Banton, Miss Lisa

Head of People, EDI & Workforce Development


University of Leeds

Fairbairn House

71-75 Clarendon Road




I have worked in the public sector, across a number of Local Authorities, including Leeds, for the majority of my career. My qualifications are in Law and Youth and Community Development and they have given me a strong interest in social justice and equality.

My passion is People Development, which has been a constant theme in my career for over 20 years, since supervising an Intermediate Labour Market in Glasgow. (Feel free to ask me more)

One of my proudest achievements was leading the learning element of a significant culture change programme at Leeds Children's Services which had a huge impact on outcomes for staff and service users and contributed to an 'outstanding' Ofsted judgement.

In terms of my current role, I am delighted to have been working at NCAS since November 2022. I am leading a number of changes in my three key areas of work:    

EDI, Workforce Planning - including support for recruitment through apprenticeships, internships and secondments, and Staff Development through a range of learning opportunities -not just training. 

I am an experienced mentor and can offer support and challenge to colleagues with an interest in career development/work-life balance through 1-1 or workshop events.

In March 2024 I was awarded an in-role grade promotion and one of my priorities is to increase the accessibility of opportunities for progression. Please feedback your experiences and share your successes with the People Team. 

The job title 'Head of People' lends itself to a flexible, organic approach to responding to need and I enjoy working to a broad portfolio so please just ask if you want a chat about anything at all.

I chair the NCAS wide EDI committee and would welcome new members especially colleagues who would describe themselves as early career. Please get in touch if you would like to know more.  

On a personal note, I live in Leeds with my partner Michael and 2 teenagers, Joe and Alice. Joe was diagnosed with Autism aged 15 and his experiences, as well as ours as a family, have increased my awareness and comittment to diversity in the workplace.  

I have been enjoying visiting NCAS sites and meeting many of my NCAS colleagues and host institution partners and look forward to further developing these relationships. 

Picture of Miss Lisa  Banton