Feng, Dr Xiangbo

Senior Research Scientist


University of Reading

Department of Meteorology

University of Reading

Earley Gate

Whiteknights Road



+44 118 378 3231  


I am senior research scientist at NCAS-Climate (Reading) and Imperial College London. I research towards better understanding and predictions of tropical cyclones and associated extremes on different time scales. I collaborate with the UK Met Office, WMO, China and Southeast Asia partners to evaluate dynamical models, and design tailored statistical models if necessary, for tropical cyclone hazards for operational purposes. I am also interested in the underpinning physical processes in tropical cyclones (e.g., precursors, genesis and intensification) and associted extremes. I also have research experience in sea level extremes (storm surge and ocean waves) and data assimilation. 


Current research projects:

  • FORWARDS:FORecasting high-impact Weather And extreme Rainfall Drivers and dynamics for Southeast Asia (2024.04-2027.03, Reading PI, DSIT WCSSP-Souteast Asia)
  • Climate risk in the Southeast and East Asia (2022.08-, Singapore Green Finance Centre, subcontract by Imperial College London with Prof Ralf Toumi)
  • HURACAN: HUrricane Risk Amplification and Changing North Atlantic Natural disasters (2023.03-2027.03, Co-I, NSF-NERC Large Grant project, led by Prof Pier Luigi Vidale)


Other commitments


Previous research projects:

  • FORSEA-FO-CO: FORecasting for SouthEast Asia follow on continuation (2022.04-2024.03, Co-I, Newton Fund WCSSP-Souteast Asia)
  • WESTPAC: Waves and ENSO: Seasonal Teleconnections to Predict the Activity of Cyclones (2020.04-2022.03, PI, Newton Fund WCSSP-Souteast Asia)
  • WWRP Probabilistic Tropical Cyclone Forecast Products Project (2021.12-2022.11, Co-I, WMO, in support of the TCPFP project)
  • CASPER: Coupled Air-Sea Prediction of Extreme Rainfall (2019-2021, named PDRA, Newton Fund WCSSP-India)
  • FASCINATE: Forecasting Air-Sea Coupled Interactions in NWP for Atmospheric Tropical Extremes (PDRA, Newton Fund WCSSP-Souteast Asia)
  • PERCHANCE: Process Evaluation of Regional Chinese Hydrological and Atmospheric Natural Climate Extremes (PDRA, Newton Fund CSSP-China)
  • ERA-CLIM2 project: European Reanalysis of the Global Climate System-2 (PDRA, focus on atmosphere-ocean coupled climate reanalysis CERA-20C/SAT, EU-FP7)
  • LRF Marine Extremes: LRF Global Network to Improve Prediction of Extreme Marine Events (LRF research fellow, Lloyd's Register Foundation)


PhD student/research supervision

  • Bernard (BA) Racoma, PhD on interactions between tropical tyclones and the Sierra Madre Mountain Range in Luzon, Philippines, co-supervised with Chris Holloway and Reinhard Schiemann, Unversity of Reading.
  • Yichen Tan, PhD on Long-term variability and predictions of regional sea level extremes from global perspectives, co-supervised with Prof Wei Zhang, Hohai University, China.
  • Dr Jiangyu Li, postdoc on large-scale atmospheric circulation and tropical cyclones in GCMs, co-supervised with Prof Shaoqing Zhang, Ocean University of China. 



  • Dr Yipeng Guo, Nanjing Unversity, "Indo-Pacific warm pool Hadley circulation and seasonal forecasts", 2019.
  • Zhenglei Zhu (PhD student), Hohai University, "Chnages of Pearl river delta water levels at different timescales", 2019.
  • Dr Mickael Parde, Meteo-France, "Saharan dust and hurricanes in observations", 2022.
  • Dr. Lam Hoang and Diep Tran, National Center for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting, VNMHA in Vietnam, "High-impact weather forecasts in Southeast Asia and future collaborations", 2023.
  • Alvin Pura, Heinritz Miguel and Gabriel Miro, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), "High-impact weather forecasts in Southeast Asia and future collaborations", 2023.
  • Jingyu Di and Wenyuan Tang, National Meteorology Centre of China, CMA, "Severe precipitation events over China in high-resolution climate simulations, and impacts", 2023.07-2024.07.
  • Dr Marta MarcosUniversity of the Balearic Islands and the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA). Marta is an internationally recognized scientist in sea level extremes. "DEcadal predictability of coastal exTremE sea levels under ClimaTe change (DETECT)", 2023.08-2024.08.


Recent news and public engagement 

  1. 2024.07: Interviewed by Reuters on Typhoon Gaemi and climate change effects on tropical cyclone activities. 
  2. 2024.07: Interviewed by Times Radio on Hurricane Beryl in Caribbean and climate change.
  3. 2024, April 26: Tropical Cyclones [Video]. MASSOLIT. https://massolit.io/courses/tropical-cyclones
  1. 2024.01: University news and Newsweek on Rapid Growing of hurricane waves
  2. 2023.08: Interviewed by Sky News on Hurricane Idalia, which hit Florida hadly.
  3. 2023.08: NCAS news on “Typhoons and climate change: what’s causing the floods in East Asia?”.
  4. 2023.08: Interviewed by Sky News on Typhoon Khanun affecting South Korea. 
  5. 2023.08: Interviewed by Sky News on Typhoon Doksuri affecting Beijing. 
  6. 2023.02: Interviewed by France 24 about tropical cyclone Freddy, quoted by Teller Report and UK Daily News, etc.
  7. 2023.02: University news and NCAS news about “Tropical storms signalled by atmospheric wave”, quoted by Phys.orgIndia Education Diary, etc.






Picture of Dr Xiangbo  Feng