Woolley, Mr Alan Michael
Head of the FAAM Airborne Laboratory
Cranfield University
Building 146
Cranfield University
MK43 0AL
- https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6836-0270
- +44 7803 576 849
- /www.faam.ac.uk

- Turner A.G.; Bhat G. S.; Martin G. M.; Parker D. J.; Taylor C. M.; Mitra A. K.; Tripathi S. N.; Milton S.; Rajagopal E. N.; Evans J. G.; Morrison R.; Pattnaik S.; Sekhar M.; Bhattacharya B. K.; Madan R.; Govindankutty Mrudula; Fletcher J. K.; Willetts P. D.; Menon Arathy; Marsham J. H.; Hunt K. M. R.; Chakraborty T.; George G.; Krishnan M.; Sarangi C.; Belušić D.; Garcia‐Carreras L.; Brooks M.; Webster S.; Brooke J. K.; Fox C.; Harlow R. C.; Langridge J. M.; Jayakumar A.; Böing S. J.; Halliday O.; Bowles J.; Kent J.; O'Sullivan D.; Wilson A.; Woods C.; Rogers S.; Smout‐Day R.; Tiddeman D.; Desai D.; Nigam R.; Paleri S.; Sattar A.; Smith M.; Anderson D.; Bauguitte S.; Carling R.; Chan C.; Devereau S.; Gratton G.; MacLeod D.; Nott G.; Pickering M.; Price H.; Rastall S.; Reed Chris; Trembath J.; Woolley A.; Volonté A.; New B.; and the INCOMPASS team; Interaction of convective organization with monsoon precipitation, atmosphere, surface and sea: The 2016 INCOMPASS field campaign in India. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society [doi:10.1002/qj.3633] Oct 2019
- Vaughan G.; Methven J.; Anderson D; Antonescu B.; Baker L.; Baker T. P.; Ballard S. P.; Bower K. N.; Brown P. R. A.; Chagnon JM; Choularton T. W.; Chylik J.; Connolly P. J.; Cook P. A.; Cotton R J; Crosier J.; Dearden C.; Dorsey J. R.; Frame T. H. A.; Gallagher M.; Goodliff M.; Gray S. L.; Harvey B. J.; Knippertz P.; Lean H. W.; Li D.; Lloyd G.; Martínez-Alvarado Oscar; Nicol J; Norris J.; Öström E.; Owen J.; Parker D. J.; Plant R. S.; Renfrew I. A.; Roberts N. M.; Rosenberg P.; Rudd A. C.; Schultz D. M.; Taylor J. P.; Trzeciak T.; Tubbs R.; Vance A. K.; van Leeuwen P. J.; Wellpott A.; Woolley A. M.; Cloud Banding and Winds in Intense European Cyclones: Results from the DIAMET Project. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 96, 249-265, [doi:10.1175/bams-d-13-00238.1] Nov 2015
- Vance AK; Abel S.; Cotton R J; Woolley A. M.; Performance of WVSS-II hygrometers on the FAAM research aircraft. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8 (3) , 1617--1625, [doi:10.5194/amt-8-1617-2015] 2015
- Ryder C. L; McQuaid J. B.; Flamant C.; Rosenberg P. D.; Washington R.; Brindley H. E.; Highwood E. J.; Marsham J. H.; Parker D. J.; Todd M. C.; Banks J. R.; Brooke J. K; Engelstaedter S.; Estelles V.; Formenti P.; Garcia-Carreras L.; Kocha C.; Marenco F.; Sodemann H.; Allen C. J. T.; Bourdon A.; Bart M.; Cavazos-Guerra C.; Chevaillier S.; Crosier J.; Darbyshire E.; Dean A. R.; Dorsey J. R.; Kent J.; O'Sullivan D.; Schepanski K.; Szpek K; Trembath J.; Woolley A. M.; Advances in understanding mineral dust and boundary layer processes over the Sahara from Fennec aircraft observations. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 15 (14) , 8479--8520, [doi:10.5194/acp-15-8479-2015] 2015
- Schmidt Anja; Witham Claire S.; Theys Nicolas; Richards Nigel A. D.; Thordarson Thorvaldur; Szpek Kate; Feng W.; Hort Matthew C.; Woolley A. M.; Jones Andrew R.; Redington Alison L.; Johnson B. T.; Hayward Chris L.; Carslaw Kenneth S.; Assessing hazards to aviation from sulfur dioxide emitted by explosive Icelandic eruptions. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 119 (24) , 14,180–14,196, [doi:10.1002/2014jd022070] Dec 2014
- Meyer Jessica; Krämer Martina; Afchine Armin; Gallagher Martin; Dorsey James; Brown Phil; Woolley Alan; Bierwirth Eike; Ehrlich André; Wendisch Manfred; Gehrmann Martin;
Ice and liquid partitioning in mid-latitude and artic mixed-phase clouds: how common is the real mixed-phase state
In Geophysical Research Abstracts, European Geosciences Union, Germany, Apr 2013 - Johnson B; Turnbull Kate; Brown Phil; Burgess Rachel; Dorsey James; Baran Anthony J.; Webster Helen; Haywood J; Cotton Richard; Ulanowski Z.; Hesse Evelyn; Woolley Alan; Rosenberg Phil; In situ observations of volcanic ash clouds from the FAAM aircraft during the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 117 (D20) , n/a--n/a, [doi:10.1029/2011jd016760] Oct 2012
- Jones H. M.; Haywood J.; Marenco F.; O'Sullivan D.; Meyer J.; Thorpe R.; Gallagher Martin; Kraemer M.; Bower K. N.; Raedel G.; Rap A.; Woolley A. M.; Forster P.; Coe H.; A methodology for in-situ and remote sensing of microphysical and radiative properties of contrails as they evolve into cirrus. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 12 (17) , 8157--8175, [doi:10.5194/acp-12-8157-2012] 2012 2012
- Dixon N. S.; Parker D. J.; Taylor C. M.; Garcia-Carreras L; Harris P. P.; Marsham J. H.; Polcher J; Woolley A. M.; The effect of background wind on mesoscale circulations above variable soil moisture in the Sahel. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society [doi:10.1002/qj.2012] 2012
- Turnbull K. F; Haywood J. M.; Marenco F.; Johnson BT; Minikin A.; Weinzierl B.; H. Schlager; Schumann U; Leadbetter S. J.; Woolley A. M.; A case study of observations of volcanic ash from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption, part 1: in situ airborne observations. Journal Of Geophysical Research [doi:10.1029/2011JD016688] 2011
- Renfrew I. A.; Petersen G. N.; Outten S.; Sproson Dave; Moore G. W. K.; Hay C.; Ohigashi T.; Zhang S.; Kristjansson J. E.; Fore I.; Olafsson H.; Gray S. L.; Irvine E. A.; Bovis K.; Brown P. R. A.; Swinbank R.; Haine T; Lawrence A.; Pickart R. S.; Shapiro M.; Woolley A. M.; The Greenland flow distortion experiment. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, 89 (9) , 1307--1324, [doi:10.1175/2008BAMS2508.1] 2008
- WO2011GB51757 20110919 - Aerosol Detection, WO2011GB51757, October 2012
- Volcanic Ash Plume Sensing, US 9,079,670 B2, July 2015