long-term high frequency measurements of ethane, benzene and methyl chloride at Ragged Point, Barbados: Identification of long-range transport events. Elementa: Science Of The Anthropocene, 3 (1) , 000068, 2015
- Khan MAH; Cooke MC; Utembe SR; Morris WC; Archibald A. T.; Derwent RG; Jenkin ME; Orr-Ewing AJ; Higgins CM; Percival CJ; others; Global modeling of the C 1--C 3 alkyl nitrates using STOCHEM-CRI. Atmospheric Environment, 123, 256--267, 2015
- Yang X.; Abraham N. L.; Archibald A. T.; Braesicke P.; Keeble J; Telford P. J.; Warwick N. J.; Pyle J. A.; How sensitive is the recovery of stratospheric ozone to changes in concentrations of very short-lived bromocarbons?. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (19) , 10431–10438, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-10431-2014] Oct 2014
- Squire O. J.; Archibald A. T.; Griffiths P T; Jenkin M. E.; Pyle J. A.; Influence of isoprene chemical mechanism on modelled changes in tropospheric ozone due to climate and land use over the 21st century. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (16) , 22385--22435, [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-22385-2014] Sep 2014
- Tang M. J.; Telford P. J.; Pope F. D.; Rkiouak L.; Abraham N. L.; Archibald A. T.; Braesicke P.; Pyle J. A.; McGregor J.; Watson I. M.; Cox R. A.; Kalberer M.; Heterogeneous reaction of N₂O₅ with airborne TiO₂ particles and its implication for stratospheric particle injection. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (12) , 6035--6048, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-6035-2014] Jun 2014
- Yang Xin; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Braesicke P.; Keeble J.; Telford P.; Warwick N. J.; Pyle J. A.; How sensitive is the recovery of stratospheric ozone to changes in concentrations of very short lived bromocarbons?. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (7) , 9729--9745, [doi:10.5194/acpd-14-9729-2014] Apr 2014
- Chipperfield M. P.; Liang Q.; Strahan S. E.; Morgenstern O.; Dhomse S. S.; Abraham N. L.; Archibald A. T.; Bekki S.; Braesicke P.; Di Genova G.; Fleming E. L.; Hardiman S. C.; Iachetti D.; Jackman C. H.; Kinnison D. E.; Marchand M.; Pitari G.; Pyle J. A.; Rozanov E.; Stenke A.; Tummon F.; Multimodel estimates of atmospheric lifetimes of long-lived ozone-depleting substances: Present and future. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119 (5) , 2555--2573, [doi:10.1002/2013jd021097] Mar 2014
- Copeland G.; Lee E. P. F.; Williams R. G.; Archibald A. T.; Shallcross D. E.; Dyke J. M.; Determination of the Photolysis Rate Coefficient of Monochlorodimethyl Sulfide (MClDMS) in the Atmosphere and Its Implications for the Enhancement of SO 2 Production from the DMS + Cl 2 Reaction. Environ. Sci. Technol., 48 (3) , 1557–1565, [doi:10.1021/es402956r] Feb 2014
- Squire OJ; Archibald A. T.; Abraham NL; Beerling DJ; Hewitt CN; Lathiere J; Pike RC; Telford PJ; Pyle JA; Influence of future climate and cropland expansion on isoprene emissions and tropospheric ozone. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (2) , 1011--1024, 2014
- Tang MJ; Telford PJ; Pope FD; Rkiouak L; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Braesicke P.; Pyle JA; Mcgregor J; Watson IM; others; Heterogeneous reaction of N 2 O 5 with airborne TiO 2 particles and its implication for stratospheric particle injection. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (4) , 4421--4456, 2014
- Banerjee A; Archibald A. T.; Maycock A; Telford P; Abraham NL; Yang X.; Braesicke P.; Pyle J; Lightning NO x, a key chemistry--climate interaction: impacts of future climate change and consequences for tropospheric oxidising capacity. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (6) , 8753--8778, 2014
- Yang X.; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Braesicke P.; Keeble J; Telford P; Warwick N.; Pyle JA; How sensitive is the recovery of stratospheric ozone to changes in concentrations of very short lived bromocarbons?. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 14 (7) , 9729--9745, 2014
