Hawkins, Professor Ed
Professor of Climate Science
University of Reading
Department of Meteorology
University of Reading
Earley Gate
Whiteknights Road
- https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9477-3677
- @ed_hawkins
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/edhawkinsclimate/
- +44 118 378 7991
- /www.edhawkins.org
Ed Hawkins is a professor of climate science within NCAS at the University of Reading. He is a Lead Author for the forthcoming IPCC 6th Assessment Report and leads the Weather Rescue citizen science project. He created the viral 'climate spiral' and 'warming stripes' visualisations of climate change, which have been used worldwide, including during the opening ceremony of the 2016 Rio Olympics. Ed was awarded the RMetS Climate Communication Prize in 2017, the Royal Society Kavli Medal in 2019, the RMetS Hugh Robert Mill award in 2023 and was made an MBE for services to climate science and science communication in 2019.

- Pringle Kirsty Jane; Rigby R.; Turnock Steven T.; Reddington Carly; Shayakhmetova Meruyert; Illingworth Malcolm; Barclay Denis; Hong Neil Chue; Hawkins Ed; Hamilton Douglas S.; Brain Ethan; McQuaid J. B.; Visualising historical changes in air pollution with the Air Quality Stripes. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-3961] Jan 2025
- Morice Colin Peter; Berry David I.; Cornes Richard; Cowtan Kathryn; Cropper Thomas; Hawkins Ed; Kennedy John J.; Osborn Timothy J.; Rayner Nick A.; Rivas Beatriz R.; Schurer Andrew P.; Taylor Michael; Teleti Praveen R.; Wallis Emily J.; Winn Jonathan; Kent Elizabeth; An observational record of global gridded near surface air temperature change over land and ocean from 1781. [doi:10.5194/essd-2024-500] Dec 2024
- Sillmann Jana; Raupach Timothy H.; Findell Kirsten L.; Donat Markus; Alves Lincoln M.; Alexander Lisa; Borchert Leonard; de Amorim Pablo Borges; Buontempo Carlo; Fischer Erich M.; Franzke Christian L.; Guan Bin; Haasnoot Marjolijn; Hawkins Ed; Jacob Daniela; Mahon Roché; Maraun Douglas; Morrison Monica A.; Poschlod Benjamin; Ruane Alex C.; Shampa; Stephenson Tannecia; van der Wel Narelle; Wang Zhuo; Zhang Xuebin; Županić Josipa; Climate extremes and risks: links between climate science and decision-making. Frontiers In Climate, 6, [doi:10.3389/fclim.2024.1499765] Dec 2024
- Schurer Andrew; Ballinger Andrew; Dittus Andrea J.; Hawkins Ed; Cornes Richard; Kent Elizabeth; Morice Colin; Osborn T.; Rumbold Steven; Hegerl Gabriele; Importance of early 19th century volcanic activity on long-term climate variability.. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10774] Nov 2024
- Collins Matthew; Beverley Jonathan D.; Bracegirdle Thomas J.; Catto Jennifer L; McCrystall Michelle; Dittus Andrea; Freychet Nicolas; Grist Jeremy; Hegerl Gabriele C.; Holland Paul R.; Holmes Caroline; Josey Simon A.; Joshi Manoj; Hawkins Ed; Lo Eunice; Lord Natalie; Mitchell Dann; Monerie Paul-Arthur; Priestley Matthew D. K.; Scaife Adam; Screen James; Senior Natasha; Sexton David; Shuckburgh Emily; Siegert Stefan; Simpson Charles; Stephenson David B.; Sutton Rowan; Thompson Vikki; Wilcox Laura J.; Woollings Tim; Emerging signals of climate change from the equator to the poles: new insights into a warming world. Frontiers In Science, 2, [doi:10.3389/fsci.2024.1340323] Oct 2024
- Hawkins Ed; Arnell Nigel; Hannaford Jamie; Sutton R.T.; GC Insights: Communicating long-term changes in local climate risk using a physically plausible causal chain. Geoscience Communication, 7 (3) , 161–165, [doi:10.5194/gc-7-161-2024] Aug 2024
- Yule Emma L; Hegerl Gabriele C; Schurer Andrew; Ballinger Andrew; Hawkins Ed; Using analogues to predict changes in future UK heatwaves*. Environmental Research: Climate, 3 (4) , 045001, [doi:10.1088/2752-5295/ad57e3] Aug 2024
- King Andrew David; Harrington Luke James; Hawkins Ed; Paik Seungmok; Lieber Ruby; Min Seung-Ki; Borowiak Alexander R; Emergence of multivariate climate change signals. Environmental Research Letters, 19 (9) , 094018, [doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ad677f] Aug 2024
- Müller Omar V.; McGuire P. C.; Vidale P. L.; Hawkins Ed; River flow in the near future: a global perspective in the context of a high-emission climate change scenario. Hydrology And Earth System Sciences, 28 (10) , 2179–2201, [doi:10.5194/hess-28-2179-2024] May 2024
- Hawkins Ed; Alexander Lisa V.; Allan Rob J.; Corrigendum to “Millions of digitized historical sea‐level pressure observations rediscovered”. Geoscience Data Journal, 11 (3) , 351–353, [doi:10.1002/gdj3.250] May 2024
- Müller Omar V.; McGuire P. C.; Vidale P. L.; Hawkins Ed; River flow in the near future: a global perspective in the context of a high-emission climate change scenario. Hydrology And Earth System Sciences, 28 (10) , 2179–2201, [doi:10.5194/hess-28-2179-2024] May 2024
- Muheki Derrick; Vercruysse Bas; Verbruggen Christophe; Ntumba Dominique Kankonde; Hawkins Ed; Meunier Félicien; Imwangana Fils Makanzu; Verbeeck Hans; Birkholz Julie M.; Mbifo José; Jacobsen Kim; Hufkens Koen; Chandrasekar Krishna K. T.; Dewitte Olivier; Moulasa Olivier Kapalay; Boeckx Pascal; Thorne Peter; Lampe Seppe; Likwela Théophile Besango; Thiery Wim; Data rescue of millions of daily precipitation and temperature records collected within the Congo Basin. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9889] Mar 2024
- Muheki Derrick; Vercruysse Bas; Verbruggen Christophe; Ntumba Dominique Kankonde; Hawkins Ed; Meunier Félicien; Imwangana Fils Makanzu; Verbeeck Hans; Birkholz Julie M.; Mbifo José; Jacobsen Kim; Hufkens Koen; Chandrasekar Krishna K. T.; Dewitte Olivier; Moulasa Olivier Kapalay; Boeckx Pascal; Thorne Peter; Lampe Seppe; Likwela Théophile Besango; Thiery Wim; Data rescue of millions of daily precipitation and temperature records collected within the Congo Basin. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9889] Mar 2024
- Luterbacher Jürg; Allan Rob; Wilkinson Clive; Hawkins Ed; Teleti Praveen; Lorrey Andrew; Brönnimann Stefan; Hechler Peer; Velikou Kondylia; Xoplaki Elena; The Importance and Scientific Value of Long Weather and Climate Records; Examples of Historical Marine Data Efforts across the Globe. Climate, 12 (3) , 39, [doi:10.3390/cli12030039] Mar 2024
- Luterbacher Jürg; Allan Rob; Wilkinson Clive; Hawkins Ed; Teleti Praveen; Lorrey Andrew; Brönnimann Stefan; Hechler Peer; Velikou Kondylia; Xoplaki Elena; The Importance and Scientific Value of Long Weather and Climate Records; Examples of Historical Marine Data Efforts across the Globe. Climate, 12 (3) , 39, [doi:10.3390/cli12030039] Mar 2024
- Dittus Andrea J.; Collins M.; Sutton R.T.; Hawkins Ed; Reversal of Projected European Summer Precipitation Decline in a Stabilizing Climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (6) , [doi:10.1029/2023gl107448] Mar 2024
