Lister, Dr Grenville
Research Scientist
University of Reading
Department of Meteorology
Whiteknights Road
Earley Gate
Reading RG6 6ET
- +44 118 378 7995

- Hallouin Thibault; Ellis Richard J.; Clark D.; Dadson Simon J.; Hughes Andrew G.; Lawrence B. N.; Lister Grenville M. S.; Polcher J; UniFHy v0.1.1: a community modelling framework for the terrestrial water cycle in Python. Geoscientific Model Development, 15 (24) , 9177–9196, [doi:10.5194/gmd-15-9177-2022] Dec 2022
- Hallouin Thibault; Ellis Richard J.; Clark D.; Dadson Simon J.; Hughes Andrew G.; Lawrence B. N.; Lister Grenville M. S.; Polcher J; Supplementary material to “UniFHy v0.1: A community framework for the terrestrial water cycle in Python”. [doi:10.5194/gmd-2021-419-supplement] Dec 2021
- Hallouin Thibault; Ellis Richard J.; Clark D.; Dadson Simon J.; Hughes Andrew G.; Lawrence B. N.; Lister Grenville M. S.; Polcher J; UniFHy v0.1: A community framework for the terrestrial water cycle in Python. [doi:10.5194/gmd-2021-419] Dec 2021
- McGuire P. C.; Vidale P. L.; Best Martin J.; Case David H.; Dharssi Imtiaz; Duran Rojas Maria Carolina; Hatcher Rosalyn S.; Lister Grenville M. S.; Martinez de la Torre Alberto; Montzka Carsten; Müller Omar V.; Predoi Valeriu; Robertson Eddy; Todt Markus; Verhoef Anne; Wilson Simon S.; Improving the global modeling of soils in JULES and the Unified Model: Updating from UM/HWSD to SoilGrids soil properties and from the Brooks {\&} Corey to the van Genuchten soil-hydraulics model. [doi:10.5194/ismc2021-63] Apr 2021
- McGuire P. C.; Vidale P. L.; Best Martin; Case D. H.; Duran Rojas Maria Carolina; Dharssi I.; Hatcher R.; Lister G. M. S.; Martinez-de la Torre A.; Montzka C.; Müller Omar V.; Predoi V.; Robertson Eddy; Todt M.; Verhoef A.; Wilson Simon Spencer;
Improving the Global Modeling of Soils in JULES and the Unified Model: Updating from UM/HWSD to SoilGrids Soil Properties and from the Brooks & Corey to the Van Genuchten Soil-hydraulics Model
In , 2020 - Stein Thorwald H. M.; Parker Douglas J.; Hogan Robin J.; Birch Cathryn E.; Holloway Christopher E.; Lister Grenville M. S.; Marsham John H.; Woolnough Steven J.; The representation of the West African monsoon vertical cloud structure in the Met Office Unified Model: an evaluation with CloudSat. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 141 (693) , 3312–3324, [doi:10.1002/qj.2614] Sep 2015
- Holloway Christopher E.; Woolnough Steven J.; Lister Grenville M. S.; The Effects of Explicit versus Parameterized Convection on the MJO in a Large-Domain High-Resolution Tropical Case Study. Part II: Processes Leading to Differences in MJO Development*. Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences, 72 (7) , 2719–2743, [doi:10.1175/jas-d-14-0308.1] Jul 2015
- Pearson K. J.; Lister G. M. S.; Birch C. E.; Allan R. P.; Hogan R. J.; Woolnough S.; Modelling the diurnal cycle of tropical convection across the "Grey Zone". Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 140 (679) , 491--499, Jan 2014
- Marsham John H.; Dixon Nick S.; Garcia-Carreras Luis; Lister Grenville M. S.; Parker Douglas J.; Knippertz Peter; Birch Cathryn E.; The role of moist convection in the West African monsoon system: Insights from continental-scale convection-permitting simulations. Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (9) , 1843–1849, [doi:10.1002/grl.50347] May 2013
- Holloway C. E.; Woolnough S.; Lister G. M. S.; The effects of explicit versus parameterized convection on the MJO in a large-domain high-resolution tropical case study. Part I: Characterization of large-scale organization and propagation.. Journal. Atmos. Sci, 70, 1342-1369, [doi:10.1175/JAS-D-12-0227.1] 2013
- Pearson K. J.; Lister G. M. S.; Birch CE; Allan R. P.; Hogan R. J.; Woolnough S.; Modelling the diurnal cycle of tropical convection across the “Grey Zone”. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, (in press), [doi:10.1002/qj.2145] 2013
- Holloway Christopher E.; Woolnough Steven J.; Lister Grenville M. S.; The effects of explicit versus parameterized convection on the MJO in a large-domain high-resolution tropical case study. Part I: Characterization of large-scale organization and propagation. Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences Nov 2012
- Holloway C. E.; Woolnough S.; Lister G. M. S.; Precipitation distributions for explicit versus parameterized convection in a large-domain high-resolution tropical case study. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society, 138, 1692-1708, [doi:10.1002/qj.1903] 2012
- Marsham J. H.; Knippertz P; Dixon N; Parker D. J.; Lister G. M. S.; The importance of deep convection for summertime dust uplift over West Africa. Geophysical Research Letters [doi:10.1029/2011GL048368] 2011
- Pearson K. J.; Hogan R. J.; Allan R. P.; Lister G. M. S.; Holloway C. E.; Evaluation of the model representation of the evolution of convective systems using satellite observations of outgoing longwave radiation. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 115, D20206, [doi:10.1029/2010jd014265] 2010
- Pearson Kevin John; Hogan R. J.; Allan R. P.; Lister G. M. S.; How well do high resolution models reproduce tropical convection?. Proceedings Of The 2009 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, P.55, 2009
Achievements / Science Highlights
- Improvements in the Cray Compiler, October 2011