- Banerjee A; Archibald A. T.; Maycock A. C.; Telford PJ; Abraham N. L.; Yang X.; Braesicke P.; Pyle J. A.; Lightning NOx, a key chemistry–climate interaction: impacts of future climate change and consequences for tropospheric oxidising capacity. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (18) , 9871–9881, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-9871-2014] 2014
- Tang M. J.; Telford P. J.; Pope F. D.; Rkiouak L.; Abraham N. L.; Archibald A. T.; Braesicke P.; Pyle J. A.; McGregor J.; Watson I. M.; Cox R. A.; Kalberer M.; Corrigendum to “Heterogeneous reaction of N2O5 with airborne TiO2 particles and its implication for stratospheric particle injection” published in Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 6035–6048, 2014. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14 (16) , 8233–8234, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-8233-2014] 2014
- Foley A. M.; Dalmonech D.; Friend A. D.; Aires F.; Archibald A. T.; Bartlein P.; Bopp L.; Chappellaz J.; Cox P.; Edwards N. R.; Feulner G.; Friedlingstein P.; Harrison S. P.; Hopcroft P. O.; Jones C. D.; Kolassa J.; Levine J. G.; Prentice I. C.; Pyle J. A.; Vázquez Riveiros N.; Wolff E. W.; Zaehle S.; Evaluation of biospheric components in Earth system models using modern and palaeo-observations: the state-of-the-art. Biogeosciences, 10 (12) , 8305--8328, [doi:10.5194/bg-10-8305-2013] Dec 2013
- Stock Z. S.; Russo M. R.; Butler T. M.; Archibald A. T.; Lawrence M. G.; Telford P. J.; Abraham N. L.; Pyle J. A.; Modelling the impact of megacities on local, regional and global tropospheric ozone and the deposition of nitrogen species. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13 (24) , 12215--12231, Dec 2013
- Stock Z. S.; Russo Maria R.; Butler T. M.; Archibald A. T.; Lawrence M. G.; Telford P. J.; Abraham N. L.; Pyle J. A.; Modelling the impact of megacities on local, regional and global tropospheric ozone and the deposition of nitrogen species. [doi:10.5194/acpd-13-17675-2013] Jul 2013
- Young P. J.; Archibald A. T.; Bowman K. W.; Lamarque J.-F.; Naik V.; Stevenson D. S.; Tilmes S.; Voulgarakis A.; Wild O.; Bergmann D.; Cameron-Smith P.; Cionni I.; Collins W. J.; Dalsøren S. B.; Doherty R. M.; Eyring V.; Faluvegi G.; Horowitz L. W.; Josse B.; Lee Y. H.; MacKenzie I. A.; Nagashima T.; Plummer D. A.; Righi M.; Rumbold S. T.; Skeie R. B.; Shindell D. T.; Strode S. A.; Sudo K.; Szopa S.; Zeng G.; Corrigendum to "Pre-industrial to end 21st century projections of tropospheric ozone from the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP)" published in Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 2063–2090, 2013. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13 (10) , 5401--5402, [doi:10.5194/acp-13-5401-2013] May 2013
- O'Shea S. J.; Allen G.; Gallagher M.; Bauguitte S. J.-B.; Illingworth S.; Le Breton M.; Muller J. B. A.; Percival C. J.; Archibald A. T.; Oram David E.; Parrington M.; Palmer P. I.; Lewis A. C.; Airborne observations of trace gases over boreal Canada during BORTAS: campaign climatology, airmass analysis and enhancement ratios. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 13 (5) , 14069--14114, [doi:10.5194/acpd-13-14069-2013] May 2013
- Telford P. J.; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Braesicke P.; Dalvi M.; Morgenstern O.; O'Connor F. M.; Richards N. A. D.; Pyle J. A.; Implementation of the Fast-JX Photolysis scheme (v6.4) into the UKCA component of the MetUM chemistry-climate model (v7.3). Geoscientific Model Development, 6 (1) , 161--177, [doi:10.5194/gmd-6-161-2013] 2013
- Young PJ; Archibald A. T.; Bowman KW; Lamarque JF; Naik V.; Stevenson DS; Tilmes S.; Voulgarakis A.; Wild O.; Bergmann D.; others; Pre-industrial to end 21st century projections of tropospheric ozone from the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP). Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13, 2063--2090, [doi:10.5194/acp-13-2063-2013] 2013
- Warwick N. J.; Archibald A. T.; Ashworth K.; Dorsey James R.; Edwards Pete; Heard D. E.; Langford B; J. D. Lee; Misztal P. K.; Whalley L. K.; Pyle J. A.; A study of the impact of land-use change in Borneo on atmospheric composition using a global model. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions [doi:10.5194/acp-13-9183-2013] 2013
- Warwick N. J.; Tang M. J.; Archibald A. T.; Yang X.; Kalberer M.; Pyle J. A.; A global simulation of the impacts of ClNO2 chemistry on CH4 and d13C-CH4. Geophys. Res. Lett 2013