- Dittus Andrea J.; Collins M.; Sutton R.T.; Hawkins Ed; Reversal of Projected European Summer Precipitation Decline in a Stabilizing Climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (6) , [doi:10.1029/2023gl107448] Mar 2024
- Muheki Derrick; Vercruysse Bas; Verbruggen Christophe; Ntumba Dominique Kankonde; Hawkins Ed; Meunier Félicien; Imwangana Fils Makanzu; Verbeeck Hans; Birkholz Julie M.; Mbifo José; Jacobsen Kim; Hufkens Koen; Chandrasekar Krishna K. T.; Dewitte Olivier; Moulasa Olivier Kapalay; Boeckx Pascal; Thorne Peter; Lampe Seppe; Likwela Théophile Besango; Thiery Wim; Data rescue of millions of daily precipitation and temperature records collected within the Congo Basin. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9889] Mar 2024
- Wallis Emily J.; Osborn Timothy J.; Taylor Michael; Jones Philip D.; Joshi Manoj; Hawkins Ed; Quantifying exposure biases in early instrumental land surface air temperature observations. International Journal Of Climatology, 44 (5) , 1611–1635, [doi:10.1002/joc.8401] Mar 2024
- Craig Philip M.; Hawkins Ed; Digitizing observations from the 1861–1875 Met Office Daily Weather Reports using citizen scientist volunteers. Geoscience Data Journal [doi:10.1002/gdj3.236] Jan 2024
- Craig Philip M.; Hawkins Ed; Digitizing observations from the 1861–1875 Met Office Daily Weather Reports using citizen scientist volunteers. Geoscience Data Journal [doi:10.1002/gdj3.236] Jan 2024
- Dittus Andrea J.; Collins Matthew; Sutton R.T.; Hawkins Ed; Reversal of Projected European Summer Precipitation Decline in a Stabilising Climate. [doi:10.22541/essoar.170365357.71476235/v1] Dec 2023
- Tett Simon F. B.; Cha YoungHwa; Donovan Kate; Geffers Gina-Maria; Hawkins Ed; The Impact of an Extreme Cloud burst on Edinburgh Castle. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 104 (10) , E1807–E1816, [doi:10.1175/bams-d-22-0196.1] Oct 2023
- Hawkins Ed; Compo Gilbert; Sardeshmukh Prashant D.; ESD Ideas: Translating historical extreme weather events into a warmer world. Earth System Dynamics, 14 (5) , 1081–1084, [doi:10.5194/esd-14-1081-2023] Oct 2023
- King Andrew David; Douglas Hunter C; Harrington Luke James; Hawkins Ed; Borowiak Alexander R; Climate change emergence over people’s lifetimes. Environmental Research: Climate, 2 (4) , 041002, [doi:10.1088/2752-5295/aceff2] Sep 2023
- Teleti Praveen; Hawkins Ed; Wood Kevin R.; Digitizing weather observations from World War
II US naval ship logbooks. Geoscience Data Journal [doi:10.1002/gdj3.222] Sep 2023 - Teleti Praveen; Hawkins Ed; Wood Kevin R.; Digitizing weather observations from World War
II US naval ship logbooks. Geoscience Data Journal [doi:10.1002/gdj3.222] Sep 2023 - Teleti Praveen; Hawkins Ed; Wood Kevin R.; Digitizing weather observations from World War
II US naval ship logbooks. Geoscience Data Journal [doi:10.1002/gdj3.222] Sep 2023 - Müller Omar V.; McGuire P. C.; Vidale P. L.; Hawkins Ed; River flow in the near future: a global perspective in the context of a high-emission climate change scenario. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-1281] Jul 2023
- Lehner Flavio; Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Pendergrass Angeline G.; Moore Frances C.; New Potential to Reduce Uncertainty in Regional Climate Projections by Combining Physical and Socio‐Economic Constraints. Agu Advances, 4 (4) , [doi:10.1029/2023av000887] Jul 2023
- Lehner Flavio; Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Pendergrass Angeline G.; Moore Frances C.; New Potential to Reduce Uncertainty in Regional Climate Projections by Combining Physical and Socio‐Economic Constraints. Agu Advances, 4 (4) , [doi:10.1029/2023av000887] Jul 2023
- Harvey Benjamin J.; Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Storylines for future changes of the North Atlantic jet and associated impacts on the
UK . International Journal Of Climatology, 43 (10) , 4424–4441, [doi:10.1002/joc.8095] May 2023 - Harvey Benjamin J.; Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Storylines for future changes of the North Atlantic jet and associated impacts on the
UK . International Journal Of Climatology, 43 (10) , 4424–4441, [doi:10.1002/joc.8095] May 2023 - Hawkins Ed; Brohan Philip; Burgess Samantha N.; Burt Stephen; Compo Gilbert; Gray Suzanne; Haigh Ivan D.; Hersbach Hans; Kuijjer Kiki; Martínez-Alvarado Oscar; McColl Chesley; Schurer Andrew P.; Slivinski Laura; Williams Joanne; Rescuing historical weather observations improves quantification of severe windstorm risks. Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences, 23 (4) , 1465–1482, [doi:10.5194/nhess-23-1465-2023] Apr 2023
- Joshi Manoj; Hall Robert A.; Stevens David P.; Hawkins Ed; The modelled climatic response to the 18.6-year lunar nodal cycle and its role in decadal temperature trends. Earth System Dynamics, 14 (2) , 443–455, [doi:10.5194/esd-14-443-2023] Apr 2023
- Harrison Giles; Nicoll Keri A; Joshi Manoj; Hawkins Ed; Removing local variability from Potential Gradient data – the Carnegie filter. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14440] Feb 2023
- Dittus Andrea J.; Hawkins Ed; Regional impacts of climate stabilisation across multiple global warming levels. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14454] Feb 2023
- Hawkins Ed; Brohan Philip; Burgess Samantha; Burt Stephen; Compo Gilbert; Gray Suzanne; Haigh Ivan; Hersbach Hans; Kuijjer Kiki; Martínez-Alvarado Oscar; McColl Chesley; Schurer Andrew; Slivinski Laura; Williams Joanne; Quantifying windstorm risks by translating historical extreme events into the future. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9290] Feb 2023
- Harrison Giles; Nicoll Keri A; Joshi Manoj; Hawkins Ed; Empirical evidence for multidecadal scale global atmospheric electric circuit modulation by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Environmental Research Letters, 17 (12) , 124048, [doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aca68c] Dec 2022
- Douglas Hunter C; Harrington Luke James; Joshi Manoj; Hawkins Ed; Revell Laura E.; Frame David John; Changes to population-based emergence of climate change from CMIP5 to CMIP6. Environmental Research Letters, 18 (1) , 014013, [doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aca91e] Dec 2022
- Hawkins Ed; Brohan Philip; Burgess Samantha; Burt Stephen; Compo Gilbert; Gray Suzanne; Haigh Ivan; Hersbach Hans; Kuijjer Kiki; Martínez-Alvarado Oscar; McColl Chesley; Schurer Andrew; Slivinski Laura; Williams Joanne; Rescuing historical weather observations improves quantification of severe windstorm risks. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2022-1045] Oct 2022
- Hawkins Ed; Brohan Philip; Burgess Samantha; Burt Stephen; Compo Gilbert; Gray Suzanne L; Haigh Ivan; Hersbach Hans; Kuijjer Kiki; Martínez-Alvarado Oscar; McColl Chesley; Schurer Andrew; Slivinski Laura; Williams Joanne; Supplementary material to "Rescuing historical weather observations improves quantification of severe windstorm risks". [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2022-1045-supplement] Oct 2022
