Stringer, Dr Marc Alexander
UKESM Scientific Software Engineer
University of Reading
Department of Meteorology
University of Reading
Earley Gate
Whiteknights Road
- +44 370 900 4740

- Mulcahy Jane; Jones C.; Rumbold Steven T.; Kuhlbrodt T.; Dittus Andrea J.; Blockley Edward W.; Yool A.; Walton J.; Hardacre Catherine; Andrews Timothy; Bodas-Salcedo Alejandro; Stringer Marc; de Mora Lee; Harris Phil; Hill Richard; Kelley Douglas I.; Robertson Eddy; Tang Yongming; UKESM1.1: development and evaluation of an updated configuration of the UK Earth System Model. Geoscientific Model Development, 16 (6) , 1569–1600, [doi:10.5194/gmd-16-1569-2023] Mar 2023
- Woodward Stephanie; Sellar Alistair; Tang Yongming; Stringer Marc; Yool A.; Robertson Eddy; Wiltshire Andy; The simulation of mineral dust in the United Kingdom Earth System Model UKESM1. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 22 (22) , 14503--14528, [doi:10.5194/acp-22-14503-2022] Nov 2022
- Mulcahy Jane; Jones C.; Rumbold Steven T.; Kuhlbrodt T.; Dittus Andrea J.; Blockley Edward W.; Yool A.; Walton J.; Hardacre Catherine; Andrews Timothy; Bodas-Salcedo Alejandro; Stringer Marc; de Mora Lee; Harris Phil; Hill Richard; Kelley Douglas I.; Robertson Eddy; Tang Yongming; UKESM1.1: Development and evaluation of an updated configuration of the UK Earth System Model. [doi:10.5194/gmd-2022-113] Sep 2022
- Mulcahy Jane; Jones C.; Rumbold Steven T.; Kuhlbrodt T.; Dittus Andrea J.; Blockley Edward W.; Yool A.; Walton J.; Hardacre Catherine; Andrews Timothy; Bodas-Salcedo Alejandro; Stringer Marc; de Mora Lee; Harris Phil; Hill Richard; Kelley Douglas I.; Robertson Eddy; Tang Yongming; Supplementary material to "UKESM1.1: Development and evaluation of an updated configuration of the UK Earth System Model". [doi:10.5194/gmd-2022-113-supplement] Sep 2022
- Woodward Stephanie; Sellar Alistair; Tang Yongming; Stringer Marc; Yool A.; Robertson Eddy; Wiltshire Andy; The simulation of mineral dust in the United Kingdom Earth System Model UKESM1. [doi:10.5194/acp-2022-228] Apr 2022
- Mulcahy Jane; Johnson Colin; Jones Colin G.; Povey Adam C.; Scott Catherine E.; Sellar Alistair; Turnock Steven T.; Woodhouse Matthew T.; Abraham NL; Andrews Martin B.; Bellouin Nicolas; Browse Jo; Carslaw Ken; Dalvi Mohit; Folberth Gerd A.; Glover Matthew; Grosvenor D. P.; Hardacre Catherine; Hill Richard; Johnson Ben T.; Jones Andy; Kipling Z.; Mann Graham; Mollard James; O’Connor Fiona M; Palmieri Julien; Reddington Carly; Rumbold Steven T.; Richardson Mark; Schutgens Nick A. J.; Stier Philip; Stringer Marc; Tang Yongming; Walton J.; Woodward Stephanie; Yool A.; Description and evaluation of aerosol in UKESM1 and HadGEM3-GC3.1 CMIP6 historical simulations. Geoscientific Model Development, 13 (12) , 6383--6423, [doi:10.5194/gmd-13-6383-2020] Dec 2020
- Yool A.; Palmiéri J.; Jones C. G.; Sellar Alistair; de Mora Lee; Kuhlbrodt T.; Popova E. E.; Mulcahy Jane; Wiltshire A.; Rumbold S. T.; Stringer Marc; Hill R. S. R.; Tang Y.; Walton J.; Blaker A.; Nurser A. J. G.; Coward A. C.; Hirschi J.; Woodward S.; Kelley Douglas I.; Ellis R.; Rumbold‐Jones S.; Spin-up of UK Earth System Model 1 (UKESM1) for CMIP6. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems, 12 (8) , [doi:10.1029/2019ms001933] Aug 2020
- Archibald A. T.; O’Connor Fiona M; Abraham NL; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Dalvi Mohit; Folberth Gerd A.; Dennison Fraser; Dhomse Sandip S.; Griffiths Paul; Hardacre Catherine; Hewitt Alan J.; Hill Richard S.; Johnson Colin E.; Keeble James; Köhler Marcus O.; Morgenstern Olaf; Mulcahy Jane; Ordóñez Carlos; Pope Richard J.; Rumbold Steven T.; Russo Maria R.; Savage Nicholas H.; Sellar Alistair; Stringer Marc; Turnock Steven T.; Wild Oliver; Zengast Guang; Description and evaluation of the UKCA stratosphere–troposphere chemistry scheme (StratTrop vn 1.0) implemented in UKESM1. Geoscientific Model Development, 13 (3) , 1223--1266, [doi:10.5194/gmd-13-1223-2020] Mar 2020