- Squire OJ; Archibald A. T.; Beerling DJ; Hewitt CN; Lathiere J; Pike RC; Telford P. J.; Pyle J. A.; Influence of future climate and cropland expansion on isoprene emissions and tropospheric ozone. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 13 (7) , 18307--18344, [doi:10.5194/acp-14-1011-2014] 2013
- Braesicke Peter; Keeble James; Yang X.; Stiller Gabriele; Kellmann Sylvia; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Telford P. J.; Pyle J. A.; Consistent circulation differences in the Southern Hemisphere caused by ozone changes: a chemistry-climate model and observational study. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 13 (3) , 8455--8487, [doi:10.5194/acpd-13-8455-2013] 2013
- Braesicke Peter; Keeble James; Yang X.; Stiller Gabriele; Kellmann Sylvia; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Telford P; Pyle JA; Circulation anomalies in the Southern Hemisphere and ozone changes. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13 (21) , 10677--10688, [doi:10.5194/acp-13-10677-2013] 2013
- Stevenson D. S.; Young P. J.; Naik V.; Lamarque J.-F.; Shindell D. T.; Voulgarakis A.; Skeie R. B.; Dalsøren S. B.; Myhre G; Berntsen T. K.; Folberth G. A.; Rumbold S. T.; Collins W. J.; MacKenzie I. A.; Doherty R. M.; Zeng G.; van Noije T. P. C.; Strunk A.; Bergmann D.; Cameron-Smith P.; Plummer D. A.; Strode S. A.; HOROWITZ LW; Lee Y. H.; Szopa S.; Sudo K; Nagashima T; Josse B; Cionni I.; Righi M.; Eyring V.; Conley A.; Bowman K. W.; Wild O.; Archibald A. T.; Tropospheric ozone changes, radiative forcing and attribution to emissions in the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP). Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13 (6) , 3063–3085, [doi:10.5194/acp-13-3063-2013] 2013
- O{'}Shea S. J.; Allen G.; Gallagher M. W.; Bauguitte S. J. -B.; Illingworth S. M.; Le Breton M.; Muller J. B. A.; Percival C. J.; Archibald A. T.; Oram David E.; Parrington M.; Palmer P. I.; Lewis A. C.; Airborne observations of trace gases over boreal Canada during BORTAS: Campaign climatology, air mass analysis and enhancement ratios. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13 (24) , 12451-15467, 2013
- Muller Jennifer B. A.; Dorsey James R.; Flynn Michael; Gallagher Martin; Percival Carl J.; Shallcross Dudley E.; Archibald A. T.; Roscoe Howard K.; Obbard Rachel W.; Atkinson Helen M.; Lee J. D.; Moller Sarah J.; Carpenter Lucy J.; Energy and ozone fluxes over sea ice. Atmospheric Environment, 47, 218--225, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.11.013] FEB 2012 2012
- Leather K. E.; Bacak A.; Wamsley R.; Archibald A. T.; Husk A.; Shallcross D. E.; Percival C. J.; Temperature and pressure dependence of the rate coefficient for the reaction between ClO and CH3O2 in the gas-phase. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14 (10) , 3425--3434, 2012
- Leather KE; McGillen MR; Cooke MC; Utembe SR; Archibald A. T.; Jenkin ME; Derwent RG; Shallcross DE; Percival CJ; Acid-yield measurements of the gas-phase ozonolysis of ethene as a function of humidity using Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (CIMS). Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12, 469--479, [doi:10.5194/acp-12-469-2012] 2012
- Hossaini R.; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Dhomse S.; Ordonez C; Saiz-Lopez A.; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Braesicke P.; Telford P. J.; Warwick N. J.; Yang X.; Pyle J. A.; Modelling future changes to the stratospheric source gas injection of biogenic bromocarbons. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, [doi:10.1029/2012GL053401] 2012
- Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Bellouin N.; Boucher O.; Braesicke P.; Bushell A.; Carslaw K.; Collins B.; Dalvi M.; Emmerson K.; Folberth G.; Haywood J.; Johnson C. E.; Kipling Z.; Macintyre H.; Mann G. W.; Telford P. J.; Merikanto J.; Morgenstern O.; O'Connor F. M.; Ordonez C; Osprey S. M.; Pringle K. J.; Pyle J. A.; Rae J. G. L.; Reddington C. L.; Savage N. H.; Spracklen D. V.; Stier P.; West R.; Unified Model Documentation Paper No. 84: United Kingdom Chemistry and Aerosol (UKCA) Technical Description MetUM Version 8.2. Unified Model Documentation Paper 2012