- Hawkins Ed; Alexander Lisa V.; Allan Rob J.; Millions of digitized historical sea-level pressure observations rediscovered. Geoscience Data Journal [doi:10.1002/gdj3.163] Jun 2022
- Joshi Manoj; Hall Robert; Stevens David; Hawkins Ed; The modelled climatic response to the 18.6-year lunar nodal cycle and its role in decadal temperature trends. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-2022-151] Apr 2022
- Hawkins Ed; Burt Stephen; McCarthy Mark; Murphy Conor; Ross Catherine; Baldock Mike; Brazier John; Hersee Gill; Huntley Jacqui; Meats Richard; O’Grady John; Scrimgeour Ian; Silk Tim; Millions of historical monthly rainfall observations taken in the UK and Ireland rescued by citizen scientists. Geoscience Data Journal [doi:10.1002/gdj3.157] Mar 2022
- Dittus Andrea J.; Hawkins Ed; Collins Matthew; Sexton David M. H.; Climate at various global warming levels: importance of scenario differences. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-12547] Mar 2022
- Dittus Andrea J.; Hawkins Ed; Robson J. I.; Smith Doug M.; Wilcox L. J.; Drivers of Recent North Pacific Decadal Variability: The Role of Aerosol Forcing. Earth{\Textquotesingle}S Future, 9 (12) , [doi:10.1029/2021ef002249] Dec 2021
- King Andrew David; Sniderman J. M. Kale; Dittus Andrea J.; Brown Josephine R.; Hawkins Ed; Ziehn Tilo; Studying climate stabilization at Paris Agreement levels. Nature Climate Change, 11 (12) , 1010--1013, [doi:10.1038/s41558-021-01225-0] Nov 2021
- Sandu I.; Massonnet Francois; Achter Guillian; Acosta Navarro Juan C.; Arduini Gabriele; Bauer Peter; Blockley Ed; Bormann Niels; Chevallier Matthieu; Day Jonathan; Dahoui Mohamed; Fichefet Thierry; Flocco Daniela; Jung Thomas; Hawkins Ed; Laroche Stephane; Lawrence Heather; Kristiansen Jørn; Moreno-Chamarro Eduardo; Ortega Pablo; Poan Emmanuel; Ponsoni Leandro; Randriamampianina Roger; The potential of numerical prediction systems to support the design of Arctic observing systems: Insights from the APPLICATE and YOPP projects. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 147 (741) , 3863--3877, [doi:10.1002/qj.4182] Oct 2021
- Flocco Daniela; Hawkins Ed; Ponsoni Leandro; Massonnet Francois; Feltham Daniel; Fichefet Thierry; Sea ice and atmospheric potential predictability in coupled GCMs. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2590] Mar 2021
- Baker L. H.; Shaffrey Len; Hawkins Ed; Has the risk of a 1976 north-west European summer drought and heatwave event increased since the 1970s because of climate change?. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 147 (741) , 4143-4162, [doi:10.1002/qj.4172] 2021
- Shonk Jonathan K. P.; Turner A.G.; Chevuturi A.; Wilcox L. J.; Dittus Andrea J.; Hawkins Ed; Uncertainty in aerosol radiative forcing impacts the simulated global monsoon in the 20th~century. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (23) , 14903--14915, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-14903-2020] Dec 2020
- Wilcox L. J.; Liu Zhen; Samset Bjørn H.; Hawkins Ed; Lund M. T.; Nordling Kalle; Undorf Sabine; Bollasina Massimo; Ekman Annica; Krishnan Srinath; Merikanto Joonas; Turner A.G.; Accelerated increases in global and Asian summer monsoon precipitation from future aerosol reductions. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 20 (20) , 11955--11977, [doi:10.5194/acp-20-11955-2020] Oct 2020
- Eunice Lo Y. T.; Mitchell Daniel M.; Bohnenstengel Sylvia I.; Collins Mat; Hawkins Ed; Hegerl Gabriele C.; Joshi Manoj; Stott Peter A.; U.K. Climate Projections: Summer Daytime and Nighttime Urban Heat Island Changes in England's Major Cities. Journal Of Climate, 33 (20) , 9015--9030, [doi:10.1175/jcli-d-19-0961.1] Oct 2020
- Sutton R.T.; Hawkins Ed; ESD Ideas: Global climate response scenarios for IPCC~assessments. Earth System Dynamics, 11 (3) , 751--754, [doi:10.5194/esd-11-751-2020] Aug 2020
- Grose Michael R.; Trewin Blair; Ashcroft Linden; King Andrew David; Hawkins Ed; Australian warming: observed change and global temperature targets. [doi:10.1002/essoar.10503758.1] Jul 2020
- Craig Philip; Hawkins Ed; Digitizing observations from the Met Office Daily Weather Reports for 1900–1910 using citizen scientist volunteers. Geoscience Data Journal [doi:10.1002/gdj3.93] Jun 2020
- Dittus Andrea J.; Hawkins Ed; Wilcox L. J.; Sutton R.T.; Smith Christopher J.; Andrews Martin B.; Forster Piers M.; Sensitivity of Historical Climate Simulations to Uncertain Aerosol Forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (13) , [doi:10.1029/2019gl085806] Jun 2020
- Shonk Jonathan K. P.; Turner A.G.; Chevuturi A.; Wilcox L. J.; Dittus Andrea J.; Hawkins Ed; Uncertainty in Aerosol Radiative Forcing Impacts the Simulated Global Monsoon in the 20th Century. [doi:10.5194/acp-2020-478] Jun 2020
- Lehner Flavio; Deser Clara; Maher Nicola; Marotzke Jochem; Fischer Erich M.; Brunner Lukas; Knutti Reto; Hawkins Ed; Partitioning climate projection uncertainty with multiple large ensembles and CMIP5/6. Earth System Dynamics, 11 (2) , 491--508, [doi:10.5194/esd-11-491-2020] May 2020
- Hawkins Ed; Frame David John; Harrington Luke James; Joshi M.; King Andrew David; Rojas Maisa; Sutton R.T.; Observed Emergence of the Climate Change Signal: From the Familiar to the Unknown. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (6) , [doi:10.1029/2019gl086259] Mar 2020
- Flocco Daniela; Hawkins Ed; Ponsoni Leandro; Massonnet Francois; Feltham Daniel; Fichefet Thierry; Sea ice and atmosphere interactions and predictability: preliminary results using HadGEM3. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-13771] Mar 2020
- Dittus Andrea J.; Hawkins Ed; Wilcox L. J.; Hodson Dan; Robson J. I.; Sutton R.T.; Examining the respective roles of greenhouse-gas and aerosol forcing for modes of multi-decadal variability. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-16250] Mar 2020
- Turner A.G.; Shonk Jonathan; Wilcox L. J.; Dittus Andrea J.; Hawkins Ed; Uncertainty in aerosol radiative forcing impacts the simulated global monsoon in the 20th century. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-16401] Mar 2020
- Hawkins Ed; "The most important thing to do about climate change is to talk about it." – Katherine Hayhoe. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-22665] Mar 2020
- Lo Eunice; Mitchell Dann; Bohnenstengel Sylvia; Collins Mat; Hawkins Ed; Hegerl Gabriele; Joshi Manoj; Stott Peter; Emergence of opposite trends in daytime and night-time urban heat island intensities in England. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-5671] Mar 2020
- Wilcox L. J.; Liu Zhen; Samset Bjørn; Hawkins Ed; Lund M. T.; Nordling Kalle; Undorf Sabine; Bollasina Massimo; Ekman Annica; Kirshnan Srinath; Merikanto Joonas; Turner A.G.; Accelerated increases in global and Asian summer monsoon precipitation from future aerosol reductions. [doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-9457] Mar 2020