- Sellar Alistair; Jones Colin G.; Mulcahy Jane; Tang Yongming; Yool Andrew; Wiltshire Andy; O'Connor Fiona; Stringer Marc; Hill Richard; Palmieri Julien; Woodward Stephanie; de Mora Lee; Kuhlbrodt T.; Rumbold Steve; Kelley Douglas I.; Ellis Rich; Johnson Ben T.; Walton Jeremy; Abraham NL; Andrews Martin B.; Andrews Timothy; Archibald A. T.; Berthou Ségolène; Burke Eleanor; Blockley Ed; Carslaw Ken; Dalvi Mohit; Edwards John; Folberth Gerd A.; Gedney Nicola; Griffiths Paul; Harper Anna B.; Hendry Maggie A.; Hewitt Alan J.; Johnson Ben; Jones Andy; Jones Chris D.; Keeble James; Liddicoat Spencer; Morgenstern Olaf; Parker Rob J.; Predoi Valeriu; Robertson Eddy; Siahaan Antony; Smith Robin S.; Swaminathan Ranjini; Woodhouse Matthew T.; Zengast Guang; Zerroukat Mohamed; UKESM1: Description and evaluation of the UK Earth System Model. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems [doi:10.1029/2019ms001739] Oct 2019
- Archibald A. T.; O'Connor Fiona M.; Abraham NL; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Dalvi Mohit; Folberth Gerd A.; Dennison Fraser; Dhomse Sandip S.; Griffiths Paul; Hardacre Catherine; Hewitt Alan J.; Hill Richard; Johnson Colin E.; Keeble James; Köhler Marcus O.; Morgenstern Olaf; Mulchay Jane P.; Ordóñez Carlos; Pope Richard J.; Rumbold Steven; Russo Maria R.; Savage Nicholas; Sellar Alistair; Stringer Marc; Turnock Steven T.; Wild Oliver; Zengast Guang; Description and evaluation of the UKCA stratosphere-troposphere chemistry scheme (StratTrop vn 1.0) implemented in UKESM1. [doi:10.5194/gmd-2019-246] Sep 2019
- Archibald A. T.; O'Connor Fiona M.; Abraham NL; Archer-Nicholls Scott; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Dalvi Mohit; Folberth Gerd A.; Dennison Fraser; Dhomse Sandip S.; Griffiths Paul; Hardacre Catherine; Hewitt Alan J.; Hill Richard; Johnson Colin E.; Keeble James; Köhler Marcus O.; Morgenstern Olaf; Mulchay Jane P.; Ordóñez Carlos; Pope Richard J.; Rumbold Steven; Russo Maria R.; Savage Nicholas; Sellar Alistair; Stringer Marc; Turnock Steven T.; Wild Oliver; Zengast Guang; Supplementary material to \"Description and evaluation of the UKCA stratosphere-troposphere chemistry scheme (StratTrop vn 1.0) implemented in UKESM1\". [doi:10.5194/gmd-2019-246-supplement] Sep 2019
- Kuhlbrodt T.; Jones Colin G.; Sellar Alistair; Storkey Dave; Blockley Ed; Stringer Marc; Hill Richard; Graham Tim; Ridley Jeff; Blaker Adam; Calvert Daley; Copsey Dan; Ellis Richard; Hewitt Helene; Hyder Patrick; Ineson Sarah; Mulcahy Jane; Siahaan Antony; Walton Jeremy; The low-resolution version of HadGEM3 GC3.1: Development and evaluation for global climate. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems [doi:10.1029/2018ms001370] Oct 2018
- Tarnavsky Elena; Grimes David; Maidment Ross I.; Black Emily; Allan Richard P.; Stringer Marc; Chadwick Robin; Kayitakire Francois; Extension of the TAMSAT Satellite-Based Rainfall Monitoring over Africa and from 1983 to Present. Journal Of Applied Meteorology And Climatology, 53 (12) , 2805–2822, [doi:10.1175/jamc-d-14-0016.1] Dec 2014
- Dacre H. F.; Clark P. A.; Martínez-Alvarado Oscar; Stringer M. A.; Lavers D. A.; How do atmospheric rivers form?. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society 141124143559005, [doi:10.1175/bams-d-14-00031.1] Nov 2014
- Roberts J. F.; Champion A. J.; Dawkins L. C.; Hodges K. I.; Shaffrey Len; Stephenson D. B.; Stringer M. A.; Thornton H. E.; Youngman B. D.; The XWS open access catalogue of extreme European windstorms from 1979 to 2012. Natural Hazards And Earth System Science, 14 (9) , 2487–2501, [doi:10.5194/nhess-14-2487-2014] Sep 2014
- Maidment Ross I.; Grimes David; Allan Richard P.; Tarnavsky Elena; Stringer Marc; Hewison Tim; Roebeling Rob; Black Emily; The 30 year TAMSAT African Rainfall Climatology And Time series (TARCAT) data set. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 119 (18) , 10,619–10,644, [doi:10.1002/2014jd021927] Sep 2014
- Roberts J. F.; Champion A. J.; Dawkins L. C.; Hodges K. I.; Shaffrey Len C.; Stephenson D. B.; Stringer M. A.; Thornton H. E.; Youngman B. D.; The XWS open access catalogue of extreme European windstorms from 1979\–2012. Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2 (3) , 2011--2048, [doi:10.5194/nhessd-2-2011-2014] Mar 2014
- Dacre H. F.; Hawcroft M. K.; Stringer M. A.; Hodges K. I.; An Extratropical Cyclone Atlas: A Tool for Illustrating Cyclone Structure and Evolution Characteristics. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 93 (10) , 1497–1502, [doi:10.1175/bams-d-11-00164.1] Oct 2012
- Abel S. J.; Highwood E. J.; Haywood J. M.; Stringer M. A.; The direct radiative effect of biomass burning aerosols over southern Africa. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 5 (7) , 1999–2018, [doi:10.5194/acp-5-1999-2005] Aug 2005