- Muller J. B. A.; Dorsey James R.; Flynn M.; Gallagher Martin; Percival C. J.; Shallcross D. E.; Archibald A. T.; Roscoe H. K.; Obbard R. W.; Lee J. D.; Moller S. J.; Carpenter L. J.; Energy and ozone fluxes over sea ice. Atmospheric Environment, 47, 218-225, 2012
- Levine JG; Wolff E. W.; Jones Anna E.; Valdes PJ; Archibald A. T.; Carver Glenn D.; Warwick N. J.; Pyle J. A.; Reconciling the changes in atmospheric methane sources and sinks between the Last Glacial Maximum and the pre-industrial era. Geophysical Research Letters, 38 (L23804) , [doi:10.1029/2011GL049545] Dec 2011
- Bacak A; Cooke MC; Bardwell MW; McGillen MR; Archibald A. T.; HUEY LG; Tanner D; Utembe SR; Jenkin ME; Derwent RG; Shallcross DE; Percival CJ; Kinetics of the HO2 + NO2 Reaction: On the impact of new gas-phase kinetic data for the formation of HO2NO2 on HOx, NOx and HO2NO2 levels in the troposphere. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 6414--6422, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.08.008] Nov 2011
- Archibald A. T.; BIOGEOCHEMISTRY Wake-up call for isoprene emissions. Nature Geoscience, 4, 659--660, Oct 2011
- Archibald A. T.; Levine JG; Abraham NL; Cooke MC; Edwards Pete; Heard D. E.; Jenkin ME; Karunaharan A; Pike RC; Monks P. S.; Shallcross DE; Telford P. J.; Whalley L. K.; Pyle J. A.; Impacts of HOx regeneration and recycling in the oxidation of isoprene: Consequences for the composition of past, present and future atmospheres. Geophysical Research Letters, 38 (L05804) , [doi:10.1029/2010gl046520] Mar 2011
- Utembe SR; Cooke MC; Archibald A. T.; Shallcross DE; Derwent RG; Jenkin ME; Simulating secondary organic aerosol in a 3-D Lagrangian chemistry transport model using the reduced Common Representative Intermediates mechanism (CRI v2-R5). Atmospheric Environment, 45, 1604--1614, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.11.046] Mar 2011
- Archibald A. T.; Tonokura K; Kawasaki M; Percival CJ; Shallcross DE; On the Impact of HO2-H2O Complexes in the Marine Boundary Layer: A Possible Sink for HO2. Terrestrial Atmospheric And Oceanic Sciences, 22, 71--78, [doi:10.3319/tao.2010.07.20.01(a)] Feb 2011
- McGillen MR; Archibald A. T.; Carey T; Leather KE; Shallcross DE; Wenger JC; Percival CJ; Structure-activity relationship (SAR) for the prediction of gas-phase ozonolysis rate coefficients: an extension towards heteroatomic unsaturated species. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13, 2842--2849, [doi:10.1039/c0cp01732a] 2011
- Bacak A.; Cooke MC; Bardwell MW; McGillen MR; Archibald A. T.; HUEY LG; Tanner D.; Utembe SR; Jenkin ME; Derwent RG; others; Kinetics of the HO2+ NO2 Reaction: On the impact of new gas-phase kinetic data for the formation of HO2NO2 on HOx, NOx and HO2NO2 levels in the troposphere. Atmospheric Environment 2011
- Pyle J. A.; Warwick N. J.; Harris NRP; Abas MR; Archibald A. T.; Ashfold MJ; Ashworth K.; BARKLEY MP; Carver Glenn D.; Chance K; Dorsey James R.; Fowler D; Gonzi S.; Gostlow B; Hewitt CN; Kurosu TP; Lee J. D.; Langford B; Mills G; Moller S. J.; MacKenzie AR; Manning AJ; Misztal P; Nadzir MSM; Nemitz E; Newton HM; O'Brien LM; Ong S; Oram David E.; PALMER PI; Peng LK; Phang SM; Pike R; Pugh TAM; Rahman NA; Robinson AD; Sentian J; Samah AA; Skiba U; Ung HE; Yong SE; Young PJ; The impact of local surface changes in Borneo on atmospheric composition at wider spatial scales: Coastal processes, land-use change and air quality. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 366, 3210--3224, [doi:10.1098/rstb.2011.0060] 2011
- Muller J.; Dorsey James R.; Flynn M.; Gallagher Martin; Percival C. J.; Shallcross D. E.; Archibald A. T.; Roscoe H. K.; Obbard R. W.; Atkinson H. M.; oth ers; Energy and ozone fluxes over sea ice. Atmospheric Environment 2011
- Archibald A. T.; Jenkin ME; Shallcross DE;
An isoprene mechanism intercomparison
In ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, pages 5356--5364, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.09.016] Dec 2010 - Grant A; Archibald A. T.; Cooke MC; Nickless G; Shallcross DE; Modelling the oxidation of 15 VOCs to track yields of hydrogen. Atmospheric Science Letters, 11, 265--269, [doi:10.1002/asl.286] Oct 2010