- Lehner Flavio; Deser Clara; Maher Nicola; Marotzke Jochem; Fischer Erich; Brunner Lukas; Knutti Reto; Hawkins Ed; Partitioning climate projection uncertainty with multiple Large Ensembles and CMIP5/6. [doi:10.5194/esd-2019-93] Feb 2020
- Lehner Flavio; Deser Clara; Maher Nicola; Marotzke Jochem; Fischer Erich; Brunner Lukas; Knutti Reto; Hawkins Ed; Supplementary material to \"Partitioning climate projection uncertainty with multiple Large Ensembles and CMIP5/6\". [doi:10.5194/esd-2019-93-supplement] Feb 2020
- Shonk Jonathan K. P.; Turner Andrew George; Chevuturi A.; Wilcox L. J.; Dittus Andrea J.; Hawkins Ed; Uncertainty in Aerosol Radiative Forcing Impacts the Simulated Global Monsoon in the 20th Century. Submitted To Geophysical Research Letters [doi:10.1002/essoar.10501216.1] 2020
- Wilcox L. J.; Liu Zhen; Samset Bjørn H.; Hawkins Ed; Lund M. T.; Nordling Kalle; Undorf Sabine; Bollasina Massimo; Ekman Annica M. L.; Krishnan Srinath; Merikanto Joonas; Turner A.G.; Accelerated increases in global and Asian summer monsoon precipitation from future aerosol reductions. [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-1188] Jan 2020
- Wilcox L. J.; Liu Zhen; Samset Bjørn H.; Hawkins Ed; Lund M. T.; Nordling Kalle; Undorf Sabine; Bollasina Massimo; Ekman Annica M. L.; Krishnan Srinath; Merikanto Joonas; Turner A.G.; Supplementary material to \"Accelerated increases in global and Asian summer monsoon precipitation from future aerosol reductions\". [doi:10.5194/acp-2019-1188-supplement] Jan 2020
- Sutton R.T.; Hawkins Ed; ESD Ideas: Global climate response scenarios for IPCC AR6. [doi:10.5194/esd-2019-88] Jan 2020
- Hegerl Gabriele C; Brönnimann Stefan; Cowan Tim; Friedman Andrew R; Hawkins Ed; Iles Carley; Müller Wolfgang; Schurer Andrew; Undorf Sabine; Causes of climate change over the historical record. Environmental Research Letters, 14 (12) , 123006, [doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab4557] Dec 2019
- Hawkins Ed; Frame David John; Harrington Luke James; Joshi Manoj; King Andrew David; Rojas Maisa; Sutton Rowan T; Observed emergence of the climate change signal: from the familiar to the unknown. [doi:10.1002/essoar.10501133.1] Nov 2019
- Valdivieso Maria; Owens Mathew J.; Scott Chris J.; Hawkins Ed; Burt Stephen; Craig Philip; Thunderstorm occurrence at ten sites across Great Britain over 1884–1993. Geoscience Data Journal, 6 (2) , 222--233, [doi:10.1002/gdj3.75] Aug 2019
- Hawkins Ed; Burt Stephen; Brohan Philip; Lockwood Michael; Richardson Harriett; Roy Marjory; Thomas Simon; Hourly weather observations from the Scottish Highlands (1883–1904) rescued by volunteer citizen scientists. Geoscience Data Journal, 6 (2) , 160--173, [doi:10.1002/gdj3.79] Aug 2019
- Boult Victoria L.; Fishlock Vicki; Quaife T.; Hawkins Ed; Moss Cynthia; Lee Phyllis C.; Sibly Richard M.; Human-driven habitat conversion is a more immediate threat to Amboseli elephants than climate change. Conservation Science And Practice, 1 (9) , [doi:10.1111/csp2.87] Jul 2019
- Burt Stephen; Hawkins Ed; Near-zero humidities on Ben Nevis, Scotland, revealed by pioneering 19th-century observers and modern volunteers. International Journal Of Climatology, 39 (11) , 4451--4466, [doi:10.1002/joc.6084] May 2019
- Kushnir Yochanan; Scaife Adam A.; Arritt Raymond; Balsamo Gianpaolo; Boer George; Doblas-Reyes Francisco; Hawkins Ed; Kimoto Masahide; Kolli Rupa Kumar; Kumar Arun; Matei Daniela; Matthes Katja; Müller Wolfgang A.; O’Kane Terence; Perlwitz Judith; Power Scott; Raphael Marilyn; Shimpo Akihiko; Smith Doug; Tuma Matthias; Wu Bo; Towards operational predictions of the near-term climate. Nature Climate Change, 9 (2) , 94--101, [doi:10.1038/s41558-018-0359-7] Jan 2019
- Wood Richard A.; Rodríguez José M.; Smith Robin S.; Jackson Laura C.; Hawkins Ed; Observable, low-order dynamical controls on thresholds of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Climate Dynamics, 53 (11) , 6815--6834, [doi:10.1007/s00382-019-04956-1] 2019
- Stammer D.; Bracco A.; Braconnot P.; Brasseur G. P.; Griffies S. M.; Hawkins Ed; Science Directions in a Post COP21 World of Transient Climate Change: Enabling Regional to Local Predictions in Support of Reliable Climate Information. Earth{\Textquotesingle}S Future, 6 (11) , 1498--1507, [doi:10.1029/2018ef000979] Nov 2018
- Smith D. M.; Scaife A. A.; Hawkins Ed; Bilbao R.; Boer G. J.; Caian M.; Caron L.‐P.; Danabasoglu G.; Delworth T.; Doblas‐Reyes F. J.; Doescher R.; Dunstone N. J.; Eade R.; Hermanson L.; Ishii M.; Kharin V.; Kimoto M.; Koenigk T.; Kushnir Y.; Matei D.; Meehl G. A.; Menegoz M.; Merryfield W. J.; Mochizuki T.; Müller W. A.; Pohlmann H.; Power S.; Rixen M.; Sospedra‐Alfonso R.; Tuma M.; Wyser K.; Yang X.; Yeager S.; Predicted Chance That Global Warming Will Temporarily Exceed 1.5~°C. Geophysical Research Letters, 45 (21) , [doi:10.1029/2018gl079362] Nov 2018
- Mora Camilo; Spirandelli Daniele; Franklin Erik C.; Lynham John; Kantar Michael B.; Miles Wendy; Smith Charlotte Z.; Freel Kelle; Moy Jade; Louis Leo V.; Barba Evan W.; Bettinger Keith; Frazier Abby G.; Colburn IX John F.; Hanasaki Naota; Hawkins Ed; Hirabayashi Yukiko; Knorr Wolfgang; Little Christopher M.; Emanuel Kerry; Sheffield Justin; Patz Jonathan A.; Hunter Cynthia L.; Broad threat to humanity from cumulative climate hazards intensified by greenhouse gas emissions. Nature Climate Change, 8 (12) , 1062--1071, [doi:10.1038/s41558-018-0315-6] Nov 2018
- Schurer A. P.; Cowtan K.; Hawkins E.; Mann M. E.; Scott V.; Tett S. F. B.; Interpretations of the Paris climate target. Nature Geoscience, 11 (4) , 220--221, [doi:10.1038/s41561-018-0086-8] Mar 2018
- Harrington Luke J; Frame David J; Hawkins E.; Joshi Manoj; Seasonal cycles enhance disparities between low- and high-income countries in exposure to monthly temperature emergence with future warming. Environmental Research Letters, 12 (11) , 114039, [doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa95ae] Nov 2017
- Cassou Christophe; Kushnir Yochanan; Hawkins E.; Pirani Anna; Kucharski Fred; Kang In-Sik; Caltabiano Nico; Decadal Climate Variability and Predictability: Challenges and opportunities. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society [doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0286.1] Oct 2017
- Bethke Ingo; Outten Stephen; Otterå Odd Helge; Hawkins E.; Wagner Sebastian; Sigl Michael; Thorne Peter; Potential volcanic impacts on future climate variability. Nature Climate Change, 7 (11) , 799–805, [doi:10.1038/nclimate3394] Oct 2017
- Schurer Andrew P.; Mann Michael E.; Hawkins E.; Tett Simon F. B.; Hegerl Gabriele C.; Importance of the pre-industrial baseline for likelihood of exceeding Paris goals. Nature Climate Change, 7 (8) , 563–567, [doi:10.1038/nclimate3345] Jul 2017
- Melia N.; Haines K.; Hawkins E.; Day J J; Towards seasonal Arctic shipping route predictions. Environmental Research Letters, 12 (8) , 084005, [doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa7a60] Jul 2017
- Mora Camilo; Dousset Bénédicte; Caldwell Iain R.; Powell Farrah E.; Geronimo Rollan C.; Bielecki Coral R.; Counsell Chelsie W. W.; Dietrich Bonnie S.; Johnston Emily T.; Louis Leo V.; Lucas Matthew P.; McKenzie Marie M.; Shea Alessandra G.; Tseng Han; Giambelluca Thomas W.; Leon Lisa R.; Hawkins Ed; Trauernicht Clay; Global risk of deadly heat. Nature Climate Change, 7 (7) , 501--506, [doi:10.1038/nclimate3322] Jun 2017
- King Andrew D.; Donat Markus G.; Hawkins Ed; Karoly David J.;
Timing of Anthropogenic Emergence in Climate Extremes
In Climate Extremes, pages 93--103, John Wiley {\&} Sons, Inc., [doi:10.1002/9781119068020.ch6] Jun 2017 - Santer Benjamin D.; Fyfe John C.; Pallotta Giuliana; Flato Gregory M.; Meehl Gerald A.; England Matthew H.; Hawkins Ed; Mann Michael E.; Painter Jeffrey F.; Bonfils Céline; Cvijanovic Ivana; Mears Carl; Wentz Frank J.; Po-Chedley Stephen; Fu Qiang; Zou Cheng-Zhi; Causes of differences in model and satellite tropospheric warming rates. Nature Geoscience, 10 (7) , 478--485, [doi:10.1038/ngeo2973] Jun 2017
- Frame Dave; Joshi Manoj; Hawkins E.; Harrington Luke J; de Roiste Mairead; Population-based emergence of unfamiliar climates. Nature Climate Change, 7 (6) , 407–411, [doi:10.1038/nclimate3297] May 2017
- Lockwood Mike; Owens Mat; Hawkins E.; Jones Gareth S.; Usoskin Ilya; Frost fairs, sunspots and the Little Ice Age. Astronomy & Geophysics, 58 (2) , 2.17–2.23, [doi:10.1093/astrogeo/atx057] Apr 2017
- Hawkins Ed; Ortega Pablo; Suckling Emma B.; Schurer Andrew; Hegerl Gabi; Jones Phil; Joshi Manoj; Osborn Timothy J.; Masson-Delmotte Valérie; Mignot Juliette; Thorne Peter; van Oldenborgh Geert Jan; Estimating changes in global temperature since the pre-industrial period. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society [doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0007.1] Jan 2017
- Marotzke Jochem; Jakob Christian; Bony Sandrine; Dirmeyer Paul A.; O'Gorman Paul A.; Hawkins Ed; Perkins-Kirkpatrick Sarah; Quéré Corinne Le; Nowicki Sophie; Paulavets Katsia; Seneviratne Sonia I.; Stevens Bjorn; Tuma Matthias; Climate research must sharpen its view. Nature Climate Change, 7 (2) , 89--91, [doi:10.1038/nclimate3206] Jan 2017
- Owens Mathew J.; Lockwood Mike; Hawkins E.; Usoskin Ilya; Jones Gareth S.; Barnard Luke; Schurer Andrew; Fasullo John; The Maunder minimum and the Little Ice Age: an update from recent reconstructions and climate simulations. Journal Of Space Weather And Space Climate, 7, A33, [doi:10.1051/swsc/2017034] 2017
- Good Peter; Booth Ben B. B.; Chadwick Robin; Hawkins Ed; Jonko Alexandra; Lowe Jason A.; Large differences in regional precipitation change between a first and second 2K of global warming. Nature Communications, 7, 13667, [doi:10.1038/ncomms13667] Dec 2016
- Melia N.; Haines K.; Hawkins Ed; Sea ice decline and 21st century trans-Arctic shipping routes. Geophysical Research Letters, 43 (18) , 9720–9728, [doi:10.1002/2016gl069315] Sep 2016
- Anderson Thomas R.; Hawkins Ed; Jones Philip D.; CO2, the greenhouse effect and global warming: from the pioneering work of Arrhenius and Callendar to today’s Earth System Models. Endeavour, 40 (3) , 178–187, [doi:10.1016/j.endeavour.2016.07.002] Sep 2016
- Suckling Emma B.; van Oldenborgh Geert Jan; Eden Jonathan M.; Hawkins Ed; An empirical model for probabilistic decadal prediction: global attribution and regional hindcasts. Climate Dynamics [doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3255-8] Jul 2016
- Richardson Mark; Cowtan Kevin; Hawkins Ed; Stolpe Martin B.; Reconciled climate response estimates from climate models and the energy budget of Earth. Nature Climate Change, 6 (10) , 931–935, [doi:10.1038/nclimate3066] Jun 2016
- Day Jonathan J.; Tietsche Steffen; Collins Mat; Goessling Helge F.; Guemas Virginie; Guillory Anabelle; Hurlin William J.; Ishii Masayoshi; Keeley SarahP. E.; Matei Daniela; Msadek Rym; Sigmond Michael; Tatebe Hiroaki; Hawkins Ed; The Arctic Predictability and Prediction on Seasonal-to-Interannual TimEscales (APPOSITE) data set version 1. Geoscientific Model Development, 9 (6) , 2255–2270, [doi:10.5194/gmd-9-2255-2016] Jun 2016
- Volpi Danila; Guemas Virginie; Doblas-Reyes Francisco J.; Hawkins Ed; Nichols Nancy K.; Decadal climate prediction with a refined anomaly initialisation approach. Climate Dynamics [doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3176-6] Jun 2016
- Harrington Luke J; Frame David J; Fischer Erich M; Hawkins Ed; Joshi Manoj; Jones Chris; Poorest countries experience earlier anthropogenic emergence of daily temperature extremes. Environmental Research Letters, 11 (5) , 055007, [doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/5/055007] May 2016
- Shaffrey Len; Hodson D.; Robson J.; Stevens D. P.; Hawkins E.; Polo I.; Stevens I.; Sutton R. T.; Lister G.; Iwi A.; Smith D.; Stephens A.; Decadal predictions with the HiGEM high resolution global coupled climate model: description and basic evaluation. Climate Dynamics, 48 (1-2) , 297–311, [doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3075-x] Apr 2016
- Goessling H. F.; Tietsche S.; Day J. J.; Hawkins Ed; Jung T.; Predictability of the Arctic sea ice edge. Geophysical Research Letters, 43 (4) , 1642–1650, [doi:10.1002/2015gl067232] Feb 2016
- Fyfe John C.; Meehl Gerald A.; England Matthew H.; Mann Michael E.; Santer Benjamin D.; Flato Gregory M.; Hawkins Ed; Gillett Nathan P.; Xie Shang-Ping; Kosaka Yu; Swart Neil C.; Making sense of the early-2000s warming slowdown. Nature Climate Change, 6 (3) , 224–228, [doi:10.1038/nclimate2938] Feb 2016
- Tietsche Steffen; Hawkins Ed; Day Jonathan J.; Atmospheric and Oceanic Contributions to Irreducible Forecast Uncertainty of Arctic Surface Climate. Journal Of Climate, 29 (1) , 331–346, [doi:10.1175/jcli-d-15-0421.1] Jan 2016
- Eden J. M.; van Oldenborgh G. J.; Hawkins Ed; Suckling Emma B.; A global empirical system for probabilistic seasonal climate prediction. Geoscientific Model Development, 8 (12) , 3947–3973, [doi:10.5194/gmd-8-3947-2015] Dec 2015
- Melia N.; Haines K.; Hawkins Ed; Improved Arctic sea ice thickness projections using bias-corrected CMIP5 simulations. The Cryosphere, 9 (6) , 2237–2251, [doi:10.5194/tc-9-2237-2015] Dec 2015
- Sutton Rowan; Suckling Emma B.; Hawkins Ed; What does global mean temperature tell us about local climate?. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical And Engineering Sciences, 373 (2054) , 20140426, [doi:10.1098/rsta.2014.0426] Oct 2015
- Hawkins Ed; Sutton Rowan; Connecting climate model projections of global temperature change with the real world. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society 151008123712005, [doi:10.1175/bams-d-14-00154.1] Oct 2015