- Grant A; Archibald A. T.; Cooke MC; Shallcross DE; Modelling the oxidation of seventeen volatile organic compounds to track yields of CO and CO2. Atmospheric Environment, 44, 3797--3804, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.06.049] Oct 2010
- Utembe SR; Cooke MC; Archibald A. T.; Jenkin ME; Derwent RG; Shallcross DE; Using a reduced Common Representative Intermediates (CRIv2-R5) mechanism to simulate tropospheric ozone in a 3-D Lagrangian chemistry transport model. Atmospheric Environment, 44, 1609--1622, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.01.044] Apr 2010
- Archibald A. T.; Cooke MC; Utembe SR; Shallcross DE; Derwent RG; Jenkin ME; Impacts of mechanistic changes on HOx formation and recycling in the oxidation of isoprene. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10, 8097--8118, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-8097-2010] 2010
- Cooke MC; Marven AR; Utembe SR; Archibald A. T.; Ensor GWR; Jenkin ME; Derwent RG; O'Doherty SJ; Shallcross DE; On the effect of a global adoption of various fractions of biodiesel on key species in the troposphere. Int J Oil Gas Coal T, 3, 88--103, [doi:10.1504/ijogct.2010.032476] 2010
- Cooke MC; Utembe SR; Carbajo PG; Archibald A. T.; Orr-Ewing AJ; Jenkin ME; Derwent RG; Lary DJ; Shallcross DE; Impacts of formaldehyde photolysis rates on tropospheric chemistry. Atmospheric Science Letters, 11, 33--38, [doi:10.1002/asl.251] Jan 2010
- Pradhan M; Kyriakou G; Archibald A. T.; Papageorgiou AC; Kalberer M; Lambert RM; Heterogeneous uptake of gaseous hydrogen peroxide by Gobi and Saharan dust aerosols: a potential missing sink for H2O2 in the troposphere. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10, 7127--7136, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-7127-2010] 2010
- Telford P. J.; Lathiere J; Abraham NL; Archibald A. T.; Braesicke P.; Johnson CE; Morgenstern O; O'Connor FM; Pike RC; Wild O.; Young PJ; Beerling DJ; Hewitt CN; Pyle J. A.; Effects of climate-induced changes in isoprene emissions after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10, 7117--7125, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-7117-2010] 2010
- Archibald A. T.; Petit AS; Percival CJ; Harvey JN; Shallcross DE; On the importance of the reaction between OH and RO2 radicals. Atmospheric Science Letters, 10, 102--108, [doi:10.1002/asl.216] Apr 2009
- McGillen MR; Carey TJ; Archibald A. T.; Wenger JC; Shallcross DE; Percival CJ; Structure-activity relationship (SAR) for the gas-phase ozonolysis of aliphatic alkenes and dialkenes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10, 1757--1768, [doi:10.1039/b715394e] 2008
- Archibald A. T.; Khan MAH; Watson LA; Utembe SR; Shallcross DE; Clemitshaw KC; Jenkin ME; Comment on 'Long-term atmospheric measurements of C-1-C-5 alkyl nitrates in the Pearl River Delta region of southeast China' by Simpson et al.. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 7369--7370, [doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.08.004] Nov 2007
- Archibald A. T.; McGillen MR; Taatjes CA; Percival CJ; Shallcross DE; Atmospheric transformation of enols: A potential secondary source of carboxylic acids in the urban troposphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (L21801) , [doi:10.1029/2007gl031032] Nov 2007
- IGAC Young Scientist Best Presentation Prize, The International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project, under joint sponsorship of the Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (CACGP) of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS )and the International Geosphere- Biosphere Programme (IGBP), July 2010
Achievements / Science Highlights
- Impacts of HOx regeneration and recycling in the oxidation of isoprene: Consequences for the composition of past, present and future atmospheres., March 2011
- Analysis of ACCMIP pre-industrial to future tropospheric ozone changes. , March 2013
- NCAR research placement. , July 2013
- Archibald played a pivotal role in planning and aiding the smooth running of the activities which formed the Young Scientist programme of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry open science meeting held in Beijing (Setp. 2012). , September 2012