- Hawkins Ed; Smith Robin S.; Gregory Jonathan M.; Stainforth David A.; Irreducible uncertainty in near-term climate projections. Climate Dynamics [doi:10.1007/s00382-015-2806-8] Sep 2015
- Hawkins Ed; Tietsche Steffen; Day Jonathan J.; Melia Nathanael; Haines Keith; Keeley Sarah; Aspects of designing and evaluating seasonal-to-interannual Arctic sea-ice prediction systems. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society n/a–n/a, [doi:10.1002/qj.2643] Sep 2015
- Xie Shang-Ping; Deser Clara; Vecchi Gabriel A.; Collins Matthew; Delworth Thomas L.; Hall Alex; Hawkins Ed; Johnson Nathaniel C.; Cassou Christophe; Giannini Alessandra; Watanabe Masahiro; Towards predictive understanding of regional climate change. Nature Climate Change, 5 (10) , 921–930, [doi:10.1038/nclimate2689] Sep 2015
- Usoskin Ilya G.; Arlt Rainer; Asvestari Eleanna; Hawkins Ed; Käpylä Maarit; Kovaltsov Gennady A.; Krivova Natalie; Lockwood Michael; Mursula Kalevi; O’Reilly Jezebel; Owens Matthew; Scott Chris J.; Sokoloff Dmitry D.; Solanki Sami K.; Soon Willie; Vaquero José M.; The Maunder minimum (1645–1715) was indeed a grand minimum: A reassessment of multiple datasets. A&A, 581, A95, [doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201526652] Sep 2015
- King Andrew D.; Donat Markus G.; Fischer Erich M; Hawkins Ed; Alexander Lisa V.; Karoly David; Dittus Andrea J.; Lewis Sophie C; Perkins Sarah E; The timing of anthropogenic emergence in simulated climate extremes. Environmental Research Letters, 10 (9) , 094015, [doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/9/094015] Sep 2015
- Cowtan Kevin; Hausfather Zeke; Hawkins Ed; Jacobs Peter; Mann Michael E.; Miller Sonya K.; Steinman Byron A.; Stolpe Martin B.; Way Robert G.; Robust comparison of climate models with observations using blended land air and ocean sea surface temperatures. Geophysical Research Letters, 42 (15) , 6526–6534, [doi:10.1002/2015gl064888] Aug 2015
- Holmes Caroline R.; Woollings Tim; Hawkins Ed; de Vries Hylke; Robust Future Changes in Temperature Variability under Greenhouse Gas Forcing and the Relationship with Thermal Advection. Journal Of Climate 150904104833007, [doi:10.1175/jcli-d-14-00735.1] Jul 2015
- Melia N.; Haines K.; Hawkins Ed; Improved Arctic sea ice thickness projections using bias corrected CMIP5 simulations. The Cryosphere Discussions, 9 (4) , 3821--3857, [doi:10.5194/tcd-9-3821-2015] Jul 2015
- Eden J. M.; van Oldenborgh G. J.; Hawkins Ed; Suckling E. B.; A global empirical system for probabilistic seasonal climate prediction. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 8 (5) , 3941--3970, [doi:10.5194/gmdd-8-3941-2015] May 2015
- Hawkins Ed; Graphics: Scrap rainbow colour scales. Nature, 519 (7543) , 291–291, [doi:10.1038/519291d] Mar 2015
- Anderson Bruce T.; Lintner Benjamin R.; Langenbrunner Baird; Neelin J. David; Hawkins Ed; Syktus Jozef; Sensitivity of terrestrial precipitation trends to the structural evolution of sea surface temperatures. Geophysical Research Letters n/a–n/a, [doi:10.1002/2014gl062593] Feb 2015
- Swart Neil C.; Fyfe John C.; Hawkins Ed; Kay Jennifer E.; Jahn Alexandra; Influence of internal variability on Arctic sea-ice trends. Nature Climate Change, 5 (2) , 86–89, [doi:10.1038/nclimate2483] Jan 2015
- Fischer E. M.; Sedláček J.; Hawkins Ed; Knutti R.; Models agree on forced response pattern of precipitation and temperature extremes. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (23) , 8554–8562, [doi:10.1002/2014gl062018] Dec 2014
- Day J. J.; Hawkins Ed; Tietsche S.; Will Arctic sea ice thickness initialization improve seasonal forecast skill?. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (21) , 7566–7575, [doi:10.1002/2014gl061694] Nov 2014
- Wilby RL; Dawson CW; Murphy C; O’Connor P; Hawkins Ed; The Statistical DownScaling Model - Decision Centric (SDSM-DC): conceptual basis and applications. Clim. Res., 61 (3) , 259–276, [doi:10.3354/cr01254] Oct 2014
- Allison Lesley; Hawkins Ed; Woollings T.; An event-based approach to understanding decadal fluctuations in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Climate Dynamics [doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2271-9] Sep 2014
- Guemas Virginie; Blanchard-Wrigglesworth Edward; Chevallier Matthieu; Day J. J.; Déqué Michel; Doblas-Reyes Francisco J.; Fučkar Neven S.; Germe Agathe; Hawkins Ed; Keeley Sarah; Koenigk Torben; Salas y Mélia David; Tietsche Steffen; A review on Arctic sea-ice predictability and prediction on seasonal to decadal time-scales. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society n/a–n/a, [doi:10.1002/qj.2401] Jul 2014
- Hawkins Ed; Joshi Manoj; Frame Dave; Wetter then drier in some tropical areas. Nature Climate Change, 4 (8) , 646–647, [doi:10.1038/nclimate2299] Jul 2014
- Hawkins Ed; Anderson Bruce; Diffenbaugh Noah; Mahlstein Irina; Betts Richard; Hegerl Gabi; Joshi Manoj; Knutti Reto; McNeall Doug; Solomon Susan; Sutton Rowan; Syktus Jozef; Vecchi Gabriel; Uncertainties in the timing of unprecedented climates. Nature, 511 (7507) , E3–E5, [doi:10.1038/nature13523] Jul 2014
- Day J. J.; Tietsche S.; Hawkins Ed; Pan-Arctic and Regional Sea Ice Predictability: Initialization Month Dependence. Journal Of Climate, 27 (12) , 4371--4390, [doi:10.1175/jcli-d-13-00614.1] Jun 2014
- Hawkins Ed; Dong Buwen; Robson Jon; Sutton Rowan; Smith Doug; The Interpretation and Use of Biases in Decadal Climate Predictions. Journal Of Climate, 27 (8) , 2931–2947, [doi:10.1175/jcli-d-13-00473.1] Apr 2014
- Hawkins Ed; Edwards Tamsin; McNeall Doug; Pause for thought. Nature Climate Change, 4 (3) , 154--156, [doi:10.1038/nclimate2150] Mar 2014
- Tietsche S.; Day J. J.; Guemas V.; Hurlin W. J.; E. Keeley S. P.; Matei D.; Msadek R.; Collins M.; Hawkins Ed; Seasonal to interannual Arctic sea ice predictability in current global climate models. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (3) , 1035--1043, [doi:10.1002/2013gl058755] Feb 2014
- Meehl Gerald A.; Goddard Lisa; Boer George; Burgman Robert; Branstator Grant; Cassou Christophe; Corti Susanna; Danabasoglu Gokhan; Doblas-Reyes Francisco; Hawkins Ed; Karspeck Alicia; Kimoto Masahide; Kumar Arun; Matei Daniela; Mignot Juliette; Msadek Rym; Navarra Antonio; Pohlmann Holger; Rienecker Michele; Rosati Tony; Schneider Edwin; Smith Doug; Sutton Rowan; Teng Haiyan; van Oldenborgh Geert Jan; Vecchi Gabriel; Yeager Stephen; Decadal Climate Prediction: An Update from the Trenches. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (2) , 243–267, [doi:10.1175/bams-d-12-00241.1] Feb 2014
- Robson Jon; Hodson D.; Hawkins Ed; Sutton Rowan; Atlantic overturning in decline?. Nature Geoscience, 7 (1) , 2–3, [doi:10.1038/ngeo2050] Dec 2013
- Hawkins Ed; Jones Phil. D.; On increasing global temperatures: 75 years after Callendar. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 139 (677) , 1961--1963, [doi:10.1002/qj.2178] Jun 2013
- Yip Stan; Ferro Christopher A.T.; Stephenson David B.; Hawkins Ed; Reply to “Comments on `A Simple, Coherent Framework for Partitioning Uncertainty in Climate Predictions'”. Journal Of Climate, 26 (12) , 4377--4377, [doi:10.1175/jcli-d-12-00858.1] Jun 2013
- Vermeulen S. J.; Challinor A. J.; Thornton P. K.; Campbell B. M.; Eriyagama N.; Vervoort J. M.; Kinyangi J.; Jarvis A.; Laderach P.; Ramirez-Villegas J.; Nicklin K. J.; Hawkins E.; Smith D. R.; Addressing uncertainty in adaptation planning for agriculture. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 110 (21) , 8357--8362, [doi:10.1073/pnas.1219441110] May 2013
- Hawkins Ed; Fricker Thomas E.; Challinor Andrew J.; Ferro Christopher A. T.; Ho Chun Kit; Osborne T. M.; Increasing influence of heat stress on French maize yields from the 1960s to the 2030s. Global Change Biology, 19 (3) , 937-947, [doi:10.1111/gcb.12069] MAR 2013
- Stott Peter; Good Peter; Jones Gareth; Gillett Nathan; Hawkins Ed; The upper end of climate model temperature projections is inconsistent with past warming. Environmental Research Letters, 8 (1) , 014024, [doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/014024] Feb 2013
- Hawkins Ed; Osborne Thomas M.; Ho Chun Kit; Challinor Andrew J.; Calibration and bias correction of climate projections for crop modelling: An idealised case study over Europe. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 170 (SI) , 19-31, [doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.04.007] 2013
- Koehler Ann-Kristin; Challinor A. J.; Asseng S; Hawkins Ed; Influences of increasing temperature on Indian wheat: quantifying limits to predictability. Environmental Research Lettersemail Alert Rss Feed, 8 (3) , [doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/3/034016] 2013
- Ho Chun Kit; Hawkins Ed; Shaffrey Len; Brocker Jochen; Hermanson Leon; Murphy J. M.; Smith Doug M.; Examining reliability of seasonal to decadal sea surface temperature forecasts: The role of ensemble dispersion.. Geophys. Res. Lett, 40, 5770-5775, [doi:10.1002/2013GL057630] 2013
- Ba Jin; Keenlyside Noel S.; Park Wonsun; Latif Mojib; Hawkins Ed; Ding Hui; A mechanism for Atlantic multidecadal variability in the Kiel Climate Model. Climate Dynamics, 41 (7-8) , 2133--2144, [doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1633-4] Jan 2013
- Goddard L.; Kumar A.; Solomon A.; Smith D.; Boer G.; Gonzalez P.; Kharin V.; Merryfield W.; Deser C.; Mason S. J.; Kirtman B. P.; Msadek R.; Sutton R.; Hawkins E.; Fricker T.; Hegerl G.; Ferro C. A. T.; Stephenson D. B.; Meehl G. A.; Stockdale T.; Burgman R.; Greene A. M.; Kushnir Y.; Newman M.; Carton J.; Fukumori I.; Delworth T.; A verification framework for interannual-to-decadal predictions experiments. Climate Dynamics, 40 (1) , 245--272, [doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1481-2] Jan 2013
- Bindoff N. L.; Durack P. J.; Slater A.; Cameron-Smith P.; Chikamoto Y.; Clifton O.; Ginoux P.; Holland M.; Holmes C.; Infanti J.; Jacob D.; John J.; Knutson T.; Lawrence D.; Lu J.; Murphy D.; Naik V.; Robock A.; Vavrus S.; Ishii M.; Corti S.; Fichefet T.; García-Serrano J.; Guemas V.; Rodrigues L.; Gray L.; Hawkins E.; Smith D.; Stevenson D. S.; Voulgarakis A.; Weisheimer A.; Wild O.; Woollings T.; Young P.; Krinner G.; Klimont Z.; Sedlá?ek J.; van den Hurk B.; van Noije T.; Near-term climate change: Projections and predictability. Climate Change 2013 The Physical Science Basis: Working Group I Contribution To The Fifth Assessment Report Of The Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change, 9781107057999, 953-1028, [doi:10.1017/CBO9781107415324.023] 2013
- Smith Doug M.; Scaife Adam A.; Boer George J; Caian Mihaela; Doblas-Reyes Francisco J.; Guemas Virginie; Hawkins Ed; Hazeleger Wilco; Hermanson Leon; Ho Chun Kit; Ishii Masayoshi; Kharin Viatcheslav; Kimoto Masahide; Kirtman Ben; Lean Judith; Matei Daniela; Merryfield William J.; Müller Wolfgang A.; Pohlmann Holger; Rosati Anthony; Wouters Bert; Wyser Klaus; Real-time multi-model decadal climate predictions. Climate Dynamics Dec 2012
- Smith Doug M.; Scaife Adam A.; Boer George J.; Caian Mihaela; Doblas-Reyes Francisco J.; Guemas Virginie; Hawkins Ed; Hazeleger Wilco; Hermanson Leon; Ho Chun Kit; Ishii Masayoshi; Kharin Viatcheslav; Kimoto Masahide; Kirtman Ben; Lean Judith; Matei Daniela; Merryfield William J.; Müller Wolfgang A.; Pohlmann Holger; Rosati Anthony; Wouters Bert; Wyser Klaus; Real-time multi-model decadal climate predictions. Climate Dynamics, 41 (11-12) , 2875--2888, [doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1600-0] Dec 2012
- Vecchi G. A.; Msadek R.; Delworth T. L.; Dixon K. W.; Guilyardi E.; Hawkins E.; Karspeck A. R.; Mignot J.; Robson J.; Rosati A.; Zhang R.; Comment on "Multiyear Prediction of Monthly Mean Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 26.5~N". Science, 338 (6107) , 604--604, [doi:10.1126/science.1222566] Nov 2012
- Ho Chun Kit; Hawkins Ed; Shaffrey Len; Underwood Fiona M.; Statistical decadal predictions for sea surface temperatures: a benchmark for dynamical GCM predictions. Climate Dynamics Oct 2012
- Chalmers N.; Highwood E. J.; Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Wilcox L. J.; Aerosol contribution to the rapid warming of near-term climate under RCP 2.6. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, [doi:10.1029/2012GL052848] 2012
- Hawkins Ed; Vidale P-L; METEOROLOGY Counting the coming storms. Nature Climate Change, 2 (8) , 574–575, [doi:10.1038/nclimate1639] 2012
- Vecchi Gabriel A.; Msadek Rym; Delworth Thomas L.; Dixon Keith W.; Guilyardi Eric; Hawkins Ed; Karspeck Alicia R.; Mignot Juliette; Robson J.; Rosati Anthony; Zhang Rong; Comment on "Multiyear prediction of monthly mean Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 26.5°N". Science (New York, 338 (6107) , 2012
- Hodson D. L. R.; Keeley S. P. E.; West Alex; Ridley Jeff; Hawkins Ed; Hewitt HeleneT.; Identifying uncertainties in Arctic climate change projections. Climate Dynamics 1-17, [doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1512-z] 2012
- Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Time of emergence of climate signals. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, 6, [doi:10.1029/2011GL050087] 2012
- Joshi M. M.; Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Lowe Jason; Frame Dave; Projections of when temperature change will exceed 2?C above pre-industrial levels. Nature Climate Change, 1 (8) , 407--412, Nov 2011
- Hawkins Ed; Our evolving climate: communicating the effects of internal variability. Weather, 66, 175, [doi:10.1002/wea.761] 2011
- Hawkins Ed; Robson J.; Sutton R.T.; Smith Doug; Keenlyside Noel; Evaluating the potential for statistical decadal predictions of SSTs with a perfect model approach. Climate Dynamics, 37, 2495, [doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1023-3] 2011
- Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Estimating climatically relevant singular vectors for decadal predictions of the Atlantic Ocean. Journal Of Climate, 24, 109, [doi:10.1175/2010JCLI3579.1] Jan 2011
- Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; The potential to narrow uncertainty in projections of regional precipitation change. Climate Dynamics, 37, 407-418, [doi:10.1007/s00382-010-0810-6] 2011
- Ortega P.; Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Processes governing the predictability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in a coupled GCM. Climate Dynamics, 37, 1771, [doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1025-1] 2011
- Joshi M. M.; Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Lowe Jason A.; Frame D.; Projections of when temperature change will exceed 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Nature Climate Change, 1, 407-412, [doi:10.1038/nclimate1261] 2011
- Yip S.; Ferro C. A. T.; Stephenson D. B.; Hawkins Ed; A simple, coherent framework for partitioning uncertainty in climate predictions. Journal Of Climate, 24, 4634-4643, [doi:10.1175/2011JCLI4085.1] 2011
- Hawkins Ed; Smith Robin S.; Allison L. C.; Gregory J. M.; Woollings T.; Pohlmann H.; de Cuevas B.; Bistability of the Atlantic overturning circulation in a GCM and links to ocean freshwater transport. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L10605, [doi:10.1029/2011GL047208] 2011
- Charlton-Perez AJ; Hawkins Ed; Eyring V; Cionni I; Bodeker GE; Kinnison DE; Akiyoshi H; Frith SM; Garcia R; Gettelman A; Lamarque JF; Nakamura T; Pawson S; Yamashita Y; Bekki S; Braesicke P.; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Dhomse S; Marchand M; Mancini E; Morgenstern O; Pitari G; Plummer D; Pyle J. A.; Rozanov E; Scinocca J; Shibata K; Shepherd TG; Tian W; Waugh DW; The potential to narrow uncertainty in projections of stratospheric ozone over the 21st century. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 10, 9473--9486, [doi:10.5194/acp-10-9473-2010] 2010
- Charlton-Perez AJ; Hawkins Ed; Eyring V; Cionni I; Bodeker GE; Kinnison DE; Akiyoshi H; Frith SM; Garcia R; Gettelman A; Lamarque JF; Nakamura T; Pawson S; Yamashita Y; Bekki S; Braesicke P.; Chipperfield Martyn P.; Dhomse S; Marchand M; Mancini E; Morgenstern O; Pitari G; Plummer D; Pyle J. A.; Rozanov E; Scinocca J; Shibata K; Shepherd TG; Tian W; Waugh DW; Quantifying uncertainty in projections of stratospheric ozone over the 21st century. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics Discussions, 10, 11915--11950, [doi:10.5194/acpd-10-11915-2010] 2010
- Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; The Potential to Narrow Uncertainty in Regional Climate Predictions. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 90 (8) , 1095--1107, [doi:10.1175/2009BAMS2607.1] 2009
- Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Decadal predictability of the Atlantic Ocean in a coupled GCM: forecast skill and optimal perturbations using Linear Inverse Modelling. Journal Of Climate, 22 (14) , 3960--3978, [doi:10.1175/2009JCLI2720.1] 2009
- Meehl Gerald A.; Goddard Lisa; Murphy James; Stouffer Ronald J.; Boer George; Danabasoglu Gokhan; Dixon Keith; Giorgetta Marco A.; Greene Arthur M.; Hawkins Ed; Hegerl G. C.; Karoly David; Keenlyside Noel; Kimoto Masahide; Kirtman Ben; Navarra Antonio; Pulwarty Roger; Smith Doug; Stammer Detlef; Stockdale Timothy; Decadal Prediction. Can It Be Skillful?. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 90 (10) , 1467--1485, [doi:10.1175/2009BAMS2778.1] 2009
- Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Potential predictability of rapid changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 35 (11) , [doi:10.1029/2008GL034059] 2008
- Hawkins Ed; Sutton R.T.; Variability of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation described by three-dimensional empirical orthogonal functions. Climate Dynamics, 29 (7-8) , 745--762, [doi:10.1007/s00382-007-0263-8] 2007
- Kavli Medal, Royal Society, August 2018
- MBE, Government, December 2019
- Geoscience Data Journal Editors' Award, Royal Meteorological Society, June 2020
Achievements / Science Highlights
- Uncertainty in regional precipitation projections , March 2010
- Potential for statistical decadal predictions of Atlantic sea surface temperatures, December 2010
- Uncertainty in recovery of stratospheric ozone, December 2010
- Time of emergence of climate signals, January 2012
- Bistability of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation, May 2011
- Projections of when temperature change will exceed 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, October 2011
- Talk to St Mawes Probus club on climate change, November 2010
- Talk to pupils at Exeter School on climate change, February 2010
- Public talk to 'Reading Skeptics in the Pub' , November 2011
- Article for Weather magazine on communicating the role of climate variability, June 2011
- Article for Significance magazine on the role of climate variability, December 2011
- Setup and maintenance of the "Climate Lab Book" website: http://www.climate-lab-book.ac.uk, November 2011
- Live interview on BBC Radio Berkshire on UK temperature records, February 2015
- Pre-recorded TV interview for Channel 4 News on El Nino and global temperatures, September 2015
- Live interview on Sky News from Paris COP21 meeting, December 2015
- Filmed for Channel 4 News piece on climate impacts, December 2015
- Participated in a mock COP event for Berkshire schools at Bradfield College, March 2015
- Public talk in High Wycombe, October 2015
- Public talk at the Institute of Physics, London, December 2015
- Quoted in more than 12 newspaper or online climate articles in 2015, December 2015
- Article in Planet Earth on Arctic sea ice http://www.nerc.ac.uk/latest/publications/planetearth/aut15-ice-free/, September 2015
- Hay Festival - public talk at this event, in partnership with Nicola Davies (author)., May 2018
- Weather Rescue citizen science project to recover millions of lost weather observations, January 2018
- Show Your Stripes website - over 1 million downloads of graphics. Graphics used on front cover of The Guardian and The Economist and worldwide., May 2019
- Rainfall Rescue - a citizen science project for which 16,000 volunteers helped digitise 5.3 million monthly rainfall observations taken in the British & Irish Isles., April 2020
Policy advice
- Contributing author (CA) for IPCC AR5 (Chapter 11), (Department of Energy and Climate Change; Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; European Union; Foreign Governments), January 2012
- Gave oral evidence to House of Lords inquiry on the Arctic, (Parliamentary Committees), July 2014
- IPCC AR6 Lead Author, (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills; International Organisations/Committees), May 2019